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For gays who will be seniors one day - A Steve5380 Topic!


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3 hours ago, Guest Santorini said:

Did the first Christian Roman emperor appropriate the pagan festival of Saturnalia to celebrate the birth of Christ? 


This is what it seems to have happened.  And it should be fine.  What difference is there between celebrating the god Saturn and the god Christ?   Aren't they both gods?  Why discriminate? 

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1 hour ago, Steve5380 said:


This is what it seems to have happened.  And it should be fine.  What difference is there between celebrating the god Saturn and the god Christ?   Aren't they both gods?  Why discriminate? 

Saturn is bad cholesterol,  Christ good Cholesterol.   Your eating habbit shows you are discriminating certain foods too.  Don't tell me all foods are to be celebrated and embraced whole-heartedly. 


Edited by Sweetie Pie
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8 hours ago, Guest Happy holidays said:

Wow, more bickering from dumb - @Steve5380 - and dumber - @Sweetie Pie


time for a holiday break? 


You need to start getting in the holiday mood and not confuse a conversation with bickering. Don't be dumb!  


9 hours ago, Sweetie Pie said:

Saturn is bad cholesterol,  Christ good Cholesterol.   Your eating habbit shows you are discriminating certain foods too.  Don't tell me all foods are to be celebrated and embraced whole-heartedly. 



Foods we eat are processed by the principles of biology.  But "foods for the spirit" are under the control of the spirit, and depending on what we hold as "god",  Christ and Saturn can both be positive.  One makes us reflect on the supernatural, the other stimulates our scientific mind with the nature of astronomy.

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Guest I am a Star
3 minutes ago, Steve5380 said:

Foods we eat are processed by the principles of biology.  One makes us reflect on the supernatural, the other stimulates our scientific mind with the nature of astronomy.

Bioglogy and Astronomy belongs to the same body.  If you know the astronomy in your body, you will know how biology happens in the universe.

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1 hour ago, Guest I am a Star said:

Bioglogy and Astronomy belongs to the same body.  If you know the astronomy in your body, you will know how biology happens in the universe.


Astrology,  not astronomy, happens in some illiterate bodies. And yes, biology happens in the universe since we are part of the universe.  Are you too?

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47 minutes ago, Guest Danial Soh said:

When a man is handsome, educated has money but is still single, what could be the problem?


There can be many reasons, and not all are "problems".


He can have vocations, objectives that are stronger than any attraction to women and desires to have children.  One typical case is that of those who are attracted to priesthood, to be monks, etc.  ( If they do it to serve society this is fine, but if it is to serve a God,  this can be a problem of naivety )


He can be too involved with his art, his science, his sport, his urge to make money,  and this leaves him no time for romance.  And women give up on their efforts to seduce him.


AND... a reason we all understand:  he is gay, living in a society that has not endorsed same-sex marriage like Singapore, and he has strong reasons to remain in the closet. 

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I found another good video by the cute guy Matt.  Those gays who plan to be seniors one day should watch it.  What he says is absolutely true, a good advice.


This cute Matt is still quite young, so he does not have PERSONAL experience so far.  But here is a real senior, 80 years old (not again??) who some here like G_M like to bash as "OLD MAN",  something that I feel like a badge of honor since I am not an old man yet, ha ha!


There has not been any long period in my life when I didn't work out in a gym as something natural. And... there has not been an interruption in my functionality.  I have no reason to feel differently than when I was 20 y.o., except that I am not so horny anymore!  So Matt is perfectly right:  there is no reason why one has to be old when reaching 80 and beyond.


So, feeling like 20 and having all the commodities and financial independence of an 80 y.o. can lead to the most happy time in a life.  Be confident that you will reach this state, and plan for it.



https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c__gv2BLxPI    (video does not embed)


This "cute guy" Matt Hsu  is ... 47 years old !!!  People may not believe this seeing what he can do,  but I think it is perfectly normal.  He is becoming quite popular and he is producing an amazing amount of material that helps people, mostly seniors, with their physical issues.  It is worth visiting his website:





Edited by Steve5380
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Guest Act of terror?
On 12/9/2023 at 11:46 PM, Steve5380 said:

I have no reason to feel differently than when I was 20 y.o.  So, feeling like 20  of an 80 y.o. can lead to the most happy time...


There is a huge difference.  You are trying to put new wine into old wine skin.  It is a scam!!   Nobody is going to buy it.

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7 hours ago, Guest Act of terror? said:

There is a huge difference.  You are trying to put new wine into old wine skin.  It is a scam!!   Nobody is going to buy it.


Wine skins used to be made out of animal skins to store and transport wine.  The ancient people must have been smart enough to not throw away every wine skin after their first load of wine, so the surely reused it.  Without scamming anyone.


So why cannot make sense that keep reusing our older bodies with youthful feelings?  This should be smart. :) 

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Guest Mr Luke
46 minutes ago, Steve5380 said:


Wine skins used to be made out of animal skins to store and transport wine.  The ancient people must have been smart enough to not throw away every wine skin after their first load of wine, so the surely reused it.  Without scamming anyone.


So why cannot make sense that keep reusing our older bodies with youthful feelings?  This should be smart. :) 

No one puts new wine into old wineskins; or else the new wine will burst the wineskins and be spilled, and the wineskins will be ruined. But new wine must be put into new wineskins, and both are preserved.

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2 hours ago, Steve5380 said:


Wine skins used to be made out of animal skins to store and transport wine.  The ancient people must have been smart enough to not throw away every wine skin after their first load of wine, so the surely reused it.  Without scamming anyone.


So why cannot make sense that keep reusing our older bodies with youthful feelings?  This should be smart. :) 


Even if they reuse the wine skin, do you think anyone will put anything into one that is 80 year old? Even fresh water put inside will come out toxic. :blink:  

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4 hours ago, Guest Mr Luke said:

No one puts new wine into old wineskins; or else the new wine will burst the wineskins and be spilled, and the wineskins will be ruined. But new wine must be put into new wineskins, and both are preserved.


Luke, it is a pity that you are such a pessimist.  OF COURSE wine skins are reusable.  Have a look here:


https://www.tienda.com/products/black-bota-wineskin-latex-lining-peregrino-bb-05?msclkid=4820fbb1ed7f19cbe4e99ec689c9fd78&utm_source=bing&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=US - Shopping - Acquisition - 2 Day&utm_term=4580221858441208&utm_content=All Else.


Would you throw away a new $69 wine skin after it is empty?  But, who knows, maybe you have money to throw away...


2 hours ago, Guest Guest said:


Even if they reuse the wine skin, do you think anyone will put anything into one that is 80 year old? Even fresh water put inside will come out toxic. :blink:  


What is the need to hold onto a wine skin for 80 years?  Are you a hoarder?  Some good wine is stored for 20+ years, but not in wine skins but in oak barrels.


But the best is to stay away from wine and other alcohol for 80 years,  like the example seen in the next video.

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4 hours ago, Steve5380 said:

What is the need to hold onto a wine skin for 80 years?  Are you a hoarder?  Some good wine is stored for 20+ years, but not in wine skins but in oak barrels.


But the best is to stay away from wine and other alcohol for 80 years,  like the example seen in the next video.


So, are we talking about wine skins or oak barrels now? Besides, who is talking about storing anything for 80 years? We are talking about putting anything into some wine skin that is 80 year old! Even fresh water put inside will come out toxic.


But you do have a point: there is no need to hold onto a wine skin for 80 years. We are not hoarders. 

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Most of us have heard of Bryan Johnson,  the biotech executive who decided to start spending two million dollars a year to stop and reverse his aging:



The author of this video followed Bryan's regime for one month to see if he saw results, and he indeed saw good results.


Bryan is 45 y.o. and he does not look his age at all.  If he keeps his $2m program indefinitely,  he will look like I do at 80 or even better,  at the minor cost of 70 million dollars.  If he has the money...  good for him!  Trump loses more than this in just one year !!! :lol: and he looks horrible at his old age. 


I am in agreement with the basic health measures he takes.  And I think that one-tenth of what he does should give already nearly equivalent results.  While Bryan spends $2m a year,  my additional cost of living healthy may be ... $1000 a year, so one two-thousand's of what he does,  ha ha. 


It is a simple formula:  eat foods that lead to a healthy metabolism,  supplement some essential nutrients, and do effective exercises.  Then at 80,  keep enjoying good life.  


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19 hours ago, Guest Guest said:


So, are we talking about wine skins or oak barrels now? Besides, who is talking about storing anything for 80 years? We are talking about putting anything into some wine skin that is 80 year old! Even fresh water put inside will come out toxic.


But you do have a point: there is no need to hold onto a wine skin for 80 years. We are not hoarders. 


Your "logic" needs a little adjustment.  How will a wine skin become 80 years old ... if it is not stored somewhere?  Or you think that 80 year old wine skins are fabricated new with "80 years" ?

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Is it possible to ever know who you were before? I know beyond any doubt I lived in colonial America from 1740 to 1800. I am interested in only that timeframe and surround myself with anything and everything from that time period. Everything I see, do and enjoy, draws me back to that time in the past. The older I get, the more intense this becomes. I want to know who and when and where. Thoughts?

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10 hours ago, Guest Gucci said:

Is it possible to ever know who you were before? I know beyond any doubt I lived in colonial America from 1740 to 1800. I am interested in only that timeframe and surround myself with anything and everything from that time period. Everything I see, do and enjoy, draws me back to that time in the past. The older I get, the more intense this becomes. I want to know who and when and where. Thoughts?


Well... hopefully one day you gain this knowledge.


I was born in 1943, in the last years of World War II.  As a child, I always felt strangely observed, vulnerable and exposed. The other days, watching this old movie classic "The Third Man" I felt overwhelmed by the tragedy of this war and I started desperately crying.  Without any explanation!   I have suspicion that I am the reincarnation of one of the victims of WWII. I could have been one of the Jews in my family who was killed by the Nazi,  or I could have been a German soldier who was killed in battle.  In any case, I might have been reborn after some tragedy.   But I am fine now,  and my speculation is no more than that,  since I am completely ignorant.  And I am glad to be ignorant.

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As gays who will be seniors one day we should cultivate our set of role models. 


I have a set of role models of Outstanding Physical Bodies.  I have posted descriptions of some of them here.  I added a new one the other day while watching this video:






Kimin Kim is an Asian ballet dancer from S. Korea.  Amazing indeed.  He gives another example that Asians are second to none.  He is in the same category as the best Russian male dancers.  To watch him dance is fascinating.    In the last video,  the perfection of his moves matches well with the perfection of Mozart's music of his Piano Concerto.


The perfection of his body and its functionality is probably, although not certainly, associated with a perfect health.  We should take example ( and even a senior should ) of the potentials of our own bodies and that "the sky is the limit" for us, even if this limit is at the height of some clouds and not of distant galaxies.  


I will soon post some health information from a doctor who preaches "How not to Age".  Isn't this interesting?


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21 hours ago, Guest Charles 🇸🇬 said:

When people say they can't see anything good in you, hug them and say life is difficult for the blind.


I like your comical way to say that nobody is void of something good in them.  Very true!

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As I mentioned in a previous post, I found a Dr. Michael Greger who wrote a book "How not to Age".  His book is like an encyclopedia of nutritional health,  backed by over 13,000 articles about the topic, reviewed professionally. ! 


However, he seems to be biased towards plant-based diets. He loves plant food, and seems to completely ignore some objections to plants raised by other famous doctors like Dr. Gundry, who promoted widely the fear of LECTIS in plants.  His book is over 600 pages packed with small font text that makes it difficult to read.  I bought the book and got it a few days ago, and I find it full of information, most of it valuable,  but must still be considered with healthy skepticism.  In general, the material has been firmly established, and a few parts of it are debatable.


Books about healthy nutrition and longevity are popping up like mushrooms after the rain.  The existence of different, often contradictory ideologies could make this a problem, but they all have more in common than differences,  and the topic is still of extremely importance for any gay who will be senior one day.   Just a minimum adherence to their principles can make a huge difference in our wellbeing and life expectancy.


Here is a video where Dr. Greger gives a presentation about his book.  He speaks intelligently, although giving an impression of a mix of nerd and charlatan. 




and in this following video another nutrition nerd makes his analysis of the book and also interviews Dr. Greger:




Last night in a party of our Aikido group I mentioned this book to some of my peers, who took notice of it with limited interest since they have their own problems and are young enough to not think about aging,  although some have some less than perfect health and functionality.  But I like to pass on what I learn,  same as here. 

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Guest Questionable
9 hours ago, Steve5380 said:

and in this following video another nutrition nerd makes his analysis of the book and also interviews Dr. Greger:



Dr Greger is a strict vegetarian.  His first book on "How not to die", was a difficult book to read.  I don't think he ever ate an egg which is quite nutritious but not in his opinion. 

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10 hours ago, Guest Questionable said:

Dr Greger is a strict vegetarian.  His first book on "How not to die", was a difficult book to read.  I don't think he ever ate an egg which is quite nutritious but not in his opinion. 


This explains Dr. Greger's ideology.  It seems that even those who consider themselves to be super objective, like basing everything on 13,000 articles,  cannot escape their preferences. 


I read other very biased opinions of him,  like saying that arthrosclerosis can be helped ONLY with a purely vegetal diet, void of any meat or animal saturated fats, blah, blah, blah. 


But the opposing bands proposing paleo and vegan diets have some good information in common, and this is what Greger's book is full of.  I am reading now with interest his section "preserving function",  and learning.  His hardcover book I bought is expensive and printed in small hard to read font.  The Kindle version could be a better option.


In dealing with this subject of nutrition ideologies we realize how fragile the studies are, how much experimental results can be twisted and accommodated to the wishes of those who interpret the results, proving that statistics "can lie".   :lol:

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Guest Exhausted
9 hours ago, Steve5380 said:

In dealing with this subject of nutrition ideologies we realize how fragile the studies are, how much experimental results can be twisted and accommodated to the wishes of those who interpret the results, proving that statistics "can lie".   :lol:

Every body is different.  What is best for you might not be the same for others.  There is no one health regime that fits everybody.  Some people are sensitive to seafood, others are sensitive to nuts and not everyone loves certain fruits or vegetables.  Even then, it takes time to heal, not within days nor months of course and during this period of "waiting" time, your body can turn against your wish and display signs or symptoms you may not have wished it to happen.  There are just so many informations out there, controversial no less, but how many more years do human have to eventually get to the bottom of things before human kept inventing food and looking for unconventional food sources to complicate things further?



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On 12/17/2023 at 3:47 AM, Steve5380 said:

As I mentioned in a previous post, I found a Dr. Michael Greger who wrote a book "How not to Age".  His book is like an encyclopedia of nutritional health,  backed by over 13,000 articles about the topic, reviewed professionally. ! 


However, he seems to be biased towards plant-based diets. He loves plant food, and seems to completely ignore some objections to plants raised by other famous doctors like Dr. Gundry, who promoted widely the fear of LECTIS in plants.  His book is over 600 pages packed with small font text that makes it difficult to read.  I bought the book and got it a few days ago, and I find it full of information, most of it valuable,  but must still be considered with healthy skepticism.  In general, the material has been firmly established, and a few parts of it are debatable.


Books about healthy nutrition and longevity are popping up like mushrooms after the rain.  The existence of different, often contradictory ideologies could make this a problem, but they all have more in common than differences,  and the topic is still of extremely importance for any gay who will be senior one day.   Just a minimum adherence to their principles can make a huge difference in our wellbeing and life expectancy.


Here is a video where Dr. Greger gives a presentation about his book.  He speaks intelligently, although giving an impression of a mix of nerd and charlatan. 




and in this following video another nutrition nerd makes his analysis of the book and also interviews Dr. Greger:




Last night in a party of our Aikido group I mentioned this book to some of my peers, who took notice of it with limited interest since they have their own problems and are young enough to not think about aging,  although some have some less than perfect health and functionality.  But I like to pass on what I learn,  same as here. 


I am just referring the 2nd video with Chris MacAskill (Plant Chompers). Just the intro of some of his views can warrant some debate. I have watched his channel sometimes but it was hard to watch as he would like to quote references very quickly with sound bites but fail to mention the problems with those researches. One of his quotes on epidemiological studies in nutritional research, he compared it to toxicology epidemiological studies, saying that if we dismiss the former it means we dismiss the latter. But toxicology is very different from nutritional studies, it is focused on one substance that can have an impact on human beings, e.g. smoking or Groundup. Nutritonal study cannot be compared because even if you just replace red meat with white meat, you don't just replace one source of protein, you also replace the fat ratio, the vitamins and minerals and even the amino acid profile. Furthermore, food when eaten in combination like carbs + vegetables oil with red meat can have different levels of exposure and affect, most nutritional research cannot account for that. 

Then he talks about Seth Yodor the "fact checker". He failed to mentioned Nina rebuttal of his fact check. This is how plant chompers would leave out information that are important and only assert what he likes. 


Lastly, Dr. Greger is probably swallowing tons of supplements and pills daily due to his vegan diet, you can see it in some of his interviews. This is only a diet for the middle and upper class, the poor class cannot afford the amount of supplements that vegans need to take to stay healthy, let alone get a "balanced" vegan diet of expensive and nutritionally poor plants. Lastly, there are many people calling for a full body health check with Dr. Greger and other prominent vegan doctors but none of them accepted the challenge because they know the results will not be that great. Perhaps, the only ones who do publish their blood works and dexa and CAC scans are those in the fitness realm. However, most folks in fitness realm regardless of what they eat will probably have pretty good blood works, its the ordinary folks who form the majority of the population and its their blood works that would be more telling if a diet type works or not in the long run.

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12 hours ago, kwongheng said:


I am just referring the 2nd video with Chris MacAskill (Plant Chompers). Just the intro of some of his views can warrant some debate. I have watched his channel sometimes but it was hard to watch as he would like to quote references very quickly with sound bites but fail to mention the problems with those researches. One of his quotes on epidemiological studies in nutritional research, he compared it to toxicology epidemiological studies, saying that if we dismiss the former it means we dismiss the latter. But toxicology is very different from nutritional studies, it is focused on one substance that can have an impact on human beings, e.g. smoking or Roundup. Nutritonal study cannot be compared because even if you just replace red meat with white meat, you don't just replace one source of protein, you also replace the fat ratio, the vitamins and minerals and even the amino acid profile. Furthermore, food when eaten in combination like carbs + vegetables oil with red meat can have different levels of exposure and affect, most nutritional research cannot account for that. 

Then he talks about Seth Yodor the "fact checker". He failed to mentioned Nina rebuttal of his fact check. This is how plant chompers would leave out information that are important and only assert what he likes. 


Lastly, Dr. Greger is probably swallowing tons of supplements and pills daily due to his vegan diet, you can see it in some of his interviews. This is only a diet for the middle and upper class, the poor class cannot afford the amount of supplements that vegans need to take to stay healthy, let alone get a "balanced" vegan diet of expensive and nutritionally poor plants. Lastly, there are many people calling for a full body health check with Dr. Greger and other prominent vegan doctors but none of them accepted the challenge because they know the results will not be that great. Perhaps, the only ones who do publish their blood works and dexa and CAC scans are those in the fitness realm. However, most folks in fitness realm regardless of what they eat will probably have pretty good blood works, its the ordinary folks who form the majority of the population and its their blood works that would be more telling if a diet type works or not in the long run.


I also think that MacAskill should know better than to become a fanatic vegan. I agree that the epidemiology of toxicology is more solid than that of nutritional science, which has so many variables.  This fellow should instead gather the huge data of millions of studies and researches and feed them to the biggest quantum computer he can find, and let it spit out more trustworthy results.


This fights between the vegans and carnivores does not discourage my interest in their findings, and in following their common recommendations.  About their differences my thoughts are very simple:  herbivore animals can live long lives eating exclusively vegetables,  carnivore animals can live long healthy lives eating nearly exclusively meat, and then there are the omnivore which is what we are.  I see no dangers in moderate animal protein and fats consumption, plus a good deal of complex carbohydrates, like a paleo diet. Giving some preference to vegetables gives some moral satisfactions too.


And yes,  who knows what is the health of these prominent health gurus,  although they make enough money to be in good health.  I favor their work because they make the push for the PREVENTIVE as substitute for curative medicine. The status of established medicine is shameful in its pursue of profit.

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13 hours ago, Guest Exhausted said:

Every body is different.  What is best for you might not be the same for others.  There is no one health regime that fits everybody.  Some people are sensitive to seafood, others are sensitive to nuts and not everyone loves certain fruits or vegetables.  Even then, it takes time to heal, not within days nor months of course and during this period of "waiting" time, your body can turn against your wish and display signs or symptoms you may not have wished it to happen.  There are just so many informations out there, controversial no less, but how many more years do human have to eventually get to the bottom of things before human kept inventing food and looking for unconventional food sources to complicate things further?



I agree. Health is a complicated subject.  It may be sufficient to be interested in our health, to give sufficient importance in learning good healthful practices, learning as much as we can about nutrition with an open mind, and be reasonably skeptical about fanaticisms and conventional medicine without becoming cynical.  

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Guest Chinese Student
9 hours ago, Steve5380 said:

I favor their work because they make the push for the PREVENTIVE as substitute for curative medicine. 

I should be called PREVENTATIVE.  When was the last time you study English?

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10 hours ago, Steve5380 said:


I also think that MacAskill should know better than to become a fanatic vegan. I agree that the epidemiology of toxicology is more solid than that of nutritional science, which has so many variables.  This fellow should instead gather the huge data of millions of studies and researches and feed them to the biggest quantum computer he can find, and let it spit out more trustworthy results.


This fights between the vegans and carnivores does not discourage my interest in their findings, and in following their common recommendations.  About their differences my thoughts are very simple:  herbivore animals can live long lives eating exclusively vegetables,  carnivore animals can live long healthy lives eating nearly exclusively meat, and then there are the omnivore which is what we are.  I see no dangers in moderate animal protein and fats consumption, plus a good deal of complex carbohydrates, like a paleo diet. Giving some preference to vegetables gives some moral satisfactions too.


And yes,  who knows what is the health of these prominent health gurus,  although they make enough money to be in good health.  I favor their work because they make the push for the PREVENTIVE as substitute for curative medicine. The status of established medicine is shameful in its pursue of profit.


I think you are incorrect saying the fight is between vegans and carnivore folks. It is the vegan who are against anyone who eats meat be it Med diet, omnivore diet, low carb, etc.  And they are the first to attack other diet choices choosing very narrow health marker, LDL.  If you have been watching old low carb conferences, you will notice that there are hardly any mention about vegan diets, they were not even "attacking" veganism nor saying anything too bad about it. Only the few years because vegan propaganda has been on the rise and there are great danger in people going vegan without knowing the consequence does the doctors and research started voicing this out. Whereas, in vegan conference, they are constantly bashing red meat and talking bad sciences.


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Guest Spiritual life saver?
11 minutes ago, kwongheng said:


I think you are incorrect saying the fight is between vegans and carnivore folks. It is the vegan who are against anyone who eats meat be it Med diet, omnivore diet, low carb, etc.  And they are the first to attack other diet choices choosing very narrow health marker, LDL.  If you have been watching old low carb conferences, you will notice that there are hardly any mention about vegan diets, they were not even "attacking" veganism nor saying anything too bad about it. Only the few years because vegan propaganda has been on the rise and there are great danger in people going vegan without knowing the consequence does the doctors and research started voicing this out. Whereas, in vegan conference, they are constantly bashing red meat and talking bad sciences.


Veganism mean a person may consume high carb, hight starch, high sugary foods without knowing it is unhealthy.  Whie the virtue behind Vegan is important, health is still the key to survival. 

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2 hours ago, Guest Chinese Student said:

I should be called PREVENTATIVE.  When was the last time you study English?


Thank you for your attempt at correcting me.  It is not a correction however.   Preventive and preventative mean the same thing.  Maybe in SG you use preventative?  Here in the US we use preventive, and since I am writing in the US,  this is the correct term.  :) 

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1 hour ago, Guest Spiritual life saver? said:

Veganism mean a person may consume high carb, hight starch, high sugary foods without knowing it is unhealthy.  Whie the virtue behind Vegan is important, health is still the key to survival. 


At least when the vegans die,  from consuming those horrible foods you mentioned, they go straight to Heaven because they were so kind to other living creatures, the animals.   However...  were so kind to fellow humans who followed their fanatic dogmas and died too?

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1 hour ago, kwongheng said:


I think you are incorrect saying the fight is between vegans and carnivore folks. It is the vegan who are against anyone who eats meat be it Med diet, omnivore diet, low carb, etc.  And they are the first to attack other diet choices choosing very narrow health marker, LDL.  If you have been watching old low carb conferences, you will notice that there are hardly any mention about vegan diets, they were not even "attacking" veganism nor saying anything too bad about it. Only the few years because vegan propaganda has been on the rise and there are great danger in people going vegan without knowing the consequence does the doctors and research started voicing this out. Whereas, in vegan conference, they are constantly bashing red meat and talking bad sciences.



It should not be difficult to make a study of centenarians to find what a percent of them also eat some meat.  This percent is surely not zero,  which means that one can eat meat and still live 100 years.  This should SHUT UP the vegans.   :lol:


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Guest In the News
7 minutes ago, Steve5380 said:


At least when the vegans die,  from consuming those horrible foods you mentioned, they go straight to Heaven because they were so kind to other living creatures, the animals.   However...  were so kind to fellow humans who followed their fanatic dogmas and died too?

Not all vegans have a good heart.   I remember last time, in a temple where they served free foods to the needy,  the volunteers (presumbably vegan), used cane to keep those poor people in line.  It doesn't make sense to me.  I have more examples to debunk that all vegans will go to heaven. 

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Guest Bedtime Story
1 minute ago, Steve5380 said:


It should not be difficult to make a study of centenarians to find what a percent of them also eat some meat.  This percent is surely not zero,  which means that one can eat meat and still live 100 years.  This should SHUT UP the vegans.   :lol:


If the first human don't eat meat 150,000 years ago, human won't exist today.  I beleived veganism started from the discovery of religion only 2000-5000 years ago. 

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3 hours ago, Guest In the News said:

Not all vegans have a good heart.   I remember last time, in a temple where they served free foods to the needy,  the volunteers (presumbably vegan), used cane to keep those poor people in line.  It doesn't make sense to me.  I have more examples to debunk that all vegans will go to heaven. 


I believe that the heaven think is spoken in jest.


As for the modern veganism movement, it can be traced back to the 7th Day Adventist Church. In fact, much of dietetics and its movement can still be traced back to the church. Belinda Fettke did a wonderful presentation around this. Basically, veganism is encouraged to reduce lust and sexual thoughts and masturbation, especially amongst men. So on the onset, its a diet used to reduce your sexual drive and fertility.



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11 hours ago, Guest In the News said:

Not all vegans have a good heart.   I remember last time, in a temple where they served free foods to the needy,  the volunteers (presumbably vegan), used cane to keep those poor people in line.  It doesn't make sense to me.  I have more examples to debunk that all vegans will go to heaven. 


I am sure that not all vegans have a good heart.   Whipping needy hungry people with a cane is not goodhearted.   And these same people may not leave animals alone because of good heart but because, with their fanatic ideas,  they don't want to die eating them.  

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11 hours ago, Guest Bedtime Story said:

If the first human don't eat meat 150,000 years ago, human won't exist today.  I beleived veganism started from the discovery of religion only 2000-5000 years ago. 


Yes, ancient Indian and Greek philosophers were the early vegans in recorded history.  But...

what is this "discovery of religion" ??  Wasn't religion INVENTED?  😄

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12 hours ago, kwongheng said:


I believe that the heaven think is spoken in jest.


As for the modern veganism movement, it can be traced back to the 7th Day Adventist Church. In fact, much of dietetics and its movement can still be traced back to the church. Belinda Fettke did a wonderful presentation around this. Basically, veganism is encouraged to reduce lust and sexual thoughts and masturbation, especially amongst men. So on the onset, its a diet used to reduce your sexual drive and fertility.




Only recently I came to realize how modern vegetarianism has been pushed by religion.  Nutrition should be a science, although it is not yet there.   When religion starts to affect science,  the result is usually negative.  People who had no knowledge of what good metabolism, insulin sensitivity, ketosis, microbiome are, felt capacitated to pass judgment on nutrition based on religion. 


Religion could be the most pure case of BELIEF.  But hopefully we realize that to believe is NOT a virtue ( contrary to the doctrines of some Christians who maintain that "salvation" is not attained by acts but by believing in ...  ).  This is why it is positive and smart to have some agnosticism, even skepticism,  instead of easily believing everything.


If MORE is BETTER,  then the staunch vegans should not only reject animal food, but that of any living creatures, like... BACTERIA.  Bacteria are not animals but still mostly single-cell living creatures.  A perfect vegan then should not ingest any probiotics, and...  should never accept taking any antibiotics that...  kill bacteria!  With this perfect attitude, they will be forever prevented from having any impure thoughts and desires! :lol:




Edited by Steve5380
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On 12/31/2021 at 9:46 PM, InBangkok said:

So @Steve5380 posts a video that is certainly not strictly accurate and then states "he is not giving medical dadvice". So it is quackery, pure and simple! Purely his "irrelevant" advice as a non-medical quack. @Steve5380 mentions nothing about hereditary dementia (fact!), certain geographical areas being more prone to dementia (fact), ...

Dementia is not preventable. Alzheimers is not preventable. It is true that certain activities - re foods we eat and exercise - can reduce the possibility of exposure to these horrible diseases. But to suggest they are, as the heading of that video states, "preventable" is nonsense!


On 12/31/2021 at 9:51 PM, Steve5380 said:


You are right.  Nothing could have prevented your dementia!  :(   Perhaps because it is a product of your personality?



Two years ago at the beginning of this thread there were some objections to the idea that diseases of the brain could be prevented and even reversed!  Any suggestion of this was called "QUAKERY".


Today as our knowledge of our biology, metabolism increases, and certain facts are recognized, so the possibility to prevent and reverse Alzheimer's is being recognized, and not by taking pharmaceutical drugs.  Here is an interesting video about the subject:



Notice how the interviewer Anthony Chaffee and the interviewed Hal Cranmer give the impression of being far more rational and reasonable than the author of "How not to Age",  the Dr. Michael Greger, and and his co-fanatics. 


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Guest Sexless
7 hours ago, Steve5380 said:


It is simple.  Remove the third 6,  then rotate the second one around and ...  enjoy a nice 69.  :) 

For gay who will be senior one day, best is to stop thinking and talking about sex because your sexual vibrant years have long passed. 

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