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For gays who will be seniors one day - A Steve5380 Topic!


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29 minutes ago, Steve5380 said:

Sometimes I find videos about health that say nothing new, but convey it in a way that is convincing.


Here is a video by a doctor whose goal is to... take his patients out of unnecessary medications!  This is the opposite of many doctors whose goal is to prescribe MORE medications.  I find that this doctor fully adheres to the Hypocrates Oath, "do no harm". 


We should not be cynical about conventional medicine.  It can be very helpful.  But we should be smart and evaluate our experiences with standard medicine and be a little skeptical.  Our smartness should go as far as becoming EXPERTS in whatever medical symptoms we have, and even more, the treatments suggested for these symptoms. And BEFORE having symptoms, be informed on what is our best life style to AVOID symptoms.



And here is my latest experience about this:  last year, a different doctor in my yearly checkup prescribed for me 20mg of Lipitor, because of my "high total cholesterol".  Last week, back with my old doctor, I told him that the prescription is fine, if it has to be, but I am taking ZERO Lipitor, and not planning to take it ever.  He smiled,  and he took the prescription off my chart.  With this,  I have NO (ZERO) prescribed medications.  In addition, I take ZERO over-the-counter stuff. 


Another interesting video by the same doctor:



Indeed, I never had this HOMA-IR  ( Homeostatic Model Assessment for Insulin Resistance) done.  Now that I know what it is, I calculated it with last year's data and found that it is a little out of range towards insulin resistance.


And here is where my "good old doctor" showed his bias.  I had asked him to do a "fasting insulin" test, which is not in the traditional list.  He declined, saying that I have no diabetes nor pre-diabetes.  To which I replied:  but... should I wait to have symptoms to know my status?  He replied that I had this fasting insulin test done last year, and the result was OK.  Indeed, the result was "OK" but not optimum.   He confirmed that outside some standard tests, any other ones should be done in response to symptoms, NOT to monitor and IMPROVE our health.  Sooo... the profession of official medicine starts when symptoms appear.  Before this, we are "OK".  Doctors exist TO CURE.  ( or rather, try to cure...)


Dear fellow gays,  hopefully you are not cynical but smart,  recognizing where it is evident that standard medicine is conditioned to profiteering,  and you learn enough to protect yourselves and your beloved ones.

The doc should prescribe you cyanide.  Go swallow.

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Guest I believe
7 hours ago, Steve5380 said:

Sometimes I find videos about health that say nothing new, but convey it in a way that is convincing.


Here is a video by a doctor whose goal is to... take his patients out of unnecessary medications!  This is the opposite of many doctors whose goal is to prescribe MORE medications.  I find that this doctor fully adheres to the Hypocrates Oath, "do no harm".


The best medicine came from food, real food, not supplements nor any other over-the-counter shit.   The more chemicalised stuffs you eat, whether as supplements or prescription,  it will hurts your kidney in the long run.  

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On 9/4/2024 at 8:18 PM, Guest I believe said:

The best medicine came from food, real food, not supplements nor any other over-the-counter shit.   The more chemicalised stuffs you eat, whether as supplements or prescription,  it will hurts your kidney in the long run.  


It is tempting to think that everything "natural" is better, that our early progenitors were healthier.  But we also should be skeptical. 


Today the life expectancy in progressive countries is abut 80 years.  It is doubtful that this was the case in the past  ( except for Methuselah, who lived more than 900 years :lol:, if you believe this ).  Modern medicine has eliminated so many infectious diseases.  A smart solution is to go back to more "natural" foods, but take advantages of some of the PROVEN benefits of modern medicine, effective drugs.

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Unfortunately, there are plenty of chemicals on top or inside the food due to polluting impact, fungicide etc etc.

Even in vegetable...


Therefore, it is difficult to say "more chemicalised" stuff.


European Watchdogs and laboratories have also identified organic food more as a marketing thing than that products were organic or simply labelled organic.


On processed food, moderation is the word. The chances of getting cancer in later life are probably higher when you eat

Spam Meat twice a day as just eventually once a month or if you just eat canned food or only processed food every day.


You can also say that certain natural products are unhealthy. Eating too much fresh cinnamon is unhealthy and can lead to later liver damage...


A good point is Tongkat ali! Read it up!   (Excessive intake can also lead to liver, kidney damage and malaysian tongkat ali products seem to have too much mercury content...)





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On 9/7/2024 at 12:07 AM, singalion said:

Unfortunately, there are plenty of chemicals on top or inside the food due to polluting impact, fungicide etc etc.

Even in vegetable...


Therefore, it is difficult to say "more chemicalised" stuff.


European Watchdogs and laboratories have also identified organic food more as a marketing thing than that products were organic or simply labelled organic.


On processed food, moderation is the word. The chances of getting cancer in later life are probably higher when you eat

Spam Meat twice a day as just eventually once a month or if you just eat canned food or only processed food every day.


You can also say that certain natural products are unhealthy. Eating too much fresh cinnamon is unhealthy and can lead to later liver damage...


A good point is Tongkat ali! Read it up!   (Excessive intake can also lead to liver, kidney damage and malaysian tongkat ali products seem to have too much mercury content...)



Yes, it is unfortunate how contaminated our environment is.  The air we breathe, the liquids we drink, the food we eat. 


Fortunately, we learn every time more about the contaminants, and how to avoid many of them.  So if we are smart, to become an octogenarian is perfectly possible, and a centenarian also with some added luck. To live a long life is an excellent goal, much better than to become rich.   


There is still so much to be known.  And to personally acquire knowledge takes some dedication.  So we should not disregard that what we CAN know today, and put the effort to act on this knowledge. 


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For gays who want to preserve a decent, even handsome body as they go through life on their way to becoming a senior,  it is helpful to have some example, some ideal to aim for, even if it is out of reach. I run into such examples here and there, and they motivate me to keep trying.  The following video gives me one example. 


A Ballade can be a musical poem, like this one by Chopin. It may not have been intended to dance to, but the playing by Lang Lang is very enticing.  And the dancers, well... they tell me that the highest quality of muscle is not the biggest one, but the most attractive.



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Guest Ice Skating
9 hours ago, Steve5380 said:


A Ballade can be a musical poem, like this one by Chopin.


It looks like gymnastic.  I prefer they dance it on ice skater, and hurled themselves around under the wind and that requires a lot of energy and stamina and most importantly, the dramatic effect.

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10 minutes ago, Guest Ice Skating said:

It looks like gymnastic.  I prefer they dance it on ice skater, and hurled themselves around under the wind and that requires a lot of energy and stamina and most importantly, the dramatic effect.


I agree!  Especially when the ice skater is Yuzuru Hanyu, my favorite.



Both skills, ballet and ice dancing, require extraordinary vocation and dedication.  And the music of Chopin is ideal for dancing to it.  Not only the ballet "Sylphides" but other dancing to his music, like his Nocturnes:



I prefer a more traditional ballet, but these dancers are doing an excellent job.  Sometimes I think how it must be to have a body like theirs,  but I am satisfied by just enjoying the music of Chopin by playing it. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I beg your pardon for the following video.   I just think that we Seniors should pay attention to our physical body, that is, ALL OF US except for a speculated "immortal soul".  We all have some high admiration for a man-made machine, be it for a prmium car, an airplane, a sophisticated piece of electronics, a Stradivarius violin, etc. etc.  But our highest admiration should be reserved for our own body !!


This video deals with our digestive system, shown on a real cadaveric model.  There is no obligation to watch it. 




Hopefully, as we learn more about our body, we become more careful with whatever we put in it. :thumb:


( interestingly, the insides of our digestive system are not considered OUR insides, but still part of the exterior, filled with material that then is absorbed into our "interior".)

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Today Saturday evening after watching some news while having my dinner, I happen to start this video about a Mozart sonata for violin and piano. What a surprise at the quality of this music!  I don't remember having heard this sonata K.304 played so well, and I haven't enjoyed so much the playing of the extraordinary pianist Sviatoslav Richter for years!  Why I mention this?


While the goal of a weekend dinner is to be spent it in a fine restaurant in company of good friends, prior to a night of entertainment and good sex,  here a solitary Senior has a frugal self-cooked meal in front of his television screen.  How sad!  Such a miserable life of this poor old man can only inspire pity and a sudden fear of one day becoming an octogenarian and endure such a rejection by the World.   NONSENSE! 


I could not be happier with my life today.  My solitude is my choice, same as my "frugal" meal, and the enchantment with this boring great classical music composition, an uplifting pleasure for the soul.



I keep preaching to everyone everywhere that if we can become a Senior in perfect health and functionality, with a clear mind and if possible being financially independent,  we may not have a better time in life!  :thumb:   ( no one has yet cursed me out for doing this :lol: )

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Going back to the mundane need of exercising,  I found a good video about Pilates.   I don't pretend to know much about Pilates, except for the biblical figure of Poncius Pilates, ha ha.  I wish I could understand the spoken Korean,  to hear what the guy is saying instead of just following what he is doing.  But something is better than nothing.  I will see if I can make sense of the YouTube auto-translation from the Korean...



You feel you are too old for this?   Nonsense!  An octogenarian here is starting to do these exercises,  not easy for me but possible, and I look forwards to the expected improvements.  Will I finally look as good as the person in the video?   I will leave this as an open rhetorical question!  :lol:


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On 9/29/2024 at 9:15 AM, Steve5380 said:

Here a solitary Senior has a frugal self-cooked meal in front of his television screen.  How sad!  Such a miserable life of this poor old man can only inspire pity and a sudden fear of one day becoming an octogenarian and endure such a rejection by the World.


After 2030, one-third of Singapore's population will be heading there.   I'm not sure about the fear element, but I do think that most will be more likely to accept their destiny by then,  slow down in their activities, and probably become more reclusive. Ideally, they can also pay more attention to their health, eat simply and with less sugar and salt, and instead of frequenting crowded malls, join a nature society. There are societies for night walks, trekking, bird watching, visiting and using saunas, and nothing more.   No more cruising , sucking of cocks, getting fucked.  Enjoy a good conversations with people over tea, coffee instead, with background nostalgic music that brings back memories of your childhood years.  When getting bored, please avoid feeding the fish and birds in the wild.  Most importantly, don't be grumpy and take enough rest and sleep when necessary.  Your days of of working for boss and in toxic environment is way over.   No more school examination to worry about, no more in-camp-training to worry about.  No more meeting work deadline to worry about. Make full use of your freedom in the remaining time given to you. 


Specifically @Steve5380 Please do no feel depressed, meaningless and frustrated after Donald Trump walked into the White House, the probability is 99.5%.  I want you to accept the outcome and be happy  So,,,get ready to celebrate in another 36 days to come and be at ease with Trump, your caring leader,  instead of making your Octegenarian life difficult. 

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5 hours ago, Sweetie Pie said:

After 2030, one-third of Singapore's population will be heading there.   I'm not sure about the fear element, but I do think that most will be more likely to accept their destiny by then,  slow down in their activities, and probably become more reclusive. Ideally, they can also pay more attention to their health, eat simply and with less sugar and salt, and instead of frequenting crowded malls, join a nature society. There are societies for night walks, trekking, bird watching, visiting and using saunas, and nothing more.   No more cruising , sucking of cocks, getting fucked.  Enjoy a good conversations with people over tea, coffee instead, with background nostalgic music that brings back memories of your childhood years.  When getting bored, please avoid feeding the fish and birds in the wild.  Most importantly, don't be grumpy and take enough rest and sleep when necessary.  Your days of of working for boss and in toxic environment is way over.   No more school examination to worry about, no more in-camp-training to worry about.  No more meeting work deadline to worry about. Make full use of your freedom in the remaining time given to you. 


Specifically @Steve5380 Please do no feel depressed, meaningless and frustrated after Donald Trump walked into the White House, the probability is 99.5%.  I want you to accept the outcome and be happy  So,,,get ready to celebrate in another 36 days to come and be at ease with Trump, your caring leader,  instead of making your Octegenarian life difficult. 


Very good post.  You got the right idea.  You are on the way to become a happy Senior one day.  Except... except for Trump's probability to inhabit the White House again.  But if you change his destiny to "prison cell" instead of "White House",  you may be close.

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Why should Singapore not attain something America has done?  This video appeared not long after gay marriage was made legal in the US:



Fathers used to sell their daughters for some dowry money, fathers used to throw out of their home any gay children. but times change.  Taiwan and Thailand have already changed and approved gay unions.  No country that has allowed such unions has ever reversed them.  ( an apparent exception was Bermuda, which changed from "marriage" to "civil union" )  So it is safe to expect that SG will one day follow with gay unions, it is all up to its progressive Singaporeans.


There are here discussions about spiritual versus physical beauty.  The father in this video will be beautiful till the end.  After all, he has already been married for over 50 years!  One day this "beauty" will be the norm in fatherhood.  If my son had been gay,  I could have had a chance of this "beauty",  since I have so little of the physical one... :lol:

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2 hours ago, Steve5380 said:

Why should Singapore not attain something America has done?  This video appeared not long after gay marriage was made legal in the US:


Just because something works in the USA does not mean it will work fully in Singapore. The unfortunate reality is, as much as some form of legalized union is appreciated by the LGBTQIA+ community, after the recent decriminalisation of section 377A, the Singapore government has also enforced into the constitution the definition of a marriage as between a man and woman. Singapore does not recognized civil unions either. 


So basically you can have all the gay sex you want, just don't get married. 


How Singapore as a country chooses to address this is probably light years away. Maybe in the years to come there may be some form of compromise where legal recognition for LGBTQIA+ couples will be introduced. When and how it happens will happen on Singapore's own terms and not those dictated by America or any other society. 


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I think it will take one more generation, hopefully at least! I'm actually quite surprised it's not legal in the Philippines, I feel like if it's anyone of our neighbours (after Thailand) it would be them. No chance in Malaysia and Indonesia that's for sure. Maybe Vietnam as well, the young people there seem to be really progressive from what I've observed.

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3 hours ago, Steve5380 said:

Why should Singapore not attain something America has done?  This video appeared not long after gay marriage was made legal in the US:


Fathers used to sell their daughters for some dowry money, fathers used to throw out of their home any gay children. but times change.  Taiwan and Thailand have already changed and approved gay unions.  No country that has allowed such unions has ever reversed them.  ( an apparent exception was Bermuda, which changed from "marriage" to "civil union" )  So it is safe to expect that SG will one day follow with gay unions, it is all up to its progressive Singaporeans.


There are here discussions about spiritual versus physical beauty.  The father in this video will be beautiful till the end.  After all, he has already been married for over 50 years!  One day this "beauty" will be the norm in fatherhood.  If my son had been gay,  I could have had a chance of this "beauty",  since I have so little of the physical one... :lol:


Singapore is Singapore, America is America.

Singapore need not follow America.

We have our own values and culture and have our ways of handling matters.


As much as I like Singapore to be more open and accepting, I am happy to see in my lifetime that 377A was repealed and many people are more accepting to gay people around them. 


I was more comfortable being a gay man now and had come out to a few of my friends and people I know or work with, compared to back in the 80s thru to 2K.


Singapore is opening up slowly and I am glad I am able to witness it's changes from gay men crusing in parks and toilets to having gays saunas and bars, etc.  


Change takes time and I am glad we are not as messy as other countries and are able to enjoy safe schools with no unncessary killings or places infested with drug addicts, etc.  


I am willing to give me some of my freedom so that I can go out late at night for supper or fun without having to worry about personal safety or getting mugged or killed by people having guns, etc.

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1 hour ago, doncoin said:


Just because something works in the USA does not mean it will work fully in Singapore.

Maybe in the years to come there may be some form of compromise where legal recognition for LGBTQIA+ couples will be introduced. When and how it happens will happen on Singapore's own terms and not those dictated by America or any other society. 



42 minutes ago, GachiMuchi said:


Singapore is Singapore, America is America.

Singapore need not follow America.

We have our own values and culture and have our ways of handling matters.



Even an ignorant person like me can recognize that Singaporeans and Americans are not two different variations of the Human species.  We are more equal than different, although our cultures have differences.  There is nothing in the way for our moral principles to be exactly the same.  I am quite surprised by the first reactions here to this topic.   Which, by the way, occurred to me not as any sort of criticism, but from the emotions inspired by this father in the video, which I wanted to share with you.


Why not focus on our commonalities, instead of bringing out our differences, like availability of guns, murders, drugs, etc... ?  Why reject the positive ideas of another person just because he is a "foreign" Ang Moh?


How do you come to the idea that America wants to dictate same-sex marriage to other countries?  Isn't this a wish of gays all over the world because... because we are gay?  Should I believe that Singaporean gays are happy to be discriminated, to be prevented from marrying each other ???



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On 9/30/2024 at 1:57 AM, Sweetie Pie said:


Specifically @Steve5380 Please do no feel depressed, meaningless and frustrated after Donald Trump walked into the White House, the probability is 99.5%.  I want you to accept the outcome and be happy  So,,,get ready to celebrate in another 36 days to come and be at ease with Trump, your caring leader,  instead of making your Octegenarian life difficult. 



I hope the Moderator will not bash you for having brought again some US politics into the Forum.  


Since in this critical pre-US-election time, politics is taking a second place to HUMANITY.  A humanity that is surging amont the "evangelicals", those who received a religious education and initially supported Trump for his pro-life stand, but now recognize that he is void of any morality.  This is not politics, this shows that Americans, who many like to link with sin, also can have good moral values. 



This turn of events can be a positive inspiration for us Seniors who run the risk of becoming completely cynical and totally lose hope for the future of humanity, because our eyes in later years open more to the evils of the World.  What is happening today in the US hopefully will end up as a sign that the Good can prevail over Evil,  at last, or at least in cycles of good and evil... forever.


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18 hours ago, Steve5380 said:


Why not focus on our commonalities, instead of bringing out our differences, like availability of guns, murders, drugs, etc... ?  Why reject the positive ideas of another person just because he is a "foreign" Ang Moh?

Commonalities? Your positive ideas are too simplisitic to be acceptable in a complex world.  Just because you are Ang Mo doesn't mean we Asians have to accept every hook and sinker from Ang Mo. 


Let me explain:


Freedom and democracy are two separate animals. The former  lets you control what you eat, whereas the latter only offers you an entire list of buffet to satisfy your pleasure until you became sick beyond recognition.  In this regard, America and Singapore differ greatly.   For gay who will be senior one gay, the best option is to eat with care. 

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9 hours ago, Sweetie Pie said:

Commonalities? Your positive ideas are too simplisitic to be acceptable in a complex world.  Just because you are Ang Mo doesn't mean we Asians have to accept every hook and sinker from Ang Mo. 


Let me explain:


Freedom and democracy are two separate animals. The former  lets you control what you eat, whereas the latter only offers you an entire list of buffet to satisfy your pleasure until you became sick beyond recognition.  In this regard, America and Singapore differ greatly.   For gay who will be senior one gay, the best option is to eat with care. 


LOL!  I interpret what you wrote as:  in opposition to the total American freedom to eat what one wants, if SG ever legalizes gay marriage, it will be absolutely prohibited to eat... one's partner!  :lol:


And let me explain:  our world is too complex to have to burden our ideas with unnecessary complexities. Therefore, if one is smart and willing to accept a complete ignorance of the "supernatural",  there is nothing more simple and natural than the American law that makes marriage independent of the gender of the participants.  :thumb:

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Even if you think that Steve now as a senior is full of bullshit,   there are other seniors who are worth listening to.  Here are some videos that offer this opportunity.  This is not about partisan politics,  but about HUMANITY,  something that interests us the more, the more seniors we become.





Ah... and don't think that I am making "American propaganda" here.  It's that I don't happen to find equivalent videos from Russia, harder to understand in Russian, or  from China  ( same with Mandarin ),  and not even from... Singapore!

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For gays who will be seniors one day,  expect to become more spiritual with time.  And more able to recognize the spiritual of other people.


This is why I was surprised to hear about a politician, of Texas no less, with whom I find a thing in common: he also follows the philosophy of Jesus Christ.  Not the "son of God",  but the humble Jewish carpenter who preached extraordinary moral principles  that changed the world.  This qualifies James Talarico to intelligently criticize relogious organizations who use their religion for political purposes, to attain power.




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Today I notice with satisfaction that so many gays at BW  WILL BE Seniors one day.  Since this modest thread has now received 50,000 views!   When you become Seniors, I most probably will be gone.  But hopefullly by then you will be HAPPY Seniors! :thumb:

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19 hours ago, Steve5380 said:

Today I notice with satisfaction that so many gays at BW  WILL BE Seniors one day.  Since this modest thread has now received 50,000 views!   When you become Seniors, I most probably will be gone.  But hopefullly by then you will be HAPPY Seniors! :thumb:

I guess about two handful of members will reach Octogenarian in 20 years time.  Still a long way to go. My aunt just passes at the age of 97, missing 3 more years before she turns 100.  Reason, according to her children, many of her organs broke down progressively. Though they didn't say much, I suspect depression also speed up the ailments.  It is scary to get old.  Don't you think so? 

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5 hours ago, Sweetie Pie said:

I guess about two handful of members will reach Octogenarian in 20 years time.  Still a long way to go. My aunt just passes at the age of 97, missing 3 more years before she turns 100.  Reason, according to her children, many of her organs broke down progressively. Though they didn't say much, I suspect depression also speed up the ailments.  It is scary to get old.  Don't you think so? 


It can be scary to get old, but it doesn't have to be.  Maybe the "scary" is to die?  But we have to die sooner or later, and not everyone is sscared of it.  Don't you want to go to Heaven,  he he ?


My aunt passed away just short of 94.  But at 92 she was OLD and happy, very sociable as always, only scared of falling.  My brother-in-law suddenly passed away at 99, and before this he was a tough, upbeat man with whom I had discussions all the time.


How long a happy octogenarian and nonagenarian and centenarian life lasts depends on the individual.  This is why your two handful of members who will reach this condition better make good use of the next 20 years to avoid the "scare" of old age for as long as possible.  :)  

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Another Saturday...  and instead of going to the gay bars,  this Senior listened to some music on his big screen. Searching for arias of Mozart,  I found this one of Don Giovanni sung by a magnificent baritone,  Erwin Schrott:



I liked his singing so much, that I searched for other videos with him.  And to my big surprise,  I found him in this following one, singing... TANGOS!



I learned that he is a native of Uruguay, the neighboring country of my native one Argentina.   But my big surprise was to find the Tango danced by...   TWO MEN!!!   Is this a GAY TANGO?   What has happen to this MACHO dance?


So now after 80+ years I learn that the original tango was also danced my pairs of men, who did it until they found a woman to dance with.  Immigrants, prostitutes, gays danced tango before it became so fashonable with Carlos Gardel!  This "gay Tango" was not known at all in Argentina during my childhood!  But now... now with the new freedom it has taken off again!   Well... as shocking as I feel it,  good for the male dancers.  Maybe, maybe it could be an enticement for me to learn to dance the Tango!  But I could not do the moves of the two guys in the video,  even with all my Aikido training,  I would fall down, ha ha.  


By the way... this performance "Rojo Tango" is excellent. I recognized many old tangos, which Schrott sung magnificently with his band, but I still prefer to hear them sung by Carlos Gardel.


Isn't it great to be a Senior,  and have this kind of surprises that clashes with our remote childhood?  It's good to have an open mind, ha ha.

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Last Sunday, a lazy day without schedules,  instead of going to a local gay sauna I sat in my living room watching YouTube, when I came to an interesting piano recital:  a 15 y.o. guy in front of a serious audience.  Not long into his performance I thought:  WOW!  This sounds like a world-class pianist!  Is this real?    A teenager with a child face, tiny open mouth and huge ears, which I had never seen before:



That Chopin Ballade no.4... magistral!  And the Winter Wind etude... I had seldom heard it played better!


I have learned that this is a child prodigy, who at 5 y.o. gave a concert at the... Carnegie Hall! And as a child, he gave concerts around the world with prestigious orchestras.  


And he was heard in Singapore playing a Beethoven concert at... 9 years old!



I found a more recent interview of this Prodigy:



He impresses as a down-to-earth teen with a good personality.  Something I like,  and which brought immediately a typical old thought of mine:  WHAT IF as a child I had had the same opportunities he had,  a good piano at home and a good teacher,  could I also have played concerts at 5 and made world tours thereafter?  NONSENSE!


Here is the crux of my post, the realization of a new stage in life!!  Now an octogenarian, I will NEVER think like this again.  I finally have made this crucial discovery:


Each of us has a SOUL, which I know nothing about, what it is, where it comes from, and what its future is.  I can easily disregard the opinion that it is just NOTHING.   This soul, which is the essence of intelligent life ( something we share with other members of the Animal Kingdom), gets associated at some time with the gestation in some species with its "life episode", which is everything in the living creature except the soul. This "episode" includes the species, race, birth place, gender, health or illness, big or small, beautiful or ugly, smart or dumb, rich or poor, plus all the millions of circumstances througout life we call "destiny". 


What is my discovery?  That the "episode" our soul gets assigned to,  randomly or not, has no importance at all.  All what matters is that our soul recognizes and accepts our "episode" and tries to make the best possible out of it.  This realization does away completely with envy, with desires to be someone else, with depression about what we are not, with feelings of victimization.  We become victims only if we give in to these negative ideas and feelings. 


So if instead of being sons of rich billionaires ( like Trump ) we were born in some slum in Africa or South America, at the bottom of the social scale, and we never received any education, having to work like slaves, etc. etc., this is an "episode" full of opportunities to do the best out of it!  I didn't have to be born a prodigy to achive a successful life, and I am content with my mediocre piano playing, my modest life, my less that a billion in my bank accounts, my diminishing physical attributes, my solitude, my little urge for sex and boyfriend.  And so, with all this lacking, I can still be happy! :)  


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I am a fortunate Senior because I have two perfect knees!  I have done for decades resistence training of my legs:  squats, lunges, deadlifts and lately glute exercises.  But I know that it is rare to find octogenarians with perfect knees.


The following video gave me some new ideas, and I am inclined to trust this physical therapist.  His theory is that knee arthritis is often caused by strong quads + weak glutes,  which causes muscle imbalance at the knee.  I don't have this problem, but I started to specifically exercise my glutes in the gym.  



For this, I learned that an excellent glute exercise to do in the gym or at home is the Hip Trust,  with barbell or other weights or no weight:



I have seen many ladies do this exercise with incredible weights, and they display incredibly nice bubble butts! :lol:


This by itself, to develop a nice butt, can be the reason for you younger guys to exercise the glutes.  And then, you may avoid knee problems later in life.   Although already a senior, my benefit from strong glutes ( besides looking good, ha ha) comes when I am sitting, and I am cushioned by the glutes instead of hurting my bare bones. :) 


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Today I found more glute exercises that are ideal to do AT HOME.  


This first one I tried it out and it works very well. The coach in this video has many useful ones in his YouTube account, which he defines as being for "people over-fifties".  But if you are only 49, you don't need to wait another year to start following his recommendations. The earlier, the better! :



And from the same therapist in the first video of yesterday, here are exercises to do in standing, very easy and effective:



Here you have it, fellow gays.  GLUTE exercises are becoming fashionable.  And above all, they can be the solution for knee pain, arthritis that disable so many Seniors and even younger persons.  Let's be able to stay miles away from "knee replacement surgery",  something HORRIBLE!

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As you gays may have realized, one of my main interests is HEALTH.   And recently I learned about a Dr. Chris Palmer MD, a Harward educated physiatrist.  He is the Founder and Director of the Metabolic and Mental Health Program and the Director of the Department of Postgraduate and Continuing Education at McLean Hospital and an Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School.


Hopefully you don't think he is a "QUACK" watching the following videos:




We don't need to watch the full length of this videos,  whichever you like the most,  to get most ot the information in them.  I found interesting his observation that the propension for obesity, diabetes, depression, Alzheimer's and other illnesses has been, and still is, being attributed to GENETICS.  Instead, what he found is that the problems with the brain are caused by metabolic diseases.  This means that they can be cured or at least improved by changing our diet !!!

( I should not comment this, but could it be "genetic" in Dr. Palmer the way he speaks, which sounds kind of "gay"? 😄 This would not be surprising, since many outstanding scientists have been and are... gay )


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My previous post had been deleted by the Moderators,  maybe because its topic with the two lengthy videos are... too serious stuff.  Maybe I have to move to more "light" topics, for a younger carefree audience.


So... why not return to the BUTT?  Nice round butts are very attractive in a man,  especially a gay man,  and here my chosen expert "Cute Guy" from Upright Health in my previous posts has a nice video with good exercises:



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I still think that "more serious" posts fulfill a need.  Hopefully the little older gays and the young careless ones,  after having attained beautiful butts,  watch the following video because it is super interesting, and a good learning experience.


Dr. Thomas Seyfried, an extraordinary renowned scientist with over 150 peer-reviewed publications, describes in his long video the findings about cancer, that show that it is primarily caused by bad metabolism and has little to do with genetics. He is a 78 y.o. who prematurely looks his age, but must have been quite handsome earlier on. His mind is sharp as a razor blade, his work is totally fulfilling, and I find him to be an excellent role model for successful aging. 





I hope the Moderators don't mind about this and other videos that are not gayish but humanistic. HOPEFULLY they will one day become octogenarians,  and then they should be free of cancer, dementia, Alzheimer's, diabetes, arthritis, artificial joints, back pains, be bed ridden...  all by taking seriously the advice of these "gurus" and start cultivating a healthy metabolism and doing plenty of exercising.  :thumb:

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On 10/25/2024 at 5:47 AM, Steve5380 said:



I hope the Moderators don't mind about this and other videos that are not gayish but humanistic. HOPEFULLY they will one day become octogenarians,  and then they should be free of cancer, dementia, Alzheimer's, diabetes, arthritis, artificial joints, back pains, be bed ridden...  all by taking seriously the advice of these "gurus"

Millions of "Gurus" in your nation are most likely telling you many of these things.  However, there is a crucial secret that cures all illnesses.  A daily serving of spiritual nourishment is incredibly effective.   All you have to do is look, and you will find.

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6 hours ago, Sweetie Pie said:

Millions of "Gurus" in your nation are most likely telling you many of these things.  However, there is a crucial secret that cures all illnesses.  A daily serving of spiritual nourishment is incredibly effective.   All you have to do is look, and you will find.


Yes,  to find is a consequence of to look. Not so much a result of "spiritual nourishment" but a natural use of our sense of sight feeding our reasoning mind.  All tne human creatures we find after looking.  Find the good and the bad. Find the useful and the superfluous.  What has this to do with health?  Maybe only in the attitude of controlling stress?


I had a perfect example with my late bf.  He was extraordinarily spiritual,  yet he succumbed to his illness.



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On 10/23/2024 at 11:26 AM, Steve5380 said:

 I found interesting his observation that the propension for obesity, diabetes, depression, Alzheimer's and other illnesses has been, and still is, being attributed to GENETICS.  Instead, what he found is that the problems with the brain are caused by metabolic diseases.  This means that they can be cured or at least improved by changing our diet !!!


Robert F. Kennedy believed that the contemporary population was not eating healthily and that the majority of diets in America were chemicalized, thus he intended to improve the eating habits of all Americans.  To make it happen, don't forget to vote for the right party to bring him into the white house since he is the only politician who cares about healthy eating habbit.  Voting for him is a real game changer for all Americans who will be senior one day.

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1 hour ago, Sweetie Pie said:

Robert F. Kennedy believed that the contemporary population was not eating healthily and that the majority of diets in America were chemicalized, thus he intended to improve the eating habits of all Americans.  To make it happen, don't forget to vote for the right party to bring him into the white house since he is the only politician who cares about healthy eating habbit.  Voting for him is a real game changer for all Americans who will be senior one day.


Yes of course!  Vote for him,  and this weird fellow with a worm in his brain, which makes him believe in the promises of the ex-president,  will see that food is improved in the hundreds of jails where the convicted-criminal-hoping-to-be-president will confine his " the enemy within ".  :lol:


Instead, the RATIONAL, HEALTHY, MORAL candidate will recognize that the practice of medicine in her country needs to be brought up-to-date and will choose a Surgeon General and leaders of the Institutes of Health which will make this happen.

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1 hour ago, Steve5380 said:


Yes of course!  Vote for him


Instead, the RATIONAL, HEALTHY, MORAL candidate will recognize that the practice of medicine in her country needs to be brought up-to-date and will choose a Surgeon General and leaders of the Institutes of Health which will make this happen.

Instead of putting the cart before the horse, shouldn't you be concerned about eating healthy first  rather than worry about the latest medicine in town?   You have nothing to lose voting for Robert F. Kennedy's team.  He is a huge asset to your well beings.  Unless you are senile not to think so.

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5 hours ago, Sweetie Pie said:

Instead of putting the cart before the horse, shouldn't you be concerned about eating healthy first  rather than worry about the latest medicine in town?   You have nothing to lose voting for Robert F. Kennedy's team.  He is a huge asset to your well beings.  Unless you are senile not to think so.


Oh, these carts with horses are so OLD FASHIONED!   All my cars have their engines in the front, and I ride behind them.


Haven't you read any of my posts in this thread?  How they don't deal with "the latest medicine in town" but instead propagate the new findings about healthy eating to optimize metabolism, insulin sensitivity, and so avoid or remedy diabetes, dementias, cancers etc.?


But if you insist on the virtues of Robert F. Kennedy,  I am willing to ship him over to Singapore so that he becomes politically active in YOUR country and improves YOUR life.   

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7 hours ago, Steve5380 said:


But if you insist on the virtues of Robert F. Kennedy,  I am willing to ship him over to Singapore so that he becomes politically active in YOUR country and improves YOUR life.   

He is always invited to come to Singapore to discuss health and diet.  His first focus right now is helping Americans who are in terrible circumstances.  The good news is that he will be entering the White House, earlier than anticipate, to turn the page.   Being an older folk who cares about having a healthy lifestyle, you should get ready to celebrate.   I feel so happy for you.  🥳

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11 minutes ago, Sweetie Pie said:

He is always invited to come to Singapore to discuss health and diet.  His first focus right now is helping Americans who are in terrible circumstances.  The good news is that he will be entering the White House, earlier than anticipate, to turn the page.   Being an older folk who cares about having a healthy lifestyle, you should get ready to celebrate.   I feel so happy for you.  🥳


Thank you for feeling happy for me.  I am indeed a happy person.  But I wish I could feel equally happy FOR YOU.  


I don't believe that Singapore would invite a weird person like Robert F. Kennedy.  He is nothing but trouble.  He, like the person whose ass he is kissing, could not be further away from the intention to help Americans, whose "terrible circumstances" are a shameless lie from them.  Americas on the average we are in an increasingly good situation, thanks to the Biden administration, and we will improve much more under Harris. 


I cannot yet feel happy for you because I realize the dark game you are playing here, writing things that you cannot possibly believe yourself, being an intelligent person, ( it would be even worse if you do believe them)  just to try to give me a hard time.  And I am sorry that you are completely unsuccessful at this,  because I have such a good sense for detecting bullshit!  


Have a good night, and I sincerely wish that you can start posting something here with...  honesty. :) 

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Here is some information,  NOT a warning, ha ha,  of what happens to us as we age. I used to be reserved, without much feelings, and I started to change as I became a Senior.  ( maybe it was Dr. Davis' recommendations of ingesting billions of Lactobacillus Reuteri and Casei bacteria, which makes us more empathetic).   Now my emotions surge all the time...


I enjoy watching videos about animals I feel empathy for,  like dogs.  Occassionally I see videos from a kennel where a staff (or volunteer?) deals with dogs that are traumatized and gains their confidence, appreciation.  Here is an example, quite long, of how he handles the dogs,  and the results are heart warming:



Warning:  watching this can raise our desire of having a puppy, to adopt a dog that needs love.  It surely does it to me.  But I already had a dog, a dalmation, which stayed with me when we divorced.  After he died the pain was strong, and I don't want to start this all over again.  I live alone, but I have plenty of good feelings and no loneliness.  Otherwise, I might get a puppy again.  But I have a busy life already.

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11 hours ago, Sweetie Pie said:

I used to watch his video regularly because it is funny to see how those traumatised dogs behaved.  However, I thought you might want to give this man a call; he will provide you with his tender, caring care. You needed it  these couple of days.  Oops!



@Sweetie Pie, I'm sure we all feel very sorry for you, reading that the view of the poor traumatized dogs you find...funny??!!!  Don't you have A HEART?   (maybe you need to improve your nutrition to become heart healthy?)


Have YOU never felt traumatized, abandoned, rejected?   I have, not much but enough to empathize with traumatized dogs and any other animals that suffer.  


One finds on YouTube many videos about animals in need who then are rescued, and one can get emotional. One realizes that many of these episodes are staged, by animal protection groups that may seek followers. But the suffering of these animals are not staged,  they are not "actors".  These videos can become addictive, but it is not bad to watch them every once in a while.


As we age, we more and more become aware of this one reality:  we are not (much) different from our fellow members of the Animal Kingdom. Animals have feelings, good and bad ones like us:  love, compassion, empathy, thankfulness...  And yes, as an animal I need tender, caring care.  But I am very fortunate that most of it I can provide myself. :thumb:


There is hope that Humanity one day finds a perfect way to produce synthetic food that is identical to animal food, so that we won't need to kill animals.  We are coming close, but there is still a way to go. 

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19 hours ago, Steve5380 said:


@Sweetie Pie, I'm sure we all feel very sorry for you, reading that the view of the poor traumatized dogs you find...funny??!!!  Don't you have A HEART?   (maybe you need to improve your nutrition to become heart healthy?)

You misunderstood what I said. Even though it's funny, I still feel sorry for the dog. Regarding nutrition, Robert Kennedy is given authority to enact healthful policies throughout the course of the following four years. Aren't you happy? You ought to celebrate by hosting a party.

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4 hours ago, Sweetie Pie said:

You misunderstood what I said. Even though it's funny, I still feel sorry for the dog. Regarding nutrition, Robert Kennedy is given authority to enact healthful policies throughout the course of the following four years. Aren't you happy? You ought to celebrate by hosting a party.


It is not that I misunderstood,  it is that you realized how damaging was your comment that traumatized dogs you find funny.  


And yes, the health of Americans may suffer in the next four years.  But we see today that a majority of Americans suffer from MENTAL health that causes them to lose all judgment and become political suckers!    


I don't expect Robert Kennedy to have any effect on my nutrition, which I have already made the effort to shield from the typical traditions.  He could however affect our population if he convinces his followers to inject bleech to combat any illness, and then we might have an epidemic from the rot of their dead bodies.  The only positive of this is that this would reduce the number of followers of his idol/boss and his ideology.

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41 minutes ago, Steve5380 said:

And yes, the health of Americans may suffer in the next four years.  But we see today that a majority of Americans suffer from MENTAL health that causes them to lose all judgment and become political suckers!  


Don't be so judgemental.  At least we now know 51% of Americans are quite intelligent, far surpassed my estimation.  You will do just fine, in the next 4 years.  If you make an effort to learn more about Robert Kennedy, you will discover that he has a solid resume.  He is passionate about promoting healthy lifestyles and the environment.  You should anticipate more good years ahead now that you are safe and in capable hands.   No more negative thoughts please.   

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Before going to bed, I sipped some Manuka honey with a squeeze of lemon, and the pleasant, cool weather made me happy.  I felt rejuvenated when I woke up this morning, as if a new day had begun, with new chapters to look forward to.  Manuka honey with lemon is a delightful combination that you should try, it absolutely brings JOY.

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12 hours ago, Sweetie Pie said:


You should anticipate more good years ahead now that you are safe and in capable hands.   No more negative thoughts please. 



I have abeen in capable hands for some time now.  MY own hands.  :)   And I have reduced negative thoughts to a minimum,  not having them even when reading your posts.  :thumb:


2 hours ago, Sweetie Pie said:

Before going to bed, I sipped some Manuka honey with a squeeze of lemon, and the pleasant, cool weather made me happy.  I felt rejuvenated when I woke up this morning, as if a new day had begun, with new chapters to look forward to.  Manuka honey with lemon is a delightful combination that you should try, it absolutely brings JOY.


God for you,  eat all the Manuka honey you want.  I avoid honey, because I like to stay away from unnecessary sugar.  And my life is full of JOY  anyway. :) 

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  • 2 weeks later...

As someone who is approaching middle age, I would to express my admiration for this outstanding senior gentleman, Donald J Trump who i think is one of the greatest man ever lived in recent  history.


It's been a few weeks since the election on 5 Nov but it still feels like yesterday.  What a great comeback !! Despite  being ruthlessly prosecuted by his political enemies and survived two assassinations, Trump managed to win a landslide victory by sweeping all 7 swing states, won the elector votes and achieved the popular vote !! What a feat !! American public has spoken!! Trump is POTUS who is well like by most Americans.   


I jumped with joy when I heard that that the news outlets projected  that Trump won the elections. I was also pleasantly surprised that Trump is not only popular in America but in Singapore as well. Some of my female colleagues supported  Trump and were elated when he won.


Yes, Trump can be vulgar  or may have committed some crimes but he's  authentic. The american public is very aware of his flaws but they forgave him and voted him to the office. What a man ! I was touched by his victory speech below that I played it  several times. 




Despite his age, Trump never took a break, straight after his victory, he began to assemble the dream team  who would help  him to govern the country and fulfill the mandate that the American people  has given him. I look forward  to his next four years in the governing the country. America will re-bounce again and become the greatest country again under Trump’s leadership. 


I can't  wait for his inauguration in Jan. I will be taking leave to witness this happy occasion and are planning to have a celebration with my  pro-Trump  colleagues. We are so happy for you Americans ! You guys make the right choice. Look forward to seeing America being great again !


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