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For gays who will be seniors one day - A Steve5380 Topic!


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Guest Guest
On 7/24/2024 at 8:04 PM, Steve5380 said:


I am sorry to tell you,  but your post gets a failing grade.

Who are you to grade?  You are nothing but a dying old fart.  

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Guest Guest
29 minutes ago, Steve5380 said:

Sometimes I find videos about health that say nothing new, but convey it in a way that is convincing.


Here is a video by a doctor whose goal is to... take his patients out of unnecessary medications!  This is the opposite of many doctors whose goal is to prescribe MORE medications.  I find that this doctor fully adheres to the Hypocrates Oath, "do no harm". 


We should not be cynical about conventional medicine.  It can be very helpful.  But we should be smart and evaluate our experiences with standard medicine and be a little skeptical.  Our smartness should go as far as becoming EXPERTS in whatever medical symptoms we have, and even more, the treatments suggested for these symptoms. And BEFORE having symptoms, be informed on what is our best life style to AVOID symptoms.



And here is my latest experience about this:  last year, a different doctor in my yearly checkup prescribed for me 20mg of Lipitor, because of my "high total cholesterol".  Last week, back with my old doctor, I told him that the prescription is fine, if it has to be, but I am taking ZERO Lipitor, and not planning to take it ever.  He smiled,  and he took the prescription off my chart.  With this,  I have NO (ZERO) prescribed medications.  In addition, I take ZERO over-the-counter stuff. 


Another interesting video by the same doctor:



Indeed, I never had this HOMA-IR  ( Homeostatic Model Assessment for Insulin Resistance) done.  Now that I know what it is, I calculated it with last year's data and found that it is a little out of range towards insulin resistance.


And here is where my "good old doctor" showed his bias.  I had asked him to do a "fasting insulin" test, which is not in the traditional list.  He declined, saying that I have no diabetes nor pre-diabetes.  To which I replied:  but... should I wait to have symptoms to know my status?  He replied that I had this fasting insulin test done last year, and the result was OK.  Indeed, the result was "OK" but not optimum.   He confirmed that outside some standard tests, any other ones should be done in response to symptoms, NOT to monitor and IMPROVE our health.  Sooo... the profession of official medicine starts when symptoms appear.  Before this, we are "OK".  Doctors exist TO CURE.  ( or rather, try to cure...)


Dear fellow gays,  hopefully you are not cynical but smart,  recognizing where it is evident that standard medicine is conditioned to profiteering,  and you learn enough to protect yourselves and your beloved ones.

The doc should prescribe you cyanide.  Go swallow.

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Guest I believe
7 hours ago, Steve5380 said:

Sometimes I find videos about health that say nothing new, but convey it in a way that is convincing.


Here is a video by a doctor whose goal is to... take his patients out of unnecessary medications!  This is the opposite of many doctors whose goal is to prescribe MORE medications.  I find that this doctor fully adheres to the Hypocrates Oath, "do no harm".


The best medicine came from food, real food, not supplements nor any other over-the-counter shit.   The more chemicalised stuffs you eat, whether as supplements or prescription,  it will hurts your kidney in the long run.  

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On 9/4/2024 at 8:18 PM, Guest I believe said:

The best medicine came from food, real food, not supplements nor any other over-the-counter shit.   The more chemicalised stuffs you eat, whether as supplements or prescription,  it will hurts your kidney in the long run.  


It is tempting to think that everything "natural" is better, that our early progenitors were healthier.  But we also should be skeptical. 


Today the life expectancy in progressive countries is abut 80 years.  It is doubtful that this was the case in the past  ( except for Methuselah, who lived more than 900 years :lol:, if you believe this ).  Modern medicine has eliminated so many infectious diseases.  A smart solution is to go back to more "natural" foods, but take advantages of some of the PROVEN benefits of modern medicine, effective drugs.

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Unfortunately, there are plenty of chemicals on top or inside the food due to polluting impact, fungicide etc etc.

Even in vegetable...


Therefore, it is difficult to say "more chemicalised" stuff.


European Watchdogs and laboratories have also identified organic food more as a marketing thing than that products were organic or simply labelled organic.


On processed food, moderation is the word. The chances of getting cancer in later life are probably higher when you eat

Spam Meat twice a day as just eventually once a month or if you just eat canned food or only processed food every day.


You can also say that certain natural products are unhealthy. Eating too much fresh cinnamon is unhealthy and can lead to later liver damage...


A good point is Tongkat ali! Read it up!   (Excessive intake can also lead to liver, kidney damage and malaysian tongkat ali products seem to have too much mercury content...)





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8 hours ago, singalion said:

Unfortunately, there are plenty of chemicals on top or inside the food due to polluting impact, fungicide etc etc.

Even in vegetable...


Therefore, it is difficult to say "more chemicalised" stuff.


European Watchdogs and laboratories have also identified organic food more as a marketing thing than that products were organic or simply labelled organic.


On processed food, moderation is the word. The chances of getting cancer in later life are probably higher when you eat

Spam Meat twice a day as just eventually once a month or if you just eat canned food or only processed food every day.


You can also say that certain natural products are unhealthy. Eating too much fresh cinnamon is unhealthy and can lead to later liver damage...


A good point is Tongkat ali! Read it up!   (Excessive intake can also lead to liver, kidney damage and malaysian tongkat ali products seem to have too much mercury content...)



Yes, it is unfortunate how contaminated our environment is.  The air we breathe, the liquids we drink, the food we eat. 


Fortunately, we learn every time more about the contaminants, and how to avoid many of them.  So if we are smart, to become and octogenarian is perfectly possible, and a centenarian also with some added luck. To live a long life is an excellent goal, much better than to become rich.   


There is still so much to be known.  And to personally acquire knowledge takes some dedication.  So we should not disregard that what we CAN know today, and put the effort to act on this knowledge. 

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For gays who want to preserve a decent, even handsome body as they go through life on their way to becoming a senior,  it is helpful to have some example, some ideal to aim for, even if it is out of reach. I run into such examples here and there, and they motivate me to keep trying.  The following video gives me one example. 


A Ballade can be a musical poem, like this one by Chopin. It may not have been intended to dance to, but the playing by Lang Lang is very enticing.  And the dancers, well... they tell me that the highest quality of muscle is not the biggest one, but the most attractive.



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Guest Ice Skating
9 hours ago, Steve5380 said:


A Ballade can be a musical poem, like this one by Chopin.


It looks like gymnastic.  I prefer they dance it on ice skater, and hurled themselves around under the wind and that requires a lot of energy and stamina and most importantly, the dramatic effect.

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10 minutes ago, Guest Ice Skating said:

It looks like gymnastic.  I prefer they dance it on ice skater, and hurled themselves around under the wind and that requires a lot of energy and stamina and most importantly, the dramatic effect.


I agree!  Especially when the ice skater is Yuzuru Hanyu, my favorite.



Both skills, ballet and ice dancing, require extraordinary vocation and dedication.  And the music of Chopin is ideal for dancing to it.  Not only the ballet "Sylphides" but other dancing to his music, like his Nocturnes:



I prefer a more traditional ballet, but these dancers are doing an excellent job.  Sometimes I think how it must be to have a body like theirs,  but I am satisfied by just enjoying the music of Chopin by playing it. 

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