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For gays who will be seniors one day - A Steve5380 Topic!


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Guest Botoxicity
  On 12/31/2021 at 4:06 PM, Steve5380 said:


Unless you want to be wrinkled to draw the respect and consideration given to seniors, especially in Asia and not so much in the US, you may find that each time you see your reflection in the mirror, it takes away some of the youthful feeling of being still healthy and able to do whatever you want. 


We should all walk by faith, not by sight.   I am sure you are familiar with that?

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  On 1/1/2022 at 12:30 AM, Guest Botoxicity said:

We should all walk by faith, not by sight.   I am sure you are familiar with that?



Yes, I have heard this phrase from Corinthians 5.7.  It is a favorite of Christianity proselytizing which gives it the meaning that we should prioritize religious faith over what our eyes see.  The truth is that we should walk by faith AND by sight.  We should see where we are going, so that in every step we can have faith that there is a solid ground under our feet and don't need to keep looking down at our feet all the time.  The ideal walking posture is body straight, head up but with chin down, looking straight ahead, keeping awareness of the ground and surroundings with our peripheral vision.


Are you a Christian preacher?  Please give us some blessings for the coming 2022! :)


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  On 12/31/2021 at 4:14 AM, Steve5380 said:

I am very pleased with older age, to the point that I think that it is becoming the happiest period in my life.


What? Do you seriously expect readers to believe that? You have told us soooo many times about how you love your son, adore your grandchildren, had 20 or so years with your loving and beloved boyfriend - yet old age "is becoming the happiest period of your life"?


I'm sure we'd like to know - if old age is the happiest, on what scale of happiness were/are the others? Lesser, obviously! Not a very good prescription for living IMHO. Just hang on till you are 80 guys and your life will be oh so wonderful!


And Happy New Year to all!

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  On 1/1/2022 at 3:23 AM, InBangkok said:

What? Do you seriously expect readers to believe that? You have told us soooo many times about how you love your son, adore your grandchildren, had 20 or so years with your loving and beloved boyfriend - yet old age "is becoming the happiest period of your life"?


I'm sure we'd like to know - if old age is the happiest, on what scale of happiness were/are the others? Lesser, obviously! Not a very good prescription for living IMHO. Just hang on till you are 80 guys and your life will be oh so wonderful!


And Happy New Year to all!



Ha ha ha... you could not resist to scold me in this thread too!  :lol:.  Don't forget that happiness is a FEELING,  not necessarily related to external events.

But Happy New Year to you too! :) 

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Maybe very adequate for breakfast on the 1st of January of the new year,  here is some advice about what is good and not so good for breakfast.


Although Dr. Paradip Jamnadas looks like a Hindu hippie, and in my modest opinion would be much more credible without all that facial hair and funny cap,  HE IS a knowledgeable cardiologist.  So, thinking about the day I will be a senior,  I pay attention to his advice. 




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  On 12/31/2021 at 2:20 AM, Steve5380 said:

To start with, here is a video that discusses our brain.  It is nice to reach old age still good looking and physically functional.  But nothing is more important to preserve than our mental health.  A person with dementia, Alzheimer disease, is really, really sad. And this is usually associated with old age. 


"Dementia is preventable through lifestyle. Start now."  is a TED type video by an expert in the field.  Yet he gives a disclaimer that he is not giving medical advice.  But in my irrelevant opinion, he touches on many proven facts.  And he speaks of the benefits of FASTING,  one of my favorites lately, ha ha.  Bon Appetit!


So @Steve5380 posts a video that is certainly not strictly accurate and then states "he is not giving medical dadvice". So it is quackery, pure and simple! Purely his "irrelevant" advice as a non-medical quack. @Steve5380 mentions nothing about hereditary dementia (fact!), certain geographical areas being more prone to dementia (fact), dementia being more common in those with hearing loss (fact), cardio vascular disease leading to a greater chance of getting dementia (fact), more women than men getting dementia (fact). those with a smaller cognitave reserve being at higher risk of dementia (fact), those suffering periods of depression being more at rick of dementia (fact), certain forms of air pollution can result in dementia (fact).


Dementia is not preventable. Alzheimers is not preventable. It is true that certain activities - re foods we eat and exercise - can reduce the possibility of exposure to these horrible diseases. But to suggest they are, as the heading of that video states, "preventable" is nonsense!

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  On 1/1/2022 at 3:46 AM, InBangkok said:


Dementia is not preventable. Alzheimers is not preventable. It is true that certain activities - re foods we eat and exercise - can reduce the possibility of exposure to these horrible diseases. But to suggest they are, as the heading of that video states, "preventable" is nonsense!




You are right.  Nothing could have prevented your dementia!  :(   Perhaps because it is a product of your personality?


Oh... but have a look at this:




Maybe it is not too late for you.  And  Happy New Year!  :) 


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  On 1/1/2022 at 3:33 AM, Steve5380 said:

Don't forget that happiness is a FEELING,  not necessarily related to external events.


Agreed. But what you have told readers is that you are at your happiest now than you were when you were with your lover of 20 years whose sad passing you lamented over many dozens of posts on BW. You may be more content that your life is now closer to approaching its natural close sooner rather than later. Content, I can understand. Happiest? I find that very hard to believe.

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  On 1/1/2022 at 3:51 AM, Steve5380 said:

You are right.  Nothing could have prevented your dementia!  :(   Perhaps because it is a product of your personality?


I think you parrot on a bit like Shakespeare's Jacques in "As You Like It". You know - the one with The Seven Ages of Man Soliloqy which begins "All the World's a Stage and all the Men and Women merely Players." This concludes, you no doubt recall, "Last scene of all, that ends this strange eventful history, is second childishness."


Why are you so childish in your responses when you cannot come up with a reasonable one? You may wish I suffered from dementia. I don't!

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  On 1/1/2022 at 3:58 AM, InBangkok said:

Agreed. But what you have told readers is that you are at your happiest now than you were when you were with your lover of 20 years whose sad passing you lamented over many dozens of posts on BW. You may be more content that your life is now closer to approaching its natural close sooner rather than later. Content, I can understand. Happiest? I find that very hard to believe.



Oh,  it is simply that you haven't yet discovered that happiness is a feeling that can be cultivated and enhanced.  This is what has happened to me in the last years. I loved my bf very much, but seeing how he was deteriorating in his disability was not a happy experience.  I am an agnostic, but I like to entertain the idea that somehow in an afterlife my bf is doing something that makes me more happy, and he has become my Guardian Angel.

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  On 1/1/2022 at 4:04 AM, InBangkok said:

I think you parrot on a bit like Shakespeare's Jacques in "As You Like It". You know - the one with The Seven Ages of Man Soliloqy which begins "All the World's a Stage and all the Men and Women merely Players." This concludes, you no doubt recall, "Last scene of all, that ends this strange eventful history, is second childishness."


Why are you so childish in your responses when you cannot come up with a reasonable one? You may wish I suffered from dementia. I don't!



I don't wish you any dementia!   But I have no other explanation of why you are trolling me to scold me.  This must be a form of dementia, maybe one of these you tagged as (fact),  ha ha.


I am not being childish.  I just have found a better way to deal with you than just telling you to FUCK OFF.  And here the child in me helps this too.

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  On 1/1/2022 at 4:14 AM, Steve5380 said:

I am not being childish.  I just have found a better way to deal with you than just telling you to FUCK OFF.  And here the child in me helps this too.


You are "not being childish" - but "the child" in you . . . A word of advice in the spirit of the New Year. Make up our mind! 


I hope other readers are not being taken in by the quackery being promoted in this thread. No matter how well meaning, much of those videos are a load of tosh of zero interest to those who are in their teens, 20s, 30s, 40s and 50s. To those, along with New Year greetings, i will only say only this - enjoy your life - all your life. That is by far the best advice and the best tonic.

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  On 12/31/2021 at 3:24 AM, G_M said:

Why waste your time preaching to people who are not interested, especially in the wrong topics. 

You get your audiences when you preach the right toipic to the right group, otherwise, you only get people to dislike you like those pushy sale person or preaching religious people, etc.

Since you had created your own topic, please stop diverting topic in the future!

  On 12/31/2021 at 4:05 AM, Steve5380 said:

Wise Moderator,  I will follow your advice.  I will see that I keep my preaching about how to prepare for and deal with old age to this topic.


Maybe the right topic for the right group here is sex, cocks, how to bottom, how to top, cruising, saunas, and much more.  I have written about these, but there are here much better preachers of such topics, of which I am only a minor league player.   But in the topic of old age I have, naturally, some authority that comes with experience.



Oh dear! Again you mislead. You have told us you don't like being top or bottom because you utterly dislike both practices. So why would you even wish to talk about it here, I wonder?


As for being "a minor league player" in gay Asian saunas, that has to be a New Year's joke coming from a man who for many years spent his summer vacations in Singapore - and occasionally in other Asian cities - with the sole objective of spending as much time as possible in gay saunas. No sightseeing, no concerts, no galleries, no cruising - merely saunas. Coming also from a man who wrote on 4/25/2019 that he estimated he had had "about 2,600 gay sexual partners", I'd think you must be something of an expert. But then you did start that post by writing, "I am in my 70s, so my memory is failing rapidly." So we'll make allowances.


Yet, you also added in a post on August 21 2020 that -


"People in their 80s and beyond (and some much earlier) are not interested in sex any more, and they don't miss it. Instead they may feel free of the need for sex."


So as you are now in your 80th year, why would you even wish to consider discussing sex? I can't think. Better do as the Moderator requested and stick to senior topics.

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Guest Botoxicity
  On 1/1/2022 at 12:51 AM, Steve5380 said:


Are you a Christian preacher?  Please give us some blessings for the coming 2022! :)



I wish that InBangkok spares bithcing with you in 2022.  I wish that you live until 120 years and still going strong.   I wish that pandemic is over and we have a new PM, a good-hearted, brave, manly and less greedy one. I wish that our opposition can get on their feet again, and grew stronger than before.  I wish that I can do intermittent fasting, at least once in 2022.  I wish to become wealthier.   I wish everyone here is happy, rich (no need to work anymore), healthy, looking young (no botox needed)  and find their life-long & loving  partner.   I wish all these wishes come true.  GOD has send his BLESSINGS here!!!!  Receive HIS GIFT, in the name of JESUS CHRIST!!!   




Are you happy with all my wishes and blessings or do you still want more?  Just ask, because the HOUSE OF THE LORD is rich and abundant.

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  On 1/1/2022 at 10:39 AM, Guest Botoxicity said:

I wish that InBangkok spares bithcing with you in 2022.  I wish that you live until 120 years and still going strong.   I wish that pandemic is over and we have a new PM, a good-hearted, brave, manly and less greedy one. I wish that our opposition can get on their feet again, and grew stronger than before.  I wish that I can do intermittent fasting, at least once in 2022.  I wish to become wealthier.   I wish everyone here is happy, rich (no need to work anymore), healthy, looking young (no botox needed)  and find their life-long & loving  partner.   I wish all these wishes come true.  GOD has send his BLESSINGS here!!!!  Receive HIS GIFT, in the name of JESUS CHRIST!!!   




Are you happy with all my wishes and blessings or do you still want more?  Just ask, because the HOUSE OF THE LORD is rich and abundant.



Botoxicity, I am very pleased with your wishes and I wish the same.  I wish especially that the HOUSE OF THE LORD listens to you and fulfills all your desires.  AMEN!!!!!!

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Now that I came back from the gym early in the morning I am ready to eat breakfast, my first meal of this year, and I won't contradict Dr Pradip Jamnadas's recommendations.  Soon it will be time of lunch,  which perhaps I make a combination lunch/dinner.  So I want to see what this Indian doctor has to say about that:



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  On 1/1/2022 at 5:37 AM, InBangkok said:

Yet, you also added in a post on August 21 2020 that -

"People in their 80s and beyond (and some much earlier) are not interested in sex any more, and they don't miss it. Instead they may feel free of the need for sex."

So as you are now in your 80th year, why would you even wish to consider discussing sex?    I can't think.    Better do as the Moderator requested and stick to senior topics.




August 2020... this is long time ago.  My opinions can change at any time, sign that I learn new things.  I am not in my 80th year yet, still some time until then. So I may still have a need for sex.


You wrote I can't think. !!!   This is serious (!!!!)  


May the blessings Guest Botoxicity wished for us descend on you,  and may God do something to remove the fog in your demented brain that keeps you from thinking.  May he also undo the loss of pleasure that came with your dementia,  and allow you to continue your globe trotting to get some joy listening to the live music you like. :thumb:    Then, with some thinking and joy restored, you may not need to do this stupid trolling after me, and instead you can stay busy enjoying your music away from here. :rolleyes:


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  On 12/31/2021 at 4:16 AM, Guest guest said:

Sometimes I wonder if some older AJs went off the radar due to dementia. I have never met a senior AJ who has early stage dementia.


A lot of AJs are closeted or live alone with hardly any true friends. This is one of the reason why some AJ suddenly disappears without a trace. The only way through this obstacles is to find lots of AJ friends and through it hopefully got some that are worthy true friends. If cant find worthy true friends, just continue to make more friends and continue find and dont give up

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  On 1/1/2022 at 5:01 AM, InBangkok said:


I hope other readers are not being taken in by the quackery being promoted in this thread. No matter how well meaning, much of those videos are a load of tosh of zero interest to those who are in their teens, 20s, 30s, 40s and 50s. To those, along with New Year greetings, i will only say only this - enjoy your life - all your life. That is by far the best advice and the best tonic.




Thank God that you don't have children to whom pass on your abysmal advice.  The 20s, 30s, 40s and 50s, besides being enjoyed, should also be a preparation for the 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, 100s and beyond.


Since you are in your 60s and possibly your 70s,  this thread is also for you.  So read the following article, and get your ass off the couch.




  On 1/1/2022 at 4:16 PM, yoyo74 said:

A lot of AJs are closeted or live alone with hardly any true friends. This is one of the reason why some AJ suddenly disappears without a trace. The only way through this obstacles is to find lots of AJ friends and through it hopefully got some that are worthy true friends. If cant find worthy true friends, just continue to make more friends and continue find and dont give up



You may have a good point on why AJs suddenly disappear without a trace.  Could it be a good activity for us to collect good Karma to try to localize the disappeared AJs to see if they can get a new lease on life by befriending them and helping them to overcome the fear of leaving the closet, or make it less restrictive?

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Guest What???????
  On 1/1/2022 at 4:16 PM, yoyo74 said:

A lot of AJs are closeted or live alone with hardly any true friends. This is one of the reason why some AJ suddenly disappears without a trace. The only way through this obstacles is to find lots of AJ friends and through it hopefully got some that are worthy true friends. If cant find worthy true friends, just continue to make more friends and continue find and dont give up


Staying in the closet is very calming and peaceful.  While you advocate about getting them out of the closet, it also also mean they have to face adventures and challenge of being re-accepted, rejected again, and things that forced them back to the closet.  If someone could not enlarge his social circle thru making friends while they were young, bold and full of adrenalin,  what makes you think it can happen when they became old, beaten and learned?

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  On 1/2/2022 at 2:01 AM, Guest What??????? said:

Staying in the closet is very calming and peaceful.  While you advocate about getting them out of the closet, it also also mean they have to face adventures and challenge of being re-accepted, rejected again, and things that forced them back to the closet.  If someone could not enlarge his social circle thru making friends while they were young, bold and full of adrenalin,  what makes you think it can happen when they became old, beaten and learned?



Maybe after they become old, beaten and learned,  they learn to recognize TRUE friends, and not just friends they are hot over.

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Dementia and Alzheimers are ghastly diseases than can and do wreck families. You have now accused me of suffering from dementia twice. That is the lowest of the low. These relatively common and incurable diseases should be left to doctors and experts and not to quack youtube videos posted in a chat room.

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  On 1/2/2022 at 2:01 AM, Guest What??????? said:

Staying in the closet is very calming and peaceful.  While you advocate about getting them out of the closet, it also also mean they have to face adventures and challenge of being re-accepted, rejected again, and things that forced them back to the closet.  If someone could not enlarge his social circle thru making friends while they were young, bold and full of adrenalin,  what makes you think it can happen when they became old, beaten and learned?


The crux is self-acceptance. (Whether one chooses to exit the closet or not is secondary; almost ceremonious; may matter more to one than another). Once the heart is at peace with one’s orientation (no longer confused, angsty), life can move on. Just my view.  My current condition is more like a closet with open doors. (Peep in, know me as a person and you see a gay soul :) no need to ask haha) Will likely be in this condition into my old age. It’s comfy! 

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  On 1/2/2022 at 3:54 AM, InBangkok said:

Dementia and Alzheimers are ghastly diseases than can and do wreck families. You have now accused me of suffering from dementia twice. That is the lowest of the low. These relatively common and incurable diseases should be left to doctors and experts and not to quack youtube videos posted in a chat room.



You accused me of posting quackery,  you stated that dementia cannot be prevented.  Yet you can find plenty of authoritative data on how to reduce the probability of getting dementia.  If this is not "preventing",  what is it?   Authoritative literature is full of recommendations to prevent cancer, diabetes, etc. These diseases cannot be all totally prevented successfully, yet it is accepted that "to reduce their probability"  IS a prevention. This is so true with cancer!  And it is a fact that recommended 'preventions' don't necessarily go into details about all the varieties of the disease.  And so, recommendations of prevention of diabetes may not tell you that they work for the acquired type 2, and not the inborn type 1. 


So, why are you so negative about all what is posted here?  And why early prevention of diseases that are more typical in older people should be of zero interest to the younger guys?  Not all gays think that they will not live beyond 50 y.o. and therefore they don't need to care about older age.  Since I cannot understand your motivations here, and I don't want to judge you as a malignant deceiver and liar,  instead I kindly suggest that it be something wrong with your head that is beyond your control.


What you expect from doctors and experts dealing with incurable diseases?  A cure ??  Haven't you dealt with doctors in your life?  Why should every prudent person who wants to stay as healthy as possible have to make an appointment with a doctor or expert to get advice on how to prevent a disease they don't have?


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Guest Spirited
  On 1/2/2022 at 3:10 AM, Steve5380 said:


Maybe after they become old, beaten and learned,  they learn to recognize TRUE friends, and not just friends they are hot over.



  On 1/2/2022 at 4:30 AM, Pubic01 said:

The crux is self-acceptance. (Whether one chooses to exit the closet or not is secondary; almost ceremonious; may matter more to one than another). Once the heart is at peace with one’s orientation (no longer confused, angsty), life can move on. Just my view. 


As one gets older, it is important to look inward, by cultivating a sense of belonging, inner peace, dilute all form of depressions, to eat well and healthy, avoid comparison, materialism, inner and external clutter. Avoid crowds, strangers. Talking too much, thinking too much.  Be at peace, enjoy what is in your remaining, physically mentally and spiritually.  Don't add, just substract to stay afloat in this messy over thinking  world. Last but not least, enjoy and practise the art of knowing , learned though years of hard experiences and when the time is ripe to let go, just shout out loud and clear "Father, into your hands, I commit my spirit!" 


And before you knew it, you are in heaven.

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  On 1/2/2022 at 4:50 AM, Guest Spirited said:


As one gets older, it is important to look inward, by cultivating a sense of belonging, inner peace, dilute all form of depressions, to eat well and healthy, avoid comparison, materialism, inner and external clutter. Avoid crowds, strangers. Talking too much, thinking too much.  Be at peace, enjoy what is in your remaining, physically mentally and spiritually.  Don't add, just substract to stay afloat in this messy over thinking  world. Last but not least, enjoy and practise the art of knowing , learned though years of hard experiences and when the time is ripe to let go, just shout out loud and clear "Father, into your hands, I commit my spirit!" 


And before you knew it, you are in heaven.



I think you are very wise and I like your way to end it all.   You have faith that you will go to heaven,  and even if the reality is that death is the end of all, you won't know it.  


You are fine.  But those who are not wise and as older gays live instead a miserable life, could they be helped somehow?

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  On 1/2/2022 at 4:50 AM, Guest Spirited said:


As one gets older, it is important to look inward, by cultivating a sense of belonging, inner peace, dilute all form of depressions, to eat well and healthy, avoid comparison, materialism, inner and external clutter. Avoid crowds, strangers. Talking too much, thinking too much.  Be at peace, enjoy what is in your remaining, physically mentally and spiritually.  Don't add, just substract to stay afloat in this messy over thinking  world. Last but not least, enjoy and practise the art of knowing , learned though years of hard experiences and when the time is ripe to let go, just shout out loud and clear "Father, into your hands, I commit my spirit!" 


And before you knew it, you are in heaven.


Haha. This sounds so much like a “修行” to me :) Perhaps being gay is my “修行” for this lifetime of mine. (Learning to read life, navigate life, focus on the crux that matters truely). Calmness is having power over oneself.  Thank you Shifu 🙏🎈

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  On 1/2/2022 at 2:01 AM, Guest What??????? said:

Staying in the closet is very calming and peaceful.  While you advocate about getting them out of the closet, it also also mean they have to face adventures and challenge of being re-accepted, rejected again, and things that forced them back to the closet.  If someone could not enlarge his social circle thru making friends while they were young, bold and full of adrenalin,  what makes you think it can happen when they became old, beaten and learned?


Staying in the closet only leads to lonely depression and some will have suicidal thoughts as no one could talk and listen to their problems. The challenge of re-accepted and rejection also happens in straight community as well. Many people during younger time are very shy and may have parents restriction to meet other gay people. When we are older we have much more freedom and if he can break through his shy personality than it is still not too late to make lots of gay friends and have a happy network of gay friends for the rest of their lives. Sadly homophobic people want all people to see that gays has to live a life of loneliness and depression and no good ending but we can break through this barrier form by them by having a large network of gay friends and live a happy life to their disdain.

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Guest Just Saying
  On 1/2/2022 at 9:43 AM, yoyo74 said:

 Many people during younger time are very shy and may have parents restriction to meet other gay people. When we are older we have much more freedom and if he can break through his shy personality than it is still not too late to make lots of gay friends and have a happy network of gay friends for the rest of their lives. Sadly homophobic people want all people to see that gays has to live a life of loneliness and depression and no good ending but we can break through this barrier form by them by having a large network of gay friends and live a happy life to their disdain.


To a certain extend it is true.  To say homophobic people want to see gay people live a lonely life is not true.  Not every gay is lonely.  Some people prefer to be alone rather than lonely, and have probably already well established those circumstances to fit into their lifestyle of choices.  To force them out to mingle, can be pretty upsetting to their peaceful world.    People who tend to be lonely,  cannot be defined by whether they have friends or none.  It should be defined by how they used their time.   Some old people just cannot rest, and could spend whole day playing computer game , engaged in some sort of hobby, and busy learning something new.  Another type are those who have pretty much nothing on their card, except to   "chop" empty seat in kopi shop and while their times staring at other diners.   There are other factors, one of which is the amount of life tribulation, the more severe those experiences in their younger years. the yearning to be at peace internally & externally is pretty strong - thus no longer  wanting any involvement nor affairs with the system.   Others who grown up with gold or silver spoon, spend their life as playboy, getting pretty much everything they wanted and rode smoothly their entire life, would feel more lonely because they have no story to tell nor pain to remininse during their old age,  There is no memoire in their life, which can be pretty boring and lonesome to them.


However, being alone physically should never be encouraged.  While being alone, you can stilll make your presence felt publicly.  Do a youtube video vlog of yourself,  visit your favorite places regularly and get people to notice your presence.  join a nature club, toast master club, marathon club, music club, book club or recycling food club....etc, so that you can streamlined to only few people who shared similar passion. 


The greatest satisfaction, above all, is to maintain a healthy body by eating healthy and eat only when you are hungry.  Your body, your heart and your brain will reward you tremendously, by lifting your mood, eradicate any existing pain and makes you feel clean and strong mentally.  As such, there is no reason you shouldn't envy yourself when you saw a twink falling sick all the time. 


Bottom line of my natters is this - Self-love is unchanging and pretty secured.  Other people love, fluctuates easily and have no guarantee. 

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  On 1/2/2022 at 4:42 AM, Steve5380 said:

You accused me of posting quackery,  you stated that dementia cannot be prevented.  Yet you can find plenty of authoritative data on how to reduce the probability of getting dementia.  If this is not "preventing",  what is it?   Authoritative literature is full of recommendations to prevent cancer, diabetes, etc. These diseases cannot be all totally prevented successfully, yet it is accepted that "to reduce their probability"  IS a prevention. This is so true with cancer!  And it is a fact that recommended 'preventions' don't necessarily go into details about all the varieties of the disease.  And so, recommendations of prevention of diabetes may not tell you that they work for the acquired type 2, and not the inborn type 1. 


So, why are you so negative about all that is posted here?  And why early prevention of diseases that are more typical in older people should be of zero interest to the younger guys?  Not all gays think that they will not live beyond 50 y.o. and therefore they don't need to care about older age.  Since I cannot understand your motivations here, and I don't want to judge you as a malignant deceiver and liar,  instead I kindly suggest that it be something wrong with your head that is beyond your control.


What you expect from doctors and experts dealing with incurable diseases?  A cure ??  Haven't you dealt with doctors in your life?  Why should every prudent person who wants to stay as healthy as possible have to make an appointment with a doctor or expert to get advice on how to prevent a disease they don't have?


You really make it all sound so simple when in fact you are dealing with extremely complex medical issues that you assume can be "prevented" (see below) by watching a few quack youtube videos. No one should be recommending "cures" or preventions in any chat room other than doctors and specialists.  When you go into a ward filled with young children dying of cancer, what do those quacks believe should have been done to prevent (see below) their illness? Drink a different type of milk? Those children who survive will do so as a result of the skill and knowledge of the doctors and oncologists, not quacks.


The same is true of most cancers. The three most commonly diagnosed in the USA are breast (for women), colorectal and lung. In men, the next two in order are pancreatic cancer and prostate cancer. Some of these cancers can be diagnosed early. The earlier the better the chance there is of remission. I do not say cure because there are few in the medical and research professions who regard remission as a cure. For some sufferers, remission, hopefully, can last for many decades. For others, sadly, not much more than a year or so.


So rather than depending on a clutch of youtube videos by quacks, consulting your doctor on a regular basis is a far better course of action for everyone, as is explaining to your doctor precisely how you are feeling should you happen to feel that something is not quite right. After a certain age (usually around 50), you should automatically request a colonoscopy to detect any abnormalities in your colon and rectum. Polyps are frequently found. Many are benign but some mestastasize into cancerous growths. They need to be cut out early. Most doctors will recommend another colonoscopy at 60 and then regularly every five years. 


As far as pancreatic cancer is concerned, this is one of the most difficult to pinpoint as well as one of the deadliest - which is one reason for the 90% plus incidence of death. The pancreas is a large organ situated behind the stomach and therefore abnormalities are difficult to detect with the commonly used ultrasound and X-rays. Pancreatic cancer is found in approximately 3% of the US population. Have you had a CT scan or an MRI recently to check you do not have it, for barring a discovery during surgery for another reasons these are the surest ways of detecting that cancer early? As your doctor will advise, the survival rate of that particular cancer is not much more than 5%. That's just 5% guys - not 50%! Pancreatic cancer can strike at any time but 90% of sufferers are over 55 and 70% over 65. Like all cancers, early detection is essential to have a chance of survival. But detection for this cancer is so difficult. So as with all illnesses, especially cancer, everyone needs to have a frank and open discussion with their doctor and oncologist because the type of the cancer in one person may be quite different to that in another. Youtube videos do nothing to help tyou here. 


@Steve5380 asks, "Haven't you dealt with doctors in your life?" He knows I have, only he has forgotten. I wrote only a few days ago at most that there are five doctors/specialists in my immediate family. And if @Steve5380 consults any qualified doctor, they will tell him that his previously expressed suggestion that for a man of his age a once a year check up is sufficient, the doctor's advice is likely to be faulty.


As for dementia and Alzheimer's, when will @Steve5380 get it into his skull that these illnesses cannot be prevented. They cannot. In his first post he included a video with the quotation, "Dementia is preventable through lifestyle. Start now." That is absolutely NOT true! And of course the person he quoted knows this perfectly well because he neatly covered himself with a disclaimer "that he is not giving medical advice." So he is merely a quack!  


If you are due to get it, you will get it. Yes, @Steve5380 is correct. Certain lifestyle changes can help - but only to a limited extent. These include not smoking and diet. But they will not stop you getting dementia or Alzheimers! That is fact! To suggest otherwise is to do a huge disservice to those readers here who may have a family member already suffering from dementia or who has been diagnosed with its early stages.


Last, and certainly extremely importantly, @Steve5380's interpretation of the meaning of the word "prevention" is totally wrong. It does NOT mean -


"to reduce their probability" 


Prevention means - 


"the action of stopping something from happening or arising"


Nothing he has written and nothing in those videos will stop many illnesses from happening. Nothing! By all means promote a healthy varied diet, exercise and so on. That holds true for everyone. But do not inform readers that this will help PREVENT serious illness. It will not STOP serious illness.


The only person who should be posting on a thread of this nature is a fully qualified doctor. I do hope one will come forward and p[rovide his own expertise.

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  On 1/2/2022 at 1:53 PM, InBangkok said:


Last, and certainly extremely importantly, @Steve5380's interpretation of the meaning of the word "prevention" is totally wrong. It does NOT mean -

"to reduce their probability" 


Prevention means - 

"the action of stopping something from happening or arising"


Nothing he has written and nothing in those videos will stop many illnesses from happening. Nothing! By all means promote a healthy varied diet, exercise and so on. That holds true for everyone. But do not inform readers that this will help PREVENT serious illness. It will not STOP serious illness.


The only person who should be posting on a thread of this nature is a fully qualified doctor. I do hope one will come forward and p[rovide his own expertise.



OF COURSE reduced probability is a form of prevention!


It is estimated that seat belts reduce by 45% the probability of death from serious car accidents.


This means that statistically, of 100 individuals wearing seat belts who have serious car accidents, 45 are PREVENTED from dying.  That is, they are STOPPED from dying. 


What you are criticizing with your underused brain is a statement that healthy lifestyles can prevent ALL dementia.  But no one is saying this.   

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I wish that this thread is visited not only by older readers like me but by the younger crowd as well.


So many of our fellow gays in their 30s, 40s, 50s are increasingly frustrated by an increasing and apparently "natural" increase in size,  and all the efforts they have made to stop gaining weight and reduce it have failed.  Instead, they feel lack of energy and "youth",  and they think of themselves as complete failures.


Overweight individuals in our society are NOT the complete failures. What a majority of society knows of insulin is only that it is what diabetics are jabbed with!  Complete failures have happened in the medical establishment, which has given some advice and preaching that is diametrically opposite of what is today known to be.  And what is worse, some of this bad advice persists for selfish reasons  ( $$$ ).


Going back to my previously quoted Dr. Paradip Jamnadas, here is a video of a lecture he gave in 2019.   Without his gray facial hair and aspect of hippie,  he looks quite decent and worth of some trust.  He is a well standing cardiologist, but somehow his talk is also a criticism of some current practices in medicine.   


The video is long, but I think that it is important for @InBangkok to watch it throughout, it may give him a different perspective of things.





Fellow readers,  you have problems with your appearance, weight, lack of energy, some depression, some early signs of an inevitable "old age" that is just looming around the corner?  Read and learn something about INSULIN and how smartly our body is designed to function to our benefit.  Science is advancing, more and different understanding is being gained on how to readjust it and restore its optimum working, in ways that are within the reach of all of us.  


And... if you are healthy you don't need to consult many doctors.   In my whole life of having dealt with doctors, I don't remember a single time when a doctor volunteered an advice to me about nutrition or lifestyle.   All I got is advice on how to take some medication.  However, doctors are useful to provide diagnostic medicine, tests that can reveal hidden potential diseases,  like @InBangkok has mentioned.  And if something serious looms, the established medicine should not be ignored in favor of alternate medicines.  Remember what happened to Steve Jobs...




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Guest Not that you know
  On 1/2/2022 at 5:28 PM, Steve5380 said:

 He is a well standing cardiologist, but somehow his talk is also a criticism of some current practices in medicine.   


 And if something serious looms, the established medicine should not be ignored in favor of alternate medicines.  Remember what happened to Steve Jobs...





Many medicines are against the grain of maintaining a good health.  Cholesterol medicines. high blood pressure medinces, just to name a few are very inflamaatory to the body.


For young people to eat and eat, they look buffed up and cute.  For older one who fast and fast, they became quite thin and look aged beyond years.   In the world of human visual interest,  physical attractions triumph before health.   It is hard to explain to people who felt they need to enjoy life, espeicially with good food, attractive mate and sex.  Asking them to taste Sauerkraut, you must he kidding the kid who still prefer orange flavor candies.   Your topic is a stark generation gap to the youngsters here. 

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  On 1/3/2022 at 1:36 AM, Guest Not that you know said:

Many medicines are against the grain of maintaining a good health.  Cholesterol medicines. high blood pressure medinces, just to name a few are very inflamaatory to the body.


For young people to eat and eat, they look buffed up and cute.  For older one who fast and fast, they became quite thin and look aged beyond years.   In the world of human visual interest,  physical attractions triumph before health.   It is hard to explain to people who felt they need to enjoy life, espeicially with good food, attractive mate and sex.  Asking them to taste Sauerkraut, you must he kidding the kid who still prefer orange flavor candies.   Your topic is a stark generation gap to the youngsters here. 



You may be partially right,  but there is nothing positive with being cynical.


I have no doubts that even gay teenagers are interested in their looks and health,  and would do all the right things if they would know about them.  But which kid will have the dedication to research nutrition?  People of all ages who eat and eat, and fast and fast,  look equally cute than if they would not fast.  Fasting does not need to be done to lose weight.  You can do intermittent fasting and not lose any weight, yet get the benefits of it.   I know of youngsters who learn about how bad carbonated sugary drinks and fruit juices are,  and they don't touch them anymore,  especially if they are gay and want to stay gorgeous, or are girls and want to stay gorgeous.

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  On 1/2/2022 at 5:28 PM, Steve5380 said:

if you are healthy you don't need to consult many doctors.   In my whole life of having dealt with doctors, I don't remember a single time when a doctor volunteered an advice to me about nutrition or lifestyle.   All I got is advice on how to take some medication.  However, doctors are useful to provide diagnostic medicine, tests that can reveal hidden potential diseases,  like @InBangkok has mentioned.  And if something serious looms, the established medicine should not be ignored in favor of alternate medicines.  Remember what happened to Steve Jobs...


This thread is descending into some form of madness. Now @Steve5380 attacks the medical profession because it does not align itself with those quack youtube videos.


So in his entire life @Steve5380does not recall a "single time" when "a doctor volunteered an advice to me about nutrition or lifestyle." Well there are probably good reasons for that and one regards advice probably not given in his earlier years in the 1940s and 1950s.


1. When @Steve5380 was young, nutrition was not regarded as a major contributor to health - other than eating fruit to avoid scurvy. Remember also, that in his youth a vast majority in all professions actively considered smoking a consumer activity and not a medical problem. If @Steve5380 had suffered from polio in his early teens, he would have been placed in an iron lung and been permanently paralysed through losing motion in one or more of his limbs. Advances in medicinal research resulted in the near eradication of polio which then was regarded as the most feared disease in the western world. The fact is that the research and medical professions are continually evolving with new understandings of illnesses and new treatments. For example, when @Steve5380 had reached the age of 20 there were still no CT scanners and no MRI scanners!


2. Medical research paid little attention to specific dietary implications until the second half of the last century. It took until 1977 for the US Senate to issue its report Dietary Goals for the United States. This recommended low fat and low cholesterol diets.


Doctors nowadays routinely advise patients on the importance of good nutrition and exercise as part of a healthy lifestyle. But to suggest "if you are healthy, you don't need to consult doctors" is pure nonsense. It's like suggesting if your car is running OK, you don't need to have it regularly serviced. Without changing the oil and checking other parts of the engine, it will eventually break down. Same is true with your body. You never know what is happening under your skin.

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  On 1/3/2022 at 3:37 AM, InBangkok said:

This thread is descending into some form of madness. Now @Steve5380 attacks the medical profession because it does not align itself with those quack youtube videos.


So in his entire life @Steve5380does not recall a "single time" when "a doctor volunteered an advice to me about nutrition or lifestyle." Well there are probably good reasons for that and one regards advice probably not given in his earlier years in the 1940s and 1950s.




You need to learn how to read.  I haven't attacked the medical profession.  My son is a doctor, and I respect his work very much!  And the person whose videos I posted and you call "quack" is a well renowned cardiologist with 30 years of experience in his practice.  Maybe your opinions about medicine are "quackery", and you are descending into some form of madness?


No doctor has ever given me advice about nutrition or lifestyle.  Maybe because I have always been healthy, in good shape? :)   And not lately either. Only one doctor, my current primary care physician, listened to MY advice about nutrition.  And he liked it and fully agreed!



  On 1/3/2022 at 3:37 AM, InBangkok said:


1. When @Steve5380 was young, nutrition was not regarded as a major contributor to health - other than eating fruit to avoid scurvy. Remember also, that in his youth a vast majority in all professions actively considered smoking a consumer activity and not a medical problem. If @Steve5380 had suffered from polio in his early teens, he would have been placed in an iron lung and been permanently paralysed through losing motion in one or more of his limbs. Advances in medicinal research resulted in the near eradication of polio which then was regarded as the most feared disease in the western world. The fact is that the research and medical professions are continually evolving with new understandings of illnesses and new treatments. For example, when @Steve5380 had reached the age of 20 there were still no CT scanners and no MRI scanners!




Hmmm... you described it so well...  You seem to be from the same era,  probably as old as I am or a few years younger,  ha ha.  But what has our youth anything to do with the topic here?  This is about the here and now,  and what is smart to know about our body so that we can be healthy or recover our healthy condition and preserve it.



  On 1/3/2022 at 3:37 AM, InBangkok said:


2. Medical research paid little attention to specific dietary implications until the second half of the last century. It took until 1977 for the US Senate to issue its report Dietary Goals for the United States. This recommended low fat and low cholesterol diets.


Doctors nowadays routinely advise patients on the importance of good nutrition and exercise as part of a healthy lifestyle. But to suggest "if you are healthy, you don't need to consult doctors" is pure nonsense. It's like suggesting if your car is running OK, you don't need to have it regularly serviced. Without changing the oil and checking other parts of the engine, it will eventually break down. Same is true with your body. You never know what is happening under your skin.



Did you follow my suggestion and listened to the presentation of Dr. Jamnadas?  He made special emphasis on what an abomination this "dietary goals for the United States" were!  And how wrong their idea was that fat and cholesterol are poisons! So you should realize HOW WRONG fashionable medical advice was in some past times. Please don't be lazy and watch his presentation.


Doctors nowadays don't get to see healthy people, except for some yearly checkups like I mentioned, and they just talk about the lab results.  They see their patients sick with whichever their specialty is,  and they are so busy that they can barely give them maybe 15 minutes of their time, no occasion for advice on good nutrition and healthy lifestyle.   But the public receives some expert doctor's good advice,  not by making appointments with them,  but by receiving their bulletins and watching the videos they post on YouTube, like Dr. Jamnadas does in the videos I posted.  And still, some ignorant call these doctors who pass on their knowledge with good intentions,  "quacks".  All because these ignorant have this wrong idea that everything on YouTube is nonsense and they hate YouTube and all the excellent videos with good music they publish.   



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Skepticism of one's ideas by others is unavoidable, and it is a good thing. It keeps one on one's toes, ha ha.


Like one individual's ideas that the videos posted here about health advice are nonsense pushed by some 'quacks'.   Hard criticism with no evidence, but he has his right to do so.  Maybe I should have looked at more diverse sources?


Let's see the idea of fasting being healthy instead of harmful.  What would an Indian yoga guru have to say about this?  Maybe he is also a 'quack' pushing old fashioned ideas?  It may be strange, but his opinion is the same as what some Western doctors are now recommending.   Let's see what SADHGURU has to say:





In many of us, guru SADHGURU inspires respect.  It may be his white facial hair, his Indian accent,  his turban and clothing.


Yet this revered man is 14 years younger than me,  and I, poor me :( ,  I am "descending into some form of madness",  one individual wrote. 


Maybe I should grow a long white beard and moustache, shave off my transplanted hair,  dress in a bed sheet with a comforter folded over my shoulder and paint a bunch of wrinkles and dark spots on my face !!   Holy Heavens,  I will do this and then take a picture for my avatar here so that readers will not take me for a senile guy in my second childhood!  :lol::D 


But let's go back to SADHOURU, who has some more to say about fasting, he he...




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  On 1/2/2022 at 5:28 PM, Steve5380 said:

IThe video is long, but I think that it is important for @InBangkok to watch it throughout, it may give him a different perspective of things.


I did not view it. I prefer to seek out comments from patients of this doctor. The first one stated the following -


"Being a not controlled diabetic , he sat with me and told me where I was headed. He stated a stroke ,heart attack and Alzheimer. He stated that he could reverse all that if I followed his eating plan which included intermittent fasting."


Any doctor who claims they can reverse Alzheimers is a quack. Dr. Jamnadas is an interventionist cardiologist. He has no qualifications in dietary medicine.


The second review regards his instalment of a pacemaker in a patent. It did not work properly and he could not find the reason [!!] So he referred the patient to the Mayo Clinic "for neurology." After a week of tests no neurological problems were found. The problem lay in the pacemaker being faulty, an issue Dr. Jamnadas had not even considered. The patient ended her comment -


"Dr. J was negligent in the performance of his duties and cost us THOUSANDS of dollars and the loss of so much time. Our advice - seek a better cardiologist!"


The essential problem with paying much attention to youtube videos, is they totally fail to take into account the individual. They are aimed at a mass market (hence they are on youtube just as a K-Pop band or promotions for vitamin pills) and often are typically mere advertisements to increase the numbers of those paying for the alleged specialist's advice and services as well as books they may have written. They spout a remedy that viewers assume is applicable to all. They may certainly  be applicable to some, but we are all individuals - we are all different. Nothing recommended by youtube quacks applies to everyone.  

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  On 1/4/2022 at 2:00 AM, Steve5380 said:

Skepticism of one's ideas by others is unavoidable, and it is a good thing. It keeps one on one's toes, ha ha.


Like one individual's ideas that the videos posted here about health advice are nonsense pushed by some 'quacks'.   Hard criticism with no evidence, but he has his right to do so.  Maybe I should have looked at more diverse sources?


Let's see the idea of fasting being healthy instead of harmful.  What would an Indian yoga guru have to say about this?  Maybe he is also a 'quack' pushing old fashioned ideas?  It may be strange, but his opinion is the same as what some Western doctors are now recommending.   Let's see what SADHGURU has to say:


Again I have not the slightest intention of watching that video. That is not because I have anything against Indian gurus. I believe some, at least, do considerable good in this world. Others, though, are of the quack variety. 


Again looking at the background rather than  video, I find that Sadhguru -


- writes books and promotes them on his videos;

- he has been accused of pseudo-science and misrepresenting science;

- he perpetuates myths about clinical depression;

- he promotes the use of mercury for medical purposes, despite the fact that mercury is extremely toxic and its use banned by the Indian government;

- he calls the Muslim rule in India "oppressive occupation" and states it was far worse than the rule of the British Raj (huh?)

- he runs an organisation called the Isha Foundation. This is based in Singapore and calls for donations.

- over 30 or so years, this Foundation has been the result of a great deal of criticism. The website calls these accusations "vicious, relentless slander".

- the Foundation has clearly learned from Donald Trump. It calls the comments by its accusers "fake news, paid media . . . vested groups weaving a systemised web of lies"

- earlier his year his wealth was estimated at US$25 million. And I thought gurus and other spiritual guides were supposed to give their wealth away!


Others can believe what he says. I won't.

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  On 1/4/2022 at 3:00 AM, InBangkok said:

I did not view it. I prefer to seek out comments from patients of this doctor. The first one stated the following -


"Being a not controlled diabetic , he sat with me and told me where I was headed. He stated a stroke ,heart attack and Alzheimer. He stated that he could reverse all that if I followed his eating plan which included intermittent fasting."


Any doctor who claims they can reverse Alzheimers is a quack. Dr. Jamnadas is an interventionist cardiologist. He has no qualifications in dietary medicine.




I think that you are an asset in this thread,  because you give clear examples of how someone who thinks he is so intelligent, makes such mistakes in his reasoning.


Let me rephrase the patient:  "he stated that I was headed towards a stroke, heart attack and Alzheimer, and he could reverse all that if I followed his eating plan"

So the doctor said that he could reverse "his heading towards Alzheimer",  NOT that he could reverse Alzheimer.   In other words, he could avoid the patient to progress into Alzheimer.  This is a "prevention".  And as it was discussed earlier,  Alzheimer cannot be reversed, but it can be prevented (reduced the probability of contracting it).


Your ill will, even malevolence in this discussion is evident in that you trust here the comments from patients, which cannot be trusted much,  instead of reading what the expert doctor has to say,  which can be trusted.  You wrote that you know many doctors, also in your family,  but you seem to be ignorant of how much good doctors are falsely blamed and smeared in comments by patients who for one reason or another did not agree with the doctor.  Such comments ARE VERY UNRELIABLE.

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  On 1/4/2022 at 3:00 AM, InBangkok said:


The essential problem with paying much attention to youtube videos, is they totally fail to take into account the individual. They are aimed at a mass market (hence they are on youtube just as a K-Pop band or promotions for vitamin pills) and often are typically mere advertisements to increase the numbers of those paying for the alleged specialist's advice and services as well as books they may have written. They spout a remedy that viewers assume is applicable to all. They may certainly  be applicable to some, but we are all individuals - we are all different. Nothing recommended by youtube quacks applies to everyone.  




What you wrote is another mistake that, inadvertent or in bad faith, reflects ignorance of what presentations, seminars, talks to an audience are. 


In a seminar or a YouTube video,  you cannot talk to the individual.  You have to talk to an audience of individuals,  a "mass market" if you want. And especially in a YouTube video, your audience is undefined, it is the plurality of people with Internet connections who can watch the video.   But even in an auditorium with selected participants, what is said may not apply to all in the audience.  When Joe Biden gives a next Address to the Union, his intended audience are the 330 million Americans,  but surely Russia and China and Iran and N. Korea will listen too.  So, what he will say will not apply to all. 


And yes,  the reality is that Nothing recommended by YouTube  quacks, or experts, or sages, or scientists, applies to everyone.  To think that everybody who makes recommendations on YouTube is "a quack".... well,  this is what can be expected of a cynic who has never used YouTube.


The same is true with books.  You cannot write a book that applies to all.  Does this mean that everyone who writes a book is "a quack"?

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  On 1/4/2022 at 4:38 AM, Steve5380 said:

Let me rephrase the patient:  "he stated that I was headed towards a stroke, heart attack and Alzheimer, and he could reverse all that if I followed his eating plan"


Every doctor, every member of the medical profession s perfectly well aware that a healthy diet and exercise generally help the body. But to continue pressing ahead with the mistaken notion that Dementia and Alzheimer's can be prevented by adherence to a particular eating regimen is nonsense. Yet you will not even consider that. As the British National Health Service website makes clear - and as I have made clear in other posts which you totally dismiss in your usual cavalier fashion -


As the exact cause of Alzheimer's disease is still unknown, there's no certain way to prevent the condition. 


Note the use of the verb "prevent" and there being "no "certain way".


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  On 1/4/2022 at 9:25 AM, InBangkok said:

Every doctor, every member of the medical profession s perfectly well aware that a healthy diet and exercise generally help the body. But to continue pressing ahead with the mistaken notion that Dementia and Alzheimer's can be prevented by adherence to a particular eating regimen is nonsense. Yet you will not even consider that. As the British National Health Service website makes clear - and as I have made clear in other posts which you totally dismiss in your usual cavalier fashion -


As the exact cause of Alzheimer's disease is still unknown, there's no certain way to prevent the condition. 


Note the use of the verb "prevent" and there being "no "certain way".




It is such a pity that you cannot resist coming back with your false arguments and getting them repeatedly debunked!


"The exact cause of Alzheimer is still unknown"...  There may not be ONE cause of Alzheimer. Scientists are finding that it may be a combination of many contributors.  This is not uncommon with illnesses, and it is reasonable to expect that removing some of them reduces the probability and severity of the disease.


"No certain way to prevent the condition"...  No one is claiming to have a certain way to prevent it. You should learn some colloquial English, in this case the use of 'prevent'.  


If your mechanic tells you:  "I will repair your faulty breaks to prevent you from having an accident",  hopefully you understand that good working breaks are not "a certain way" to prevent accidents, since you can have an accident from many other causes than break failure.  Yet it is perfectly correct to state: "good working breaks prevent accidents",  and "the use of safety belts prevents deaths".   There is no need to clarify that these precautions merely reduce the probability of accident, of death.


One other example:  It is true that we should get the vaccines to prevent Covid-19.  This advice is shouted throughout the world and is accepted by intelligent people.  Yet there are "breakthrough" cases, where vaccinated people still get covid.  But this does not take away one iota from the correctness of saying that vaccines prevent covid.


So your phrase: As the exact cause of Alzheimer's disease is still unknown, there's no certain way to prevent the condition. 

adds nothing to the conversation. Nobody disputes this, it is not challenged, and it is no reason to call people "quacks". 


You could also write:  As the exact cause of our existence is still unknown, there is no certain way to prevent death.


In summary,  Dr. Jamnadas is definitely NOT a 'quack'.  Instead, the doctors that in the 60s preached that fat causes coronary heart disease, they were the authentic quacks, ignorant, incompetent and/or malignant.  Dr. Jamnadas in his talk " The Fat Lies " gives plenty evidence of this.  But you refuse to read it, or so you say.  Well...  you have the right to stay ignorant.  But shouldn't you keep your ignorance to yourself?


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We can never know enough about the works of our body, what can go right and what can go wrong.  There is nothing boring in this.


Here I will go back to my Dr. Jamnadas,  the  ignorant "quack" cardiologist who is not supposed to know anything about nutrition",  but now on something that IS his specialty,  Heart Attacks!   This is an interesting topic because it can hit the young and the old, but preferentially later in life, where in the US it is one of the main killers.  So if we want to live a long life, it is worth to know how to prevent them, that is,  minimize the risk of having one.



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Guest Sweat Treat Honey Bagel
  On 1/5/2022 at 1:34 AM, Steve5380 said:

We can never know enough about the works of our body, what can go right and what can go wrong.  There is nothing boring in this.


Here I will go back to my Dr. Jamnadas,  the  ignorant "quack" cardiologist who is not supposed to know anything about nutrition",  but now on something that IS his specialty,  Heart Attacks!   This is an interesting topic because it can hit the young and the old, but preferentially later in life, where in the US it is one of the main killers.  So if we want to live a long life, it is worth to know how to prevent them, that is,  minimize the risk of having one.



You under-estimated the intelligence of primate.  Everyone knows what heart-attack is and what causes it.  The blame lies squarely on the irresistibility tasty unhealthy foods.  As I typed,  I smell the fragrance of Kentucky Fried Kitchen and sugary StarBuck Coffee not too far from my neighbourhood.  Oh...not to forget, the strawberry donut within arm's rich from my kitchen table and yes, I am heading out for Chinese Food later....Yummy.  


What did you just said again, Heart attack?  and we also knew the danger of sex with strangers, but I blame it on our hormones, it is not very obedient, does it?

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