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For gays who will be seniors one day - A Steve5380 Topic!


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Guest wahahahaha
On 5/11/2022 at 8:10 PM, Steve5380 said:

I have my meals already well defined, with plenty of vegetables and plant protein.  


On 5/11/2022 at 8:31 PM, Steve5380 said:

Don't be afraid to try out new ideas, 

The words and mouth does not synchronise here.  I hope you didn't twist your tongue...wahahahaha


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On 5/11/2022 at 8:32 AM, Guest wahahahaha said:


The words and mouth does not synchronise here.  I hope you didn't twist your tongue...wahahahaha



Oh, thanks.  But I'm not twisting my tongue here, wahahahaha. 


My meals are well defined,  but this does not keep me from trying out new ideas.  Like the other day, I started adding chia seeds to my lentils to have a complete protein.  I see no contradictions.

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Guest It make sense
On 5/11/2022 at 10:24 PM, Steve5380 said:


My meals are well defined,  but this does not keep me from trying out new ideas.  Like the other day, I started adding chia seeds to my lentils to have a complete protein.  I see no contradictions.

Having analyised your standard diet.  I think I know why.  Those beans, legumes, seeds and canned tomato,  are easy to hold for months and save you from driving for hours to fetch simple groceries.  Unlike Singapore, where many of us can get whatever we needed within walking distance, like fresh vegetables, fruits, meat...etc.  You cannot hold those items for long, even in your freezer.  So you resort to eating the same things daily.  Things that save you from travelling daily to get them.   Now petrol is not cheap in America too, so it makes perfect sense why you stick to the same "diet", not because of healthy reason by convenient reason.  On the other hand, I also felt you were deprived of enjoying variety of different foods as a result?   You need to do something about it. 

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On 5/11/2022 at 10:05 AM, Guest It make sense said:

Having analyised your standard diet.  I think I know why.  Those beans, legumes, seeds and canned tomato,  are easy to hold for months and save you from driving for hours to fetch simple groceries.  Unlike Singapore, where many of us can get whatever we needed within walking distance, like fresh vegetables, fruits, meat...etc.  You cannot hold those items for long, even in your freezer.  So you resort to eating the same things daily.  Things that save you from travelling daily to get them.   Now petrol is not cheap in America too, so it makes perfect sense why you stick to the same "diet", not because of healthy reason by convenient reason.  On the other hand, I also felt you were deprived of enjoying variety of different foods as a result?   You need to do something about it. 


Yes, it makes sense.   I follow a repetitive diet for convenience, although I don't to drive for hours to a grocery store.  I have three huge grocery stores at walking distance from my house.  And I frequently also buy perishable food that I eat daily.  The repetitive diet saves me from having to dwell much on it,  it is easy to prepare, nearly with my eyes closed.   Very rarely I feel any interest to eat something different.  This may not be easy to understand, it comes with habit.


Some easy perishable food I buy frozen and keep it so,  like blueberries,  filets of salmon, big pieces of meat, etc. Some fruits I like to eat last a very long time in the fridge, not frozen,  like apples.  Cheese and eggs also last a long time in the fridge.


Thank you for analyzing my diet.  I wish you a healthy life following a healthy diet.

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On 5/11/2022 at 8:32 PM, Guest wahahahaha said:

The words and mouth does not synchronise here.  I hope you didn't twist your tongue...wahahahaha

Do not forget @Steve5380's "selective memory for delicious food" - his very words in the Taiwan thread in this forum. And do recall that he enjoys chocolate mousse. Or at least he did. Maybe now that is diet is so restrictive and repetitive through personal choice, perhaps his enjoyment of delicious food is merely somewhere at the back of his "selective memory" and not on his dining table. hahaha.

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On 5/11/2022 at 11:05 PM, Guest It make sense said:

Having analyised your standard diet.  I think I know why.  Those beans, legumes, seeds and canned tomato,  are easy to hold for months and save you from driving for hours to fetch simple groceries.  Unlike Singapore, where many of us can get whatever we needed within walking distance, like fresh vegetables, fruits, meat...etc.  You cannot hold those items for long, even in your freezer.  So you resort to eating the same things daily.  Things that save you from travelling daily to get them.   Now petrol is not cheap in America too, so it makes perfect sense why you stick to the same "diet", not because of healthy reason by convenient reason.  On the other hand, I also felt you were deprived of enjoying variety of different foods as a result?   You need to do something about it. 


Could be a result of stinginess or lack of financial resources also. Who would know???



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On 5/12/2022 at 12:45 AM, InBangkok said:

Do not forget @Steve5380's "selective memory for delicious food" - his very words in the Taiwan thread in this forum. And do recall that he enjoys chocolate mousse. Or at least he did. Maybe now that is diet is so restrictive and repetitive through personal choice, perhaps his enjoyment of delicious food is merely somewhere at the back of his "selective memory" and not on his dining table. hahaha.


Don't make him chew on  peanuts...



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On 5/11/2022 at 1:40 PM, singalion said:


Could be a result of stinginess or lack of financial resources also. Who would know???




You have no way to know.  But I know.   Food does not make any significant dent in my income because I never eat in restaurants and I enjoy being frugal.   For your information,  frugality is not the same as stinginess.


For example, I enjoy eating almonds and peanuts. They are healthy food.  In the store they have some delicious almonds and peanuts covered in dark chocolate,  yummmm...  But I know that they are extremely dangerous for their ability to create addiction.  So my recourse against this is twofold:  I rather eat fine dark chocolate bars, not so addictive, than the not so refined chocolate covering the nuts (nutrition consciousness), and the price of these "candy" is not reasonable compared to fine chocolate bars ( smartness and frugality )


If I had the patience to make it,  I would in rare occasions add to the enjoyment of chocolate the dessert chocolate mousse.   I would not return to the Taipei 101 just to eat it,  I don't go to any fine restaurants here in Houston,  and I don't want to worry about growing a belly with this rich dessert.  

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Guest huh???????
On 5/12/2022 at 12:14 AM, Steve5380 said:

The repetitive diet saves me from having to dwell much on it,  it is easy to prepare, nearly with my eyes closed.   Very rarely I feel any interest to eat something different. 

Oh dear, Oh dear.  I hope you didn't fall asleep preparing something so repetitive just to get by, or worse accidentally cut your hands or burn down your house being "half awake".  I treated my food  sacred and prepared them with my heart full of joy.  Sometimes I sang along while stirring the broth or dance while chopping an onion.  I also listened to music or whistle when I am busy making food. Once done, I set the table, lit a candle and pour myself a cup of pure orange juice.  It was never boring, never repetitive on my food.  It makes them taste delicious.  

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Guest Not a Rocket Science
On 5/12/2022 at 12:14 AM, Steve5380 said:

it is easy to prepare, nearly with my eyes closed.   This may not be easy to understand,

It is perfectly easy to understand,  Repetitive and boring stuffs tend to make a person feels sleepy.  

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Guest Guest
On 5/12/2022 at 8:44 AM, Steve5380 said:

For example, I enjoy eating almonds and peanuts. They are healthy food. 


Oh? Peanuts are healthy food now? Didn't you say otherwise last time?

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On 5/12/2022 at 8:44 AM, Steve5380 said:


You have no way to know.  But I know.   Food does not make any significant dent in my income because I never eat in restaurants and I enjoy being frugal.   For your information,  frugality is not the same as stinginess.


For example, I enjoy eating almonds and peanuts. They are healthy food.  In the store they have some delicious almonds and peanuts covered in dark chocolate,  yummmm...  But I know that they are extremely dangerous for their ability to create addiction.  So my recourse against this is twofold:  I rather eat fine dark chocolate bars, not so addictive, than the not so refined chocolate covering the nuts (nutrition consciousness), and the price of these "candy" is not reasonable compared to fine chocolate bars ( smartness and frugality )


If I had the patience to make it,  I would in rare occasions add to the enjoyment of chocolate the dessert chocolate mousse.   I would not return to the Taipei 101 just to eat it,  I don't go to any fine restaurants here in Houston,  and I don't want to worry about growing a belly with this rich dessert.  


Some active tops can eventually encounter chocolate mousse (actually Mousse au chocolat) accidentally in Taipeh too...


So far I kept quiet on this but I m not sure Taipeh is 'that' place for mousse au chocolat...


Your travel plans to Asia are more dreams than reality. In Singapore they have sufficiently statues in saunas already, they surely don't need a 80y old one.....and even the most leftist Singaporean won't tear a statue in these saunas down.. don't forget Anti-Americanism is widely spread in leftists... 


Also since your posts don't make addictive, at least they keep the readers digestion going...

After all they share one healthy benefit, something that can't be said about the content of your health advice...


It is easy to make your own dark chocolate almonds just buy some baking chocolate...



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On 5/12/2022 at 7:44 AM, Steve5380 said:

Food does not make any significant dent in my income because I never eat in restaurants and I enjoy being frugal.   

Yet again you appear to contradict yourself. You once told us about taking a Chinese lad you had met in a sauna in Singapore to an expensive Chinese restaurant where you had trouble remembering the type of cutlery on each guests' place setting as you entered - even though Chinese restaurants almost exclusively have chopsticks and various plates on the table on entry and have to be asked for western cutlery.


Now you have told us about your delight in chocolate mousse - one I share. You also told you ate it whilst looking out at the wonderful view from the observation deck of Taipei 101. But now you tell us "you never eat in restaurants". That has a red light flashing because the few restaurants at the observation deck level of Taipei 1010 are humungously expensive. There is no snack bar there. You have to order a meal there. But sine YOU were the first and only poster actually to mention your enjoyment of the mousse au chocolat (merci, @singalion) and raised the issue in this thread, you now clam up and say nothing and want the issue to vanish. The inference is pretty clear!


I admire your being frugal. It is very easy to eat well and be frugal in Taipei, but that mostly means eating Chinese/Taiwanese cuisine and we know that this it certainly not one of your favourites.

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On 5/11/2022 at 9:01 PM, Guest Not a Rocket Science said:

It is perfectly easy to understand,  Repetitive and boring stuffs tend to make a person feels sleepy.  


On 5/11/2022 at 8:55 PM, Guest huh??????? said:

Oh dear, Oh dear.  I hope you didn't fall asleep preparing something so repetitive just to get by, or worse accidentally cut your hands or burn down your house being "half awake".  I treated my food  sacred and prepared them with my heart full of joy.  Sometimes I sang along while stirring the broth or dance while chopping an onion.  I also listened to music or whistle when I am busy making food. Once done, I set the table, lit a candle and pour myself a cup of pure orange juice.  It was never boring, never repetitive on my food.  It makes them taste delicious.  


You guys need to learn that " nearly with my eyes closed " is an expression that means that it is extremely easy to do.  You can believe me that for me, to cook my lentils with vegetables is extremely easy.   And I also do it from the heart,  feeling so empowered... 


On 5/11/2022 at 9:10 PM, Guest Guest said:


Oh? Peanuts are healthy food now? Didn't you say otherwise last time?


Peanuts have always been a healthy food, when eaten in moderation.  A good source of protein, fiber, healthy fat, vitamins, minerals, etc.  

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On 5/12/2022 at 11:06 AM, Steve5380 said:

You can believe me that for me, to cook my lentils with vegetables is extremely easy.   And I also do it from the heart,  feeling so empowered... 

I have no doubt that you do it from the heart. But do you really enjoy it after your meal is cooked, for you have told us that you eat your meals while watching television?

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On 5/11/2022 at 9:55 PM, singalion said:

If it goes on... the mousse au chocolat will end up as a stinky tofu...






LOL!   I haven't seen tofu in the recipe of chocolate mousse.  I doubt that the one I ate at Taipei-101 had tofu,  that would contradict the one who is blabbering about how expensive that restaurant there is.

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On 5/12/2022 at 11:10 AM, Steve5380 said:

LOL!   I haven't seen tofu in the recipe of chocolate mousse.  I doubt that the one I ate at Taipei-101 had tofu,  that would contradict the one who is blabbering about how expensive that restaurant there is.

So you purchased your delicious chocolate mousse at one of the expensive restaurants at the top of Taipei 101. But that negates what you wrote earlier - 


On 5/12/2022 at 7:44 AM, Steve5380 said:

I never eat in restaurants and I enjoy being frugal.


So which is true. You purchased it in one of the restaurants on the observation deck, all of which are expensive - or you do in fact sometimes eat in expensive restaurants? It's either one or the other! Easy to answer that question.

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On 5/12/2022 at 9:55 AM, singalion said:

If it goes on... the mousse au chocolat will end up as a stinky tofu...



haha! But from his reply clearly @Steve5380 does not know what stinky tofu is! As if anyone in an expensive Taipei 101 restaurant would consider any form of tofu as an ingredient to a mousse au chocolat! LOL So funny!

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On 5/12/2022 at 7:44 AM, Steve5380 said:

If I had the patience to make it,  I would in rare occasions add to the enjoyment of chocolate the dessert chocolate mousse.   I would not return to the Taipei 101 just to eat it,  I don't go to any fine restaurants here in Houston,  and I don't want to worry about growing a belly with this rich dessert.  

Ah! So you would not make it because you are worried about growing a belly with a rich dessert? Understandable. But how come you were not worried about your belly when you ate presumably just one helping of chocolate mousse in Taipei 101 - or so you tell us?


You also tell us now that you never go to any "fine restaurants here in Houston." Yet just a few posts earlier you informed us you never went to ANY restaurants! It seems you are again tying yourself up in knots.

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I don't know why you keep so much time spending on the Mousse au Chocolat with Steve and Taiwan.

Also lately as you detected In Bangkok he started confusing Taipeh with Seoul and there were other errors with other cities in his posts.


The restaurants at the top floor Taipeh 101 don't permit walk ins, you need to reserve weeks before,....

The rich and pretend to be rich go to these restaurants for celebrations...


And look at the tight budget of Steve at all his previous Asia posts, he spent in Singapore in the most daring bunkers, he wrote that he doesn't like to spend money on expensive food, ....


These Taipeh 101 top floor restaurants go for 4000 Taiwan Dollars and up, with a drink and dessert you end up at around 6,000 plus tax


Do you really think Steve spent USD 150 - 300 for eating at Taipeh 101?

It was probably a crumbly chocolate pie at McD or something at 微熱山丘 at Basement 1.

And probably that was already much too expensive for him...


You must be kidding.

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On 5/12/2022 at 12:06 PM, Steve5380 said:


You guys need to learn that " nearly with my eyes closed " is an expression that means that it is extremely easy to do.  You can believe me that for me, to cook my lentils with vegetables is extremely easy.   And I also do it from the heart,  feeling so empowered... 

Empowered?  Llet's be honest and talked seriously. Nobody is going to fault you because……


When a person is reaching 80 years old or beyond, according to my observations, the zest in life began to wane.


Unlike youngsters, shopping and leaving your home over some chores can be quite cumbersome. The energy is just not there for most elderly. As a result, they don't enjoy adventure, surprises, or loud social activities deemed too draining for their age.  Often, the social workers have to push them, to do the most mundane exercises, among similarly aged folks.  It doesn't help being confronted with such reality and it is difficult for me to pen further, but I will try….


At home, doing standard and familiar work saves time, both physically and mentally. Too much thought process poured over a simple meal, can be daunting which is your current situation.  You eat to live. Thus, you see no point in splurging on tasty kinds of stuff, or going that extra mile on your food repertories.  Your mindset is to quickly get over it and create more resting time and free up more space.  It is perfectly understandable.   As such, life is much easier to maneuver into the void,  like an old fox, aimlessly moving in the shadowy forest, just to pass the lonesome days and then disappeared without leaving  trail of a clue. 


Occasionally, your pitiful howl can still be heard under the mourning moon, echoed into this BW chamber, which is too painful to watch…from a distance.  May be, you are screaming for help and nobody knows what your problem is.


For gay who will be senior one day. The above is not for the faint of heart.  

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On 5/12/2022 at 6:17 AM, Why? said:

Empowered?  Llet's be honest and talked seriously. Nobody is going to fault you because……


When a person is reaching 80 years old or beyond, according to my observations, the zest in life began to wane.


For gay who will be senior one day. The above is not for the faint of heart.  


Your posts are not for the faint of heart.  They can scare.


Like the above one, where you show your deep fear of aging.  You think that when aging "the zest in life begins to wane", "the energy is just not there", start "eating to live", or "living to eat",  take your pick, "aimlessly moving in the shadowy forest", "emitting pitiful howl", and a myriad of other problems.


The reality is that there should be no fundamental differences in our lives as young, middle-aged, seniors.  Some interests may change, like the one for sex when young,  but this is more than made up by new interests that arise when being older, like the arts, philosophy, existential theories, etc.  I am finding out that the joy of good emotions can be as satisfying as the physical joy from sex.   But all this becomes a reality if...  if we invest in aging by having a healthy lifestyle, avoiding so many dumb negative addictions that we may catch along our life,  and in this way preserving the full functionality of our body and mind.


Perhaps your deep fear of aging comes from you being convinced that it is too late to reach the above objectives.  Don't indulge in these negative thoughts.  It is NEVER too late,  we should reject defeatist ideas.


Take the case of a middle-aged man with big belly and diabetes.  It must be sad to think what the outcome will be.  But even he can take action and find a remedy for his situation.  It might not be easy, but it is possible.  I have posted videos in this thread that give information about halting the progress of diabetes and even reverse it.  One of my early videos, which seems to have disappeared,  is this one:




Are the treatments by Alan Goldhamer too extreme?   Well, it does not need to be so extreme.  Between fasting for 40 days, and doing nothing, there must be countless intermediate approaches that can give amazing positive results.


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Guest Guest
On 5/12/2022 at 3:20 PM, singalion said:

The restaurants at the top floor Taipeh 101 don't permit walk ins, you need to reserve weeks before,....

The rich and pretend to be rich go to these restaurants for celebrations...


The sour grapes are strong with this one - Yoda | Meme Generator

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On 5/12/2022 at 7:27 PM, Guest Guest said:


The sour grapes are strong with this one - Yoda | Meme Generator


This is nothing new.  This time it is not about sour grapes but delicious chocolate mousse,  of which he is envious that I ate it up on the Taipei-101.  


All this obsession of the two tenors with my chocolate mousse give me desires to eat it again.  Since I don't go to restaurants, fine or not, I checked on the web at the three groceries stores nearby, and I found at Kroger its "Private Selection" Belgian Dark Chocolate Mousse Desert.  I looked at its many ingredients resulting in 24g fat and 32 g sugar and was not impressed.  But it won't kill me, and it could be a one-time event.  In any case, it is less trouble than another trip to Taiwan now.

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On 5/13/2022 at 9:14 AM, Steve5380 said:

All this obsession of the two tenors with my chocolate mousse give me desires to eat it again.

You keep mentioning tenors and I am certain that the vast majority of readers in the BW forums will not have the slightest idea what you mean by it. They may be aware that a tenor is a type of voice often heard in operas and recitals, but  nothing more. You, on the other hand, may be referring to an entertainment phenomenon of the 1990s, a decade when many readers to BW will not have been born, called The three Tenors (you started this by referring to three but have now changed your tune (sic) and refer only to two.


As stated, in their 30 or so huge arena concerts they were massively popular - almost as big as Michael Jackson and Madonna with crowds of 50,000 plus at some of their concerts and many millions buying their CDs and DVDs. If indeed that is to what you are alluding and if, as seems likely, one of the tenors to which refer is myself, I am flattered. I know I am popular, but had not been aware you considered me that popular. hahaha

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On 5/12/2022 at 9:44 PM, InBangkok said:

You keep mentioning tenors and I am certain that the vast majority of readers in the BW forums will not have the slightest idea what you mean by it. They may be aware that a tenor is a type of voice often heard in operas and recitals, but  nothing more. You, on the other hand, may be referring to an entertainment phenomenon of the 1990s, a decade when many readers to BW will not have been born, called The three Tenors (you started this by referring to three but have now changed your tune (sic) and refer only to two.


As stated, in their 30 or so huge arena concerts they were massively popular - almost as big as Michael Jackson and Madonna with crowds of 50,000 plus at some of their concerts and many millions buying their CDs and DVDs. If indeed that is to what you are alluding and if, as seems likely, one of the tenors to which refer is myself, I am flattered. I know I am popular, but had not been aware you considered me that popular. hahaha


How sad that you don't have the honesty to be truthful and explain to any reader here, if there are any, who does not know where "the tenors" comes from. that this comes from a thread the Moderator created in January:  "The three vocal tenors of BW: Steve5380 vs InBangkok vs Singalion" 


This happened after you descended on this thread " For gays who will be seniors one day, a Steve5380 topic"  with the intention of discredit everything I was writing by calling it "quackery", and then Singalion joined with more discrediting. 


The discussion in this thread of "the three vocal tenors" became so dissonant that the thread was moved to the Flaming Room, where it is now. 


You seem to have an obsession with dishonest malevolence that is difficult to justify in a person of your apparent education.  There must be some deep hate that drives this.   I wish you find some help, and more immediately, that you stay out of my thread.

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On 5/13/2022 at 8:33 PM, Steve5380 said:

This happened after you descended on this thread " For gays who will be seniors one day, a Steve5380 topic"  with the intention of discredit everything I was writing by calling it "quackery", and then Singalion joined with more discrediting. 

Don't be so utterly simplistic. My responses to your posts were nothing to do with discrediting anything other than the actions you were promoting. They were pure and simple quackery and most have been proved as such. To suggest, as you did, that young working Singaporeans and other readers would benefit from 5 days water fasting is very far from a recipe for longer life. It is a recipe for a fast trip to the hospital emergency room! As an old man, you could not even complet five days - so why promote it to younger readers who will be working hard each day, meeting friends, doing exercise and goodness knows what other activities. They need food to provide them with energy - not a steady diet of nothing but water.

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On 5/13/2022 at 9:23 AM, InBangkok said:

Don't be so utterly simplistic. My responses to your posts were nothing to do with discrediting anything other than the actions you were promoting. They were pure and simple quackery and most have been proved as such. To suggest, as you did, that young working Singaporeans and other readers would benefit from 5 days water fasting is very far from a recipe for longer life. It is a recipe for a fast trip to the hospital emergency room! As an old man, you could not even complet five days - so why promote it to younger readers who will be working hard each day, meeting friends, doing exercise and goodness knows what other activities. They need food to provide them with energy - not a steady diet of nothing but water.


"Anything other"?   This is nearly non-existent.  I have been the one who has promoted most of the healthcare information here.  This is what you have been discrediting and obviously, because I HAVE PROMOTED IT.  To discredit ME.  


Otherwise, it is difficult to imagine how you would have any honest justification for it.  You are not an expert in healthcare, you have no experience with patients,  you have not tried these approaches yourself.   I have.  Much of my motivation is that the claims made in the videos about the benefits of their approaches, I have had confirmed in my own excellent health.  I started to write about fasting AFTER I started fasting.  


It is far from the truth that I pushed young Singaporeans into 5 days water fasting.  I made this one personal goal and I fasted for 4 days,  feeling well in the process, never "making a fast trip to the hospital emergency room".  The videos I posted recommend longer time fasting as a way to remedy metabolism problems,  and moderate fasting as a good health practice.  I don't need to remedy my metabolism, and now I am doing intermittent fasting for its health benefits.  Nobody ends in a hospital because of this.


You don't have sufficient knowledge to judge the practices I have been posting here.  So you should remain impartial, with perhaps some likenesses and dislikes.  But to plainly condemn them was completely out of place.  

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On 5/14/2022 at 9:22 AM, Steve5380 said:

I made this one personal goal and I fasted for 4 days,  feeling well in the process, never "making a fast trip to the hospital emergency room".

I recall that you lasted 4 days. But you live an almost totally sedentary lifestyle in your Herman Miller chair. Do you imagine that any young Singaporeans or indeed any young people actually spend their days doing nothing but watching videos or playing a piano? Of course not. That existence expends very little energy. A young active person with a job and all that that entails would suffer greatly trying to exist only on only water for even 24 hours. Your water fasting may be suitable for near octogenarians. Not for those in their 20s - 60s.

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Let me try to correct some of your wrong thinking.


Good health does not require a constant burning of calories doing simple things like working in an office behind a desk, or traveling to attend live concerts.  To get the benefits of exercising it is sufficient to do it INTENSELY for short periods of time,  like my workouts lifting heavy weights and sweating on aerobic exercise machines four times a week.  And a practice of piano playing is not exactly the same as lazing around.  Same with doing stretching exercises, working in the garden, etc.  I can do my activities perfectly well while fasting for 16 hours. (intermittent fasting)


And an active, still young person like David Sinclair, whose research you have repeatedly called "quackery",  lives on one meal a day.  That is,  he fasts for 23 hours, assuming that it takes him one hour to eat dinner.  Even if YOU think that this individual is a charlatan,  he was invited to give a talk at NUS,  National University of Singapore.  I did post this video somewhere.   NUS is not known for inviting charlatans.  But as of charlatans,  you are free to post your stuff here, even if you are not invited.



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  • 2 weeks later...

After having made my recommendation for eating lentils,  I want to continue with a recommendation for how we store our food.  


I have traditionally used plastic food containers made of plastic, good quality ones made by Rubbermaid.  I have a large collection of these, mostly square and of all sizes, that used to fill up my fridge with cooked or partially eaten food. 


About 2 months ago I purchased a set of GLASS food containers, made by Pyrex, round and square of different sizes, the largest about 7 cups, and I am highly impressed.  I notice that glass containers feel much cleaner, practical, easier to clean.  Since then, all the plastic ones have gone back and remain in the drawers.  


Something similar I experienced with the bowls I eat out of.  Plastic has been gone for some time, now they are all white Corelle dishes made of "vitrelle",  bonded laminated glass layers very thin, unbreakable (I have not tested this) and ideal to use and clean. 


It is known that an average person ingests about 5 grams of plastic (microplastics) a week.  No information of what this does inside,  but I don't like the idea.  Glass is so much more appealing than plastics, and therefore, no more plastics for my food.  I don't know the availability of glass tableware, dishware you have in Singapore,  but if you give it a try you may be pleased as I am. 

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For gays who will be seniors one day,  or are seniors already, or anything else,  it can be interesting to know how to preserve a good posture.  There is this image of middle aged, older or old folk who always are bended forwards, with head hanging forwards.


I just saw an interesting video on "how to fix hunchback posture in 3 minutes":




Here a cute guy with cute narrow mouth explains a simple exercise to correct this:  leaning against a wall and pressing the core to the wall so that there is no gap at the level of the waist, and pressing the head back against the wall but keeping the chin down.  in addition perhaps, also pressing the shoulders against the wall.


I know this simple exercise works well because I do exactly the same, but laying with my back on the floor, and pressing everything against it.  I do it as part of my stretching exercises.  Younger or older,  try it and your posture will improve if it needs to, or stay optimum if it already is so.

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On 5/13/2022 at 8:33 PM, Steve5380 said:

You seem to have an obsession with dishonest malevolence that is difficult to justify in a person of your apparent education.  There must be some deep hate that drives this.   I wish you find some help, and more immediately, that you stay out of my thread.

Oh dear! Oh dear! @Steve5380 is at it again. Attacking and trashing  posters who do not agree with him. And he insults other readers by writing this in HIS thread! What? Who gave the thread its name? You? Nonsense! It was a Moderator. So you trash the Moderator as well!


We still have heard of no other contributor to this forum who goes on 5 day water diets. We have not even heard of one who goes on 2-day water diets. So your advice has fallen on very deaf ears. Others have clearly seen through the quackery. As they have for your prescription for a longer life by eating mostly beans and lentils for your meals - and watching television whilst you eat. That is what you wrote - remember?


I have other advice for those who will be seniors one day. Don't take advice from other people, especially someone who sits at home most days watching television screens and playing his pianos. Enjoy life as you wish to enjoy it - always remembering that moderation is important. I have a better idea.


On Sunday my partner and I celebrated our anniversary. We invited four friends for a delicious Italian brunch in a simple restaurant with beautiful Italian food, a light Pinot Grigio and a heavier Montepulciano d'Abruzzo red wine. We then flew on a budget airline to Khao Lak north of Phuket where there is a stunning beach - better than almost all those in Phuket. Breakfast was part of our inexpensive deal and in the evenings we dined on lovely Thai food at one of several local eateries on the beach. After 3 days, refreshed and happy, we flew home and back into our work routine. It is the company of good friends, good food and short trips to beautiful places that will keep you young. It will certainly make your life a great deal more pleasant! 




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On 5/28/2022 at 12:34 AM, InBangkok said:


On Sunday my partner and I celebrated our anniversary. We invited four friends for a delicious Italian brunch in a simple restaurant with beautiful Italian food, a light Pinot Grigio and a heavier Montepulciano d'Abruzzo red wine. We then flew on a budget airline to Khao Lak north of Phuket where there is a stunning beach - better than almost all those in Phuket. Breakfast was part of our inexpensive deal and in the evenings we dined on lovely Thai food at one of several local eateries on the beach. After 3 days, refreshed and happy, we flew home and back into our work routine. It is the company of good friends, good food and short trips to beautiful places that will keep you young. It will certainly make your life a great deal more pleasant! 



Given your record of misrepresentations, it is easy to question the veracity of your "celebration".  


I looked again at your profile,  and in the past week you wrote 19 posts,  of which 18 were nasty, malevolent replies and comments about me,  and ONE post you made in my thread "Instrumental Music" with your habitual music trivia.   So... 95% (!!!) of your activity at BW is directed against me.   I didn't know that I am such an important person, ha ha.  But I am convinced that I am not important at all,  it is you who is so miserable, overweight and getting high on wine.  Please read again what I have posted about preventing dementia and reestablishing a metabolism that can allow you to lose weight.



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On 5/28/2022 at 9:48 PM, Steve5380 said:

Given your record of misrepresentations, it is easy to question the veracity of your "celebration". 

Ha! You will never accept that it is you who yet again made a mistake. You are the one who makes all the misrepresentations. And you always fail to correct them!


I totally enjoyed our celebration, as did my parter and our friends. And our short holiday was bliss even though it rained quite heavily in the late afternoons. No doubt you trash it because you are jealous. How could anyone prefer a diet of beans and water to lovely Italian and Thai food along with some very pleasant wine?


Funny, isn't it! Not one other poster has agreed with your quackery about water fasting - even for one day, the type of meals that you eat seemingly every day and your decision to give up wine. And yet you spend so much time attempting to persuade readers that yours is virtually the only way to live a long life. That is the real joke here! 

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I found another video by this cute guy,  a little less cute due to some dumb hairs above his mouth,  but with an interesting observation:  the importance of our posture while we are in bed. 



To begin with, that couch where he demonstrate his posture doesn't seem optimum to sleep on.  We should sleep on a FIRM mattress.  And on such mattress, or on the carpeted floor, or on a rubber mat like I have at home, we can replicate the posture he recommended in his previous video. The right pillow is important!


I have found my right pillow:  it is NO pillow at all.  I sleep mostly on my back, the head with chin down and neck trying to push down.  When during the night I turn to sleep on the sides, I stretch out my arm  (I have a large king size bed) and hold my head on it.  Occasionally I have several visitors spending the night in my home, and I cede my bedroom to some while I sleep on my big 8 x 4 feet thick rubber mat that lies on what should be my dining room.  It gives me excellent sleep.


The ironies of this life!  Inexpensive lentils can be much healthier than expensive restaurant food intentionally made delicious.  And sleeping on a rubber mat or carpet on the floor can be much healthier than sleeping on a plush bed.

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On 5/28/2022 at 10:30 AM, InBangkok said:


... the type of meals that you eat seemingly every day and your decision to give up wine.

And yet you spend so much time attempting to persuade readers that yours is virtually the only way to live a long life. That is the real joke here! 



I am not trying to persuade anyone.  I show the information, eventually make a recommendation, and then it is up to every reader to choose.  Mine is not the only way to live a long life.  What is important is for everyone to find his optimum way, to prevent ending up like you.


About the wine,  only in the last decade I have cut down on wine to the point that I rarely drink it anymore.  I am now convinced that the recommendation to drink a little wine every day, probably created by the wine industry, to help the heart and as a source of resveratrol is... bullshit.  My heart works perfect, and I take pre-resveratrol supplements. 


I used to drink more wine when I worked in the field. Out in the open with my helpers we used to make ASADOS and accompany them with some good TINTO.  As a good Argentinian I was a connoisseur of wines, but I lost this because I lost the habit of drinking them.


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On 5/28/2022 at 10:37 PM, Steve5380 said:


I am not trying to persuade anyone.  I show the information, eventually make a recommendation, and then it is up to every reader to choose.  Mine is not the only way to live a long life.  What is important is for everyone to find his optimum way, to prevent ending up like you.

And you just cannot leave your vitriol out of what could have been a reasoned and reasonable response. No doubt you will tell us in due course that this is just another joke post! Wahahaha!

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On 5/28/2022 at 10:49 AM, InBangkok said:

And you just cannot leave your vitriol out of what could have been a reasoned and reasonable response. No doubt you will tell us in due course that this is just another joke post! Wahahaha!


Look who is talking about vitriol,  ha ha!  I made a reasonable response to your unsolicited post about "my quackery".


Please take this as a warning about your mental health,  since you cannot see the log in your eye,  only the speckle in my eye.

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How interesting!  I checked the account "upright health" of this guy I posted about,  and I find myself so much in agreement with what he says.  He could be a disciple of me,  or I a disciple of him?... no!  I am the older one, ha ha.



I recommend ( not persuade ) watching some more of his videos, and this recommendation also goes for @InBangkok.


The creator of these videos, and owner of a company dedicated to physical fitness, is:

Matt Hsu,  "Corrective Exercise Specialist, Pain Expert, Personal Trainer, Movement Coach.


I haven't found his age, but I estimate that he may be around 40yo.  So he is "an Uncle"?  He does not look like one.  Maybe the cultivation of his body keeps him much younger than his calendar age?  Has he learned this from guru Steve?  Surely not, but he does not need to.  It is well known what practice of strength exercises, stretching, good posture can improve in us.  


Shouldn't one give it a try or persevere with it, and be sold on it forever?  Yes, if one is smart.


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On 5/28/2022 at 10:57 PM, Steve5380 said:

Please take this as a warning about your mental health,  since you cannot see the log in your eye,  only the speckle in my eye.

It would behove you to remember two very pertinent proverbs -


- Do unto others as you would have them do to you

- People who live in glass houses should not throw stones.


You have written so much vitriol in the past about several posters. Clearly time to remind readers again of the depth of your malevolence.

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On 5/28/2022 at 9:13 PM, InBangkok said:

It would behove you to remember two very pertinent proverbs -


- Do unto others as you would have them do to you

- People who live in glass houses should not throw stones.


You have written so much vitriol in the past about several posters. Clearly time to remind readers again of the depth of your malevolence.


I checked again you profile now,  and ALL the posts you wrote today and in the last days were "stones" thrown at me.  

You don't have a life at BW besides throwing "stones" at me?  Can't you post something somewhere that does not involve me?  


So please reflect about the Golden Rule:  Don't do onto others what you would not like to have them done onto you.  So... don't constantly throw stones at me if you don't like to have them thrown back.

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What would be a topic for gays who will be seniors one day, without examples or real seniors?


Here is a 98yo who gives credit of his old age to exercising day of the week.   Maybe in 20 years I will be like tis man, or hopefully better since I don't smoke or drink.  But I might have to exercise 5 instead of 4 days a week.




And how do centenarians feel?  Not too bad, it seems.  In this video they interview some who feel happier than most people half their age:



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On 5/29/2022 at 10:15 AM, Steve5380 said:

I checked again you profile now,  and ALL the posts you wrote today and in the last days were "stones" thrown at me.  

You don't have a life at BW besides throwing "stones" at me?  Can't you post something somewhere that does not involve me?  

What is this nonsense - a word you have frequently used about the contributions of me and other posters? Once again you simply LIE. Example - in the Taiwan thread, I gave a very detailed factual historical outline of the reasons why the present situation between the island and Beijing exists. Your response? No response at all because you know nothing about the subject. So to trash me you wrote "Blah .. blah ... blah". How childish is that?


In any case this accusation you make is completely false. You fail to mention posts I have made that have nothing to do with you - in the USA Political Discussion thread and several in the Instrumental Music thread (one of which you said you actually liked).


When I amplified a point made by another poster in the Hooking Up When Overseas thread, not only did that post have nothing to do with @Steve5380, who immediately jumped in in reply that i was "fear mongering" - a point other posters gave more examples to illustrate I was not doing anything of the sort? You!


Apart from this and other posts, in your post quoted above you totally failed to point out that my responses were almost all to posts made by you when you wrote nonsense made purely to discredit and insult me. I'll add another common saying which, as an Argentinian by education and upbringing, you should know something about - IT TAKES TWO TO TANGO!


As everyone in this forum is perfectly aware, you just cannot ever admit that you are wrong - that what you write/wrote might ever be wrong! So you just go on the attack. So remember this! When you make assumptions without any basis in fact (as you frequently do), when you attack other posters (as you consistently do with me and others who dare to question you), when you write questionable posts and then fail to follow up with any reasoning whatsoever, you are going to find posters throwing "stones" at you. And as you know perfectly well, over the years many stones have been thrown at you by many BW posters.

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On 5/29/2022 at 8:16 PM, InBangkok said:


What is this nonsense - a word...



Yes, your post is nonsense.  With the exception of 5 posts you did just now about something else,  the 20+ posts you made in the past days, including 3 today, are all about ME.  And they are malevolent.


But it seems that my comment about your posting made you post elsewhere 5 times to get out of the bind.  Well, this is positive.  Keep posting elsewhere, and keep this thread clean.

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On 5/29/2022 at 10:15 AM, Steve5380 said:

I checked again you profile now,  and ALL the posts you wrote today and in the last days were "stones" thrown at me. 

Are you suffering from some kind of metal blockage? You totally fail to mention that all of my posts were a result of your telling inaccuracies and downlight lies about me! Besides, you are wrong - as is often the case. I wrote other posts over the "last days" that had nothing to do with you. Only you did not bother even to read them! Wahahaha!


On 5/30/2022 at 10:47 AM, Steve5380 said:

it seems that my comment about your posting made you post elsewhere 5 times to get out of the bind.

More rubbish! I have posted in other threads before - threads which had a genuine discussion and to which you mercifully you never made any contribution because clearly you never read them. But when you hit your computer screen so far away, 16,000 kms away in Houston Texas, at 8:00 am to spend much of your day in this Singapore chat room, you did not realise I had posted elsewhere because others had posted after me. So you did not notice my icon on the screen. Wahahaha!


On 5/30/2022 at 10:47 AM, Steve5380 said:

Keep posting elsewhere, and keep this thread clean.

So now you set yourself up as a moderator! You complain to them often enough so maybe you think they might welcome you, but I suspect not. This is not your chat forum and you have no right to tell other posters what to do. That is the prerogative of the moderators, old man!

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On 5/30/2022 at 9:16 AM, InBangkok said:

I'll add another common saying which, as an Argentinian by education and upbringing, you should know something about - IT TAKES TWO TO TANGO!


Wow, now we are already at the stage of a marriage proposal... 😂

Love it!


I can imagine already the brawls starting at the breakfast table once they are married.


The gay old cowboy and book writer will morph into two grumpy old gay men... Wonder whether they decide to live in Taiwan, Bangkok or at the outskirts of Houston or maybe a compromise? Paris as the center of Mousse au Chocolat??? Probably Europe as the Operas are of better quality and Steve can once in his live watch a real opera in real instead of falling asleep in front of youtube...


Steve, you better check whether you can extend your caravan sized small house in Houston?

Your fiancee Inbangkok needs storage for his High Fidelity and the 2 million records and CDs.



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On 5/30/2022 at 4:50 AM, singalion said:


Wow, now we are already at the stage of a marriage proposal... 😂

Love it!


I can imagine already the brawls starting at the breakfast table once they are married.


The gay old cowboy and book writer will morph into two grumpy old gay men... Wonder whether they decide to live in Taiwan, Bangkok or at the outskirts of Houston or maybe a compromise? Paris as the center of Mousse au Chocolat??? Probably Europe as the Operas are of better quality and Steve can once in his live watch a real opera in real instead of falling asleep in front of youtube...


Steve, you better check whether you can extend your caravan sized small house in Houston?

Your fiancee Inbangkok needs storage for his High Fidelity and the 2 million records and CDs.



All right.  You convinced me to rule out one marriage candidate.  But how about the other one?  Would you marry me?

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On 5/30/2022 at 9:15 PM, Steve5380 said:


All right.  You convinced me to rule out one marriage candidate.  But how about the other one?  Would you marry me?


To stay in a country where you can be shot dead by anyone anywhere anytime? No way!


While I acknowledge the US has certain areas with a beautiful geography that would interest me, the citizens are the biggest obstacle that prevents me to make a trip.


But I can assist you to count the guys you had sexcapades with to get better results on the yearly number...


By the way, did you already apply to serve as the future driver of Pelosi? I think I read somewhere that she might need a driver for her private trips...


Anyhow: Can you wait until I retire?


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