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For gays who will be seniors one day - A Steve5380 Topic!


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52 minutes ago, singalion said:


That wasn't the main issue. 

5 Million US is still a lot. 

It doesn't say in Sweden. 


Main issue was Ekberg's lack of relevant medical professional expertise. 



Yes, medical professional expertise is important,  but it is not equivalent to expertise in medical science.  A nurse should have as much professional expertise as a clinical doctor.  Even more so in the case of a surgeon. 


In the last 40+ years in the US I have always had yearly medical checkups with lab works, etc.  I have and had good Primary Care physicians.   NEVER did I get any advice on nutrition from them.  Years ago my good doctor ordered a carotid test for me, just as routine test.  It showed some traces of plaque, upon which the good doctor recommended to take a daily baby aspirin and some satin drug.  I took neither.  He did not include one word on what diet do follow to reduce artery plaque. 


I also never heard a clinical doctor mention insulin, metabolism.  I checked on google if insulin is ever measured in typical blood work,  because I have never had it measured,  and I got:


  • Fasting insulin is not typically included as part of routine blood work, partly because some still don’t see insulin as a precursor to other health problems and partly because of inconsistency in testing.

I highlighted the "still" because it points to this delay between medical science and medical practice!


Ekberg does not have a MD?   Probably 90% of what he talks about, he would not have learned in medical school.  I have a PhD in electrical engineering,  but there are plenty of competent electrical engineers who are not "doctors" in their specialty!

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I am taking a break from medical discussions and give solace to my spirit. :) 


Over lunch I saw in YouTube a video of a favorite concert of my childhood,  Paganini's violin concerto No. 1.


I was amazed by the performance of the soloist,  In-Mo Yang, whom I hadn't heard before.  Extraordinary playing!  A sound rich in beauty, clarity, energy, intonation.  A perfect technique true to tradition.  I don't remember hearing a modern violinist as good as he is.  The only learning from the old masters could be the ability to dance around less.  I saw that he is South Korean,  one more of the Korean musical soloists who have amazed me recently.  ( I am so old that I remember the idea in musical circles that Asians are not genetically adapted to play Western music!  They were SO WRONG!! )




Listen how he plays the Cadenza  at 17:30.  It is pure fireworks with the violin!   And throughout, his interpretation of the whole piece is perfect (!)


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On 7/8/2023 at 4:25 AM, singalion said:

Maybe nobody (from the professional side) is taking Dr. Stern Ekberg for serious.

Let's be honest, Ekberg is a Chiropractor and doesn't even hold any real medical degree.


Ekberg received a BBA, Magna Cum Laude, from Southern Methodist University Cox School of Business in Dallas, Texas and holds a Doctor of Chiropractic, Magna Cum Laude, from Life University in Marietta, Georgia.

His "doctor" degree is in Chiropractic, which is also a very specialised degree.

Most European countries or other countries don't qualify a chiropractor as a Doctor.

There are many critics on Ekberg that he is promoting false context to health issues.

I don't think he can be considered a health guru but more a business savvy Shaman.


Hmmm...   I did a reevaluation of Dr Ekberg,  and a first evaluation of Dr. Carvhalo,  the guy who fact-checks him, who I never read or saw before.


Although I find that listening to Ekberg is a little long and tiring,  I have to recognize that he does a good educative job.  His videos have good substance, with good graphics, and a minimum of inaccuracies.  His presentations are not rigorous, something difficult in a video that covers complex topics.   I have learned a lot from his videos,  like the following:



One new thing I learned in this video is about nutritional yeast seasoning, which he mentions at 33:05.   I will buy it and try it out.   The fact that Ekberg does not have a MD I find totally immaterial.  He calls himself a "holistic doctor",  and this is sufficient proof that he has some brains.  The same should count with me, an "engineering doctor".  :) 




On 7/8/2023 at 4:25 AM, singalion said:


Dr Sten Ekberg gets fact-checked by MD PhD Doctor


This is just one example.



OK,  this is about your "just an example",  Dr. Gil Carvhalo,  MD, PhD.


I wonder how much of the nutrition stuff he preaches he learned at the University of Lisbon, Portugal,  where he got his MD.  I suspect it is not much, like in all medical schools,  so his MD don't count as much.  His PhD in biology may count more towards his nutrition background.  He does not have a degree of nutritionist, yet his main preaching is about nutrition. 


In his video, he sounds like a smart ass who is nitpicking on Ekberg. After blabbering his Superior Judgment and agreeing with Ekberg for 5 minutes,  he hesitates when Ekberg is dubious about the idea that satins reduce heart disease.   Here this Superior Judge gets into a rage over proof?  by many studies of this-and-that, and asks for EVIDENCE (which he surely claims to have).  And he keeps blabbering.... yuck!  and here it turns out that he does not know why satins reduce heart events.... they just do, as proven in clinical trials with billions of humans :lol:   Do the satins correlate with reduction of heart events, or thy cause this reduction?  Of course, he does not know this either.   He just blabbers to bash Ekberg.   I listened some more but...   but I could give a bird's shit about all the talk on heart disease he spills afterwards.  I am not at risk of heart disease because I follow good nutrition practices recommended by Ekberg and other quite famous MD doctors with plenty of credentials.  Ekberg is in relatively good agreement with them.  


Somewhere else in the video, Carvhalo comes down on Ekberg because he mentioned "cholesterol cells"  instead of, maybe, "particles".  OF COURSE Ekberg knows that cholesterol is NOT a cell,  he just said this informally.  I find this Carvhalo such a pest!  He has such a CHARACTER FLAW criticizing other medical professionals.    Oh... and I discovered that this Carvhalo is also an online "health guru" like Ekberg,  with tens and tens of videos.  I watched some, and I was NOT impressed. I find him too much of a smart ass,  without any positives in his favor. 



On 7/8/2023 at 4:25 AM, singalion said:


Just be more responsible, Steve...

In particular here in Asia people might get the wrong directions and save monies to go to the real doctors but follow this non medical advice of quacks.



The purpose of my posts here is to make gays who will be seniors aware of the benefits of PREVENTION over CURES.  Prevention should be our personal responsibility,  independent of professional medical doctors,  driven by available information on nutrition, exercise, spirituality. 


You need to be careful to separate medical professional knowledge from knowledge of nutrition.  They are two separate things.  If you need an appendectomy, you should go to a medical professional, a surgeon.  But a "holistic doctor" may know much more about nutrition.  Especially if he is aware of the latest in medical science without having to care for his license. 

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Ekberg might be better in marketing and selling snake oil. 


Medical doctors are not trained to be eloquent. 


Ekberg also is not a nutritionist and doesn't hold a degree on this. 


Ekberg is an ex athlete and trained as a chiropractor. Nothing else. He is self professed on nutrition and the matters he touches. 


The medical doctors are right to say that Ekberg is not treating the difficult cases... but just recommending food supplements to healthy people. Ekberg is directing people to buy his overpriced supplements (that don't cure any such diseases). 


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Just to note that intermittent fasting is not suitable for all persons. 


People above 40 should consult a doctor prior to start fasting. 





Intermittent fasting for weight loss has been one of the most popular health trends of the past decade. It involves only eating within a specific time window and fasting for the rest. However, it may not be right for everyone.



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on Ekberg:


Its problematic that he is not a healthcare provider legally allowed to provide prescriptions or manage care of patients, (but is essentially masquerading as such) his own medical recommendations over YouTube are contrary to bodies of research and are likely damaging in terms of people getting care that they need.



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6 hours ago, singalion said:


Ekberg might be better in marketing and selling snake oil. 



How about you?  Don't you think that your opinions on Ekberg are snake oil opinions?  :lol:  



6 hours ago, singalion said:

Just to note that intermittent fasting is not suitable for all persons. 

People above 40 should consult a doctor prior to start fasting. 




Intermittent fasting for weight loss has been one of the most popular health trends of the past decade. It involves only eating within a specific time window and fasting for the rest. However, it may not be right for everyone.



Aren't you somewhat ridiculous here?  Consult a doctor prior to fasting if over 40?   Do all the homeless beggars in San Francisco consult with doctors before they are resigned to live with hunger because of lack of money to buy food?


There are countless activities that may not be right for everyone.  Eating chocolate ice cream may be one of them.  Should I have consulted with a doctor before eating chocolate ice cream?


BW is full of threads with discussions, advice, comments on how to do anal sex.  Should people over 18 consult with a doctor before doing anal sex?  It may not be right for everyone...   



6 hours ago, singalion said:

on Ekberg:


Its problematic that he is not a healthcare provider legally allowed to provide prescriptions or manage care of patients, (but is essentially masquerading as such) his own medical recommendations over YouTube are contrary to bodies of research and are likely damaging in terms of people getting care that they need.



I am not aware that Ekberg provides prescriptions or manage care of patients.  Are you?


In America it is perfectly legal to write about food and nutrition.  The Internet is full of food reviews, recipes, advice on foods, descriptions and opinions of human anatomy and physiology.  


Ekberg does nothing more than commenting on nutrition the way he finds it to be correct, and making recommendations about foods.   The same as what any restaurant critic does,  ha ha.  :) 


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I'm going back to having fun... with Aikido.


It is easy to think of pro-wrestlers as some brute, aggressive bullies one should stay away from.   As vulnerable gays we must be on the opposite end of behaviors, no?   False.  Professional athletes seldom bully.  They don't need to.  They can be the most cordial and gentle people. 


Here is a video of my favorite Sudan Ryuji Shirakawa interacting with two pro-wrestler champions.  This is the first time I see a exhibition of these wrestler's techniques.  It seems to be a matter of training, of learning the right techniques, and they are the same as we all are.  They lift heavier weights,  eat much more protein... that's it.  


One detail:  the ring where they practice has special padding, with special beams or springs.  They would not be able to do what they do there on a regular hard surface.   The same is the case for an Aikido dojo, but not so refined, often just using thick rubber mats.  The ukemis in Aikido should not be made on hard surfaces, but only in cases of dire necessity.



And here is the second part of this video.  Here Ryuji lets the pro-wrestlers feel what it is to be thrown by an Aikido technique.   Notice how DIMINUTE Ryuji is compared to the big wrestlers.  It looks like either of them could cut Ryuji to pieces, ha ha.   But here, the Aikido master with half of their weight has no problems throwing them down:



There is no doubt that Ryuji earns the respect of the two big guys.   If a fight ensues between Ryuji and one of the wrestlers,  it is possible that he may get the worse of it.  But... if he would get assaulted by any of them who don't know who he is,  Ryuji would have the element of surprise,  and they won't have a chance!


This is the same advantage I count on with my Aikido.   Who would doubt that an ugly ruin of an 80 year old man is totally vulnerable, a piece of cake to assault?  Let's rob him of all he has and throw him in the garbage.  Well, they would be so unprepared that in no time they would be disabled by a broken wrist, dislocated shoulder or worse.

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Guest Darryl
On 7/2/2023 at 11:10 PM, Steve5380 said:


I agree.  The more senior we are, the higher the chances that our parents have passed away.  But the consequences of their treatment of us may still linger in our spirit.  With siblings it is different.  We should stay away from siblings who mistreat us,  and if for economic reasons we have to share a home with a narcissist sibling,  we should be smart enough to not let this narcissism affect us.  We cannot change him or her,  but we can avoid being victims of this narcissism.

My father passed away in 2017. On the day of the funeral a cygnet arrived outside of the house and stood right outside the garden and didn't move (despite all the people around), just looked towards the house. We called the DSPCA (animal welfare) who said that it would have had to walk 1km to get there. I'm not sure about the behaviour of swans but I have never seen one walk through a housing estate. There is a canal 1km away but in 45 years of living here we have never, ever come across a swan of any kind leaving the canal and walking around, let along a young swan walking such a distance on it's own. Could this swan have contained my fathers spirit in some way? It would have been born before he died. If not, this was a phenomenal coincidence.

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5 hours ago, Guest Darryl said:

My father passed away in 2017. On the day of the funeral a cygnet arrived outside of the house and stood right outside the garden and didn't move (despite all the people around), just looked towards the house. We called the DSPCA (animal welfare) who said that it would have had to walk 1km to get there. I'm not sure about the behaviour of swans but I have never seen one walk through a housing estate. There is a canal 1km away but in 45 years of living here we have never, ever come across a swan of any kind leaving the canal and walking around, let along a young swan walking such a distance on it's own. Could this swan have contained my fathers spirit in some way? It would have been born before he died. If not, this was a phenomenal coincidence.


It is speculated that an Angel of God can take on any material form when appearing on earth.   Could it be that the cygnet was an Angel standing guard in front of your father's home, waiting for his soul to slowly detach from the earthly, ready to take him into heaven?


I would not be surprised if my late bf, who is now my Guardian Angel, when my time comes to pass on, comes to my side and takes me by the hand with him into heaven...  like he did a few years ago with his own father.


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7 hours ago, Sweetie Pie said:

You must be very loney that caused you to think too much.  I felt your melancholy. 


You are such a sweetie pie1 :)  But you need to learn that loneliness and melancholy are very different.




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Guest Eggsy
4 hours ago, Steve5380 said:


It is speculated that an Angel of God can take on any material form when appearing on earth.   Could it be that the cygnet was an Angel standing guard in front of your father's home, waiting for his soul to slowly detach from the earthly, ready to take him into heaven?


I would not be surprised if my late bf, who is now my Guardian Angel, when my time comes to pass on, comes to my side and takes me by the hand with him into heaven...  like he did a few years ago with his own father.


Are you sure he is not a ghost when he usually visits you?

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Guest Guest
7 hours ago, Steve5380 said:


It is speculated that an Angel of God can take on any material form when appearing on earth.   Could it be that the cygnet was an Angel standing guard in front of your father's home, waiting for his soul to slowly detach from the earthly, ready to take him into heaven?


I would not be surprised if my late bf, who is now my Guardian Angel, when my time comes to pass on, comes to my side and takes me by the hand with him into heaven...  like he did a few years ago with his own father.


Your late bf is busy fucking other dead men than guarding you lol.  For goodness sake, he finally got rid of you through death and you still expect him to be your Guardian Angel.


As for your time....you have been such a lousy person so expect the Grim Reaper.

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Guest Dennis51
1 hour ago, Guest Guest said:

Your late bf is busy fucking other dead men than guarding you lol.  For goodness sake, he finally got rid of you through death and you still expect him to be your Guardian Angel.


As for your time....you have been such a lousy person so expect the Grim Reaper.


Why so rude a?

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We know that being gay does not impede us from being interested in technology, science, an interest that may grow with time.  Once seniors and retired, the Internet offer us today a great variety of information about the latest and greatest.


And so I was flabbergasted learning about the power of modern video, specifically capturing it from far away and with very high resolution.  Like images captured by a drone with 1.8 giga-pixels (!!!) with resolutions down to 2 mm (!!!) on the ground, at data rates of 21 tera-bytes per second (!!!).  In a few years they will be able to see from the sky all the wrinkles on my face. :lol:



This explains how a drone flying over Syria was able to blow away a terrorist on the ground driving his car!  And how law enforcement monitoring a large section of a city from above can capture crimes and their criminals by surveying recordings taken a the time of the crimes...   Incredible!


This technology may reduce our personal privacy,  but much more important is prevention of crimes.  We simply will be careful not to do all the improper sex outside in the open...

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On 7/17/2023 at 10:12 AM, Guest Joshua said:

The word RAPTURE  is not found anywhere in the Bible. So where does it come from?


The English word RAPTURE could not have been found anywhere in the Bible because the Old Testament was written in Hebrew and the New Testament was written in Aramaic and old Greek. 


What  importance should one give to whatever words were written in the Bible?


I don't really know where today's meaning of RAPTURE in the Bible comes from,  but I suspect that it is from someone's imagination.


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It is perfectly justified that some gays feel reluctance towards martial arts.  But knowing how to safely fall only gets more important as we age.


Here is a video by the "cute guy" teaching "how to fall forwards safely":



I find that this video is quite good.  Anyone can practice this,  on a soft enough surface like a thick rubber mat, thick grass, thick carpet.  However, this is only half of the story...  how about falling safely BACKWARDS?   This may be even more important, since there is a big risk of banging the back of the head on the floor and suffering a serious concussion.


Maybe... if one likes martial arts or not...  one should learn UKEMI. There are tens of good videos on YouTube that teach Ukemi.  What this requires is to have a larger padded surface.  


P.D.  I discovered that "Upright Health" by the "cute guy" has also the video for backwards falls:



I think that this is also a good video.  Not as refined as the martial arts Ukemi, but good enough.



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On 7/19/2023 at 4:59 AM, Steve5380 said:


The English word RAPTURE could not have been found anywhere in the Bible because the Old Testament was written in Hebrew and the New Testament was written in Aramaic and old Greek. 


What  importance should one give to whatever words were written in the Bible?


I don't really know where today's meaning of RAPTURE in the Bible comes from,  but I suspect that it is from someone's imagination.


It's difficult to be a christian in USA and other western countries.

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On 7/17/2023 at 4:08 AM, Guest Guest said:

Your late bf is busy fucking other dead men than guarding you lol.  For goodness sake, he finally got rid of you through death and you still expect him to be your Guardian Angel.


As for your time....you have been such a lousy person so expect the Grim Reaper.


What a disgusting personality you have. You stoop so low just to irate another person with your foul mouth isn't it.


Leave the dead alone. 


You can't win an argument and you had to stoop so low to get your say?



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If you don't mind martial arts and you want to learn to fall,  here is one of many good videos that show how to do Ukemi. This one is by Jessy, a Karate guy,  but these falls are the same in Aikido.


Jessy makes them look so easy,  but he may have done them a million times.  It is perfectly fine to be scary of them at the beginning, this goes away with practice.   I am starting to learn and practice the high breakfalls and... I am scared like hell, ha ha!



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3 hours ago, Steve5380 said:

If you don't mind martial arts and you want to learn to fall, 


Have your neighbors ever physically harassed you on a regular basis? You kept showing us videos of yourself trying to learn how to fight and fall properly. It makes total sense that you told us you had a lot of food on hand and that you avoided going out frequently.Do you feel threatened by anything at the moment? Please contact 911 and leave the matter to the police.   At your age, don't try to act tough.  Those videos are good form of exercise, and simply it. 

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10 hours ago, Guest SoulIsMissing said:

Any thoughts on birthmark placement in correlation to past life experiences, wounds or death?


I never thought this, but it is an interesting idea.  Birthmarks and other traits seem to be genetic.  Can "genetics" be consider as something close to "past lives"?  I can accept this.  Our genes are inherited "hardware" from past lives.  Our spiritual personality is "acquired memory and downloaded programs" from this life.

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11 hours ago, Sweetie Pie said:

Have your neighbors ever physically harassed you on a regular basis? You kept showing us videos of yourself trying to learn how to fight and fall properly. It makes total sense that you told us you had a lot of food on hand and that you avoided going out frequently.Do you feel threatened by anything at the moment? Please contact 911 and leave the matter to the police.   At your age, don't try to act tough.  Those videos are good form of exercise, and simply it. 


I am fortunate that I don't hear my neighbors, don't smell them, rarely see them but always greet them.  I also often chat with those passing in front of my house with their dogs.  I store a lot of non-perishable food, but now that the pandemic is over I leave the house more often. 


I wish I were as good as the people in the videos I post.  I am not, but I am better than those who don't practice a martial art. I don't usually feel threatened at all, maybe a little naively,  but having already lived a full life, I don't think I have much to lose :) 


But YOU should think of joining an Aikido academy in Singapore.  You will only gain by this.  And even if you are a Sweetie Pie, you will acquire an "aura" where people will think twice before abusing you, and if they don't think so, they may regret it afterwards. :thumb:

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I discovered Nodame Cantabile...  an older Japanese series that turns around good classical music.


In this video which I found,  "Nodame"  plays Chopin's 1st piano concerto.  Whoever the pianist is in this episode, he or she does a very good job.  Chopin was just a 20 year old kid when he composed this music,  which clearly reveals his genius. 



The "guy" in the movie,  I assume he is the male protagonist of the series,  sits there thoughtfully... Although I don't understand Japanese,  I think I can read his mind:  "she looks sexy,  but maybe I should seek instead of a concert pianist, a nice woman who is good in bed and who cooks yummy food and nicely attends the wishes of her husband every day...." 


This series has many episodes.  But I prefer to hear and watch the musical masterpieces played in real life. :) 




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Guest instrumental
On 7/25/2023 at 2:22 AM, Steve5380 said:

I discovered Nodame Cantabile...  an older Japanese series that turns around good classical music.


In this video which I found,  "Nodame"  plays Chopin's 1st piano concerto.  Whoever the pianist is in this episode, he or she does a very good job.  Chopin was just a 20 year old kid when he composed this music,  which clearly reveals his genius. 



The "guy" in the movie,  I assume he is the male protagonist of the series,  sits there thoughtfully... Although I don't understand Japanese,  I think I can read his mind:  "she looks sexy,  but maybe I should seek instead of a concert pianist, a nice woman who is good in bed and who cooks yummy food and nicely attends the wishes of her husband every day...." 


This series has many episodes.  But I prefer to hear and watch the musical masterpieces played in real life. :) 





Why don't you place this into your instrumental music thread, that you created some years back?


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21 minutes ago, Guest instrumental said:


Why don't you place this into your instrumental music thread, that you created some years back?



I could have...  but I just had this thread open on my browser, and thought that some gay who will be senior had some comment about this Nodame Cantabile... and so it happened.


I hope that you don't feel bad about this :)



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18 hours ago, Sweetie Pie said:

Dr Sinclair has a break through.  Aging can be reversed.  Future generations have hope to look like 20s at age 100.   


Great!  Follow his directives, and you could look again like 20s. :thumb:

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21 minutes ago, Steve5380 said:


Great!  Follow his directives, and you could look again like 20s. :thumb:

Seriously, you still didn't know?   There will be a kind of chemical when once injected into the body, will heal damaged cell,  reverse aged cell and renew your youth again.  Everyone is waiting for the experiment to come into fruition.  No more botox, and skin product industry will completely run out of business. 

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4 minutes ago, Guest News said:

Seriously, you still didn't know?   There will be a kind of chemical when once injected into the body, will heal damaged cell,  reverse aged cell and renew your youth again.  Everyone is waiting for the experiment to come into fruition.  No more botox, and skin product industry will completely run out of business. 


One will have to be careful with this chemical.   You use it once, and you will look again like 20.  Twice, and you will look again like 10.  Three times...  and you will be again in diapers and suck on a bottle!

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On 7/25/2023 at 9:32 PM, Guest instrumental said:


Why don't you place this into your instrumental music thread, that you created some years back?



This post is just fine in this thread. It is of  "General cultural interest for gays", :)

Maybe you are also interested in the following one,  an animated version of the previous one,  with English subtitles.  The Japanese do really nice anime videos!  




A "Nodame" would never play like this.  The pianist is excellent, I have no idea who he/she is.   Still not as good as my all time favorite,  Yundi Li  and the Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestra.  

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Guest Boring Old Steve

Based on all the postings made by Steve5380 "for gay who will be senior one day",  it certainly is a boring senior gay life.   We need more interesting activities to prevent getting dull, bored and eventually senile.  I would still want to go swimming, watch a good movies,  mingle with like-minded hobbyst, go fishing,  take up photography course,  go hiking,  do charity work,  stop meddling with politics, give myself and my home a new life, dance with my puppy, hug all the trees and smell every roses along the journey



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1 hour ago, Guest Boring Old Steve said:


Based on all the postings made by Steve5380 "for gay who will be senior one day",  it certainly is a boring senior gay life.   We need more interesting activities to prevent getting dull, bored and eventually senile.  I would still want to go swimming, watch a good movies,  mingle with like-minded hobbyst, go fishing,  take up photography course,  go hiking,  do charity work,  stop meddling with politics, give myself and my home a new life, dance with my puppy, hug all the trees and smell every roses along the journey



Sounds very nice,  but it may be mostly fantasies.  How old are you?  How much experience you have with being a senior?   At least I AM a senior, and therefore I know what it is like, ha ha.


I did like swimming,  but today it is too inconvenient, I rather do other aerobic exercises where I don't need to get water in my eyes and have all over the smell of chlorine.  And hugging a puppy is nice, but one also have to feed it and take care of it. I like to follow politics, watch good movies, watch educative videos, listen to good music,  go to the gym, and practice a martial art.   I don't have much time to get bored!  :lol:

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I posted some videos showing the Aikido master "Shihan" Ryuji Shirakawa doing practices in his dojo.  It's nice to see how good he is at that.


But he is not satisfied being only a master,  he also wants to be an actor.   And here is an insight into his acting in the movie "Murakumo", just finished being made.   I wish I could watch it, but I can imagine what a collection of ridiculous comic scenes this may be,  and I get enough laughs from this video:



I find it incredible how this man, who is in his 40s,  still looks like a kid, ha ha!   And how without being dressed in his Aikido garbs  he looks so skinny and puny, so little like a hunk,  that it should be so easy to beat him up! :lol:  And Ryuji looks so COMICAL with this straw-color hair that clashes terribly with his dark black eyes...


Message to the gays who see themselves as skinny and puny,  that LOOKS ARE NOT EVERYTHING.  Strength and ability can lay underneath the looks, something that is within our reach with work and determination.  And this work can even make one look much younger than what the calendar says. :thumb:

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As we get older,  the chances increase that we start having some pains in muscles, ligaments, articulations.  There is an inclination to remedy this with pain medication, visits to chiropractors and physical therapists.  And, god forbid, surgeons.


Here is another video by the "cute guy" of uprighthealth.com,   with whom I always agree:



And I have some experience with this.  ( Steve again talking about himself?  HOW BORING!! )


At 80 I have a PERFECT RIGHT to have arthritis all over.  But so far,  all my "arthritis" have gone away, except the last one. This last one affects the articulation of my right thumb, and it has been bothering me while playing the piano and while gripping with the right hand.  It "has been",  because it is going away. I have been exercising this articulation to make it replicate exactly what I can do with my good left thumb.  I can overcome a light pain, which is more like the discomfort of stretching,  and it is getting much better.  I have gained strength and range of motion, and I foresee that soon it will be cured.   No medications, no rest, no injections, no surgery, no nothing.  :) 

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Now for a little bit of REALITY.   The following video is difficult to watch without crying.  But it is educative.


Before you jump up to tell me that aging in the US is different than in blessed Singapore...  I have watched enough elderly in my visit to your island, and I doubt that there are major differences.







This video deals mostly with the lives of seniors in their 80s and 90s.  Seniors with long LIFESPAN, but much shorter HEALTHSPAN.  None of them seem to be regularly working out with weights in a gym, doing aerobics, stretching, doing balance exercises, preparing their healthy meals, learning and cultivating their minds.  Not everyone needs to age like them.


My role model these days is Tony,  an acquaintance I made in one of my gyms.  He is 96 years old.  He lives in a retirement community and drives his car to the gym.  He does some warmup, then stretches, then uses the resistance training machines,  some aerobics and ends with balance exercises.  He walks around like everyone else,  he reveals some age because he is small and somewhat fragile.  When I chat with him, his mind is razor sharp.  I don't see him too often, I imagine he has his more or less good days. 


I am 16 years younger than my role model, and do about the same, except that I am not small or fragile.  I value so much my Aikido practice because it motivates me to train in ways not many do at 80,  like falling and rolling on the floor, walking on my knees, stretching my hip joints and doing specific leg exercises.  Because I have been doing these things for years, they are no hardship.   So, they take little away from my enjoyment of life.  And I have not experienced yet any significant loss of functionality.  This will come, of course, but maybe like Tony I will be still doing all this  (minus the Aikido) when I am his age.


What we see in the video above ( so sad... ) is not a necessity of life. With proper planning and a bit of discipline we can extend a good functionality into the last decades.   If at 60 we have regular health and standard habits, we can advance and start preparing our body and mind for a long health span with enough time to succeed. And if we start earlier, so the better. And seeing the poor seniors in the video,  what more we need to be convinced and motivated ? 


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I realize that this thread can become super boring with all the posts about exercise, nutrition...


But hold on once more, there is out there ( on the Internet ) a trainer who is worth listening to.  Sal Di Stefano has been a personal trainer and coach for many years, and he seems to have acquired interesting knowledge and experience.  "Interesting" is an understatement, he seems to be able to improve the life of people for the long run.  People who typically had strived to improve, then fallen back into their bad habits.  If you are one trying to become successful at changing into a healthy lifestyle forever, the following videos are worth watching,  even if they are long and one has to listen to the chatter of the interviewers:



Let's forget about "burning calories" through long aerobic exercise.  Instead, we should build muscle with short weight lifting sessions.  Let's forget about "counting calories".  The evidence is overwhelming.   I have never counted "calories" and now that I get older I have reduced the aerobics in favor of continuing weight lifting, with excellent results.



Let's complete the title:  EXERCISE DOES NOT WORK...  for losing weight!   If we can tolerate this interviewing chatter box Tom Bilyeu,  Di Stefano is one more who describes very well what to do about nutrition.  Especially how to adopt healthy eating AND STICK WITH IT.

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It does happen to gays young and old,  that in spite of being healthy, strong, decently looking, satisfied, happy....

the constant flow of worldwide information full of negativity and tragedy leaves us immersed in depressing thoughts. Especially seniors we are more exposed, because we have the time to dwell and reflect on the events in the world.


Here is where some spiritual ART can come in.  Music can touch our feelings, our heart, and lift our spirit out of darkness. Among other greatest, Mozart composed some music that is just perfect for this purpose,  like his Concerto for clarinet, Kochel 622:



While listening to this music in a trance of absolute beauty (listen from 12.16...), I keep looking at the picture of little Mozart challenging my agnostic ideology:  how could in his little brain reside the mechanism to compose such sublime sounds?  Could here be some evidence of a supernatural force, or divinity, that inspired him to "take dictate" and write the notes on the sheet music (like Salieri commented in the movie Amadeus)?   The evidence is still not strong enough to satisfy my agnosticism, but it is coming close.


This concerto K. 622 was one of the last compositions of Mozart, who died weeks after. So he was blessed up to the end.     And throughout his life he created other sublime compositions, like his Serenade No. 10 for wind instruments: 



I hope that this music also inspires you with this joy to be alive. :thumb: 




Edited by Steve5380
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Guest Zenofat

My mom woke up with a huge mysterious bruise on her arm, she said she did not bump into anything. It looked like someone pinched her. Or grabbed her arm. Anyway she insist that this is called the "ghost" pinch or bite where by u are bitten or pinched by an invisible being.



I know I sometimes get it too, huge bruising on my thigh and no idea how it got there.


Perhaps there is a scientific explanation that I don’t know of but I do know around her bed there was nothing that she could have bumped into.

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My mom woke up with a huge mysterious bruise on her arm, she said she did not bump into anything. It looked like someone pinched her. Or grabbed her arm. Anyway she insist that this is called the "ghost" pinch or bite where by u are bitten or pinched by an invisible being.



I know I sometimes get it too, huge bruising on my thigh and no idea how it got there.


Perhaps there is a scientific explanation that I don’t know of but I do know around her bed there was nothing that she could have bumped into.


It is common when we age that capillary vessels under the skin become weaker and can break under pressure. Then the blood escaping from the capillary forms a large dark spot or bruise.  Fortunately, this is temporary, and the blood gets absorbed back and the bruise disappears after a couple of days or weeks. 


This happens to me sometimes in my Aikido practices, where a partner grabs me by the forearm with pressure, rotates his hand around, etc.   After bruised, I simply ask to be grabbed with less pressure.  


It can also happen without an obvious case.  Once I noticed a dark spot that suddenly appeared on my arm, and I got worried that it could be a cancerous mole that grew very fast.  I went to a dermatologist,  and she told me not to worry, that the mole was instead a blood spot, purpura,  which would disappear.  And so it did.

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Guest Can Meh?

This happens to me sometimes in my Aikido practices, where a partner grabs me by the forearm with pressure, rotates his hand around, etc.   After bruised, I simply ask to be grabbed with less pressure.  

o it did.

Possible to ask your adversary to be lenient in real fight situation?

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Possible to ask your adversary to be lenient in real fight situation?


In a REAL fight situation I would not worry about blood spots,  but about prevailing over the attacker.  But during practice, we can ask for all sorts of considerations  :) 

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Guest wahahahaha...


In a REAL fight situation I would not worry about blood spots,  but about prevailing over the attacker.  But during practice, we can ask for all sorts of considerations  :) 

Your weakest point finally exposed in the practice.  Now everyone knows where to attack during a real fight....wahahahaha

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Your weakest point finally exposed in the practice.  Now everyone knows where to attack during a real fight....wahahahaha


My weakest point?  wahahahaha...


The 80 years old don't have "weakest point", they are totally, 100% weak.  Haven't you ever seen an 80 y.o.?  Bent over, hanging head, face full of wrinkles, bold, with shaky legs that need a cane to walk, nearly blind, deaf, with tiny voice hard to hear.   You better read some posts here in this thread to avoid being like that at 80!

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