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For gays who will be seniors one day - A Steve5380 Topic!


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On 10/6/2021 at 5:08 AM, Steve5380 said:

To be older does not mean losing all interest in sex.  But having less urges and more free time can expand the scope of thoughts into more esoteric subjects.  


Here is a video that questions the existence of life after death.  An interesting subject, I think, especially for someone a little older.  As an agnostic, I have still an open mind about this subject,  and I find that the narrator here has an intelligent perspective of the subject.  OF all the interviewed,  who left me thinking is the first one, the theologian Greg Boyd.


It seems that for all the things we have longings for, we hunger for, we crave,  like sex, food, air, water, money, power, etc. etc,  these things have a reality.  And we also crave strongly for our survival after death.   Why should this craving be an exception?  If all the others have a reality,  why should this one be false?  Why would we have evolved this desire to survive death if there is no reality to this?  I think that Boyd has a good point,  and his question has cracked open a door in my mind towards afterlife.


I'm still not worried about an afterlife, maybe I will never die... but this could be a beginning.  :)   Perhaps I'm not the only gay, young or older, who finds this interesting.




I don't fear death. Everyone dies

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  • 1 month later...

Oh....   I found back my original thread "for gays who will be seniors one day".


So I will post here what I did in the thread about USA politics,  and also respond to the previous post:


On 11/14/2022 at 3:28 AM, Guest Questioning said:

Is this the result of fasting?  Is she looking healthy?

Celine Dion Is Getting Her Own Biopic - 'The Power of Love' Celine Dion  Biopic Details


IF this is how you look after trying fasting,  see the following video, so you may be able to do it better.  


I found a cute video on the subject,  which is easy to watch and is not very profound, yet it touches the major points that have been extensively researched, and made FASTING into a body of knowledge that has nothing of "Quackery"  ( oh, how I remember those earlier strong efforts to discredit fasting, ha ha ).  I have been doing it for over a year with great result, and it is so easy, just skipping breakfast!



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Not again!!   Not again with the topic of fasting?   Well... I think that it is helpful.


I like this following video because it describes a time table of what happens the longer one fasts.  Can this be taken like a proven fact of nature?   Of course not,  like so much in medicine.  But the author, Sten Ekberg, is someone who should inspire some confidence.  


Personally, I am debating if I should try again a longer term fasting.  Last year I did a 4 day fast.   Since then, I do daily an intermittent fast of about 16 hours.  I look at his chart at 31:05  and think:  "I am perfectly healthy,  but maybe I can get some more autophagy and growth hormones?   Less garbage inside and grow a couple of inches (no, this is a joke)?  I could easily do a 3 day fasting, why not?




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Guest Cute Uncle
14 hours ago, Steve5380 said:

Not again!!   Not again with the topic of fasting?   Well... I think that it is helpful.


Fasting will make you age faster.  You should focus on building collagen instead. 

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5 hours ago, Guest Cute Uncle said:

Fasting will make you age faster.  You should focus on building collagen instead. 


It is a common perception that the motivation, the purpose of fasting is to lose weight.  But there are other benefits that are not so well known.   If you watch the above two videos you will learn about them.


FASTing has nothing to do with aging FASTer.  On the contrary, periodic longer term fasting promotes also longevity.   Together with the gains in mother cells, growth hormone, autophagy. 

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Guest nincompoop

Wow. Oh Wow!! I only recently realized there was a topic for the elderly. Describe my experiences for you. I got up early, went for a jog, ate twice a day or only when I felt hungry (which can be 18 hours later), and then worked on my youtube channel as a side gig. I regularly cleaned my house as one form of exercise - dragging furnitures, shaking my hips and arms and dancing while mopping. In my spare time, I strolled inside supermarkets instead of shopping at malls for pointless items, read every single label on the complete food empire I found there, and then I blacklisted 80% of them.


I have a pantry full of wholesome foods, spices, and sauces, as well as another cabinet full of vibrant vegetables.  I also kept a small library nook full of ketogenic and healthy recipes and followed its instructions while I cooked (not more than 30 minutes).  I considered Biscuits, potato chips, cakes, pastries,  breads, alcohol and most sweet fruits as my enemy.  Early in the evening, I make it a habit to appreciate the sunset's orange glow while maintaining complete tranquility. I work out indoors or outdoors if I can locate something free instead of going to the paid gym. After taking a cold shower and preparing my bed, I worked out at night by rolling on a set of large balls until I was exhausted, then I switched off all the light and my communication devices...Zzzzzzzzz...


The next morning, I went jogging once again just before the sun rose..........


In my bucket list,  I am planning to learn Yoga, where I should try to lift my legs over my head and rolled like a humpty dumpty on the floor or bend my entire body until my head reached between my legs.  I know, very challenging


I wonder any elderly here can challeng what I did?   Well...I am not yet 60 but plan to live 200.. too much to ask?

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25 minutes ago, Guest nincompoop said:

Wow. Oh Wow!! I only recently realized there was a topic for the elderly.


I wonder any elderly here can challeng what I did?   Well...I am not yet 60 but plan to live 200.. too much to ask?


Wow.  If you are not yet 60, you should not have ANY RIGHT to consider yourself "elderly".  You haven't yet entered middle-age.  But I gladly accept you as a fellow elderly, if you want.  :) 


This thread is hopefully not only for the elderly.  It should also serve the pre-elderly, and the pre-pre-elderly.  The sooner we start in life preparing for the later life, the better, the higher the chances of being successful.  And it seems that you are finding the right way. :thumb:


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On 1/23/2023 at 9:18 PM, Guest nincompoop said:

Wow. Oh Wow!! I only recently realized there was a topic for the elderly. Describe my experiences for you. I got up early, went for a jog, ate twice a day or only when I felt hungry (which can be 18 hours later), and then worked on my youtube channel as a side gig. I regularly cleaned my house as one form of exercise - dragging furnitures, shaking my hips and arms and dancing while mopping. In my spare time, I strolled inside supermarkets instead of shopping at malls for pointless items, read every single label on the complete food empire I found there, and then I blacklisted 80% of them.


I have a pantry full of wholesome foods, spices, and sauces, as well as another cabinet full of vibrant vegetables.  I also kept a small library nook full of ketogenic and healthy recipes and followed its instructions while I cooked (not more than 30 minutes).  I considered Biscuits, potato chips, cakes, pastries,  breads, alcohol and most sweet fruits as my enemy.  Early in the evening, I make it a habit to appreciate the sunset's orange glow while maintaining complete tranquility. I work out indoors or outdoors if I can locate something free instead of going to the paid gym. After taking a cold shower and preparing my bed, I worked out at night by rolling on a set of large balls until I was exhausted, then I switched off all the light and my communication devices...Zzzzzzzzz...


The next morning, I went jogging once again just before the sun rose..........


In my bucket list,  I am planning to learn Yoga, where I should try to lift my legs over my head and rolled like a humpty dumpty on the floor or bend my entire body until my head reached between my legs.  I know, very challenging


I wonder any elderly here can challeng what I did?   Well...I am not yet 60 but plan to live 200.. too much to ask?

Hi, you sounded like you already retired. Mind sharing if you have any passive income or living off your savings?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Today watching YouTube, I run into an interesting video: the interview of Mike Wallace of the writer Ayn Rand.


I like to call the attention of BW gays, young and old, to this writer. 


If you are young, you may want to read her books, like "The Fountainhead", and "Atlas Shrugged",  so you become familiar with what originated the "philosophy" of her: Objectivism.  And then, when you are older, you will enjoy the realization of how wrong her "Objectivism" is.  One word of caution:  this philosophy is like a POISON for the mind of those who are intelligent, have a good self-esteem, and are tempted to consider themselves among the GOOD GUYS of her philosophy.  Big mistake,  remember!


If you are older, or already a senior,  read her books again, watch this video,  and realize how blessed you are that thanks to your experience of life you are able to look through her enticing ideas and realize that they are a bunch of bull.   Not all of them,  but the majority.  How her conceited, uppity, selfish, presumptuous ideas that suffer from an incomplete knowledge and understanding of human nature can create such an utopia of "superior beings" that are mostly the products of her imagination.   This does not exclude that there are and have been people who resemble these "heroes",  but  it is idiotic to make a "philosophy" out of them.


And now to the video:



You will recognize that Rand's Objectivism is a favorite among Republicans.  They are against government, against social programs, against taxation, against having any consideration for those who are "inferior". These Republicans who have elevated a Donald Trump!   LOL!  Jesus Christ would be turning in his grave about her,  but since he resurrected,  he is in heaven and only lament that because of the damage her ideas caused and still cause,  she is assigned to long years in Purgatory,  if not sent straight to HELL.    I don't wish her this,  but she lived until 77 y.o.,  sufficient seniority to have realized how wrong she was...


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On 1/23/2023 at 9:18 PM, Guest nincompoop said:

Wow. Oh Wow!! I only recently realized there was a topic for the elderly. Describe my experiences for you. I got up early, went for a jog, ate twice a day or only when I felt hungry (which can be 18 hours later), and then worked on my youtube channel as a side gig. I regularly cleaned my house as one form of exercise - dragging furnitures, shaking my hips and arms and dancing while mopping. In my spare time, I strolled inside supermarkets instead of shopping at malls for pointless items, read every single label on the complete food empire I found there, and then I blacklisted 80% of them.


I have a pantry full of wholesome foods, spices, and sauces, as well as another cabinet full of vibrant vegetables.  I also kept a small library nook full of ketogenic and healthy recipes and followed its instructions while I cooked (not more than 30 minutes).  I considered Biscuits, potato chips, cakes, pastries,  breads, alcohol and most sweet fruits as my enemy.  Early in the evening, I make it a habit to appreciate the sunset's orange glow while maintaining complete tranquility. I work out indoors or outdoors if I can locate something free instead of going to the paid gym. After taking a cold shower and preparing my bed, I worked out at night by rolling on a set of large balls until I was exhausted, then I switched off all the light and my communication devices...Zzzzzzzzz...


The next morning, I went jogging once again just before the sun rose..........


In my bucket list,  I am planning to learn Yoga, where I should try to lift my legs over my head and rolled like a humpty dumpty on the floor or bend my entire body until my head reached between my legs.  I know, very challenging


I wonder any elderly here can challeng what I did?   Well...I am not yet 60 but plan to live 200.. too much to ask?

I'm 60+ and take up your challenge since there are so few of us elderly sharing our healthy lifestyles.


I believe in 3 categories of exercises.

1. Jogging is the most important to me since it's one of the most basic exercise that covers all major body parts. But at my age, it's bad for the knees so I don't run far and only once a week.


2. Calisthenics like sit ups and push ups, squats etc are needed to strengthen the core and keep the abs. 

Unfortunately, at my age, I find that I don't recover fully from the aches caused by such heavy exercises, especially my back. But that's no excuse and I still carry on my heavy exercises. Actually the slight pains feel delicious to me, I only stay weary of it just in case it's bad to ignore.


3. I practise yoga learnt from YouTube videos long ago.

It's only basic but it helps to improve my flexibility. It's very important at my age because many of my contemporaries have that geriatric stiffness when they walk that immediately identify them as old men. They are depressed about it. Yet they wouldn't do anything about it.

I find that old men like us are stubborn and not easy to talk to when I try to tell them to practise yoga.

It's like some people here, they will think that we are showing off our fitness.

I don't believe it's necessary to be a yoga guru since I'm only using it as a form of pilates for stretching to relief those aches from heavy exercises. I've done full lotus and some intermediate poses that initially were difficult and it's enough for me.


I'm flexible about foods. Some days I'll cook fried foods, other days I'll eat brown rice or instant oats. 


I hate shopping but it's necessary. I tend to spend time learning things from YouTube. Recently because of the pandemic, initially without ready hawkers foods, I learnt some cooking from YouTube and quite surprised that it's not that difficult. But those tasty foods are not healthy ones so I learnt them and cook them occasionally only.


I also believe that sex is necessary to make us secrete those essential hormones to keep us healthy and re-vitalised. I find that most old men are uncomfortable about talking about sex like it's taboo. I'm not shy about going to saunas and exhibit my body to compare with other old men like your challenge. I do mostly dirty talking or non-anal sex.


But if the feeling is right, I don't mind opening my legs and be taken. It's seldom because very few are worth it. It's only with someone I really like then it's enjoyable. I'm not ashamed about enjoying it but not obsessed, not shy if other old men want to talk dirty with me about it. I don't mind letting them touch my ass if they want to and be nice about it. 


Like most of my contemporaries or those old men at the saunas, I'm worried about getting old. That's why it's good to talk about it openly instead of keeping it all inside, causing physiological maladies from the suppressed emotions.

Some old men become cranky or short-circuit because they don't know how to let their feelings out properly, especially those sexual feelings.

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2 hours ago, singalion said:


Will the SG government sponsor a self help group for aging gays?



Before this,  the SG government should sponsor self help groups for teenagers who don't know how to tackle their life being gay.  Then they should sponsor self help groups for young gays who have emotional problems due to failed relationships, rejections, etc.  Then they should sponsor self help groups for gays in their 30s, 40s, 50s,  who are terribly afraid of getting old and becoming undesirable.  


We senior gays should be congratulating each other for having overcome many potential crisis in our lives and have emerged stronger and able to attain happiness.  We can also help each other to further cultivate this happiness with suggestions on how to preserve our health and extend our longevity. 

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3 hours ago, Guest Wooter said:

I'm 60+ and take up your challenge since there are so few of us elderly sharing our healthy lifestyles.


I believe in 3 categories of exercises.

1. Jogging is the most important to me since it's one of the most basic exercise that covers all major body parts. But at my age, it's bad for the knees so I don't run far and only once a week.


2. Calisthenics like sit ups and push ups, squats etc are needed to strengthen the core and keep the abs. 

Unfortunately, at my age, I find that I don't recover fully from the aches caused by such heavy exercises, especially my back. But that's no excuse and I still carry on my heavy exercises. Actually the slight pains feel delicious to me, I only stay weary of it just in case it's bad to ignore.


3. I practise yoga learnt from YouTube videos long ago.

It's only basic but it helps to improve my flexibility. It's very important at my age because many of my contemporaries have that geriatric stiffness when they walk that immediately identify them as old men. They are depressed about it. Yet they wouldn't do anything about it.

I find that old men like us are stubborn and not easy to talk to when I try to tell them to practise yoga.

It's like some people here, they will think that we are showing off our fitness.

I don't believe it's necessary to be a yoga guru since I'm only using it as a form of pilates for stretching to relief those aches from heavy exercises. I've done full lotus and some intermediate poses that initially were difficult and it's enough for me.


I'm flexible about foods. Some days I'll cook fried foods, other days I'll eat brown rice or instant oats. 


I hate shopping but it's necessary. I tend to spend time learning things from YouTube. Recently because of the pandemic, initially without ready hawkers foods, I learnt some cooking from YouTube and quite surprised that it's not that difficult. But those tasty foods are not healthy ones so I learnt them and cook them occasionally only.


I also believe that sex is necessary to make us secrete those essential hormones to keep us healthy and re-vitalised. I find that most old men are uncomfortable about talking about sex like it's taboo. I'm not shy about going to saunas and exhibit my body to compare with other old men like your challenge. I do mostly dirty talking or non-anal sex.


But if the feeling is right, I don't mind opening my legs and be taken. It's seldom because very few are worth it. It's only with someone I really like then it's enjoyable. I'm not ashamed about enjoying it but not obsessed, not shy if other old men want to talk dirty with me about it. I don't mind letting them touch my ass if they want to and be nice about it. 


Like most of my contemporaries or those old men at the saunas, I'm worried about getting old. That's why it's good to talk about it openly instead of keeping it all inside, causing physiological maladies from the suppressed emotions.

Some old men become cranky or short-circuit because they don't know how to let their feelings out properly, especially those sexual feelings.


There are probably more elderly among us than is apparent, since there seems to be some wrong perception that to be elderly is undesirable.  Therefore, we have an opportunity to dispel those fears.


1. If you want to avoid high impact aerobics like running, how about taking up aerobic machines like stationary bikes, treadmills, stair climbers, rowing machines, which allow for aerobic exercising with little or no impact?  You can use them in a gym,  or purchase low cost models to use at home.  Not very aerobic, but an excellent exercise as we age is... walking for longer distances.


2.  Calisthenics as gymnastic exercises are fine, but at 60+ you are too young to have chronic pains from it.  Like with any exercise, we can have delayed-onset muscle soreness when we start a new exercise, but this should subside as the muscle/s adapt.  Also, if you can tolerate it, of much importance is to exercise with weights, weight-lifting.  As we age, the importance of having strong leg muscles increases exponentially.   Sit-ups are not desirable, crunches are superior for the abs.  But squats, stationary and walking lunges are excellent, especially if you can increase the weights by holding some dumbbells or other improvised weights in your hands.


3. Stretching is excellent.  It does not have to be Yoga,  which includes many other benefits besides stretching.  There are many good videos on YouTube with recommendations on how to do them best.   Full lotus is excellent, the same as resting in an Asian squat. 


Flexibility with foods is not necessary.  We should be inflexible in eating only the healthiest ones, with only some exceptions here and there.  Doing your own cooking is the best.  YouTube and the Internet in general are great resources to research foods.  But most recipes are overly complicated with unnecessary steps and ingredients.  Knowing about the good foods and just some basic cooking allows us to combine the natural foods to achieve our goals for protein, carbohydrate, fats.  Preparation of meals should be simple. Instead of frying, boiling, steaming, baking, microwaving is all we need.  Also the knowledge of unprocessed foods can make our experience of shopping for them interesting and pleasant.  Do your stores have weekly flyers with specials?  It is a nice challenge to get good deals with foods.  


About sex, elderly should not be intimidated about frequenting saunas.  The fear of being "old" can be substituted by the satisfaction of being still "handsome",  and your exercising and good nutrition will help with that.  Realistic expectations and lower standards will avoid negative feelings that lead to crankiness, frustrations for being rejected. Following our early youth, we all get rejected here and there, and this should not dent our self-esteem.

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On 2/3/2023 at 11:22 AM, Steve5380 said:


There are probably more elderly among us than is apparent, since there seems to be some wrong perception that to be elderly is undesirable.  Therefore, we have an opportunity to dispel those fears.


1. If you want to avoid high impact aerobics like running, how about taking up aerobic machines like stationary bikes, treadmills, stair climbers, rowing machines, which allow for aerobic exercising with little or no impact?  You can use them in a gym,  or purchase low cost models to use at home.  Not very aerobic, but an excellent exercise as we age is... walking for longer distances.


2.  Calisthenics as gymnastic exercises are fine, but at 60+ you are too young to have chronic pains from it.  Like with any exercise, we can have delayed-onset muscle soreness when we start a new exercise, but this should subside as the muscle/s adapt.  Also, if you can tolerate it, of much importance is to exercise with weights, weight-lifting.  As we age, the importance of having strong leg muscles increases exponentially.   Sit-ups are not desirable, crunches are superior for the abs.  But squats, stationary and walking lunges are excellent, especially if you can increase the weights by holding some dumbbells or other improvised weights in your hands.


3. Stretching is excellent.  It does not have to be Yoga,  which includes many other benefits besides stretching.  There are many good videos on YouTube with recommendations on how to do them best.   Full lotus is excellent, the same as resting in an Asian squat. 


Flexibility with foods is not necessary.  We should be inflexible in eating only the healthiest ones, with only some exceptions here and there.  Doing your own cooking is the best.  YouTube and the Internet in general are great resources to research foods.  But most recipes are overly complicated with unnecessary steps and ingredients.  Knowing about the good foods and just some basic cooking allows us to combine the natural foods to achieve our goals for protein, carbohydrate, fats.  Preparation of meals should be simple. Instead of frying, boiling, steaming, baking, microwaving is all we need.  Also the knowledge of unprocessed foods can make our experience of shopping for them interesting and pleasant.  Do your stores have weekly flyers with specials?  It is a nice challenge to get good deals with foods.  


About sex, elderly should not be intimidated about frequenting saunas.  The fear of being "old" can be substituted by the satisfaction of being still "handsome",  and your exercising and good nutrition will help with that.  Realistic expectations and lower standards will avoid negative feelings that lead to crankiness, frustrations for being rejected. Following our early youth, we all get rejected here and there, and this should not dent our self-esteem.

I'm old school "NO PAIN NO GAIN"

Exercises should be classified from 1-basics 2-intermediate 3-advanced 4-hardcore


Looking through your advices, they are simply all over the place. 1-basics will find it too much, 2-intermediate will find it too preachy since they already know those

3-advanced will find you long winded repeating over and over again

4-hardcore will find you not qualified


Hence you don't get much positive responses.


For me, I'm immediate and you recommending walking? That's for basics!


2. I get post exercise aches from "NO PAIN NO GAIN" efforts. If there's no burn and after exercise aches then I'm NOT doing good. When younger, I recover fast and no lingering aches. Now they never seem to go away.


Yet you lightly dismissed that at 60+  I'm too young to have chronic pains from it. Have you surveyed other 60+ around you and see how much they complain about aches and pains before you decreed that ?

Or is everything only about you as the centre of the universe only? You no aches then nobody aches?

Do you even think there's distribution of population? Your distribution sample seem to only be only one and that's you.


Your advices are too much about you and you only, to have discussions with you will be too bothersome.


If you mean to be light bantering then you MUST learn to communicate with emoticons else you do come across as being full of sh*t. 🙊


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9 hours ago, Guest Wooter said:

I'm old school "NO PAIN NO GAIN"

Exercises should be classified from 1-basics 2-intermediate 3-advanced 4-hardcore


Looking through your advices, they are simply all over the place. 1-basics will find it too much, 2-intermediate will find it too preachy since they already know those

3-advanced will find you long winded repeating over and over again

4-hardcore will find you not qualified


Hence you don't get much positive responses.


For me, I'm immediate and you recommending walking? That's for basics!


2. I get post exercise aches from "NO PAIN NO GAIN" efforts. If there's no burn and after exercise aches then I'm NOT doing good. When younger, I recover fast and no lingering aches. Now they never seem to go away.


Yet you lightly dismissed that at 60+  I'm too young to have chronic pains from it. Have you surveyed other 60+ around you and see how much they complain about aches and pains before you decreed that ?

Or is everything only about you as the centre of the universe only? You no aches then nobody aches?

Do you even think there's distribution of population? Your distribution sample seem to only be only one and that's you.


Your advices are too much about you and you only, to have discussions with you will be too bothersome.


If you mean to be light bantering then you MUST learn to communicate with emoticons else you do come across as being full of sh*t. 🙊



Dear Guest Wooter,


I replied to your post in good faith, with the intention to be helpful, not to put you down in any way.  I think that you are doing fine at your age. 


About not doing aerobics to protect your knees from running,  I advised you to use aerobic machines.  I hope you start using them,  because although weight lifting is the most important exercise for us, aerobics should be part of our workout. Running is fine, but it is not the only nor the best aerobic exercise.


If your moto is "no pain no gain", this is your choice.  My idea is that a chronic pain is not necessary. We make progress with effort, fatigue, perseverance. I have at 80 retained most of my early functionality thanks to these.  About your "gain" from "pain"...  what is this gain?  Are you a body builder? A hunk who bench presses 400 pounds and squats with 600 pounds?  When we get older, we should not give up gains, but more important is to "preserve".


I like to speak about myself because I have a solid base for this:  my experience.  I also have researched the subjects as I made my experiences, so I have a good idea of what works and what doesn't.  This applies to  exercising, nutrition, health preserving like fasting, eating lentils, etc.


And I AM the center of my universe, ha ha.  But I don't restrict the freedom of anyone.  I like approval, but I don't mind disapproval.  And I am flexible, letting my ideas and convictions change over time. 


I also feel pain, but not a chronic one for working out.  In the last weeks I have come down with "piriformis syndrome" (you can look this up),  a somewhat steady and sometimes acute pain in the butt,  originated at the hip-to-femur articulation by the piriformis muscle irritating the sciatic nerve.  This has slowed me down, I am staying away from my favorite martial art Aikido, but this is also temporary and it is getting better.  I will completely recover from it.


So, keep doing your good work,  don't reject the advice of others and I welcome you giving me some good advices, in a positive mood.  :)  

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I know I'm boring everyone with unsolicited advices.  But then...  who solicits advices nowadays?


I am posting this video for those who want to remain young of spirit and also appreciate the result of working out.  In this case,  working out the fingers on a piano.  Yeol Eum Son is a still young Korean pianist  ( oh... I appreciate so much Koreans) who recently came into the limelight with some spectacular concertos.  36 years old, not obese, full of vitality... I'll bet she can kick the sh.t out of some cute docile Korean world class pianist boys... who says that she is of the "weak gender" ??  Noo, she surely has a very sweet character! She would be perfect for me... if she were of the opposite gender.



I think that watching her play is good for the spirit, and more importantly, so is hearing Felix Mendelssohn!

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And another video of an Asian pianist like Yeol Eum Son which excels in her virtuosity:  Yuja Wang.  She is amazing!


Is this the era of women's emancipation?  Why all these little fragile women who outshine their male counterparts in flashiness?   It comes down to WORKOUT.   Finger workout.


While some proclaim  "no pain no gain"   (no disrespect to Guest Wooter),  this is not a general rule for workouts.  In the workout of musical instruments, it is quite the opposite:  "Much gain with ZERO pain".   For piano playing, one of the important techniques is to achieve and maintain a complete relaxation of the fingers, hand, wrist, arms, body.  Only the finger that plays a note should have the necessary miniscule exertion to push down the key. The rest should stay relaxed. Otherwise,  how can these fragile women be able to play with much energy for... 40 minutes straight?



It is not insanity.  It is excellent technique, learned since early childhood.  The conquest of relaxation.


Why not apply a little bit of this to weight lifting?  Here speed is not essential,  just the opposite.  We seniors should aim for slow repetitions, fatigue of the muscles by staying and slowly moving under stress. Especially during the eccentric move of a repetition, like going down in a squat of bringing down the weight in a bench press, the slower the better, the more hypertrophy and growth, although the more soreness afterwards ( not "pain" ). We can have Isometric stress while we are down, and some relaxation when we are back up.  Pain should be out of the question if we allow for several days of rest.   For a pianist, hardly any rest is necessary, ha ha.


Here is another video of Yuja Wang playing the same concerto Yoel Eum Son did in the earlier video. Equally fascinating, equally flashy with slightly nicer breasts and a very cute face. 



This is my favorite version of this concerto.  Her playing is straightforward, achieving much beauty without the personalized tempos of the other.  Am I being too choosey?  


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Guest Immortal
10 hours ago, Steve5380 said:

So, keep doing your good work,  don't reject the advice of others and I welcome you giving me some good advices, in a positive mood.  :)  

According to Dr Sinclair good advices, he took these 5 supplements daily to stop aging and possibly reverse it.


Alphalipoic Acid




Pynoloquinol Quinone


I hope you consider the above "immortal" pills helpful and start stocking them if you plan to live another 200 years.




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2 hours ago, Guest Immortal said:

According to Dr Sinclair good advices, he took these 5 supplements daily to stop aging and possibly reverse it.


Alphalipoic Acid




Pynoloquinol Quinone


I hope you consider the above "immortal" pills helpful and start stocking them if you plan to live another 200 years.





Thank you for the information.  I plan to live longer, but not precisely another 200 years.  Twenty years would be ideal, to see my grandkids grown up.  200 years is too long a time to keep seeing the same old sh****t going on with society. 


Also, planning for another 200 years I would have to start worrying if the planet will hold up, with its climate change and all,  and if a 3d world war would not reduce civilization to rubble. But I am confident that this planet will be still livable in the next 20 years.

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Guest Immortal
 21 hours ago, Steve5380 said:


Thank you for the information. 

If you have low blood sugar or anemia, you should not take alpha lipoic acid, according to my research.   I hope you have not started to buy those pills yet?  I do not want you to suddently knock on heaven gate after receiving the information I provided.  Hope is not too late. 

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Today after lunch I sat down in my comfy chair to watch YouTube videos with my nice new TV,  which I love.  This is PROSPERITY,  I thought,  being able to age with comfort and entertainment thanks to our modern technology.  


Then I clicked on a video that I found interesting:  " The Dark World of Megachurches ".


I am not an atheist.  I am not against churches,  I admire the atmosphere in famous churches of all past ages. However, this is a new phenomenon, the MEGAchurch.  And I am just an insignificant agnostic that questions anything MEGA:




I don't mind Dark Worlds like dark rooms in gay saunas.  But.. in a church?  The Gospel of PROSPERITY is something new in Christianity,  not originated  by Christ.   We see in this video how successful some Men of God are with this Gospel.  HUNDREDS of millions of dollars of fortune!    While my PROSPERITY is a more modern TV,  these Men have possession of big mansions,  private jets,  flashy cars,  all because they are devoted Christians.  Yes?


I live across a freeway from the largest Megachurch in Houston.  It is the Lakewood Church,  a former huge sports stadium converted by the pastor Joel Osteen in his Megachurch.  I like to speculate that every Sunday the grace of this church raises up, passes over the freeway and descends on my home.  


Who am I to judge the will of a God?  If he wants to give PROSPERITY of millions and millions of dollars to these "devoted Christians", this is his business.  I am prosperous enough with my new TV.  And the good health and happiness that my god of the agnostics is giving me.  :) 

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Guest DereLickDick
10 minutes ago, Guest CLOSE IT said:

Can moderator close this topic 

Sian ! take up space 

If Sian, you can post other interesting things mah....


Recently anything or anyone catches your attention?


For me I feel bored.


Do you plan to travel?

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Guest Unproductive & Bored
7 hours ago, Steve5380 said:

Today after lunch I sat down in my comfy chair to watch YouTube videos with my nice new TV,  which I love.  This is PROSPERITY,  I thought,  being able to age with comfort and entertainment thanks to our modern technology.  

I am prosperous enough with my new TV.

I feel for you, once you reached a certain age you tend to become a couch potato..

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49 minutes ago, Guest Unproductive & Bored said:

I feel for you, once you reached a certain age you tend to become a couch potato..


NO!  You don't need to be a Guest Unproductive & Bored as you age.  I assure you that retiring into old age can be much more fun than sitting on a chair behind a desk with a computer all day long,  going to lunch with some boring guys at EXACTLY the lunch time,  and getting the hell out of there and rush home at the QUITTING time.  I feel for you...


Yes, I spend time sitting in my comfy chair watching YouTube videos on my TV.    This, besides going to the gym four times a week early in the morning,  doing stretching every day,  cooking and preparing my meals twice a day, practicing some hours on my pianos, and doing intellectual tasks at my computer.  A day of full activity.  Happy and content!


I never sit on a couch, but I eat potatoes, and many sweet potatoes.  Yumm...


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Guest Ang moh steve
1 minute ago, Steve5380 said:


Should he also get you out of here?   You take up posting space. 


Steve are you ang moh? 

Or are you just an Asian living in USA? 


Cause your obsession with this forum is mind blowing? 


Shouldn't you go to bed by now? 

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3 minutes ago, Guest Ang moh steve said:


Steve are you ang moh? 

Or are you just an Asian living in USA? 


Cause your obsession with this forum is mind blowing? 


Shouldn't you go to bed by now? 


Yes, I am an Ang Moh.   Since later adulthood I have a weak heart and hard dick for Asian gays.  This is why I hang out at this forum, so don't blow your mind.


And yes, this is the last thing I type before going to bed.  It is nearly 11 PM here.   Good night :) 

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Guest Comfy on Screen
8 hours ago, Steve5380 said:

Yes, I spend time sitting in my comfy chair watching YouTube videos on my TV.

Busy feeding on America fake news?  How is that considered healthy.

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Guest Very Concerning
8 hours ago, Steve5380 said:


Yes, I am an Ang Moh.   Since later adulthood I have a weak heart.

So fasting didn't work to improve your heart condition?

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1 hour ago, Guest Comfy on Screen said:

Busy feeding on America fake news?  How is that considered healthy.


There are countless videos dealing with news on YouTube.  And there are countless videos about everything else.  If we can click on a remote, we can select the videos we want to watch.   Like this video "The Evil World of Megachurches", a quite instructive one. Have you watched it?  It is worth seeing.   It reveals the degree of brain-washing that can be done to people.   When this brain-washing is used by politicians instead of preachers, the result is the brain-washing the Republicans are doing to the American voters:   " give us your vote,  and you will be rewarded with thousands of dollars from a strong economy ".  The same deceit.  

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Guest Chinese Hiao Chee
3 hours ago, Steve5380 said:


Hi, Chinese Hiao Chee.   If I would not live so far away, I would come get you lah.  :) 


Thanks for living so far away

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For us gays who want to become as senior as possible,  few issues are more important than our health, our looks,  issues which deal directly with what we eat. 


Since you are mostly Asians, you probably prefer to learn from an Asian than from an Ang Moh.  And there is an ideal person to learn about nutrition:  "Giles Yeo MBE is the Professor of Molecular Neuroendocrinology at the MRC Metabolic Diseases Unit and Scientific Director of the Genomics/Transcriptomics Core at the University of Cambridge."


Hmmm... these credentials indicate that he is not a quack, his teachings are not quackery,  like some ex-member would have found.  Besides this,  he is a good speaker and it is entertaining to hear him talk in the following video,  "Why Calories don't Count"  (yes, of course they don't):




If you like the man and you want to hear more from him,  like the mental, emotional factors that affect our nutrition, here is a longer video where he is interviewed.  


In most of these long videos,  it helps to open them up in a separate YouTube window and click on "more" to see a list of topics and the links to enter in the video directly to any topic of interest.






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On 2/7/2023 at 4:54 AM, Steve5380 said:

Then I clicked on a video that I found interesting:  " The Dark World of Megachurches ".



From people who lived outside America,  I need to frankly tell you that the above video, is not in any way dissimilar to America politics.  If you add Western medias into the forefront, to fuel the hatre,  you can easily sees the DARK WORLD of AMERICA.    The "Dark world of Megachurch", is a simple portrayal of how  Americans behaved, not so much based on intelligence, but unthinking anger and emotions   The pastor expression on 0:34 reminds me how my boss behaved torwards me on my first job, when he didn't get what he wanted and still remains vivid todate.  

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8 hours ago, Guest Pity said:

From people who lived outside America,  I need to frankly tell you that the above video, is not in any way dissimilar to America politics.  If you add Western medias into the forefront, to fuel the hatre,  you can easily sees the DARK WORLD of AMERICA.    The "Dark world of Megachurch", is a simple portrayal of how  Americans behaved, not so much based on intelligence, but unthinking anger and emotions   The pastor expression on 0:34 reminds me how my boss behaved torwards me on my first job, when he didn't get what he wanted and still remains vivid todate.  


I am sorry about the way you were mistreated by your boss.


You are right that the acceptance by some people of the "Preachers  of the Prosperity Gospel" is similar to the acceptance by some Americans of the lies and falsities of the politicians who are  "Preachers of the US Economic Prosperity", the gospel of the Republican party.  They are the same LIARS LIARS LIARS who wash the brains of their victims.


One example of this abominable political lying is the GOP Response to the State of the Union speech given yesterday by President Joe Biden.   A response given by this horrible woman Huckabee Sanders  which is one of the more concentrated set of lies and falsities one can hear:



Sanders' lies are in stark contradiction to the favorable news about the "state of the Union"  given by Biden,  who has done an excellent job so far in doing the right moves that bring our country forwards. 


What can be done about this LYING LYING LYING, DECEIVING DECEIVING DECEIVING?    Well... this is a natural attribute of living creatures, human beings, that serve to get ahead of others no matter what,  against any moral restraints.  The rich pastors of prosperity, the Republican politicians,  want to be promoted to power and richness, while ordinary people can be just their victims.  What is he most immediate solution?   WE SHOULD NOT BELIEVE.   Neither in the pastor's fabrications of divine dictates, nor in the lies of the shameless politicians. 


And this seems to work.  The biggest liar and deceiver president in US history, Donald Trump,  lost in the last presidential elections.  His party, the GOP, mostly lost in the last elections in 2022. 


But I don't know what can be done to eliminate the fraud of the Megachurches.  The only solution I can imagine is an improvement in the education level of the population that should prevent brain-washing by organized religions.

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For those of us who are attentive to good health and looks,  to know about nutrition should be of high interest. 


The science of nutrition turns around the topic of metabolism.  It is complicated, but we all can know the necessary to make smart decisions.


The Internet is full of videos about nutrition, from a variety of sources, more or less original and trustworthy.  It takes some experience watching YouTube to be able to "separate the wheat from the chaff",  and a good guide are the qualifications of the authors.  


One interesting topic of metabolism is the understanding of the lipids and the liver.  Here is a video by a doctor who has excellent credentials and explains his topic in a clear and pleasant way.  I think that watching it is worth our time:




Dr. Rob Lustig makes a good case of why a person may be fat and healthy, while another is slim and sickly. It explains clearly why the health of our liver is super important,  how we can estimate it from the data of the "CHOLESTEROL PANEL" that is included in most yearly physicals,  and how we can improve it.  His solution is simple:  stay away from sugars, highly processed foods, and do intermittent fasting.


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Guest Forest Lurker
13 minutes ago, Steve5380 said:

For those of us who are attentive to good health and looks,  to know about nutrition should be of high interest. 

Researching the wonder of the universe is easier than trying to comprehend human health and the full system of the body.  Every person on earth is miniature version of the larger cosmos that exists elsewhere.  Understanding how nature works, why certain plants live longer than others, and what animals often consume in the wild is the greatest approach to live long life.  For instance, most animals begin by devouring the liver of their meal before moving on to the internal organs, muscle tissue, and finally the bones.  There must be a cause for such untrained behavior. Why are dogs finicky and adept at detecting bad food, even when you believe it tastes good? So why is it necessary for trees to remain green if green stores energy, and why do fruits and vegetables change color when they are in flight or fright mode? They don't require a doctor or scientist to instruct them. We need to reflect on what is going on in our contemporary world in comparison to what is going on in the forest.
Only then.....we might be able to clear the fog of too much informations, and uncover the mystery inside our body. 


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23 minutes ago, Guest Forest Lurker said:
Researching the wonder of the universe is easier than trying to comprehend human health and the full system of the body.  Every person on earth is miniature version of the larger cosmos that exists elsewhere.  Understanding how nature works, why certain plants live longer than others, and what animals often consume in the wild is the greatest approach to live long life.  For instance, most animals begin by devouring the liver of their meal before moving on to the internal organs, muscle tissue, and finally the bones.  There must be a cause for such untrained behavior. Why are dogs finicky and adept at detecting bad food, even when you believe it tastes good? So why is it necessary for trees to remain green if green stores energy, and why do fruits and vegetables change color when they are in flight or fright mode? They don't require a doctor or scientist to instruct them. We need to reflect on what is going on in our contemporary world in comparison to what is going on in the forest.
Only then.....we might be able to clear the fog of too much informations, and uncover the mystery inside our body. 



Researching the wonders of the Universe is a noble undertaking.  Physicists, astronomers, astrophysicists have been doing precisely this for decades.  The James Webb space telescope is an amazing new tool for doing this.


To understand the wonders of the forest, we should research the forest.  To understand the wonders of the human body, we should research the human body. And as an adjunct, there is plenty research of animals in the laboratory, and the study of their behavior in the forest can also be very positive.  This is being done today as never before.  Biology, medicine are advancing at a fast pace.   There can never be too much information.  With a world population of nearly 8 billion humans there is plenty of data to derive, by observation and statistics, a wealth of facts about our bodies. 


What we see and read about our bodies in YouTube videos is only the very surface, the very distillations of the results of experimental science.  We should take these information, when it is from trusted, qualified sources,  and apply them in our life.  This is by far not ideal,  but at this time and at our level this is the best, the smartest we can do. 


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3 minutes ago, Steve5380 said:


What we see and read about our bodies in YouTube videos is only the very surface, the very distillations of the results of experimental science.  We should take these information, when it is from trusted, qualified sources....

and often followed by the products they recommended you to buy, with link provided.  Very convenient. 

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