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For gays who will be seniors one day - A Steve5380 Topic!


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On 5/30/2022 at 8:34 AM, singalion said:


By the way, did you already apply to serve as the future driver of Pelosi? I think I read somewhere that she might need a driver for her private trips...


Anyhow: Can you wait until I retire?



I surely can wait.  As long as you retire within the next 20 years.  But I cannot guarantee that I will stay single all this time.


The fact that the husband of Nancy Pelosi, the most powerful woman in America, third most powerful person, was arrested for drunk driving, is a strong testimonial of the equality of justice in the US.   There are of course many other testimonials of how privileged some individuals are,  like Trump who should be in jail for life,  but... no place is perfect.

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On 5/13/2022 at 8:33 PM, Steve5380 said:

You seem to have an obsession with dishonest malevolence that is difficult to justify in a person of your apparent education.  There must be some deep hate that drives this.   I wish you find some help, and more immediately, that you stay out of my thread.

I have reached the point where this nonsense and incessant childish carping posted by @Steve5380 is so ridiculous and so nauseating - and no doubt so boring for all other readers - that I believe the time has come to state precisely why he keeps on trashing so many other posters.


In my case, it is all very simple. At the end of 2000, @Steve5380 contributed to one thread about the art of western opera. This was a thread opened by a Singapore member about live opera performances he had taken part in and which he hoped others with a similar enthusiasm could share their experiences. 


First @Steve5380 who later admitted he had not attended a live opera performance for more than 25 years, attempted to derail the thread by insisting ad nauseam that ballet, dance and instrumental recitals qualified for inclusion in the thread. They are nothing to do with live opera performances.


Later, he wrote that a performance of a live opera is the same as what goes in in a gay sauna. When it was pointed out that this was an utterly ridiculous statement, what did he do? What he always does! He doubled down. He wrote this -


"You seem horrified that I place opera houses and gay saunas on an equal standing! I find them equals as places of entertainment with live actors., although the type of acting is different."


How more ridiculous can that be? Not surprisingly, the originator of the thread and others ceased contributing.


When tackled on his idiotic statement, even though I had earlier written I had not visited a gay sauna for about 15 years, he wrote "you who enjoy opera houses AND gay saunas, as you have said repeatedly."


This was an outright LIE. I had written once about attending Rairua in Singapore. This closed in early 2005. I added I had then gone to one in Chinatown which I did not enjoy. Since then I had not visited any gay saunas anywhere. I added that I have a partner and have had no interest in going to saunas since then.


And how does @Steve5380 respond, given that he himself believes he can never be wrong?


"I remember reading more than once that you attended saunas." Note he uses the word remembered and the phrase more than once. These were LIES.


But lies are not sufficient for @Steve5380. He always had to be right. So he then goes on to write, 


"Anyone reading what I remembered would assume . . ." Remembered inaccurately and as a result assumed inaccurately. But that is still not enough for @Steve5380 and his lies.  He then writes -


"Your sex life is of no interest to me - [yes, that is what he wrote before going on to add] - I simply had the idea that you enjoy saunas because I read several times that you visited them." Yet more LIES. I asked him to check back on my posts. To that he replied, "You confuse me with a CIA agent." In other words, he was not going to check back because he knew he had spread LIES.


Next he had to make a totally unfounded and patently pathetic claim about the name I sign in with here, InBangkok. I have written in many posts that Ihave lived in Asia for 4 decades. He accused me of actually choosing to live in Bangkok so I could live the life of a slut spending my evenings in gay bars and saunas. This came out of absolutely nowhere and there was no reason for it. Yes, i now live in Bangkok, but for most of my time in Asia I have beeb the Regional Director or Managing Director of companies based in Hong Kong and Tokyo. Once again he ASSUMED and came to a totally FALSE conclusion. Did he ever admit a mistake or make an apology? Of course not! He never apologises. He never says he is sorry.


But in my mind the worst of his allegations and lies was this about a discussion I had with my partner when we started our relationship on whether we wanted an open relationship like @Steve5380 or to remain faithful to each other. We decided we did not want an open relationship. That was the only time I ever mentioned my partner in this forum. But this is again not enough for @Steve5380. So now he wrote - 


"from what you describe as your discussion with your partner moving to an open relationship gives me a clue that my assumption may not have been as false as you claim."


So LIES, ASSUMPTIONS, IDEAS, CLUES. Not one iota of FACT in the entire exchange of posts.


I will never forgive @Steve5380 for using my partner as an excuse for a CLUE leading to an ASSUMPTION and on to a LIE. He had absolutely zero right to bring up my partner at all. We all know about @Steve5380's partner of 20 years. He has often written about how he was the love of his life and how devastated he was when he died. I have mentioned @Steve5380's partner in very few posts. Whenever I have not used his own exact words, I have done absolutely nothing but express my sympathy. I know what it is like to lose a partner as it happened to me during the AIDS crisis. I have the same feelings for my present partner as no doubt @Steve5380 had for his. Had I trashed @Steve5380's partner I know how angry he would have become. I remain furious that he elected for no reason whatsoever other than a pathetic attempt to justify a LIE, ASSUMPTION, IDEA and CLUE to use my partner for his own selfishly pathetic ends. No poster should be permitted to bring the partner of another poster into any thread and then make INACCURATE ASSUMPTIONS leading to LIES.


For these reasons I demanded an apology. He has never made an unconditional apology. Instead he said he would make an apology if I first apologised to him for calling him a LIAR!!!!!! How utterly childish and pathetic! @Steve5380can just never believe he can be wrong. He is an old man set in his ways and that is his ultimate failing. And that is precisely why I would prefer to be banned than have to put up with his continuing lies and assumptions in so many forums here.


When attacked in such a manner, I do not turn the other cheek. I will point out the mistakes and give as good as I get. The difference between me and @Steve5380 is that i use his own words - his own written words - against him, for he seems quite unable to remember what he has previously written. 


If the moderators would like to check the facts of what I have written above, I will happily refer them to specific posts and specific comments. @Steve5380 should no longer be permitted to write in such a manner.

Edited by InBangkok
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On 6/3/2022 at 1:32 AM, InBangkok said:


If the moderators would like to check the facts of what I have written above, I will happily refer them to specific posts and specific comments. @Steve5380 should no longer be permitted to write in such a manner.



The moderators, like everyone else at BW,  must be bored to death by your alleged "facts" that you keep repeating over and over again.  It would be a good idea if they give you a month of vacation,  so that we can have some peace from constant bashing.


I imagine that this is how it may feel to have a jealous and domineering boyfriend who always finds faults in us and claims that one has done this-and-that to him...  

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On 6/3/2022 at 1:32 AM, InBangkok said:


I have reached the point where this nonsense and incessant childish carping posted by @Steve5380 is so ridiculous and so nauseating - and no doubt so boring for all other readers - that I believe the time has come to state precisely why he keeps on trashing so many other posters.


Later, he wrote that a performance of a live opera is the same as what goes in in a gay sauna. When it was pointed out that this was an utterly ridiculous statement, what did he do? What he always does! He doubled down. He wrote this -




Yes, I write on occasion things that are RIDICULOUS.   So... why don't you LAUGH?  How can the RIDICULOUS make you ANGRY?  Often I assume that what I write in jest should be taken as such.   But if it is not,  where is the harm?  If you find what what I write is nonsense and incessant childish carping,  why don't you ignore it and move on?


When long ago I wrote that one could eat pizza while attending a live opera performance, (like people eat popcorn while attending the show of a movie) and I wrote that a live performance of an opera has things in common with a live performance in a gay sauna,  I was not too serious.  You could have laughed at that, instead of becoming mortally offended.  But even if you took it seriously,  you could just have brushed it off as nonsense.  Why does this affect you so much?


On 6/3/2022 at 1:32 AM, InBangkok said:


When tackled on his idiotic statement, even though I had earlier written I had not visited a gay sauna for about 15 years, he wrote "you who enjoy opera houses AND gay saunas, as you have said repeatedly."


This was an outright LIE. I had written once about attending Rairua in Singapore. This closed in early 2005. I added I had then gone to one in Chinatown which I did not enjoy. Since then I had not visited any gay saunas anywhere. I added that I have a partner and have had no interest in going to saunas since then.



Well... why you "tackled on" my "idiotic statement"?  A humorous statement is not necessarily an idiotic statement.  And why you had to call me an idiot, right in my face?  


Not visited a gay sauna in 15 years?  I don't remember every word you write.  And at the time I had the idea that you also attended gay saunas.  Maybe the "repeatedly" was an exaggeration, although not so far off.  Few people who attend saunas, and then write reviews of them, do it only once. If you went to a gay sauna only twice in your life, then "repeatedly" is correct. I could have been misinformed, or somewhat exaggerated,  but you right away called it a LIE. Tell me, you enjoy being called a liar?  And to write it so bluntly you should have been sure that I intentionally lied, which you could not have known.  The things of the past you again brought up in your post here, show clearly that at that time you were ATTACKING me.  And you are still doing it.  So you are not so innocent here like a flower girl.  I keep repeating what I wrote about you several times:  "you see the speckle in the other's eye but not the long in your eye".

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On 6/4/2022 at 6:50 AM, Steve5380 said:

The moderators, like everyone else at BW,  must be bored to death by your alleged "facts" that you keep repeating over and over again

"Alleged" is another of your LIES. The problem with liars is that either they are very good at telling lies to ensure no one can find them out. Or they simply lie and hope they will not be found out.


@Steve5380 continally lies and these can be found to be lies simply by looking back at what he wrote. That he is permitted to continue with these lies is, frankly, disgraceful.


On 6/4/2022 at 10:24 AM, Steve5380 said:

I don't remember every word you write.

And that so very nicely sums up the reasons for @Steve5380's lies. He cannot remember. He simply makes up a whole fantasy world attacking posters as he does so. He cannot even remember what he wrote, and so makes up yet more lies. A sad, lonely old man sitting in his living room in Houston, Texas who writes on this forum that he is an example for the younger generations. Yet another big lie! It's pathetic!

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On 6/4/2022 at 12:08 AM, InBangkok said:


A sad, lonely old man sitting in his living room in Houston, Texas who writes on this forum that he is an example for the younger generations. Yet another big lie! It's pathetic!



This is one of your big LIES.


I am not sitting in my living room.  I am not sad.  I am not lonely.  You keep lying about me, saying things that you don't know about me and that are false.  And not knowing what they are, you invent them so that they are malicious.  In your ignorance, you never say anything GOOD about me.  You don't remember that I wrote several times that I post in BW sitting in my OFFICE,  not a living room?  That I wrote that I am very happy?  That I wrote that I am solitary but not lonely?  Your memory is pathetic!


I have a new definition of you:  "you see the assumption, the exaggeration, the jokes in others, but not the big LIES you write yourself."

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Guest Guest
On 6/3/2022 at 2:32 PM, InBangkok said:

I have reached the point where this nonsense and incessant childish carping posted by @Steve5380 is so ridiculous and so nauseating - and no doubt so boring for all other readers - that I believe the time has come to state precisely why he keeps on trashing so many other posters.


In my case, it is all very simple. At the end of 2000, @Steve5380 contributed to one thread about the art of western opera. This was a thread opened by a Singapore member about live opera performances he had taken part in and which he hoped others with a similar enthusiasm could share their experiences. 


First @Steve5380 who later admitted he had not attended a live opera performance for more than 25 years, attempted to derail the thread by insisting ad nauseam that ballet, dance and instrumental recitals qualified for inclusion in the thread. They are nothing to do with live opera performances.


Later, he wrote that a performance of a live opera is the same as what goes in in a gay sauna. When it was pointed out that this was an utterly ridiculous statement, what did he do? What he always does! He doubled down. He wrote this -


"You seem horrified that I place opera houses and gay saunas on an equal standing! I find them equals as places of entertainment with live actors., although the type of acting is different."


How more ridiculous can that be? Not surprisingly, the originator of the thread and others ceased contributing.


When tackled on his idiotic statement, even though I had earlier written I had not visited a gay sauna for about 15 years, he wrote "you who enjoy opera houses AND gay saunas, as you have said repeatedly."


This was an outright LIE. I had written once about attending Rairua in Singapore. This closed in early 2005. I added I had then gone to one in Chinatown which I did not enjoy. Since then I had not visited any gay saunas anywhere. I added that I have a partner and have had no interest in going to saunas since then.


And how does @Steve5380 respond, given that he himself believes he can never be wrong?


"I remember reading more than once that you attended saunas." Note he uses the word remembered and the phrase more than once. These were LIES.


But lies are not sufficient for @Steve5380. He always had to be right. So he then goes on to write, 


"Anyone reading what I remembered would assume . . ." Remembered inaccurately and as a result assumed inaccurately. But that is still not enough for @Steve5380 and his lies.  He then writes -


"Your sex life is of no interest to me - [yes, that is what he wrote before going on to add] - I simply had the idea that you enjoy saunas because I read several times that you visited them." Yet more LIES. I asked him to check back on my posts. To that he replied, "You confuse me with a CIA agent." In other words, he was not going to check back because he knew he had spread LIES.


Next he had to make a totally unfounded and patently pathetic claim about the name I sign in with here, InBangkok. I have written in many posts that Ihave lived in Asia for 4 decades. He accused me of actually choosing to live in Bangkok so I could live the life of a slut spending my evenings in gay bars and saunas. This came out of absolutely nowhere and there was no reason for it. Yes, i now live in Bangkok, but for most of my time in Asia I have beeb the Regional Director or Managing Director of companies based in Hong Kong and Tokyo. Once again he ASSUMED and came to a totally FALSE conclusion. Did he ever admit a mistake or make an apology? Of course not! He never apologises. He never says he is sorry.


But in my mind the worst of his allegations and lies was this about a discussion I had with my partner when we started our relationship on whether we wanted an open relationship like @Steve5380 or to remain faithful to each other. We decided we did not want an open relationship. That was the only time I ever mentioned my partner in this forum. But this is again not enough for @Steve5380. So now he wrote - 


"from what you describe as your discussion with your partner moving to an open relationship gives me a clue that my assumption may not have been as false as you claim."


So LIES, ASSUMPTIONS, IDEAS, CLUES. Not one iota of FACT in the entire exchange of posts.


I will never forgive @Steve5380 for using my partner as an excuse for a CLUE leading to an ASSUMPTION and on to a LIE. He had absolutely zero right to bring up my partner at all. We all know about @Steve5380's partner of 20 years. He has often written about how he was the love of his life and how devastated he was when he died. I have mentioned @Steve5380's partner in very few posts. Whenever I have not used his own exact words, I have done absolutely nothing but express my sympathy. I know what it is like to lose a partner as it happened to me during the AIDS crisis. I have the same feelings for my present partner as no doubt @Steve5380 had for his. Had I trashed @Steve5380's partner I know how angry he would have become. I remain furious that he elected for no reason whatsoever other than a pathetic attempt to justify a LIE, ASSUMPTION, IDEA and CLUE to use my partner for his own selfishly pathetic ends. No poster should be permitted to bring the partner of another poster into any thread and then make INACCURATE ASSUMPTIONS leading to LIES.


For these reasons I demanded an apology. He has never made an unconditional apology. Instead he said he would make an apology if I first apologised to him for calling him a LIAR!!!!!! How utterly childish and pathetic! @Steve5380can just never believe he can be wrong. He is an old man set in his ways and that is his ultimate failing. And that is precisely why I would prefer to be banned than have to put up with his continuing lies and assumptions in so many forums here.


When attacked in such a manner, I do not turn the other cheek. I will point out the mistakes and give as good as I get. The difference between me and @Steve5380 is that i use his own words - his own written words - against him, for he seems quite unable to remember what he has previously written. 


If the moderators would like to check the facts of what I have written above, I will happily refer them to specific posts and specific comments. @Steve5380 should no longer be permitted to write in such a manner.


Wow ... this really shed light on why singa-liar and steve5380 gets along so well together, especially in that USA politics thread. They are both recalcitrant, incorrigible LIARS !

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On 6/4/2022 at 4:15 PM, Guest Guest said:


Wow ... this really shed light on why singa-liar and steve5380 gets along so well together, especially in that USA politics thread. They are both recalcitrant, incorrigible LIARS !


I will accept that we are both LIARS.  But so is 99% of the human population.  You may be an exception in that you never lie,  OH Innocent Guest!


I might be telling a few lies every year,  that over 79 years adds to some number.  So I am a "repeated" liar, but not "recalcitrant",  I have no authority to oppose, and I have no problems with the authority here.  And "incorrigible" applies because I don't want to stop all lies.  This is unnecessary and dumb.  Every person should allow himself to lie here and there.  This is NOT a moral flaw, and does NOT make the person a bad person.   


You left out the third, the BKK-liar.  He is THE WORST,  because while he lies plenty,  he gets oh so terribly upset when he thinks that someone else has lied.  As if he is Saint BBK, ha ha...



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Guest Guest
On 6/5/2022 at 6:01 AM, Steve5380 said:


I will accept that we are both LIARS.  But so is 99% of the human population.  You may be an exception in that you never lie,  OH Innocent Guest!


I might be telling a few lies every year,  that over 79 years adds to some number.  So I am a "repeated" liar, but not "recalcitrant",  I have no authority to oppose, and I have no problems with the authority here.  And "incorrigible" applies because I don't want to stop all lies.  This is unnecessary and dumb.  Every person should allow himself to lie here and there.  This is NOT a moral flaw, and does NOT make the person a bad person.   


You left out the third, the BKK-liar.  He is THE WORST,  because while he lies plenty,  he gets oh so terribly upset when he thinks that someone else has lied.  As if he is Saint BBK, ha ha...




You definitely are a "recalcitrant" liar cos you keep coming back here telling lies over and over again despite getting banned so many times.


"Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour" (Exodus 20:16) - or in modern terms, "You shall not lie" - is one of the Ten Commandments in the Bible. So how can you say that "this is NOT a moral flaw, and does NOT make the person a bad person"? So much for saying you still want to meet your deceased boyfriend in heavens....   Good luck to that!


@InBangkok might just be the only saving grace for the entire AMDK race on BW right now, considering how much shame you have brought to the entire population with your argumentative and lying habits shown here on the entire forum. 

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On 6/4/2022 at 10:20 PM, Guest Guest said:


You definitely are a "recalcitrant" liar cos you keep coming back here telling lies over and over again despite getting banned so many times.


"Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour" (Exodus 20:16) - or in modern terms, "You shall not lie" - is one of the Ten Commandments in the Bible. So how can you say that "this is NOT a moral flaw, and does NOT make the person a bad person"? So much for saying you still want to meet your deceased boyfriend in heavens....   Good luck to that!


@InBangkok might just be the only saving grace for the entire AMDK race on BW right now, considering how much shame you have brought to the entire population with your argumentative and lying habits shown here on the entire forum. 


I was wrong.  You are not an innocent Guest.  You are a shameless liar, judging from your post.  You are also ignorant.


There is no commandment "you shall not lie".  There is one down the list, the 9th, " Thou shall not bear false witness ".  There are lies and lies,  and what the commandment refers to is to lies that victimize others.   Like what you just did in your post lying repeatedly to hurt me, like saying that I tell lies over and over again, and that I "bring shame"... oh, look who is speaking, ha ha!...   You dumped here lies after lies. 


I lie, but seldom and not here at BW.  I have no reasons to lie as an anonymous poster.  I lie very seldom, and in my normal life, usually in consideration to others.  For example, if someone asks me " are you hungry ",  I might for courtesy say "no", even if am hungry.   Or an insecure person asking me "how do I look?"  and I answer "you look good",  even if he does not so much.  Or is someone invites me to visit him, I might think of an excuse if I don't want to do it.   One lie I remember writing here was when I apologized to @InBangkok for whatever caused his Huge Tantrum. Out of empathy for him I told him that "I am sorry",  when in reality I felt no reasons for being sorry and apologizing.  


But you may not understand all this.  Like many people like you, you try to find excuses for calling people liars.

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Guest Guest
On 6/5/2022 at 11:20 AM, Guest Guest said:

"Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour" (Exodus 20:16) - or in modern terms, "You shall not lie" - is one of the Ten Commandments in the Bible. So how can you say that "this is NOT a moral flaw, and does NOT make the person a bad person"? So much for saying you still want to meet your deceased boyfriend in heavens....   Good luck to that!


The above was what was said. So, thank you for agreeing to my statement in your post quoted below:


On 6/5/2022 at 12:16 PM, Steve5380 said:

There is no commandment "you shall not lie".  There is one down the list, the 9th, " Thou shall not bear false witness ". There are lies and lies,  and what the commandment refers to is to lies that victimize others.  


So how can what you had said of InBangkok quoted below not be a lie "that victimize others"?


On 6/5/2022 at 6:01 AM, Steve5380 said:

You left out the third, the BKK-liar.  He is THE WORST,  because while he lies plenty,  he gets oh so terribly upset when he thinks that someone else has lied.  As if he is Saint BBK,


The only person who did better than you at lying might just be @singa-LIAR alone because, at least, you are honest about yourself being a "repeated" liar. But I think singa-LIAR's lying traits are rubbing off on you more and more, and 🇭 🇪 🇱 🇱 should have reserved two very special places for you to keep each other company there. He is a really terrible online influence on everyone here.


It's Sunday. Maybe you should go to church later and confess your sins, and then impose a penance on yourself by taking absence from this forum for ..ever? 🤔🤔🤔




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That's interesting that posting media articles from renown newspapers and posting historical dates or facts can be considered lies? 


I don't even do anything else in the US thread. 


It must be very terrible and frustrating to this infamous troll Guest Guest that I debunk all misrepresentations, manipulations, falsities and truth distortions of his 'lil pet account 7heaven in the USA thread. 


When Guest Guest as last straw can only resort to ugly name calling... 




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On 6/4/2022 at 9:21 PM, Steve5380 said:

This is one of your big LIES.

Look at yourself and your shameful history of trashing posters by continuously calling them liars. YOU ARE THE LIAR AND A REVIEW OF YOUR POSTING HISTORY MAKES THIS CLYSTAL CLEAR. YOU ARE A DISGRACE!

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On 6/5/2022 at 2:20 AM, singalion said:

That's interesting that posting media articles from renown newspapers and posting historical dates or facts can be considered lies? 


I don't even do anything else in the US thread. 


It must be very terrible and frustrating to this infamous troll Guest Guest that I debunk all misrepresentations, manipulations, falsities and truth distortions of his 'lil pet account 7heaven in the USA thread. 


When Guest Guest as last straw can only resort to ugly name calling... 



We both know quite well the kind of person Guest Guest is.   I tried to be nice to him, saying (a lie) that he is probably innocent and never lies,  and his response was exactly the opposite of that.   So we can comfortably interpret what he writes:  the truth is the diametrically opposite of what he writes,  ha ha.

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On 6/5/2022 at 2:39 AM, InBangkok said:

Look at yourself and your shameful history of trashing posters by continuously calling them liars. YOU ARE THE LIAR AND A REVIEW OF YOUR POSTING HISTORY MAKES THIS CLYSTAL CLEAR. YOU ARE A DISGRACE!


I think I should place you in the same group as Guest Guest belongs to.  Not just because you lie,  because we all do it.  But because you BEAR FALSE WITNESS AGAINST YOUR FELLOW POSTER.  In this way, you are in violation of the 9th Commandment, and you should promptly repent and seek confession.  Until you are absolved by the priest of this sin of yours,  you are a disgrace. 


To lie in itself is a common trait of us humans.  Civility, empathy, compassion require that we feel free to lie when we judge that this is adequate.   The moral judgement should apply to the TYPE of lie.  Lies that serve us to victimize others,  like swindle a lot of money out of someone, or to deceive making us appear what we are not, are the ones we should condemn. 

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Guest Guest
On 6/5/2022 at 3:20 PM, singalion said:

That's interesting that posting media articles from renown newspapers and posting historical dates or facts can be considered lies? 


I don't even do anything else in the US thread. 


It must be very terrible and frustrating to this infamous troll Guest Guest that I debunk all misrepresentations, manipulations, falsities and truth distortions of his 'lil pet account 7heaven in the USA thread. 


When Guest Guest as last straw can only resort to ugly name calling... 



You? Of all people, you want to claim that you  are "posting media articles from renown newspapers and posting historical dates or facts"?? Are you seriously kidding me? Or are you having some kind of delusional episodes? If not, are you crazy enough to think that you can pull the wool over anyone's eyes over here, using claims such as you are here "posting media articles from renown newspapers and posting historical dates or facts"?


Take a look at the post below, which you pulled out from thin air (or maybe wrote it out yourself), talking about some gun shootings at the BK Headquarters in Florida. Tell us, which "media articles from renown newspapers" did you get such "historical dates or facts" which says that there were any "Francis Luke Bristol, , 28, pled guilty today to three felony charges, including a terrorism offense, in the September 2021 shooting of a security guard at the Burger King HQ in downtown Miami"??


Please explain. Why did you get that LIE from? And this is just ONE of the MANY that you have littered all over the forum! S much for "posting media articles from renown newspapers and posting historical dates or facts", SING-A-LIAR SING-YOUR-LIES!!



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Sure, I was aware that for this troll a creative piece such as an allegory would have been too interllectual than to understand or even identify it is an allegory!



As a literary device or artistic form, an allegory is a narrative or visual representation in which a character, place, or event can be interpreted to represent a hidden meaning with moral or political significance. Authors have used allegory throughout history in all forms of art to illustrate or convey complex ideas and concepts in ways that are comprehensible or striking to its viewers, readers, or listeners.



My creative piece about the Burger King attack was a piece of art.


 In your weird deranged logic Guest Guest every movie as an allegorial adaption of a book would represent a lie. 


How perfect how this Guest Guest troll brilliantly demonstrates his lack of creativity and failure to recognise a creative piece of art. 


I wrote the allegory to the Chick o fil attack on the Family Research council to show the absurdity of the claim by this Predident of the Family Research Council on the other organisation. 


Unfortunately, you Guest Guest are intellectually so disabled not to recognise it!


Thanks for pointing to your intellectual deficits again, Guest Guest troll. 


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On 6/5/2022 at 2:37 PM, Steve5380 said:


I think I should place you in the same group as Guest Guest belongs to.  Not just because you lie,  because we all do it.  But because you BEAR FALSE WITNESS AGAINST YOUR FELLOW POSTER.  In this way, you are in violation of the 9th Commandment, and you should promptly repent and seek confession.  Until you are absolved by the priest of this sin of yours,  you are a disgrace. 


To lie in itself is a common trait of us humans.  Civility, empathy, compassion require that we feel free to lie when we judge that this is adequate.   The moral judgement should apply to the TYPE of lie.  Lies that serve us to victimize others,  like swindle a lot of money out of someone, or to deceive making us appear what we are not, are the ones we should condemn. 


Instead of continuing this insulting and responding with attacks on InBangkok I think you should go deep into yourself and remember:



"Don’t do to others what you don’t want them to do to you"?


Remember Steve you spread unproven allegations on InBangkok. He only started reacting to you Steve after your action. 

Don't forget cause and action!


I don't think your current strategy on InBangkok will work. 


Unless, you are seriously so attention seeking on BW, but I fail to see how you can achieve anything with continuing on your fights, insults and attacks on InBangkok. 


I assume your watching of Youtube videos from certain gurus was so far wasted as you never increased any wisdom or maturity. 


For your age it seems quite unwise in the way you deal on InBangkok...



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Guest Guest and @singalion,


Will you please take your arguing and calling each other's liars somewhere else.  I didn't start this thread to have it converted to a place for your bickering,  like you and 7heaven have been doing with the poor thread about US politics.


And you @singalion, will you stop taking sides with @InBangkok?  I am already spending time getting him off my back. Maybe you two are a couple?  In this anonymous environment, everything is possible,  and you keep yourself hidden as much as he does.


You are spreading unproven allegations that I did spread unproven allegations about InBangkok.  The conflict started earlier in the thread Instrumental Music because we disagreed on issues about music.  And in the thread Opera Queens I didn't "spread" anything.  I once replied to him that he also enjoys going to gay saunas repeatedly.  And this provoked the Big Tantrum.  I also never expected that eating pizza in an opera performance and equating live opera with gay sauna would have such a profound effect on him.  So I am not violating any Golden Rule.


Please don't violate the Golden Rule yourself,  and please take your arguing with Guest Guest and your uncalled for common cause with InBangkok somewhere else. Please respect a thread that I started for a different purpose.  You are still welcomed here to post about the topic of the thread.

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On 6/5/2022 at 6:04 PM, Steve5380 said:

Will you please take your arguing and calling each other's liars somewhere else


Steve, please show me where I called anyone else in this thread a liar?


Please show all of BW where I did. 



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On 6/5/2022 at 6:04 PM, Steve5380 said:

You are spreading unproven allegations that I did spread unproven allegations about InBangkok. 


You call it "unproven" allegations, Steve!


Do you want me to pull your own posts into this thread?


There is nothing unproven because everyone can read what you Steve wrote on InBangkok at BW!



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On 6/5/2022 at 6:04 PM, Steve5380 said:

place for your bickering


I m not bickering at the USA thread but countering the truth distortions and manipulative propaganda smear of 7heaven and putting it in the context of the true facts. 


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On 6/5/2022 at 6:04 PM, Steve5380 said:

Please respect a thread that I started for a different purpose.  You are still welcomed here to post about the topic of the thread


Steve. look back. You yourself where the one who started derailing this thread from the original topic. 


Blame yourself please!


On 6/4/2022 at 4:21 PM, Steve5380 said:


This is one of your big LIES.


I am not sitting in my living room.  I am not sad.  I am not lonely.  You keep lying about me, saying things that you don't know about me and that are false.  And not knowing what they are, you invent them so that they are malicious.  In your ignorance, you never say anything GOOD about me.  You don't remember that I wrote several times that I post in BW sitting in my OFFICE,  not a living room?  That I wrote that I am very happy?  That I wrote that I am solitary but not lonely?  Your memory is pathetic!


I have a new definition of you:  "you see the assumption, the exaggeration, the jokes in others, but not the big LIES you write yourself."


On 6/5/2022 at 12:01 AM, Steve5380 said:


I will accept that we are both LIARS.  But so is 99% of the human population.  You may be an exception in that you never lie,  OH Innocent Guest!


I might be telling a few lies every year,  that over 79 years adds to some number.  So I am a "repeated" liar, but not "recalcitrant",  I have no authority to oppose, and I have no problems with the authority here.  And "incorrigible" applies because I don't want to stop all lies.  This is unnecessary and dumb.  Every person should allow himself to lie here and there.  This is NOT a moral flaw, and does NOT make the person a bad person.   


You left out the third, the BKK-liar.  He is THE WORST,  because while he lies plenty,  he gets oh so terribly upset when he thinks that someone else has lied.  As if he is Saint BBK, ha ha...




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Here is another good video by the cute guy of uprighthealth.com.  I could not have explained better the convenience of getting strong and flexible legs.  He starts from a level that anyone can do it, no matter the age or strength.


I learned to stand up from the floor without using my hands in my Aikido classes. In fact, reaching this ability is what gave  the teacher confidence that I could progress to a black belt.  To stand up from a lunge is trivial for those of us who frequent the gym and do strength training.  But to do it from sitting on the floor requires additional flexibility, that comes with stretching.  Since we are thrown to the floor all the time in Aikido,  it is elegant to stand up from there without using hands. We do it easier rolling back, or using momentum going forwards,  but the challenge is to do it from a static position.  Try it out, practice, and be confident to succeed.  If a near octogenarian can do it,  so much more can you!



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Oh!  How about this video by the cute guy?  What he says here may be old motherhood, but it is a good example of how to joke, how to not be serious,  with a straight face and without emojis and ha ha-s.  So let's laugh and recognize that he is right at the end.





P.D.  Seeing the picture of the cute guy above, I think that he could benefit from some botox for his forehead,  or learn to relax it.  He is too young to have these wrinkle lines.


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Guest Guest
On 6/5/2022 at 10:48 PM, singalion said:

Sure, I was aware that for this troll a creative piece such as an allegory would have been too interllectual than to understand or even identify it is an allegory!



As a literary device or artistic form, an allegory is a narrative or visual representation in which a character, place, or event can be interpreted to represent a hidden meaning with moral or political significance. Authors have used allegory throughout history in all forms of art to illustrate or convey complex ideas and concepts in ways that are comprehensible or striking to its viewers, readers, or listeners.



My creative piece about the Burger King attack was a piece of art.


 In your weird deranged logic Guest Guest every movie as an allegorial adaption of a book would represent a lie. 



Oh! What a grand retreat with the claim that it is an "allegorial adaption of a book" now! So much for "posting media articles from renown newspapers and posting historical dates or facts" when everything you wrote was just your piece of 💩💩💩"art". Hahahahaha!




On 6/6/2022 at 12:04 AM, Steve5380 said:

And you @singalion, will you stop taking sides with @InBangkok?  I am already spending time getting him off my back. Maybe you two are a couple?  In this anonymous environment, everything is possible,  and you keep yourself hidden as much as he does.



He is taking the side of @InBangkok now? Hahaha! So much for backing him up on his statements below thinking that he was on your side, huh? Hahahaha!


On 6/5/2022 at 3:20 PM, singalion said:

That's interesting that posting media articles from renown newspapers and posting historical dates or facts can be considered lies? 


I don't even do anything else in the US thread. 


It must be very terrible and frustrating to this infamous troll Guest Guest that I debunk all misrepresentations, manipulations, falsities and truth distortions of his 'lil pet account 7heaven in the USA thread. 


When Guest Guest as last straw can only resort to ugly name calling... 


On 6/5/2022 at 8:26 PM, Steve5380 said:


We both know quite well the kind of person Guest Guest is.   I tried to be nice to him, saying (a lie) that he is probably innocent and never lies,  and his response was exactly the opposite of that.   So we can comfortably interpret what he writes:  the truth is the diametrically opposite of what he writes,  ha ha.




This is not the first time that he has bitten the very person who has supported/helped him, and you should have known that by now, since you yourself have been bitten multiple times by your supposed "ally" now. He is nobody's ally; And he only thinks for himself; He is exactly the type of foreign trash which will take the first flight out of his own host country if anything untoward will happen to it. So, if you think he is trying to help the Americans by supporting Biden's presidency, THINK AGAIN!

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Today June 5, is World Environment Day 2022.


We don't need to live our lives constantly preoccupied with the environment.  But sometimes it is nice to find out that what we do is environmentally friendly.


 LENTILS are among the most, if not the most,  environmentally friendly food.  Add to this the many health benefits of eating them,  and you can end the search for the best food to eat.  This is it.  Combine it with some other plant food like brown rice or chia seeds like I do  and you have a complete protein that could allow you to be a full vegetarian without missing out on anything. 


Many BW readers make fun of me for being a LENTILS fun.  But I don't mind this at all.  Hopefully one day they are fans too!




Here are some of the best foods to add to your diet.



Lentils are humble superfoods. They live in the legume family (seeds of plants) and are great sources of fiber, protein, and various nutrients.

They have a very low carbon footprint — 43 times less than beef, for example — and require little water to grow. They also clean and fortify soil to make it easier to grow other crops.

And they’re extremely cheap.

2016 is the UN Year of the Pulses (legumes are pulses) — so head to their page to find some delicious recipes. Lentils are great in soups and are amazing on their own if you add some seasoning like curry.


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Steve and me are like NATO... 😆


For sure I will throw raw

lentils on Biden if he doesn't win the re-election in 2024!


Wanna bet!


The only reason for immediately taking a flight out of Singapore will be if I meet that Guest Guest once in real... Something so disgusting, xenophobe and unsightly, who wouldn't run off from an island ?



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On 3/8/2022 at 10:13 PM, Steve5380 said:

Hi!  I am back at my thread "for gays who will seniors one day".   As usual, one day at the time. 


A new video came out by famous longevity expert David Sinclair  "The Science of Looking Younger, Longer"  What more can we wish?   Young and old, we all need this!  No?


Well,  in this long video there is nothing revolutionary.  But it is still interesting to listen to it and perceive some science behind this,  although if we follow a healthy lifestyle much of this is known already.  I like his position that there is nothing wrong with trying to look younger,  and nothing wrong with Botox.  


I learned about the importance of having a thick skin  (physically, not only emotionally),  and his "skin pinch test".  I did this test on skin in several parts of the body, not only my hand,  and I could not get the result that fits a nearly 79y.o. skin. My skin takes less than 10 seconds to return to normal.  I am not a snake that can shed skin periodically.  So it must be that old.  This tells me that a healthy lifestyle is also good for the skin.  I also learned about foot ulcers... ugh, what an ugly thing,  this should scare the hell in us about avoiding diabetes as much as we can.  (maybe through metabolic flexibility, high insulin sensitivity promoted by fasting? )  Take the time to watch the video, and appreciate the information!





Found this on Sinclair. He seems like Ted Cruz when asked something tricky then walks out of the interview...


Sinclair refused to attend a debate on longevity when scientists wanted to confront him in a discussion or recent research indicating mounting evidence against reseveratrol as a longevity intervention. 


=> In February 2022, Sinclair raised widespread controversy in the longevity research community by rejecting to communicate in an academic debate in which his resveratrol research was criticized after months of mounting evidence against reseveratrol as a longevity intervention.


Since 2015 there has been more and more critical experts from the longevity researchers rebutting Sinclair's theories.

Here is a good article giving an overview of the state of research:


A ‘Fountain Of Youth’ Pill? Sure, If You’re A Mouse.

Despite his enthusiasm, published scientific research has not yet demonstrated the molecule works in humans as it does in mice. Sinclair, however, has a considerable financial stake in his claims being proven correct, and has lent his scientific prowess to commercializing possible life extension products such as molecules known as “NAD boosters.”

“The sale of nutritional supplements of unproven clinical benefit is commonplace,” said Stephen O’Rahilly, the director of Cambridge’s Metabolic Research Laboratories who applauded his university for reassessing the arrangement. “What is unusual in this case is the extent to which institutions and individuals from the highest levels of the academy have been co-opted to provide scientific credibility for a product whose benefits to human health are unproven.”

Research by Sinclair and others helped spark interest in resveratrol, an ingredient in red wine, for its potential anti-aging properties. In 2004, Sinclair co-founded a company, Sirtris, to test resveratrol’s potential benefits and declared in an interview with the journal Science it was “as close to a miraculous molecule as you can find.” GlaxoSmithKline bought the company in 2008 for $720 million. By the time Glaxo halted the research in 2010 because of underwhelming results with possible side effects, Sinclair had already received $8 million from the sale, according to Securities and Exchange Commission documents. He also had earned $297,000 a year in consulting fees from the company, according to The Wall Street Journal.

“Many interventions that seem sensible on the basis of research in animals turn out to have unexpected effects in man,” he added, citing a large clinical trial of beta carotene that showed it increased rather than decreased the risk of lung cancer in smokers.

Elysium’s own research documented a “small but significant increase in cholesterol,” but added more studies were needed to determine whether the changes were “real or due to chance.” One independent study has suggested that a component of NAD may influence the growth of some cancers, but researchers involved in the study warned it was too early to know.

“If you want to make money, hiring a sales rep to push something that hasn’t been tested is a really great strategy,” said Miller, who is testing substances on mice. “If instead you want to find drugs that work in people, you take a very different approach. It doesn’t involve sales pitches. It involves the long, laborious, slogging process of actually doing research.”



Second, the same as Perlmutter, David Sinclair has critical personal economic interest in his research

His financial interests include being listed as an inventor on a patent licensed to Elysium Health, a supplement company that sells a NAD booster in pills for $60 a bottle. He’s also an investor in InsideTracker, the company that he says measured his age.

(The above articles gives sufficient evidence on Sinclair's financial interests.

Has Harvard’s David Sinclair Found the Fountain of Youth?

Not yet­—but he sure is getting rich, famous, and having a blast while trying.



Anti-Aging Study Sees Much-Needed Affirmation

However, a study published in the Journal of Biological Chemistry concluded that these drugs are not direct activators of SIRT1, which would render Sinclair’s work fundamentally inaccurate.

Sinclair is still working toward getting his drugs into human trials, though the future is fairly uncertain at this point. 




=> Conclusion:

The complete research of David Sinclair is in no way conclusive or completed. Research scientists commented that it is far too early to and much more 

and much more profound research is required.




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On 6/6/2022 at 1:14 AM, singalion said:


=> Conclusion:

The complete research of David Sinclair is in no way conclusive or completed. Research scientists commented that it is far too early to and much more 

and much more profound research is required.



Thank you @singalion,  this post of yours is definitely on-topic.


I of course accept that Sinclair's theories are not fully proven,  and can be found to be incorrect at any time.  This is to be expected in theories that need a longer time for results to appear that confirm a cause-effect.


If longevity pills are a myth this would be a pity, but it is important to know it.  For my part, I am already satisfied to have lived long enough.


But still,  I trust more David Sinclair's theories than praying to Saint Raphael Archangel,  the patron saint of Health.


I imagine that the demise of resveratrol will also be a disappointment to many people who enjoy red wine for its alleged health benefits.


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Guest Creeping Ivy
On 6/6/2022 at 8:13 PM, Steve5380 said:

If longevity pills are a myth this would be a pity, I trust more David Sinclair's theories than praying to Saint Raphael Archangel,  the patron saint of Health.


The art of longevity is not to listen to anyone without a huge pinch of salt.  Nature has offered us many lessons how to live long.  Look around and tell me what is the longest living things on this planet. You should be able to draw lesson from them by what they do to live hundred of years , if not thousands.  


Tree, plants, grass,....,...they have everything in common.   


Drink more water, eat foods that came out of the soil, is all you need to live long like forest.


I felt guilty to have disclose the world greatest secret.  You can happily live a thousand year from now onwards.



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Guest Lentor Avenue
On 6/6/2022 at 1:35 AM, singalion said:


I m not bickering at the USA thread but countering the truth distortions and manipulative propaganda smear of 7heaven and putting it in the context of the true facts. 


You seem to be bickering with almost everybody whom you don’t agree with on many threads.


Your desire to be always correct or always want to correct others is what annoys many here. 

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On 6/7/2022 at 5:04 AM, Guest Creeping Ivy said:


The art of longevity is not to listen to anyone without a huge pinch of salt.  Nature has offered us many lessons how to live long.  Look around and tell me what is the longest living things on this planet. You should be able to draw lesson from them by what they do to live hundred of years , if not thousands.  


Tree, plants, grass,....,...they have everything in common.   


Drink more water, eat foods that came out of the soil, is all you need to live long like forest.


I felt guilty to have disclose the world greatest secret.  You can happily live a thousand year from now onwards.



Doesn't the huge pitch of salt irritate your ear canals?


The living things that last hundreds if not thousands of years are... quite different from us.  They don't have to move.


 I agree with you about drinking more water... up to a point.  Too much water ingestion can be dangerous.  I don't know about a world greatest secret,  but our ancestors, although closer to nature,  lived shorter lives than we do.  If none of the nearly 8 BILLION humans today will live a thousand years, not even a hundred and fifty,  neither will I.  But I will keep living happily as many as I have left.

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On 6/12/2022 at 2:10 AM, Steve5380 said:

I agree with you about drinking more water... up to a point.  Too much water ingestion can be dangerous.

Kinda funny coming from a poster who earlier in this thread has spent post after post after recommending eating nothing and only drinking water for 5 whole days! Maybe a bit dangerous hahaha.

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On 6/11/2022 at 11:26 PM, InBangkok said:

Kinda funny coming from a poster who earlier in this thread has spent post after post after recommending eating nothing and only drinking water for 5 whole days! Maybe a bit dangerous hahaha.


You wanted to give you examples of your LIES?   Well... this is one.


I have not spent post after post recommending to do 5 day water-only fasts.   I have quoted experts who speak of the benefits of fasting.  My personal recommendation is to try out the benefits of fasting, starting with intermittent fasting.


You have lied and distorted aplenty in this thread.  You have trashed information from experts while being an ignorant.

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On 6/16/2022 at 9:22 PM, Steve5380 said:

You wanted to give you examples of your LIES?   Well... this is one.


I have not spent post after post recommending to do 5 day water-only fasts.   I have quoted experts who speak of the benefits of fasting.  My personal recommendation is to try out the benefits of fasting, starting with intermittent fasting.


You have lied and distorted aplenty in this thread.  You have trashed information from experts while being an ignorant.

What nonsense! You have consistently mentioned the 5-day fast and even spent posts informing readers of your progress after 2 days and then 4 days. You told us how much weight you had lost - as if that would be of any interest to younger Asians! You then had the gall to mention the poor Thai boys stuck in the depths of a cave without knowing if they would ever be rescued pointing out they had water fasted for 9 days! What an absolute disgrace! You completely failed to mention that these boys had absolutely no choice - there was no food in that cave. And you failed to add that they had to spend many days in hospital thereafter with round the clock monitoring. So much for multi-day water fasting!


Shame on you!

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On 6/16/2022 at 11:58 PM, InBangkok said:

What nonsense! You have consistently mentioned the 5-day fast and even spent posts informing readers of your progress after 2 days and then 4 days. You told us how much weight you had lost - as if that would be of any interest to younger Asians! You then had the gall to mention the poor Thai boys stuck in the depths of a cave without knowing if they would ever be rescued pointing out they had water fasted for 9 days! What an absolute disgrace! You completely failed to mention that these boys had absolutely no choice - there was no food in that cave. And you failed to add that they had to spend many days in hospital thereafter with round the clock monitoring. So much for multi-day water fasting!


Shame on you!


Another bitter, malevolent, totally negative post that reflects the desire to argue, to fight, to pester like the most dedicated trolling guest!   You are giving the best example of HOW NOT TO BEHAVE IN A FORUM.


Yes, I wrote about my intention to fast for 5 days and why I only made it to 4 days.  This is not to "recommend it to everyone", like you falsely claimed.


I was one of the many enchanted by the fortunate resolution of the Thai boys trapped in a cave.  I was so happy that they all were rescued in good health.  I think that the attitude of their guide was admirable.  He kept the kids calm and relaxed, meditating in the dark, rejecting thoughts of panic and keeping hopes for their rescue.  I think that these boys are a perfect example of how spending some days without eating food but only drinking water is not damaging to a healthy person.  You instead,  although you are an adult, an older man who should have some control,  FREAK OUT at the idea of not eating for 4 or 5 days.  You act like you are vulnerable like a baby!  Well.. maybe... you are!,  ha ha.   

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On 6/17/2022 at 7:16 PM, Steve5380 said:

I was one of the many enchanted by the fortunate resolution of the Thai boys trapped in a cave . . .  I think that these boys are a perfect example of how spending some days without eating food but only drinking water is not damaging to a healthy person.

Still you continue with your disgraceful earlier comment. You cited these poor boys trapped in the cave as an example of your quack theory about 5-day water fasting doing no harm. You totally failed to mention that they were there by accident and that they had no choice but drink water. Nor that after all that time in the cave they had to spend days in hospital recovering.


So @Steve5380 the next time you go water fasting, lock yourself away in a cold damp cave with a rough uneven floor, wearing only a T-shirt and shorts, with no toilet so you constantly smell your own bodily waste and no knowledge whatever whether you will be rescued or not. Only then can you draw on those courageous boys as a comparison. To do so to promote your quack theory about 5-day water fasting is utterly disgraceful. Oh, better book your hospital bed before you go into the cave in the event you come out alive! 

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On 6/17/2022 at 9:36 PM, InBangkok said:


So @Steve5380 the next time you go water fasting, lock yourself away in a cold damp cave with a rough uneven floor, wearing only a T-shirt and shorts, with no toilet so you constantly smell your own bodily waste and no knowledge whatever whether you will be rescued or not. Only then can you draw on those courageous boys as a comparison. To do so to promote your quack theory about 5-day water fasting is utterly disgraceful. Oh, better book your hospital bed before you go into the cave in the event you come out alive! 



Where did you learn to write such dumb things?

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On 6/18/2022 at 10:21 AM, Steve5380 said:


Where did you learn to write such dumb things?

From your posting and your total lack of respect for those boys stuck in the cave! Only because you disgracefully wanted to use them to back up your 5-day water fast nonsense.

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On 6/18/2022 at 1:21 PM, Guest Guest said:

Thought the boys stuck in cave was 2 to 3 years news. Now bring  back old topic for debate?No new topic for debate?

It was four years ago. @Steve5380 introduced those poor boys stuck in the cave to provide an example how the theory he had earlier posted that 5-day water fasting was good for the body and so for those who will be seniors one day. But he totally failed to mention so many facts surrounding their plight that as an example it was a disgrace. Interestingly he has not provided any other examples of any others who have survived on 5 day water diets. Even he only lasted 4 days. So the whole question of why this subject was even brought up in the first place is suspect. It's pure quackery!

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On 6/18/2022 at 1:21 AM, Guest Guest said:

Thought the boys stuck in cave was 2 to 3 years news. Now bring  back old topic for debate?No new topic for debate?


It is typical for this malevolent, bitter member to post off-topic to badmouth me.   


I had just mentioned the boys in the cave as an example of how healthy bodies can spend many days without food and not suffer bad consequences.  And here he comes and blames me for "use" them with "total lack of respect".  

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On 6/17/2022 at 9:36 PM, InBangkok said:


Still you continue with your disgraceful earlier comment. You cited these poor boys trapped in the cave as an example of your quack theory about 5-day water fasting doing no harm. You totally failed to mention that they were there by accident and that they had no choice but drink water. Nor that after all that time in the cave they had to spend days in hospital recovering.



So dumb what you write!   What you call "disgraceful comment" is a good example of fasting being innocuous in healthy people. 


No one had wished the experience these boys had to go through.  But there is much positive in it.  ALL the 12 boys, after being trapped for 18 days, emerged physically and mentally healthy from their ordeal, that we know of.    Their example was not wished for, but it happened.  Now we can be confident that if the 12 boys fasted for, say, 17 days (!!) without problems,  A FIVE DAY FAST will not put a healthy person at risk.  YOU should be able to do it if you are healthy  (but mental health might be an issue).  


You should not be afraid of drawing positive conclusions, or at least useful conclusions,  from events that are complicated or fortuitous.   For example:  we know now that in the absence of gravity, our bones deteriorate.  This could not have been known without a space program where astronauts spend long times in zero gravity.   If I use these events as examples for the benefit of loading our bones by lifting weights, jumping, falling, etc.,  will you call this "disgraceful, disrespectful to the poor astronauts" ?  Maybe I should post some recommendations for a healthy mind,  so readers avoid posting as dumb as you do...

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On 6/18/2022 at 8:07 PM, Steve5380 said:

It is typical for this malevolent, bitter member to post off-topic

Clearly YOU cannot read. This is YOUR thread. YOU introduced the stupid concept of a 5-day water fasting regimen as an aid for those will become seniors one day, and YOU introduced the poor Thai boys stuck in the cave into the narrative. No one else did! So if YOU do not wish subjects YOU introduce discussed, the answer is perfectly clear. Don't introduce them or at least make sure that readers are aware of ALL the results, which in the case of the Thai boys YOU decided to ignore - and don't thereafter trash those who criticise YOU!


And when YOU continuously call certain posters "MALEVOLENT" and "BITTER", don't be surprised when they do precisely the same when YOU make such silly posts, old man!


Now i am off with my partner to meet up with some friends for a lovely Sunday brunch - and there will be no beans in sight. Wahahahaha!

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On 6/18/2022 at 11:09 PM, InBangkok said:

Clearly YOU cannot read. This is YOUR thread. YOU introduced the stupid concept of a 5-day water fasting regimen as an aid for those will become seniors one day, and YOU introduced the poor Thai boys stuck in the cave into the narrative. No one else did! So if YOU do not wish subjects YOU introduce discussed, the answer is perfectly clear. Don't introduce them or at least make sure that readers are aware of ALL the results, which in the case of the Thai boys YOU decided to ignore - and don't thereafter trash those who criticise YOU!


And when YOU continuously call certain posters "MALEVOLENT" and "BITTER", don't be surprised when they do precisely the same when YOU make such silly posts, old man!


Now i am off with my partner to meet up with some friends for a lovely Sunday brunch - and there will be no beans in sight. Wahahahaha!


Another dumb post by this individual.


I wish he would spend ALL of his time in brunches with his partner and friends,  drinking the oh so exquisite wine.  In this way he would be ALWAYS passed out and therefore prevented from bitterly and malevolently pooping on all the useful information posted in my thread.  


In my home I periodically spread some poison to keep the cockroaches away.  Is there anything I could spread in this my thread to keep the bitter and malevolent older man away?

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On 6/19/2022 at 11:22 AM, Steve5380 said:

In my home I periodically spread some poison to keep the cockroaches away.  Is there anything I could spread in this my thread to keep the bitter and malevolent older man away?

Ohhhh! So you now you want another poster poisoned with cockroach poison! Be very, very careful old man! I suspect the moderators will not take too kindly to that suggestion. Maybe it is banning territory - a place you have not infrequently found yourself in the past!


You accuse me of being an older man. Who here could possibly be older than you at 79? You made up a fiction about my age and blatantly lie about it. You know well that I am quite a few years younger than you. You even wrote about it - so quit your lying!


December 2020 - "Although you are younger than me . . ."


Now then, with your latest vitriolic comments and desire to poison, you have moved into yet more dangerous rhetoric. it's clearly time to look at even more of your previous posts to prove what a schizophrenic forgetful character you really are and how your advice to other posters is often just hogwash.


May 2020 - "I am still increasing the "thickness of my skin". Attacks that would have disturbed me in the past now fly by like a swirl of bad smell, and one holds the breath for a moment until it passes."  


October 2020 - "we can adopt some positive philosophy of life that calms us down and makes us realize that he who gets angry... loses."


December 2020 - "Life is good to me and I have all reasons to be in excellent mood.  And life is short!  Why waste it in anger?" 


So even now your skin is obviously even thinner, your positivity of life angers you and you lose, and you waste your life. Funny how the past comes back to haunt us!!! Oh, and for your information our brunch was absolutely delicious - good food, good wine, good friends, good conversation - especially when I told them about a person who happens to live in Houston, Texas. They found all that very funny! The ideal way to enjoy a Sunday.

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On 6/19/2022 at 3:05 AM, InBangkok said:

Ohhhh! So you now you want another poster poisoned with cockroach poison! Be very, very careful old man! I suspect the moderators will not take too kindly to that suggestion. Maybe it is banning territory - a place you have not infrequently found yourself in the past!


You accuse me of being an older man. Who here could possibly be older than you at 79? You made up a fiction about my age and blatantly lie about it. You know well that I am quite a few years younger than you. You even wrote about it - so quit your lying!


December 2020 - "Although you are younger than me . . ."



I feel sorry that you had to give again a prima face evidence that you are a malevolent liar distorting what I write and give false interpretations of it. 


I don't want any human poisoned with anything and never said so.  What I wrote referring to you is:  "  Is there anything I could spread in this my thread to keep the bitter and malevolent older man away? ".   Where you see any "poison" there?   You don't,  but you saw an opportunity to LIE and make it appear like I want to poison you, like I have to poison the bugs that inevitably appear in every house in Houston.  And you know perfectly well that to poison someone over the Internet is impossible.   Instead of your malevolent charge,  what I spread here to counter your lies is THE TRUTH.  



And about "older man",  I think I am right.  This is what you say about yourself,  although I don't see that one can trust what you say.  But I accept that you may be younger than me.   78 is younger than me.  And, by the way,  I don't mind being the oldest poster in BW.  On the contrary,  I am proud of it!


On 6/19/2022 at 3:05 AM, InBangkok said:


So even now your skin is obviously even thinner, your positivity of life angers you and you lose, and you waste your life. Funny how the past comes back to haunt us!!! Oh, and for your information our brunch was absolutely delicious - good food, good wine, good friends, good conversation - especially when I told them about a person who happens to live in Houston, Texas. They found all that very funny! The ideal way to enjoy a Sunday.



I am glad that you can still enjoy something in life, like your brunch.  But you still have to do you hateful postings here.  I don't know if this is because you are a hateful person, or if you just hate me in particular.  I am not going to investigate.  Your hate could be caused by the ruin of your body.  You told me that you don't like to exercise, your data shows that you are overweight...  No wonder you have lost your enjoyment of gay saunas...  


My only purpose in this thread, and mostly elsewhere, is to pass on information that I find can help gays who will be seniors one day.  This fits you well, you most probably are a senior of unrevealed age.  You could benefit from dietary information I have posted, like fasting and eating lentils, some suggestions about exercise and posture,  and... practices that benefit the brain and prevent dementia.  It's such a pity that instead of following good advice, you choose to poop on it!


As to my "thin skin",  you get this also wrong.  All your nasty badmouthing does not perturb me in the least.  You don't affect me in the least.  I never attack you, pester you.  I only respond to YOUR attacks.  And my interest in countering your falsities by spreading THE TRUTH is for the benefit of BW readers.  I like to share with everyone that what I found to be GOOD in my experience,  while also appreciating to learn the GOOD which others experience.  Period.

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