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Boyscation, 仔仔一堂 - TVB To Air Its First Gay Dating Show (compiled)


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Guest guest
10 hours ago, superflawless said:

The host, Vinci, was asked by (I assumed) Singaporeans, if Boyscation 仔仔 will be coming to Singapore.

I was surprised to hear him said that there are plans, but (this part I am unsurprised) he said that the hotel accomodations are too exorbitant to consider at this moment.


I hope they will come by eventually. I like a lot of them because of their personality.


My top 4 favs are: Kenny, Carson, Kevin and Ray.

Come to sg to film or get sporeans to participate in the show? Wonder will sg media allow such show to get publicity in sg.

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I think it's just a meet and greet for fans of the show. It will be recorded and broadcast like how the actual show was shown. TVB channels, Youtube etc etc....


These days, publicity can be generated even without the approval of state sanctioned media. 

That is the advantage of social media 

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Guest Guest
7 hours ago, superflawless said:

I think it's just a meet and greet for fans of the show. It will be recorded and broadcast like how the actual show was shown. TVB channels, Youtube etc etc....


These days, publicity can be generated even without the approval of state sanctioned media. 

That is the advantage of social media 

Good if they have a SG version.

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Happy - is what we should be, always.


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Happy - is what we should be, always.


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  • 3 weeks later...


Happy - is what we should be, always.


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  • 11 months later...

Second season coming soon - "Boyscation Too"!   😍




Happy - is what we should be, always.


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Guest Guest
On 5/29/2024 at 12:17 AM, Guest guest said:

Curious why the gay show can be air there?  I thought china won't allow.

Not only allowed to air the show on tv but also can publicize the show openly at outdoor road show in a mall. People in HK really can accept gay. 

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Guest Guest
On 5/29/2024 at 12:00 AM, sphere said:

Second season coming soon - "Boyscation Too"!   😍




Got say when the show is available on web?

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2 hours ago, Guest Guest said:

Got say when the show is available on web?


Likely is at the end of the year (I think I heard one of the last season's participants mentioned it in his InstaStory), but need confirmation on this though.


Happy - is what we should be, always.


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Guest Guest
20 hours ago, sphere said:


Likely is at the end of the year (I think I heard one of the last season's participants mentioned it in his InstaStory), but need confirmation on this though.


End of the year? Still a long way to go.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...
On 5/29/2024 at 12:00 AM, sphere said:

Second season coming soon - "Boyscation Too"!   😍






Announced yesterday that Season 2 will start from 7 Oct - through ViuTV (Mondays to Fridays).


Source: here


Happy - is what we should be, always.


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  • kalel changed the title to Boyscation, 仔仔一堂 - TVB To Air Its First Gay Dating Show (compiled)




More information in their IG page (here).


Happy - is what we should be, always.


Notice: I DO NOT use the Chat Function in this Forum - this has always been written in my profile (and I don't read it too).

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王賢誌投資7位數蝕住拍同志真人騷 首揭放棄TVB轉投ViuTV播放之謎 丨獨家
(click here for link to source)
更新時間:07:00 2024-10-04

2022年製作香港電視史上首個男男配對真人騷節目《仔仔一堂》後,王賢誌(Vinci)投資幾百萬再製作《Boyscation Too》,播放平台由TVB轉到ViuTVVinci講得坦白,新合作關係好開心,可以話晒事,最開心可以圓夢,預咗蝕做都冇所謂。而他親自揀選的參加者個個高質,最突破是成功從網上搵到來自廣州的20歲美術系大學生。採訪:杜杜 攝影:朱偉彥

Vinci花了大半年製作《Boyscation Too》,雖然大壓力,「但我話事,好有滿足感,大家鍾意或欣賞係最大回報。」


Vinci花了大半年製作《Boyscation Too》,雖然大壓力,「但我話事,好有滿足感,大家鍾意或欣賞係最大回報。」
Vinci花了大半年製作《Boyscation Too》,雖然大壓力,「但我話事,好有滿足感,大家鍾意或欣賞係最大回報。」


Vinci花了大半年製作《Boyscation Too》,雖然大壓力,「但我話事,好有滿足感,大家鍾意或欣賞係最大回報。」
Vinci花了大半年製作《Boyscation Too》,雖然大壓力,「但我話事,好有滿足感,大家鍾意或欣賞係最大回報。」


Vinci花了大半年製作《Boyscation Too》,雖然大壓力,「但我話事,好有滿足感,大家鍾意或欣賞係最大回報。」












Vinci經熟人穿針引線跟ViuTV合作,今次由他全力投資,「係幾百萬以上,我哋budget好大,10個仔加我,再加梳頭化妝,已經10幾人,仲有幕後製作、寫稿、導演、攝影師 ,成40幾人去峇里,留咗6日,機票酒店仲有食,拍嘢又有好多開支,好似放場煙花,為咗節目好冇辦法。」他坦言很喜歡這個合作模式,因為話事權多了,投入程度更大,「合作模式好特別,可以話電視史上未試過,上次係外判節目,資源係TVB,製作完幾時出,最後delay1年先播亦唔到我決定,因為版權係佢。」但今次不同,作品屬於Vinci,「Viu只係播放平台,海外平台都自己去傾,版權都係我嘅。」他認為這個模式有機會成為未來趨勢,「外國好早已有,等如藝人唔係永遠1間電視台,跟唔同電視台合作都得。」


























Vinci今季繼續親自搵參加者,更由熟人開始,「碌電話嘅phone list,覺得OK就搵,大部份2字頭,最後生20歲,我全部生得出有找!」最年輕的參加者是自廣州的Kurt,在IG發掘,「佢都有10幾萬followers,好紅,見佢啲相幾靚仔幾得意咪follow,直至見佢啲story喺香港。」Vinci想到可以邀請他參加節目,於是約了Kurt食飯,「佢唔識我,有上網查我係乜水,知道真係有王賢誌呢個人,佢再嚟香港已經係同我哋去峇里,都幾神奇。」









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Hopefully, it will be shown in their own YouTube channel for subsequent episodes...




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Happy - is what we should be, always.


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Happy - is what we should be, always.


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Edited by sphere

Happy - is what we should be, always.


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Happy - is what we should be, always.


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Happy - is what we should be, always.


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Happy - is what we should be, always.


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Happy - is what we should be, always.


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Happy - is what we should be, always.


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Happy - is what we should be, always.


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Happy - is what we should be, always.


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Happy - is what we should be, always.


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On 10/20/2021 at 11:14 AM, lean n mean said:

It is laughable to think most, if not all, countries do not hv a largely conservative majority. And yet not quite a few still legalises same sex marriage or at least not make same sex fornication a crime. So this constant repetition that Singaporeans are not ready doesnt hold much water. There will be a majority who will never be ready but they do not keep the other countries from progressing. 

This is exactly it. Every country has a spectrum of beliefs. If we’re talking about being religiously conservative, I’d point to India where religion plays (almost) a large part in daily life. And yet they repealed 377A not cos of political reasons, but to decolonise themselves. And they’re pushing for same-sex marriage as well. 
So this idea that Singapore isn’t ready is a convenient narrative. The last time I checked, Singapore is secular, but the overly religious lot have muscled their way in. 

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Happy - is what we should be, always.


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Happy - is what we should be, always.


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{it is unfortunate that this new Chat Function does not allow users to turn/switch off in mobile phone}


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Happy - is what we should be, always.


Notice: I DO NOT use the Chat Function in this Forum - this has always been written in my profile (and I don't read it too).

{it is unfortunate that this new Chat Function does not allow users to turn/switch off in mobile phone}


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Happy - is what we should be, always.


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{it is unfortunate that this new Chat Function does not allow users to turn/switch off in mobile phone}


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