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For gays who will be seniors one day - A Steve5380 Topic!


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Guest Guest heaven
6 minutes ago, Steve5380 said:


The next full solar eclipse in the US is predicted to happen in 21 years.  By then, I will get a good view from above the clouds,  from heaven!  😀

That is provided if you go heaven.

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Guest The Faithful
10 minutes ago, Steve5380 said:


The next full solar eclipse in the US is predicted to happen in 21 years.  By then, I will get a good view from above the clouds,  from heaven!  😀

You have so little faith to ask for so little.  Are you aware that God provides a gallaxy for each of his children to play with?

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Guest Guest god
1 minute ago, Guest The Faithful said:

You have so little faith to ask for so little.  Are you aware that God provides a gallaxy for each of his children to play with?

Do u really think that god exists?

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16 minutes ago, Guest Guest heaven said:

That is provided if you go heaven.


10 minutes ago, Guest The Faithful said:

You have so little faith to ask for so little.  Are you aware that God provides a gallaxy for each of his children to play with?


9 minutes ago, Guest Guest god said:

Do u really think that god exists?


If you gays ( or gay ) aspire to become happy seniors,  you need to become realistic and separate facts from fiction. 


Of course "going to heaven" is a childish humorous fantasy.  Probably the real fact about a supernatural is that we don't know what it is, not even if it exists.  We should be open minded, and not fear our ignorance.  

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Guest God Searcher
18 minutes ago, Steve5380 said:




If you gays ( or gay ) aspire to become happy seniors,  you need to become realistic and separate facts from fiction. 



I believe in the existence of God, rather than the news of Western Media.  I feel more happy reading the Bible, rather than reading Western news if I want to become a happy senior,

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8 hours ago, Guest God Searcher said:

I believe in the existence of God, rather than the news of Western Media.  I feel more happy reading the Bible, rather than reading Western news if I want to become a happy senior,


Happy Search! We are all different.  I respect your faith as becoming a source of your happiness,

and I recognize some reality in Western Media.  Not 100%.  

I am a senior already,  you are not there yet.  

I have interest in gods and I could be a God Searcher, but not a believer. 


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Guest Please Come Clean
18 minutes ago, Steve5380 said:

I have interest in gods and I could be a God Searcher, but not a believer. 


Not seeing does not mean unbelieving.  There won't be any conflict or poverty if everything is clearly visible and predictable.  What is readily apparent may not necessarily be true with AI, as demonstrated by the example of the alien photo that someone posted in his lawn.  Do you believe it?

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6 hours ago, Guest Please Come Clean said:

Not seeing does not mean unbelieving. 


I cannot Come Clean now although I am perfectly clean outside, because I just ate, and digestion in the gut is far from being clean.


OF COURSE not seeing does not mean unbelieving.  Otherwise, as soon as you close your eyes you lose all your beliefs.😄


BELIEF is such a strange mental state...  To believe, one has to have doubts shut down even if there is no certainty.  And I don't think that it is good to have DOUBTS shut down.  It is better to think in terms of probabilities,  which is fine for an agnostic.   For example,  I can give the supernatural a 20% probability,  my religion Catholicism a 0.1% probability,  and Moses' Genesis a 0.00000000001%.  This is not BELIEF,  but it is not ATHEISM either.

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Guest Please come clean
5 hours ago, Steve5380 said:

OF COURSE not seeing does not mean unbelieving.  Otherwise, as soon as you close your eyes you lose all your beliefs.😄

Closing your eyes does not mean you live in darkness.  Many have eyes do not see the light and live in darkness. You must repent.

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On 4/9/2024 at 11:42 AM, Steve5380 said:


The next full solar eclipse in the US is predicted to happen in 21 years.  By then, I will get a good view from above the clouds,  from heaven!  😀


You're aiming for so low now Steve?


You won't become 102 years old?

Some here might think you're already 102 years around... (in particular your Guest fans).


I only hope for you that above the clouds they have a BW blog for you, otherwise your life will be boring and you can't disrupt the threads...

Eventually, you hired a ghostwriter in your will who will continue writing for you at BW, hopefully you trained him well to copy your style...




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Guest Oops!
39 minutes ago, singalion said:

I only hope for you that above the clouds they have a BW blog for you, otherwise your life will be boring and you can't disrupt the threads...


Not everyone is like you, whose very existence depended greatly on BW blog.   Oops!

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6 hours ago, singalion said:


You won't become 102 years old?

Some here might think you're already 102 years around... (in particular your Guest fans).


I only hope for you that above the clouds they have a BW blog for you, otherwise your life will be boring and you can't disrupt the threads...

Eventually, you hired a ghostwriter in your will who will continue writing for you at BW, hopefully you trained him well to copy your style...



By the time I am over 100, I will feel even more satisfied with the totality of my life, so what could be the purpose to still hang around?   Curiosity for what will happen next?   Perhaps in the afterlife we may see the complete history of the human species, all past and future.  We might even get the choice to come back, choosing in which era,  or not.


And in my afterlife, I may not have to write my posts on the BW website.  Instead, I will try to influence telepathically all the gays at BW and elsewhere who may need some good advices.  :) 

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There is more to living beings than what we usually see...

The following video is therapeutic in reducing some feelings of being sooo important:



Among these images is one of a 3 day human embryo on the tip of a needle.   I wonder if they have tried, with more magnification,  to find inside of the embryo the image of its IMMORTAL SOUL.

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Guest Thanks to you.
8 hours ago, Steve5380 said:

There is more to living beings than what we usually see...

The following video is therapeutic in reducing some feelings of being sooo important:


What is your point.  Now you make me squirm looking at my favourite fruits and even my own fingernail.   In fact, I am starting to feel of everything I touch. 

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58 minutes ago, Guest Thanks to you. said:

What is your point.  Now you make me squirm looking at my favourite fruits and even my own fingernail.   In fact, I am starting to feel of everything I touch. 


No need to thank me.  It seems that now you have an idea of the immense complexity of of us, of our body and mind.  This can be an incentive to learn more about "us", what makes our body function so smoothly, and so make us put aside many idiocies of daily life to dedicate more time to perfect our nutrition for its best performance. 


We read here about the fans of horology,  how they are fascinated by the incredible complexity and precision of their very expensive watches,  which they take care so well.   In the same way, we should be fascinated by the complexity of ourselves, several orders of magnitude larger than that of watches.

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Guest "Thank to U"
36 minutes ago, Steve5380 said:


 In the same way, we should be fascinated by the complexity of ourselves, several orders of magnitude larger than that of watches.

As if your clumsy politicians didn't make our life complicated enough already.  It's preferable for LGBT people who plan to become seniors one day, to keep things simple, live simply, and adopt a simple  non complex outlook on life.  Take pleasure in eating blueberries, for example, without having to consider their microscopic ugly nature.  The video is simply - GROSS!  I plan to skip eating fruits for a few days.

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Again, don't thank me.  Instead, I feel so sorry that what I thought would interest you, instead GROSSED you out!


But so is life, my friend.  Focusing deeper into the reality of things reveals complexities we never dreamed of.  But, don't let this scare you.  Instead, take it as a revelation.  Hopefully one day, when you become a senior, you won't accept to "keep things simple" like spending your time on a bench in the town's square feeding the pigeons,  but you stay as inquisitive as when you were 20 years old wanting to discover more things in nature and in yourself.  And learning more about the Universe, until the last breath. 

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3 minutes ago, Steve5380 said:

Again, don't thank me.  Instead, I feel so sorry that what I thought would interest you, instead GROSSED you out!


But so is life, my friend.  Focusing deeper into the reality of things reveals complexities we never dreamed of.  But, don't let this scare you.  Instead, take it as a revelation.  Hopefully one day, when you become a senior, you won't accept to "keep things simple" like spending your time on a bench in the town's square feeding the pigeons,  but you stay as inquisitive as when you were 20 years old wanting to discover more things in nature and in yourself.  And learning more about the Universe, until the last breath. 

Agree.... It is how human want to enjoy the time, spend the time more meaningful

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Once we accept what our world is, and not get GROSSED by it,  we can enjoy watching other videos of highly magnified objects revealing the complexity of this world,  like:



Looking at a video like this, instead of watching one more porn film, can be an instructive experience.  


The intelligent mind will rise one thought:  did God know about this complexity,  when we read in the Genesis that He created Adam from some dust,  and then He produced Eve from a rib of Adam?   No wonder that the primitive ones believed that the illnesses of our bodies were the actions of God punishing us for our sins.   Today we know that illnesses are some of these biological complexities going haywire.   How long will it take for society to recognize that crimes and other "sins" are the result of complexities in our spirits going haywire?


Where do the complexities of our bodies and spirits come from?  Ah,  they were planned and designed by our creator, God.  Who bears responsibility then?


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Guest YES!! No doubt!!
On 4/12/2024 at 2:28 AM, Steve5380 said:

Once we accept what our world is, and not get GROSSED by it,  we can enjoy watching other videos of highly magnified objects revealing the complexity of this world,  like:


The intelligent mind will rise one thought:  did God know about this complexity



Yes, HE certainly does.  HE is observing you through the same magnifying glass that you are seeing in those little things, and he is undoubtedly in awe of the intricacy and beauty of his own creation.

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1 hour ago, Guest YES!! No doubt!! said:

Yes, HE certainly does.  HE is observing you through the same magnifying glass that you are seeing in those little things, and he is undoubtedly in awe of the intricacy and beauty of his own creation.


Thank you.  I wish I were a believer to think the same.  Instead, I think:  "Why could a God need a magnification glass?"

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Guest YES!! No doubt!!
1 hour ago, Steve5380 said:


Thank you.  I wish I were a believer to think the same.  Instead, I think:  "Why could a God need a magnification glass?"

He doesn't.  He is already a magnificence and you can see many things through Him if you bother to look.  

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1 hour ago, Guest YES!! No doubt!! said:

He doesn't.  He is already a magnificence and you can see many things through Him if you bother to look.  


How can I look THROUGH Him if... if he is YOUR God ??


I, of course, have different ideas about the supernatural than you.  We all should have our own ideas,  not beliefs, because we are ignorant about the supernatural. Instead, we should make our own speculations,  which are much more interesting than reading from a book thousands of years old and listen to the blabber of some professionals of religion.

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Here is a video I like for its content, and for the two persons I like:  the host, Cute Guy,  and the interviewed Dr. Robert Lustig.   I have posted about both of them earlier. 



I like Dr. Lustig for his competence, which makes me trust what he says.   Here is his website where he elaborates a lot:




I also like his willingness to be critical of the medical establishment.  In the video he does not mind saying that the common MD doctor, primary care physician,  does not know much.  I also think that these doctors could be replaced by AI,  minus the "intelligence",  ha ha!   He criticizes how the "normal" for ALT, the liver enzyme that reflects fat in the liver, has been expanded from 25 in his youth to 50 today  (  55 in my labs, where I have fortunately just 18 ).  


I get progressively more disenchanted with established medicine, especially their standards and recommendations.  Lustig writes:


If you don’t know how to cook, you’re hostage to the food industry for the rest of your life and unwittingly will pass this on to your children.


And one can add:  if you don't take your health care in your own hands, trying to learn as much as possible about modern nutrition and metabolism,  you're hostage to the medical establishment for the rest of your life until you die of some horrible preventable disease.


I am repulsed by this "news" by the American Heart Association, here hinted at earlier by @singalion, that intermittent fasting increases mortality from heart disease by over 90%.  (I replied to this on March 26) This "news" is pure deception!  But I'm not surprised...


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Guest Info Overloaded
8 hours ago, Steve5380 said:

Here is a video I like for its content, and for the two persons I like:  the host, Cute Guy,  and the interviewed Dr. Robert Lustig.  I like Dr. Lustig for his competence, which makes me trust what he says.  



You seems to like and trust every Doctor you found on Youtube.  Can I ask you a very polite question?



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12 hours ago, Steve5380 said:

Here is a video I like for its content, and for the two persons I like:  the host, Cute Guy,  and the interviewed Dr. Robert Lustig.   I have posted about both of them earlier. 



I like Dr. Lustig for his competence, which makes me trust what he says.   Here is his website where he elaborates a lot:




I also like his willingness to be critical of the medical establishment.  In the video he does not mind saying that the common MD doctor, primary care physician,  does not know much.  I also think that these doctors could be replaced by AI,  minus the "intelligence",  ha ha!   He criticizes how the "normal" for ALT, the liver enzyme that reflects fat in the liver, has been expanded from 25 in his youth to 50 today  (  55 in my labs, where I have fortunately just 18 ).  


I get progressively more disenchanted with established medicine, especially their standards and recommendations.  Lustig writes:


If you don’t know how to cook, you’re hostage to the food industry for the rest of your life and unwittingly will pass this on to your children.


And one can add:  if you don't take your health care in your own hands, trying to learn as much as possible about modern nutrition and metabolism,  you're hostage to the medical establishment for the rest of your life until you die of some horrible preventable disease.


I am repulsed by this "news" by the American Heart Association, here hinted at earlier by @singalion, that intermittent fasting increases mortality from heart disease by over 90%.  (I replied to this on March 26) This "news" is pure deception!  But I'm not surprised...


Don’t take it personal!


Lets see first the final outcome of this new research …

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9 hours ago, Guest Info Overloaded said:

You seems to like and trust every Doctor you found on Youtube.  Can I ask you a very polite question?




Maybe this video I posted on April 7 about scanning electron beam microscopy that BLEW MY MIND, left me out of a mind?


No,  if you don't mind,  my mind is fine.  So is my health and functionality.  I don't trust any new "health guru",  I check their credentials and make sure they are no "quacks".   And I also compare their preaching against my experience.  What Dr. Lustig says always makes sense, it may not be "scary new research", the titles of videos take their liberties, the new theories based on some research are not SCARY but PROMISING.  And they are not "randomized double-blinded placebo-controlled trials" like the pharmaceutical companies and food industries do, because these "health gurus" don't have the $$$$$ these industries have.  And the "health gurus" don't exploit the "statistics" to prove what they want to prove.

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8 hours ago, singalion said:

Don’t take it personal!


Lets see first the final outcome of this new research …


Since I am a person,  does it not make sense that I take things personal? My "personal" is "with interest".  The research on "preventive medicine" is never final,  it keeps evolving for the better.  And so curative medicine does evolve in new ways to create income, with new drugs and new procedures with expensive machines.


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14 hours ago, Guest Info Overloaded said:

You seems to like and trust every Doctor you found on Youtube.  Can I ask you a very polite question?




The following YouTube video breaks my heart.  You don't have to watch much of it,  just get an idea.



It says "Aging in the U.S.  But it is not much different elsewhere, even in Singapore.


The good ladies at the beginning of the video are one exception, living well into the 80s, 90s, etc.  But...  loss of functionality catches up!   Starting at people over 65!   And these people TRUST THEIR DOCTORS!


Yet, the majority have never known what "flexible metabolism" means.  Even less "insulin sensitivity".  They don't know what "ketones" are, and they are not aware that they have millions of "mitochondria" inside.  And especially the women, are convinced that over 70, exercises harm the body,  it is something... for young people.


Aren't WE fortunate,  IN and OUT OF OUR MIND,  that we know about these things... before it is too late?



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Ah... but here there is another YouTube video. This one, quite different than the previous one, is INSPIRATIONAL.  



An 82 year old bodybuilder,  who stops competing to take care of something much more important: His aging wife! What a noble man!


Different from the oldies in the other video,  the Seniors we see here are in perfect shape.  It's amazing how they stay in shape,  there is an 87 y.o. in the group too!    I also stay in shape, but I am much younger, only 81.   These athletes don't take steroids, they are not super-hunks, although one would expect so from the way they exercise.   It is all discipline, something I admire in the Japanese.  Tadao Saito has also managed to find a wonderful wife, and he relieves her now of all the house work.   Now, cleaning and doing the dishes he says:  "This is fun".   This is another thing we have in common:   we Seniors learn to be happy, most of us.  :) 


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Your quality exceeded my expectations, and your attention was remarkable. Thank you for your dedication to delivering exceptional results and your ability to find innovative solutions to challenges was truly impressive. Thank you for your exceptional contributions @Steve5380

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Guest Joker
17 hours ago, Guest Yani said:

Your quality exceeded my expectations, and your attention was remarkable. Thank you for your dedication to delivering exceptional results and your ability to find innovative solutions to challenges was truly impressive. Thank you for your exceptional contributions @Steve5380

If it is not sarcasm, I absolutely enjoy your HUMOR.

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2 hours ago, Guest Joker said:

If it is not sarcasm, I absolutely enjoy your HUMOR.


But it is sarcasm.  It is your sneaky way of attacking.  Hopefully one day you choose to defend your opinions with honesty, showing your face.

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Guest Joker
15 minutes ago, Steve5380 said:


But it is sarcasm.  It is your sneaky way of attacking.  Hopefully one day you choose to defend your opinions with honesty, showing your face.

Why so serious.  I am paying him a compliment for the entertainment.

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Hey, guys, have a look at this.   Modern (preventive) medicine lead to the discovery of what nitric oxide ( N.O. ) does in our body.  Here the Nobel prize winner for this discovery is interviewed and explains in detail the importance of this gas for our health.  From wherever we are in life we should pay attention and follow his recommendations to become a successful senior. 



It is so revealing that N.O. is produced by breathing in through the nose, how this can be increased by humming, the convenience to sleep with a closed mouth ( taped lips ) so we breathe through the nose, and how N.O. is produced from the food by healthy bacteria on our tongue if we don't kill the bacteria with mouth wash.  All things quite practical to do, as easy as swallowing an aspirin.


And here is a video of an interview of another expert, about the same topic.




Let's add the knowledge of Nitric Oxide to our tools to preserve health ,  and so avoid so many health problems later on that DOCTORS will have to fix, if possible, with tons of medicines and surgical procedures, yuck!  Not to mention avoiding the typical decline and loss of functionality that many experience with age!


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Guest Le Fou

You have made several PLU followers here in France. We sometimes talked about your comments here. Very insightful. Very much thankful to you @Steve5380. For your whole support and guidance you really mean the a lot to my family. Keep up the great works.

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42 minutes ago, Guest Le Fou said:

You have made several PLU followers here in France. We sometimes talked about your comments here. Very insightful. Very much thankful to you @Steve5380. For your whole support and guidance you really mean the a lot to my family. Keep up the great works.


Merci beaucoup!

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Dear GAYS who want to be happy seniors one day,  ( but why limit it to GAYS? )


We all start very ignorant, unaware that there are things to learn,  and if we are LUCKY we learn these things in time to take advantage of them.  I am such a lucky guy, and hopefully you are too.   Some information on the Internet is not BULSH*T, but it is inspiring with new possibilities.


One of this sources of information is the following video that interviews an expert biochemist.  This man worked for a life insurance company to calculate the life expectancy of those who took out policies, to charge them according to their predicted longevity.  And in the process, he learned about the cause of death of these people. From there working back, he determined what could have prevented their death and extended their lives.   In the video he exposes his knowledge for our benefit. Benefit that is, if we watch it, ha ha.   This video is long, but worth watching... and learning. 



If you open the video on a separate page, you can read the comments that reflect the enthusiasm of his audience.  Many oldies who have seen results from his advices.  By following some of them in time, we increase our chances to become a healthy happy senior.  :) 

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It is common to see old people leaning forwards while walking.  If you wonder why,  there is a common explanation:  this is what comes naturally with aging.  BULLSHHT!   While it comes "naturally",  it does not need TO BE. 


Here is a useful video for those over 80  (  50 is too young to need this ) to remedy the leaning and walk straight again:



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If you are a gay not interested in looking younger  (  if anyone here is of such a rare species )  you may skip this post. 


Otherwise, watch this interesting video.  You may not have all these 5 symptoms,  but just one of them may take away your youthful looks.  I watched and recognized some emerging symptoms I had to correct myself.  After doing so,  this octogenarian is now free of most that could take away his youthful appearance.  :) 




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Ah... one more video by this good psychotherapist.  ONE movement we must never lose?   I didn't know this exists, but now I see that this video makes sense.  Good information!



I am fine with this movement after so many decades of doing squats without something under my heels. But there is one even better promoter of this movement:  the ASIAN SQUAT.


You are mostly Asians,  so you MUST like and do often Asian squats.  Either this,  or you absolutely lose face to a poor octogenarian Ang Moh who enjoys this position.  He even does it in a dojo with a rubber mat.  ( try this, and find that it is harder.  Careful, you may roll back... )

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Guest Chan

I retired in 2023 at the age of 62 with no debt. Professional advisers from major brokerages all seem to encourage me to continue saving, but my nephew have urged me to start spending my savings before I die. I recently started working part-time and am eligible to contribute to a CPF. Should I?

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4 hours ago, Guest Chan said:

I retired in 2023 at the age of 62 with no debt. Professional advisers from major brokerages all seem to encourage me to continue saving, but my nephew have urged me to start spending my savings before I die. I recently started working part-time and am eligible to contribute to a CPF. Should I?


If you enjoy the part-time work you would be doing, you are still young enough to keep working if you are in good health and the work does not deprive you of a satisfactory life.  The decision on working and how long also depends of your savings and other income, like pensions.  Aim at having enough means to be financially independent for the rest of your life. ( and do what you can so that your health span,  the time of life you are healthy, is as long as possible ).  Don't worry about not being able to spend all your money before you die.  It is better to leave some behind, than to end short.  :)   

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Being a religious person,  I am AMAZED  ( not TERRIFIED )  at the observations that are now made with the new James Webb telescope and the tumultuous new thinking about the nature of our Universe.   Being now retired and free of major worries,  I can afford to hold this amazement, although no intelligent being needs to be deprived of this feeling.



One first blessing to realize is that a totally insignificant individual like myself I am able TO SEE today what no humans in the whole history of humanity have ever been able to see before.  The images in these videos are really amazing!


Another shocking realization is that what we see here are not the edges of the Universe,  but what these edges were... billions of years ago!!!  What ARE the edges of the Universe today?   It does not matter at all,  because they cannot possibly affect us before billions of years in the future.  SIMULTANEITY loses its significance,  something good old Einstein and others already found out. 


And having being blessed already with the realization of my immense ignorance, all these new findings and the doubts raised to "important" cosmological theories does not affect me at all.  MY universe today is limited to this tiny planet, my interests are limited to the life of a few persons around me,  and my intellect is centered more around some Lied from Schubert than the whole speculation about Gods in a Supernatural.  This is what my goal of mental health has been, and what I enjoy today. ( and wish everyone else to enjoy ) 

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If the video in the previous post left me AMAZED,  this video here leaves me AMUSED:




I didn't detect the LIE, and I didn't detect anything Horrible.  


Not being a nuclear physicist, much of this stuff left me unmoved.  I am sorry that all these physicists are disappointed for not having found more newness in the universe,  and frustrated that there be something more hidden that they haven't discovered,  but I don't share their concern that the universe is only META-stable and everything may collapse one day. 


Being an octogenarian,  I let the younger gays at BW worry, if they want.  I won't care if the universe collapses in 20 more years or so,  since I will have collapsed myself.  And if my ashes get transformed into something else, so be it!

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1 hour ago, Guest GoldenAlbert12345 said:

@Steve5380, I have to tell you that every single one of your posts brightens my day and makes me SO happy! Thank you so much! ❤❤❤❤


Thank you for reading this thread.  And you are too kind!  ❤❤❤❤

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Hey guys,  watch this video,  isn't this FUN?  



It looks so simple, so KIND!  But surely in a gold medal competition the Judoka may not be so kind.   It is a competitive sport, one has to...win.  But Aikido is different,  there is no competition, no win/lose.  This surely makes it safer.  After 8 years of practicing it, I have never been injured.


You may ask, why does the Aikido guy wear this funny black "hakama" dress?  Frankly... I am not sure...  it is tradition...  and It is kind of a pain to wear... but it is what it is, ha ha.


In a little while I'm out to my Aikido practice.  The topics tonight are: "grounding",  "expanding",  and bokeen (sword) practice.  And you thought that an octogenarian cannot have fun?  :lol:

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