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For gays who will be seniors one day - A Steve5380 Topic!


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On 4/28/2022 at 12:09 AM, InBangkok said:

I do think a discussion about who eats what and what is best for us is really rather pointless. We are all of different ages and we all have different tastes in food. I suggest it is unlikely that any new suggestions made in this forum will find followers.


It seems that the tenor troll has returned, with more senseless negativity.

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It seems that because of the war in Ukraine, there is a worldwide shortage of cooking oil. 


Take this opportunity and say goodbye to cooking oil.  It is not healthy.  Frying food is not healthy.  An exception is olive oil, which is not really a "cooking oil".    Maybe staying away from fast food places that consume cooking oils and grease in industrial quantities would not be a bad idea either, ha ha.

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On 5/1/2022 at 6:34 AM, Steve5380 said:

It seems that the tenor troll has returned, with more senseless negativity.

And clearly you do not change from your routine sitting at home and watching your video screens quite content to direct your vitriol at others when you object to what they have written. If only you realised how childish your comments frequently are!

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On 5/1/2022 at 11:34 PM, InBangkok said:

And clearly you do not change from your routine sitting at home and watching your video screens quite content to direct your vitriol at others when you object to what they have written. If only you realised how childish your comments frequently are!


Some of my comments are intended to humorous, what you call "childish".  I am happy that a long life has preserved the child in me,  who has nothing of naive and all of joyful.  I am sorry to see that age has turned you into a bitter person, possibly also physically all wrinkled like a raisin or a prune.  I don't know how you can remedy this,  otherwise I would tell you.

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On 4/28/2022 at 12:09 AM, InBangkok said:

I do think a discussion about who eats what and what is best for us is really rather pointless. We are all of different ages and we all have different tastes in food. I suggest it is unlikely that any new suggestions made in this forum will find followers.


Of course any discussion about nutrition is pointless.  We all have different mouths, different teeth, different stomachs, different small and large intestines. 


Any discussion about workout is also pointless.  We all have different strength, different endurance, different sizes.


Any discussion about sex is also pointless.  We all have different likenesses, different cocks, different asses.


Any discussion about lifestyles is also pointless.  We all have different lives and different styles.




I'm trying to make it easier for you to object to and criticize what I write in various topics I get involved with. 

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On 5/3/2022 at 9:30 PM, Steve5380 said:

Some of my comments are intended to humorous, what you call "childish".  I am happy that a long life has preserved the child in me,  who has nothing of naive and all of joyful.  I am sorry to see that age has turned you into a bitter person, possibly also physically all wrinkled like a raisin or a prune.  I don't know how you can remedy this,  otherwise I would tell you.

Stating that "some of your comments are intended to be humorous" is something you repeat ad nauseam when you finally cannot think of anything else to say. It becomes incredibly boring and your reasoning childish in the extreme. If you intend a post to be humorous, make that obvious rather than continuously hiding behind it.


As for your descriptions of other posters who do not agree with your comments, they are right out of children's books like those of the Brothers Grimm. In other words, mere fairy tales! Grow up and try to be your age!

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On 5/3/2022 at 10:03 PM, InBangkok said:

Stating that "some of your comments are intended to be humorous" is something you repeat ad nauseam when you finally cannot think of anything else to say. It becomes incredibly boring and your reasoning childish in the extreme. If you intend a post to be humorous, make that obvious rather than continuously hiding behind it.


As for your descriptions of other posters who do not agree with your comments, they are right out of children's books like those of the Brothers Grimm. In other words, mere fairy tales! Grow up and try to be your age!



The humor YOU don't find in my posts is something you repeat ad nauseam,  the same as finding me childish.  But everything is surely childish from the bitterness of your perspective.  Maybe you fell onto this earth as an adult, never having had a childhood...

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On 5/4/2022 at 10:21 AM, Steve5380 said:


The humor YOU don't find in my posts is something you repeat ad nauseam,  the same as finding me childish.  But everything is surely childish from the bitterness of your perspective.  Maybe you fell onto this earth as an adult, never having had a childhood...

Yet another petty and childish comment. 

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Guest Paper
On 5/4/2022 at 4:11 PM, Steve5380 said:


Another malicious, malevolent comment.

U appear wise, a reflection of tastefully ageing wine. Your approach towards life, sex, health and wealth, casually personal and non imposing. You handle insults and criticism with quiet disdain. I don't know u. But I like. Keep sharing.

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On 5/4/2022 at 5:34 PM, Guest Paper said:

U appear wise, a reflection of tastefully ageing wine. Your approach towards life, sex, health and wealth, casually personal and non imposing. You handle insults and criticism with quiet disdain. I don't know u. But I like. Keep sharing.


Thank you Guest Paper,  I hope that much of Steve is not as intoxicating as much of tasteful wine.


We are all constantly being attacked.  Millions of bacteria, germs, fungus and protozoa want to get inside us but are impeded by our healthy thick skin,  our largest organ.  Still, insects like mosquitoes can cause us some trouble.


Here in the forum we can handle the heaviest insults and criticism in the same way my mosquito zapper works:  it attracts them with ultraviolet light,  and then when they try to fly between close electrodes at a high voltage,  they are zapped and fried out of their mean intent. LOL!  I think I just defined a type of my posts that are...  trolls zappers!

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Guest It is me again
On 5/5/2022 at 6:34 AM, Guest Paper said:

U appear wise, a reflection of tastefully ageing wine. Your approach towards life, sex, health and wealth, casually personal and non imposing. You handle insults and criticism with quiet disdain. I don't know u. But I like. Keep sharing.

Don't encourage him. He is already so full.......,


of himself.


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On 5/5/2022 at 12:09 PM, Guest It is me again said:

Don't encourage him. He is already so full.......,


of himself.



We are all so full of ourselves. 


Only a few places in the body are empty, that is, with air in it,  like the mouth, larynx, lungs, esophagus, and a few more.


But there are exceptions.  Like your case.  In your head, all he cranial cavity where a brain should be, is empty.

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Guest Paper
On 5/5/2022 at 6:16 PM, Steve5380 said:


Thank you Guest Paper,  I hope that much of Steve is not as intoxicating as much of tasteful wine.


We are all constantly being attacked.  Millions of bacteria, germs, fungus and protozoa want to get inside us but are impeded by our healthy thick skin,  our largest organ.  Still, insects like mosquitoes can cause us some trouble.


Here in the forum we can handle the heaviest insults and criticism in the same way my mosquito zapper works:  it attracts them with ultraviolet light,  and then when they try to fly between close electrodes at a high voltage,  they are zapped and fried out of their mean intent. LOL!  I think I just defined a type of my posts that are...  trolls zappers!

Your English is immaculately clean crisp. What did you do as a profession? How had ageing affected you (or otherwise)? As a gay person in Singapore and beyond.

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On 5/5/2022 at 3:41 PM, Guest Paper said:

Your English is immaculately clean crisp. What did you do as a profession? How had ageing affected you (or otherwise)? As a gay person in Singapore and beyond.


I am a gay person in Houston, Texas.  So my Singlish is non-existent. I worked for over 30 years as an electrical engineer for the same company, and retired 23 years ago. I am still waiting for ageing to affect me in any significant way.  It may not be at 80, so l may have to wait for 90 and beyond.

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On 5/5/2022 at 5:34 AM, Guest Paper said:

You handle insults and criticism with quiet disdain.

Well, that is definitely a first! "Quiet disdain?" So I suppose reading through @Steve5380's posts Guest Paper finds the following "handling insults with quiet disdain."


On 5/3/2022 at 9:30 PM, Steve5380 said:

I am sorry to see that age has turned you into a bitter person, possibly also physically all wrinkled like a raisin or a prune.

This from the 79 year old poster who has never lived in Asia other than for a few odd weeks of gay sex tourism  and who actually criticised this forum for permitting posts in Chinese. He wrote "I am critical of the abundant posts in Chinese" and suggested that some posts in German would be worthwhile (!)


This from the poster who wrote in April 2021, 'Your post shows you as a poor and failed old man who has become a carper, haranguer, caviler (sp.!), niggler. You are so ridiculous."


This from the poster who wrote in May 2020 "YOU are trash."


And Guest Paper considers this and all his other rants "quiet disdain"! Let's look at another of his posts from  December 2020 -


"Life is short. Why waste it in anger?"


I see a lot of deep rooted anger in those and some of @Steve5380's other posts. And I am not the only one!

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How pathetic is this poor poster who again comes to this positive thread to spread his bitterness.


He has been hit before with my "troll zapper" posts.  And here he comes out of the woodwork again.  


But this is to be expected,  because with the goodness of my heart I adjust the high voltage in my posts so that they are not lethal,  only numbing the zapped,  like sometimes also happen with the bug zapper in my garden. 


My "troll zapper" posts can be considered to be like an electroshock to him, and there is hope that one of these shocks could transform him from a pest into a decent person.  Let's hope for this possibility!

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On 5/6/2022 at 10:08 AM, Steve5380 said:

How pathetic is this poor poster who again comes to this positive thread to spread his bitterness.


He has been hit before with my "troll zapper" posts.  And here he comes out of the woodwork again.

You can spread your lies and your childish insults. These concern me not one whit. Your attempts to back up those lies and insults and to double down on them is what makes your posts so boring. As you have proudly claimed, you are 79 years old. Be your age!

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On 5/5/2022 at 10:18 PM, InBangkok said:


 Be your age!



This poor poster keeps showing how mistaken he is in his thinking.


We are NOT our age!  Our individuality should NOT be a function of our age.  It is a mistake to think that when young we should be careless and irresponsible,  in the 40s we should have settled down and be serious and conservative, and in our 60s and beyond we should accept that life is going downhill and it is too late for anything, and take out a policy to pay for our funeral. 


Everyone is different.  Our actions should not be guided by our age but by our interests, our pursuits of happiness, within the condition of being a decent person. 

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Guest hmm?
On 5/6/2022 at 5:03 AM, Steve5380 said:

I am still waiting for ageing to affect me in any significant way.  It may not be at 80, so l may have to wait for 90 and beyond.

You are saying there is still plenty of room to act cute at 79?  hmm..

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On 5/6/2022 at 5:34 AM, Guest hmm? said:

You are saying there is still plenty of room to act cute at 79?  hmm..


I'm not sure about acting cute,  but there can be some handsome left at 79.

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Guest Holding my nose
On 5/6/2022 at 3:03 AM, Steve5380 said:


We are all so full of ourselves. 


Only a few places in the body are empty, that is, with air in it,  like the mouth, larynx, lungs, esophagus, and a few more.


Now we know who causes so much flatulence in this thread.  You need to consider changing your diet or was it something else?

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On 5/6/2022 at 9:22 PM, Guest Holding my nose said:

Now we know who causes so much flatulence in this thread.  You need to consider changing your diet or was it something else?


It may be the junk food you eat.  Lentils well soaked, washed and cooked, don't cause flatulence.

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On 5/6/2022 at 9:06 PM, Steve5380 said:


I'm not sure about acting cute,  but there can be some handsome left at 79.

Perhaps after the hair transplants, plastic surgeries and botox injections you have been through and told us about several times. Others prefer to age naturally with joy in their hearts and minds.

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On 5/6/2022 at 9:56 PM, InBangkok said:

Perhaps after the hair transplants, plastic surgeries and botox injections you have been through and told us about several times. Others prefer to age naturally with joy in their hearts and minds.


There are actions we all take to prevent things to mature naturally.  For example, we put some fresh produce and dairy products in the refrigerator to prevent them from spoiling.


So, if you like to leave yourself outside to mature naturally and become spoiled, this is your choice.  I prefer to take precautions and stay fresh a longer time. 

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Guest wahahahaha
On 5/7/2022 at 11:05 AM, Steve5380 said:


There are actions we all take to prevent things to mature naturally.  For example, we put some fresh produce and dairy products in the refrigerator to prevent them from spoiling.


So, if you like to leave yourself outside to mature naturally and become spoiled, this is your choice.  I prefer to take precautions and stay fresh a longer time. 

You slept in the refrigerator at night?  Surely, it will keep you fresh every morning....wahahahahaha

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On 5/6/2022 at 10:09 PM, Guest wahahahaha said:

You slept in the refrigerator at night?  Surely, it will keep you fresh every morning....wahahahahaha


That was a couple of months ago, during the cold winter.  I left the home temperature quite low,  and it was cold.  This helped me sleep well under the warm quilt.   In the winter of 2020-2021 we had a long freeze with power outage,  and there was no heating.  So the temperature at home was less than that of a refrigerator,  something convenient since I didn't need any refrigerator to stay "fresh", together with my food, ha ha.

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On 5/7/2022 at 10:05 AM, Steve5380 said:

There are actions we all take to prevent things to mature naturally.  For example, we put some fresh produce and dairy products in the refrigerator to prevent them from spoiling.


So, if you like to leave yourself outside to mature naturally and become spoiled, this is your choice.  I prefer to take precautions and stay fresh a longer time. 

With that silly analogy you could have saved yourself a vast amount of cash by buying a much bigger refrigerator and sleeping in it. Hahaha! Or reduce the temperature in your home to more Arctic levels. Much cheaper.

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On 5/6/2022 at 10:23 PM, InBangkok said:

With that silly analogy you could have saved yourself a vast amount of cash by buying a much bigger refrigerator and sleeping in it. Hahaha! Or reduce the temperature in your home to more Arctic levels. Much cheaper.


Of course your mental capacity is not enough to understand analogies.  Also you incorrectly estimate that handsomeness is limited to the face.  I would still be handsome without all the plastic surgery I have had,  but I like myself more the way I am now. 


We should go for plastic surgery and cosmetic procedures when the rest of the body is in such a good shape that it justifies these improvements.

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On 5/7/2022 at 9:44 AM, Steve5380 said:

It may be the junk food you eat. 

Why do you continue to post what are such obvious lies. I have already posted elsewhere how I have a wonderfully varied diet that includes Japanese, Vietnamese, various types of Chinese and Thai cuisines, in addition to fusion Australian and European foods - and very occasionally Korean. I would not give any of these up - certainly not for lentils. All are healthy and fabulous cuisines. But then you would not know since they do not figure in your life.

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On 5/6/2022 at 10:56 PM, InBangkok said:


Why do you continue to post what are such obvious lies. I have already posted elsewhere how I have a wonderfully varied diet that includes Japanese, Vietnamese, various types of Chinese and Thai cuisines, in addition to fusion Australian and European foods - and very occasionally Korean. I would not give any of these up - certainly not for lentils. All are healthy and fabulous cuisines. But then you would not know since they do not figure in your life.



This post of yours reveals that you were the "Guest Holding my Nose" who wrote about flatulence and to whom I replied.


Why you need to hide behind the disguise of a Guest?  Don't you have enough guts to be who you are?

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On 5/7/2022 at 11:10 AM, Steve5380 said:

This post of yours reveals that you were the "Guest Holding my Nose" who wrote about flatulence and to whom I replied.

Rubbish! I have never posted as a "Guest Holding My Nose". You can argue that point ad nauseam, but you can check with the Moderators. You have become paranoid!

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Now, I know why they never added any series of the Muppet Show...



Statler and Waldorf are outperformed by two grumpy ol men... They can no longer compete with the show here...





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On 5/7/2022 at 2:39 AM, singalion said:

Now, I know why they never added any series of the Muppet Show...



Statler and Waldorf are outperformed by two grumpy ol men... They can no longer compete with the show here...






I think that you are the grumpy old man who outperforms any other with your endless discussions with @7heaven...  😂

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On 5/6/2022 at 11:50 PM, InBangkok said:

Rubbish! I have never posted as a "Guest Holding My Nose". You can argue that point ad nauseam, but you can check with the Moderators. You have become paranoid!


Oh... this is not worth disturbing the Moderator.  Since I removed the "ignore" I had on you the other day,  here I find myself singing with the two tenors again, ha ha. I can put you back on "ignore" at any time.

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On 5/7/2022 at 7:27 PM, Steve5380 said:

Oh... this is not worth disturbing the Moderator.  Since I removed the "ignore" I had on you the other day,  here I find myself singing with the two tenors again, ha ha. I can put you back on "ignore" at any time.

So typical! You make an untrue accusation and then leave it open instead of checking and realising that you were totally WRONG!


You think it concerns me one iota if you read my posts or not? Think again!

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On 5/7/2022 at 8:24 PM, Steve5380 said:


I think that you are the grumpy old man who outperforms any other with your endless discussions with ...  😂


look up the word "grumpy" in the dictionary. 


By the way Steve, haven't I predicted this outcome? 


But as stubborn and grumpy you are, you never listen to well meant recommendations  


I told you, you won't settle this ignoring or denying the issue. 



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Guest Young Boys
On 5/7/2022 at 3:39 PM, singalion said:

Statler and Waldorf are outperformed by two grumpy ol men... They can no longer compete with the show here...

On 5/8/2022 at 11:55 AM, InBangkok said:

So typical! You make an untrue accusation and then leave it open instead of checking and realising that you were totally WRONG!


You think it concerns me one iota if you read my posts or not? Think again!



On 5/7/2022 at 8:27 PM, Steve5380 said:


Oh... this is not worth disturbing the Moderator.  Since I removed the "ignore" I had on you the other day,  here I find myself singing with the two tenors again, ha ha. I can put you back on "ignore" at any time.

So this is how senior gays will look like one day?  3 masketeers pointing pistol at each other, shooting in all directions, hoping to inflict maximum scars and damage on others turf.  Unstoppable, unrelenting and unforgiving.  This young boy here is so freaked by the unhappiness of 3 elderly men I see in this thread.   I do not want to see myself in this situation.  There no hope, no future, and no certainty in the future.   I am running away from here, never to look back ever again.  I am so fucking scared!!!!!    *sobbing*

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Young boy?


Nice try for a near to 50s.... 


When I look at your relentless attacks and insults under the guise of all these Guest nicks.... Guest Guest, then the young guys here should be really scared. 


By the way: Lead with example...


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On 5/7/2022 at 11:14 PM, singalion said:


look up the word "grumpy" in the dictionary. 


By the way Steve, haven't I predicted this outcome? 


But as stubborn and grumpy you are, you never listen to well meant recommendations  


I told you, you won't settle this ignoring or denying the issue. 




The fact from relativity is that if I am 'grumpy',  you are twice as 'grumpy'.  There are no "grumpy meters", ha ha.

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On 5/7/2022 at 10:55 PM, InBangkok said:


You think it concerns me one iota if you read my posts or not? Think again!



Your spiteful question has a logical answer:   YES, you care that I read your posts,  otherwise your malevolence would be wasted,  ha ha.

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On 5/7/2022 at 11:22 PM, Guest Young Boys said:


So this is how senior gays will look like one day?  3 masketeers pointing pistol at each other, shooting in all directions, hoping to inflict maximum scars and damage on others turf.  Unstoppable, unrelenting and unforgiving.  This young boy here is so freaked by the unhappiness of 3 elderly men I see in this thread.   I do not want to see myself in this situation.  There no hope, no future, and no certainty in the future.   I am running away from here, never to look back ever again.  I am so fucking scared!!!!!    *sobbing*


I am sorry for what you are feeling and I apologize.  


Speaking for myself I find that my contributions to this forum have been constructive.  I have brought in topics which are of interest,  I have given plenty of positive advice,  and I am always ready to pass on my experience for the benefit of others.


I have to use on occasion my "troll zapper" posts to keep inevitable irritants at bay.  The two "tenors" here are not under my control.


Be assured, young boy, that you too can develop a thick skin to protect you from the inevitable undesirables in life, like your thick young skin protects you from the millions of germs that would otherwise hurt you.  Then when the time comes, nothing will keep you from experiencing the happiness that comes with age if you stay healthy.


And then, when you are a happy elderly person, you will see the skirmishes going on here as a mostly harmless price to pay for the enjoyment of participating in interesting conversations.


I don't have these conversations at home,  not because I live alone,  but because I would never discuss sex, relationships and other private topics with the beloved persons I have been living with and other acquaintances, in the way I do here. 

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On 5/8/2022 at 9:51 PM, Steve5380 said:


The fact from relativity is that if I am 'grumpy',  you are twice as 'grumpy'.  There are no "grumpy meters", ha ha.

Oh! You are so funny! As for the post by Guest Young Boys, I suggest he looks back through BW threads and actually reads @Steve5380's posts.  He will then find out how aggressive that poster can be and how some of what he writes is stuff he merely reds on the internet and of which he actually has no experience. Some of it is downright wrong, although he will rarely admit it. If he wants examples, i will happily quote them. But that will only set @Steve5380off on another of his rants.


On 5/8/2022 at 10:53 PM, Steve5380 said:

when you are a happy elderly person, you will see the skirmishes going on here as a mostly harmless price to pay for the enjoyment of participating in interesting conversations.

There Guest Young Boys! You have it from the horse's mouth (to be 100% clear that is not a specific accusation against anyone, merely a commonly used expression)


On 5/8/2022 at 11:22 AM, Guest Young Boys said:

This young boy here is so freaked by the unhappiness of 3 elderly men I see in this thread.

Note, there is only old man in this series of posts - the 79 year old who lives in Houston, Texas. According to his own definitions, I - and I assume @singalion - are middle aged.

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On 5/8/2022 at 10:03 PM, InBangkok said:


Note, there is only old man in this series of posts - the 79 year old who lives in Houston, Texas. According to his own definitions, I - and I assume @singalion - are middle aged.



More important than calendar age is biological age.  The number of years is only an approximation in these times of increased longevity.   And we see here already how one of the tenors, who supposedly is somewhat younger than 79,  has already mental problems affecting his correct phrase constructions.  We don't hear him speak,  but maybe his speech is slurring already?   


My definition of middle aged applies to individuals in good health and fully functional.  For them, and for me,  79 is not truly "old",  so we must be also middle aged.

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Here I will go back to a topic I dealt with at the start of this thread:  dementia.


I found a video by a Dr. Stern Ekberg: " #1 Absolute Best Way to Reverse & Slow Dementia "


This title sounds a bit pretentious.  I looked up Dr Ekberg, he is an Olympic decathlon athlete who also got a doctorate in chiropractic and nutrition.  Not a scientist in biology,  but seems serious enough.  Perhaps an easy target for a Duck who cries "quackery",  but what he says makes sense and it can be a look from another angle at the important topic of how to care for our mental health.  It may be worth listen to, and make our own conclusions.  ( he also gets right the benefits of fasting )




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Guest Big Baby
On 5/11/2022 at 9:08 AM, Steve5380 said:

Here I will go back to a topic I dealt with at the start of this thread:  dementia.


Finally, you know how to return to the topic.  I thought you were suffering from dementia. 


Any health books to recommend for keepsake?   So far, I have only kept 1 single book title "How not to die" by Dr Michael Greger.  His diet mostly vegetables and non-meat diet because he think meat are toxic to human body.  Previously, you suggested "2-meal-a day" by Mark Sisson. The first half of his book is interesting, but not the 2nd half.  I am still pondering if I need to add that to my book shelve.

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On 5/11/2022 at 9:08 AM, Steve5380 said:

Dr. Stern Ekberg


The thing is, “DR” Berg as it was mentioned previously is not a Dr, Not a dietitian, not a nutritionist and he is giving medical and nutritional advice. It doesnt "just mean that he received the 6 hours of (totally wrong) nutrition “education”. It means that he is in no way qualified to give any advice on the internet or in the real world about vaccines for example (he is anti vaccines), or about “adrenal fatigue”, which according to all endocrinolgy societies to date, it doesnt even exist. He promotes keto for EVERYBODY. And while it is true that keto has many benefits, it doesnt mean it is the ONLY way and not even the BEST way. It suits many, but not all. And he does use DR to give more weight to his opinions. He promotes a lot of pseudoscience for sure. And is is definitely a zealot who doesnt see and respect medical consensus.



By medical training he is a chiropractor. In many countries chiropractors are not even considered as Dr.


Although I wouldn't mind a Swedish massage...


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On 5/10/2022 at 8:26 PM, Guest Big Baby said:

Finally, you know how to return to the topic.  I thought you were suffering from dementia. 


Any health books to recommend for keepsake?   So far, I have only kept 1 single book title "How not to die" by Dr Michael Greger.  His diet mostly vegetables and non-meat diet because he think meat are toxic to human body.  Previously, you suggested "2-meal-a day" by Mark Sisson. The first half of his book is interesting, but not the 2nd half.  I am still pondering if I need to add that to my book shelve.


I don't have many health books. I get my information about health from diverse sources. The book "two meals a day", which I have on e-book, I find it to be a good one and I have read most of it, except the recipes.  I have not recognized two halves of it, so I don't know what you mean by the 2nd half.


I didn't know the book "How not to die" but I looked it up,  it seems to be a good recipes book and I may read it, although I have my meals already well defined, with plenty of vegetables and plant protein.  

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On 5/11/2022 at 5:06 AM, singalion said:


The thing is, “DR” Berg as it was mentioned previously is not a Dr, Not a dietitian, not a nutritionist and he is giving medical and nutritional advice. It doesnt "just mean that he received the 6 hours of (totally wrong) nutrition “education”. It means that he is in no way qualified to give any advice on the internet or in the real world about vaccines for example (he is anti vaccines), or about “adrenal fatigue”, which according to all endocrinolgy societies to date, it doesnt even exist. He promotes keto for EVERYBODY. And while it is true that keto has many benefits, it doesnt mean it is the ONLY way and not even the BEST way. It suits many, but not all. And he does use DR to give more weight to his opinions. He promotes a lot of pseudoscience for sure. And is is definitely a zealot who doesnt see and respect medical consensus.


By medical training he is a chiropractor. In many countries chiropractors are not even considered as Dr.


Although I wouldn't mind a Swedish massage...



I find that being a medical doctor does not automatically qualify an author,  and in the same way, the absence of a medical doctor degree does not automatically disqualify an author.  Stern Ekberg seems to be an intelligent and capable individual, judging from his curriculum vitae. He has experience and interest in the human body,  he is more 'holistic' than what one learns in medical school, which does not include much nutrition. 


If keto has many benefits, this is sufficient reason to recommend it.  It does not need to suit all, to be the only way, to be the best way,  few things are.  We don't need to fall for a specific doctrine by a specific individual.  We should widen our research in the field of health, beyond the traditional without discarding it, accepting alternate theories, and establishing our own ideologies.  This is the idea behind my posting many videos from different authors.  Think about it, evaluate it and make your own conclusions.  Don't be afraid to try out new ideas, as long as they don't appear dangerously harmful, and give much importance to what you personally experience as positive.

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