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Fitness and Health Over 30 (FHOT) Telegram Chat Group


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Dear friends


Please join us at Fitness and Health Over 35 (FHOT) on telegram chat!!


Mission: To form a community of fitness and health enthusiasts who will support each other on his fitness and health journey and bond over a common love of fitness and health.


Vision: To be the healthiest and fitness generation ever!



1. Be 35 and above.

2. Mature and respectful communication.

3. Keen interest to learn and share about fitness, health, wellness and longevity issues.


PM me please!

Edited by Derren
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Our telegram fitness and health community is going strong at about 50 members. We also just organised our

first kopi session as well as a yoga sharing session. More activities in the pipeline!


Our community is now open to like-minded fitness kakis aged 30 and above. If you 

are interested to share about fitness and health issues, and would like a supportive community to accompany you on your fitness journey,

send us a message via PM today!


Mission: To form a community of fitness and health enthusiasts who will support each other on his fitness and health journey and bond over a common love of fitness and health.


Vision: To be the healthiest and fitness generation ever!



1. Be 30 and above.

2. Mature and respectful communication always.

3. Keen interest to learn and share about fitness, health, wellness and longevity issues.

Edited by Derren
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We are a fitness and health community with more than 50 members and still looking to expand. Besides daily chatting to support and encourage each other on the fitness journey, we also organise regular meetup sessions such as yoga, hiking, kayaking, cycling etc. 


It's a great way to meet like-minded people. Join us!


Mission: To form a community of fitness and health enthusiasts who support each other on his fitness and health journey and bond over a common love of fitness and health.


Vision: To be the healthiest and fitness generation ever!



1. Age: 30 and above.

2. Mature and respectful communication always.

3. Keen interest to learn and share about fitness, health, wellness and longevity issues.

4. No explicitly pornographic material allowed in the chat group. 

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