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Is Asian well-received in other countries other than Asia itself?

Guest Descendent22

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On 8/13/2018 at 12:43 AM, Guest hello said:

it is ironic where u are concious  about how the ang moh perceive u in their country where in your own country you are racist with other asians and worst you treat them like trash. so now u created this post where in you yourself are the no 1 starter of this racist thing


You may not be aware that in cities like Sydney and Melbourne, certain gay venues would have Asians being the majority of the clientele.

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Guest Wallet

You can't generalize too broadly. Some people like Asians and some people don't like Asians. Australia is a majority white country, and Melbourne is a majority white city, so the vast majority of the population is whites who like whites. But there is a certain crowd of white and other guys who like Asians. And for that matter there are certain crowds into other diverse types of guys (such as black) as well. Just go there with a practical attitude, be prepared to sometimes be rejected, and also prepare to sometimes be pursued by guys who aren't your cup of tea whom you will need to reject. Everybody won't like you but somebody will (probably) like you.

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  • 1 year later...
On 4/18/2016 at 8:53 AM, Guest said:


You watched too many Hollywood movies are you? I used to think like you but not until I live in an Ang Moh country, they are mostly fat, hairy and unattractive also have bad skin and aged faster.


I agree with you.  I also think that @fab has an idealized image of Ang Mohs.  He should come to Texas, where he will change his mind very quickly.


On 8/2/2018 at 9:53 PM, Guest DontGo said:

Some if not most Australians are a deeply conservative, insular and fearful people with a collective delusion that they are laidback and forward thinking.


Maybe traditionally.  But not today.

Today, any Asian will be welcomed if he is a trained firefighter!

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On 8/16/2018 at 8:48 PM, auri said:


You may not be aware that in cities like Sydney and Melbourne, certain gay venues would have Asians being the majority of the clientele.


Hmmm... I already had a good time in Sidney,  but I must visit Melbourne next with all its Asians,  after the country recovers from its fires. 

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On 1/3/2020 at 12:49 PM, Steve5380 said:


I agree with you.  I also think that @fab has an idealized image of Ang Mohs.  He should come to Texas, where he will change his mind very quickly.





I don't,  of cos i know there's ugly angmohs. I mean most but not all are beautiful . I also mean at prime,  the Whites are most beautiful given their features,  complexions and physique. Think why do most whites win at most international beauty pageants.


I am not spg. I am just a non white gracious enough to accept the fact that white is more beautiful than my own race, in general. 

Edited by fab



never argue with the guests. let them bark all they want.





After I have said what I wanna say, I don't care what you say.



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On 4/16/2016 at 12:48 AM, Guest Descendent22 said:

So I'm about to travel to Melbourne, Australia for a 2-month long training.


Im just wondering if a short(165cm) cute twinkish Chinese guy like me is well-received in Australia? Or I have no game at all? Be it pubs clubs or saunas...


please anyone enlighten me! I don't mean to put myself in an inferior position anyway. Thx!

Contrary to this part of the world..people in Australia, NZ and Europe.. don't preface their introduction with race or ethnicity. You are first up a human, a man, your personality.. and coincidentally your ethnicity. Here.. it is race first, then your gender, etc etc. Also...do you know how diverse and more naturally integrated (more so than here) Australia is?

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  • 1 year later...
Guest Gopal23

So I'm about to live in Mexico City, Mexico with my BF.


Im just wondering if a South Asian guy like me is well-received in Mexico? I want to prepare to fit in the culture.

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Well if you in Rome lived liked the Romans do be humble and before you leave learn and read about do and don't it might help as this what I do do for every region I go and so far so good I'm well accepted by the local. I have been to Canjun city the beach is very nice do not used the tap water for brushing your teeth you will end up in stomach upset or diarohea. Well the top Mexican guy are very hot and raunchy in bed nice massive body as well cock and very good in kissing. This the tips I cant think of to share with you.

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Mexico City offers friendly environment, low cost of living, good climate.  I haven't heard of any predisposition there against Asians.

And for more blessings,  Mexicans can be very attractive and the city has legalized same-sex marriage.


So, good luck!  And learn Spanish, not a difficult language.


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Guest Gene thing
12 hours ago, Steve5380 said:

Mexico City offers friendly environment, low cost of living, good climate.  I haven't heard of any predisposition there against Asians.

And for more blessings,  Mexicans can be very attractive and the city has legalized same-sex marriage.


So, good luck!  And learn Spanish, not a difficult language.


Mexican are known to be quite short in height.

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6 hours ago, Steve5380 said:


Nonsense!  A large portion of Mexicans are a nice combination of White with Indian.   ( American Indian that is,  but still INDIAN! )


And his mom surely loves him much, much more than she would love you ! 


Do native American Indian,  south Asian i.e. Indians,  south East Asians i.e. pinoy,  Malays etc, East Asians i.e. Chinese,  Japanese etc all look the same to yout? 



never argue with the guests. let them bark all they want.





After I have said what I wanna say, I don't care what you say.



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3 hours ago, Guest Gene thing said:

Mexican are known to be quite short in height.


Some are, some are not.  Asians are known to be on the short side too.


3 hours ago, fab said:


Do native American Indian,  south Asian i.e. Indians,  south East Asians i.e. pinoy,  Malays etc, East Asians i.e. Chinese,  Japanese etc all look the same to yout? 


Yes. They all have a head, two eyes, two ears, a nose, a mouth, two arms, two hands, two legs, two feet.  

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There is a Chinatown in Mexico City, and it is a relatively cosmopolitan city with plenty of Spanish colonial era architecture, as well as modern high-rises. I haven't been there in years, but the last time I was there was for work, and I like the vibe there. 


As in many countries when you travel, being Asian, at times can be a novelty to the locals, but i doubt you will experience that in Mexico City. 




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Guest Guest
On 7/31/2021 at 2:47 PM, Guest Gopal23 said:

So I'm about to live in Mexico City, Mexico with my BF.


Im just wondering if a South Asian guy like me is well-received in Mexico? I want to prepare to fit in the culture.

You are an INDIAN. They are everywhere in London, San Francisco, Mexico City, Santiago and etc. 


INDIANS seem to a neutral race in the eyes of angmoh or South Americans.


East Asians (fair skinned; Japanese, South Koreans, Taiwanese, Hong Kees & etc) are not lucky.

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Guest wrong forum


On 7/31/2021 at 2:47 PM, Guest Gopal23 said:

So I'm about to live in Mexico City, Mexico with my BF.


Im just wondering if a South Asian guy like me is well-received in Mexico? I want to prepare to fit in the culture.

Wiki says around 5000 Indians living in Mexico. 

Most should be in Mexico City. 


Guess we are the wrong people to ask. You should ask some cultural center in Mexico or association from an Indian community in Mexico, if any. 


In my personal view, most important is to learn Spanish. 

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Guest stereo
On 8/2/2021 at 10:37 AM, Guest Guest said:

You are an INDIAN. They are everywhere in London, San Francisco, Mexico City, Santiago and etc. 


INDIANS seem to a neutral race in the eyes of angmoh or South Americans.


East Asians (fair skinned; Japanese, South Koreans, Taiwanese, Hong Kees & etc) are not lucky.


What a silly post. As usual only posting stereotypes. 


When do you start to work on your Asian/ Singaporean inferiority complex? 


Some of the Mexican tribes look very "chinito" , would be often difficult for a Mexican to distinguish who is East Asian or Mexican...


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  • 3 weeks later...

Going there next month for half a year to finish my course in archeology. Am really not sure about the safety for being fair skin and gay. Any advice will be helpful.

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On 8/22/2021 at 12:51 AM, Guest Simon said:

Going there next month for half a year to finish my course in archeology. Am really not sure about the safety for being fair skin and gay. Any advice will be helpful.


Well... if you are an archeologist you may not have always good choices for the places you live.


I had a similar situation when my work place was at oil fields doing operations in oil wells...

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Guest Difference
On 8/23/2021 at 2:50 AM, Steve5380 said:


Well... if you are an archeologist you may not have always good choices for the places you live.


I had a similar situation when my work place was at oil fields doing operations in oil wells...

There is a huge difference.


Archeologist explore something already dead, in the middle of a desert and is a very thirsty business.


You were surround by half naked oily guys and can shower together with them.  Your thirst can easily be quenched.


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On 8/23/2021 at 5:10 AM, Guest Difference said:

There is a huge difference.


Archeologist explore something already dead, in the middle of a desert and is a very thirsty business.


You were surround by half naked oily guys and can shower together with them.  Your thirst can easily be quenched.



There is very little difference.  Archeologist explore the deaths in the past,  and oil exploration has much to do with the same, exploring the origins of oil from the deaths of organic matter millions of years in the past.  Geologists receive a lot of archeologic education, to be able to identify formations by the era and types of fossils they find in them.


Those roughnecks who work on oil rigs, even those in the crews working with me,  were not my type of men.  And if they found a gay, they would make a barbeque with him.  Although one can never know...  In my days, the oil field environment was quite homophobic, like in the world of American football.  But we have seen recently some players coming out as gay.  And... I was also among the roughnecks, and I am not homophobic. :) 

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Guest Yabadaba dooo
On 8/22/2021 at 1:51 PM, Guest Simon said:

Going there next month for half a year to finish my course in archeology. Am really not sure about the safety for being fair skin and gay. Any advice will be helpful.


Your reality check.







Dont day you didnt know.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Our group from Tokyo will do the Safari next month and we will stay for a month in Pretoria, South Africa. I only know that black and white had conflict before there. How about Asians, are we safe there?

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Guest Maggie Tartcher
On 9/5/2021 at 8:43 AM, Guest Abe said:

Our group from Tokyo will do the Safari next month and we will stay for a month in Pretoria, South Africa. I only know that black and white had conflict before there. How about Asians, are we safe there?


You should go ask the whites and asians living in Pretoria or South africa

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On 9/5/2021 at 8:43 AM, Guest Abe said:

Our group from Tokyo will do the Safari next month and we will stay for a month in Pretoria, South Africa. I only know that black and white had conflict before there. How about Asians, are we safe there?


Criminals there like to target Asians.  They leave the whites alone.

Don't read and response to guests' post

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On 9/6/2021 at 2:48 PM, LeanMature said:


Criminals there like to target Asians.  They leave the whites alone.


How do you know ? have you been there?


Sentences likes yours are dangerous.


If you look at the crime rates, how many South African white people and white tourists have been attacked or killed, I guess you will change your post.


Don't just write things if you don't have the knowledge please.


As the white population is mostly the wealthier one in South Africa, they are easily target of crime.


You need to acknowledge that many Asian or Chinese people in Africa as in South Africa run grocery shops and small supermarkets (often 24/7) and are vulnerable of theft and break ins.


As the white population of South Africa is just 9% of the total population, surely the amount of crimes on Africans is higher...  But it is not true to say the Africans leave the Whites alone.... This is incorrect.




Statistics South Africa today released the Victims of Crime report, extracted from the Governance, Public Safety and Justice survey( GPSJS). The 2018/19 crime report revealed

The survey showed that in 2018/19 there were about 260 000 incidences of home robberies affecting about 1% of all households in South Africa. The most likely victims of home robbery were households in metros, White-headed households, and households headed by young adults. The most common weapons used in home robbery were guns (54%) and knives (47%). About 60% of households reported one or more incidences of home robbery to the police.






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On 9/5/2021 at 8:43 AM, Guest Abe said:

Our group from Tokyo will do the Safari next month and we will stay for a month in Pretoria, South Africa. I only know that black and white had conflict before there. How about Asians, are we safe there?


Isn't it too late to ask this question now, if you already booked the trip?


Ask your embassy in Pretoria!





From my personal expectation, travelers or tourists might become target of crime.

But please don't boil it down to any ethnic origin.


I would be more in fear of getting a Covid 19 infection when traveling to South Africa.



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Asians are easier target because of a smaller built; and Asians (especially Chinese) do not fight back.

Chinese especially, are viewed as richer, and hence seen as walking wallets. 


Not only in Africa, but this is applicable if you go to places like US and Europe (Paris, Madrid, etc) too.

Good news is that rarely there are cases of injuries or death, probably Asians tend to give in and surrender their money.

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In Europe there are often kids working under these pickpocket gangs originating from certain Eastern European countries.


Not just the Asians suffer. Other tourists suffer from these gangs also.




If the guy booked a tour for South Africa, then probably the people won't stroll through all the cities on their own but will take a bus to the events and tourist places. If the organisers take sufficient precaution, there won't be much chances for meet ups with locals.


I won't think that Asians in South Africa would be specially targeted.


The risk should be the same as in Mexico, Bolivia ...


These countries inclusive of South Africa just have a higher crime rate.


Travelling to these countries comes with an increased inherent risk of being affected by crime... You just have to face it and you should know when you book.



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On 9/6/2021 at 8:57 PM, Guest Bobby said:

Asians are easier target because of a smaller built; and Asians (especially Chinese) do not fight back.

Chinese especially, are viewed as richer, and hence seen as walking wallets. 


Not only in Africa, but this is applicable if you go to places like US and Europe (Paris, Madrid, etc) too.

Good news is that rarely there are cases of injuries or death, probably Asians tend to give in and surrender their money.


I guess you got my point.  

Don't read and response to guests' post

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Some criminals target tourists because the likelihood of them pursuing a legal course of action against is slim given the amount of time it takes to process a case. 


There are plenty of Asians (including mainland Chinese) in South Africa, as well as descendants of Malays living there. The district of Sandton, in Johannesburg is the wealthiest district in the whole of continental Africa. You can see plenty of luxury car dealerships there and quite a number of Asians.


Pretoria is the seat of government and administrative capital of SA. It is quite boring to be honest, and staying a month out there can be challenging compared to Johannesburg. You should recommend them flying to Cape Town instead. It is more cosmopolitan, and much more walking friendly city compared Joburg or Pretoria IMHO. Most places are welcoming to Asians, especially East Asians, considering that the Chinese pumped quite a bit of money into their economy in the past decade or so. 




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Guest Unridiculous Equivocations

Are you going to ask this same dumbass question about every damn city or country in the whole flipping world?



So now you claim your fake ass destination for a fake ass Safari from fake ass Tokyo is supposed to be Pretoria.



Last month your fake ass destination for a fake ass archeology course was supposed to be someplace in Egypt.



Two months ago your fake ass relocation destination with your fake ass boyfriend was supposed to be Mexico.



And five years ago your fake ass destination for a fake ass work training course was supposed to be Melbourne.

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  • G_M changed the title to Is Asian well-received in other countries other than Asia itself?
On 9/8/2021 at 4:26 PM, Guest Unridiculous Equivocations said:

Are you going to ask this same dumbass question about every damn city or country in the whole flipping world?



So now you claim your fake ass destination for a fake ass Safari from fake ass Tokyo is supposed to be Pretoria.



Last month your fake ass destination for a fake ass archeology course was supposed to be someplace in Egypt.



Two months ago your fake ass relocation destination with your fake ass boyfriend was supposed to be Mexico.



And five years ago your fake ass destination for a fake ass work training course was supposed to be Melbourne.


Troll post conslidated! 

When you people replied to the troll, these troll will continue to post nonsense.

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