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Are you starting to do ART regularly now?

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i have only done one ART before few months back.


recently soooo many cases,

and mostly detected through people doing ARTs themselves.

seems like alot are mild symptoms or almost no symptom at all,

but results are positive.

so scary, it's like you might spread to people unknowingly,

and similarly, people might spread to you unknowingly.

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On 2/7/2022 at 6:08 PM, cutejack said:

Doing art test not gonna save or change anything. 

Be nice to each other n pray more.

All will be well. My point of view.


This reply reminds me of a particular bird, who tends to stick its head in the sand...🙄

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On 2/7/2022 at 6:08 PM, cutejack said:

Doing art test not gonna save or change anything. 

Be nice to each other n pray more.

All will be well. My point of view.



what kind of stupid comment is this

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It is clear that the government is trying to normalise the "endemic virus". They are pushing for everything to go back to BAU. They are quite clever, to push the responsibility for testing from themselves to the community at large. Sooner or later, people will grow tired of ART-testing, let alone the additional cost of the test kits. As people grow tired of self-testing, people will not "know" if they are infected, unless they experience severe symptoms and need medical care. Viola! They have managed to make COVID "go away"...

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On 2/7/2022 at 8:59 PM, cutejack said:


For a stupid topic like this, what kind of brainy comments are u expecting idiot? Check everyday using art kit for what? Sounds fool. 

Nvr believe in God. Bad to each other. Disturb others rice bowl. Always think of toto, 4d n money then expect to live peacefully n end up in heaven after death? Wait long long u fool. Think God is sleeping ar?

Oredi wearing mask , vaccinated n boosters the virus still spreading. 

Test art kit in yr asshole la fool.



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On 2/7/2022 at 1:59 PM, Guest Guest said:

i have only done one ART before few months back.


recently soooo many cases,

and mostly detected through people doing ARTs themselves.

seems like alot are mild symptoms or almost no symptom at all,

but results are positive.

so scary, it's like you might spread to people unknowingly,

and similarly, people might spread to you unknowingly.

Dont need to scare,  part of endemic living is you spread to me, i spread to him, antibody developed from infection + full vaccination will give every sporean super power to covid. The question is no longer "will i get covid?" but rather : "when will i get covid", once you have that mind set,  nothing to worry,  worry also no use. 

Edited by lonelyglobe
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Actually i'm sure most able-bodied adults are not scared of contracting Covid.


The shitty part is spreading to people, especially if you have contact with aged parents. Their bodies are no longer strong and the virus will have a greater impact on them.

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Guest Protect
On 2/8/2022 at 12:09 AM, Guest Guest said:

Actually i'm sure most able-bodied adults are not scared of contracting Covid.


The shitty part is spreading to people, especially if you have contact with aged parents. Their bodies are no longer strong and the virus will have a greater impact on them.

I agree with you. We have to learn to be sensible and collective thinking. The whole is not only about us but people around us. Including our loved once. Some able-adults might be physically healthy but not mentally or medically healthy. Spare some thought for them.

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Per my health care friend, art can't detect Omicron. 



never argue with the guests. let them bark all they want.





After I have said what I wanna say, I don't care what you say.



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On 2/8/2022 at 3:43 PM, fab said:

Per my health care friend, art can't detect Omicron. 


Don't spread wrong info leh,


Most of the omicron / mild symptoms cases in SG are picked up by ART.


You wanna kena POFMA is it.



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On 2/8/2022 at 3:43 PM, fab said:

Per my health care friend, art can't detect Omicron. 

I guess you mean can’t detect which variant it is, not that it can’t detect weather positive or negative. 

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On 2/8/2022 at 6:20 PM, Guest POFMA said:


Don't spread wrong info leh,


Most of the omicron / mild symptoms cases in SG are picked up by ART.


You wanna kena POFMA is it.



I think the question is when it detects the presence of the virus. From a few personal sources, people only started testing positive for COVID only after 5 to 7 days of the onset of COVID symptoms. This means that the person is effectively and legally able to spread the virus to the community for up to about a week, before ART-tests declare that they should isolate.

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On 2/11/2022 at 5:15 AM, Since u r here said:

By right before doing festive home-visits, 1 has to do it! after visiting? have to do it although the omicron virus might NOW takes more than the usual 3 day to incubate

I wonder how many did an ART-test before doing their home visits?


On 2/11/2022 at 5:15 AM, Since u r here said:

it is now observed that the flu-like omicron takes longer.......to be effective ART test can spot a covid virus in the past after 2-3 days , but the omicron, they claimed needed longer (u r right if it is refering to delta or other variants)

Yes, it takes longer for the ART test to show a positive for the Omicron variant. In some cases, it only shows a positive after a week of the onset of symptoms. Considering that you will be infectious long before the ART test shows a positive, wouldn't you then be able to infect other people, while still "legally" allowed to go out in public (since you are still ART-negative)? In fact, you might not even know you are infected during that period, as some people who were thought whatever symptoms they were having was due to eating too much "heaty" CNY goodies like bak-kwa and pineapple tarts.


On 2/11/2022 at 5:15 AM, Since u r here said:

While doing ART cannot save a dying person, but it definitely helps in controlling

Again, I would say that ART has limited use in controlling the spread of the disease, since it takes longer for the Omicron variant to be detected. During the period while a person still tests negative using ART (but are actually incubating the Omicron variant), wouldn't they thus be able to infect others? Note that many are already showing symptoms, such as running nose and headache during this period - but are legally allowed to interact with others.

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On 2/11/2022 at 6:49 AM, Since u r here said:

Yes but it is still better than nothing and let it go rampa t….

I agree it is better than nothing, but I am afraid it will not stop the Omicron variant from going rampant due to the "loophole" that I mentioned earlier.


I also think that the public needs to be re-educated on the current list of top symptoms for COVID (Omicron variant), especially amongst the vaccinated (since our vaccination rate is high). Many are still thinking of the old list of symptoms that include loss of smell/taste (which has fallen from the list of top few symptoms) and even shortness of breath.

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On 2/7/2022 at 10:45 PM, lonelyglobe said:

Dont need to scare,  part of endemic living is you spread to me, i spread to him, antibody developed from infection + full vaccination will give every sporean super power to covid. The question is no longer "will i get covid?" but rather : "when will i get covid", once you have that mind set,  nothing to worry,  worry also no use. 

True, if you are fully vaccinated with at least 2 dose or even with booster, should not worry so much of getting covid currently with omicron. Scare and worry too much would not change anything. Just remember to follow strictly on covid measures, wear at least a surgical mask when outside and esp if talking to people and during any gathering.


I guess not many people will do ART test regularly esp if they need to buy the test kit using their own money. Unless it is given by govt, or company. This is why there are so many now covid positive when they do ART, due to not many people are doing it often. Also due to the omicron higher infectious, like normal flu and cough. Ended up so many are tested positive now.

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On 2/11/2022 at 10:57 AM, Guest Guest said:

ntuc fairprice is selling box of 5 at $24. 

this is the cheapest so far. 
saw alot of people buy.

Which fairprice selling now? I wanted to buy ART kit but everywhere sold out now.

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On 2/11/2022 at 7:14 AM, bigdanbeam said:

The kits are so expensive

One test kit is $5. Really not cheap to do one time, esp the kit is ownself paid. And also the test result also not say very accurate.

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$5 is cheaper than the kits that used to retail for about $9 if bought in a pack of 5. Then again, like others are saying, $5 is not cheap, if you are testing on a daily-basis, because you suspect that you are infected. Considering that it can take up to a week for ART to show a positive (from onset of symptoms), this $35 is a lot of money to be spent for a low-income household. Also, this $35 is only for a single person. If the household has 4 people, then it is $140, which is more than what most would spend on utilities and ISP services in a month.

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On 2/11/2022 at 2:35 PM, sgmaven said:

$5 is cheaper than the kits that used to retail for about $9 if bought in a pack of 5. Then again, like others are saying, $5 is not cheap, if you are testing on a daily-basis, because you suspect that you are infected. Considering that it can take up to a week for ART to show a positive (from onset of symptoms), this $35 is a lot of money to be spent for a low-income household. Also, this $35 is only for a single person. If the household has 4 people, then it is $140, which is more than what most would spend on utilities and ISP services in a month.

Agreed, spend $35 on ART kit to test for 7 days not a small sum of money. If received HRW sms from MOH, still can get free ART kit from govt. But if no received HRW sms, but just happen to be close contact with a covid positive person, ended up need to self paid $35 for the 7 days ART. And nowadays it is so common and chances quite high to be close contact with covid positive person. Example like i go clinic see doctor, there is also high chance people in the clinic could be covid positive.

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Guest crapapp
On 2/21/2022 at 6:14 PM, wanton_mee said:

i dont think my brother receive sms from MOH at all.. neither my trace together alert me for possible exposure since 4days ago.  I am still doing my ART daily.. luckily my office distributed us a box which able to last for at least 2months (twice a week).


i read on hwz forums that for those C+ve, their close contacts on tracetogether all didnt receive HRW, only those that they personally registered (household members) got it, really makes me wonder what's the use of tracetogether.

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I do agree that the TraceTogether app is nonsense at the moment. Think of it, if 15000 are getting tested positive each day on average, and each of them makes contact with 100 people over a 3 day period (that is a very conservative estimate, likely much more), then about 1.5 million people would be placed in HRW if they truly use TraceTogether. Do you think the government will place so many people in HRW at once? The economy will screech to a halt.

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On 2/21/2022 at 11:16 PM, sgmaven said:

I do agree that the TraceTogether app is nonsense at the moment. Think of it, if 15000 are getting tested positive each day on average, and each of them makes contact with 100 people over a 3 day period (that is a very conservative estimate, likely much more), then about 1.5 million people would be placed in HRW if they truly use TraceTogether. Do you think the government will place so many people in HRW at once? The economy will screech to a halt.


not only that, each person on HRW is entitled to 6 free ART kits, the government cannot afford to give out so many ART kits.

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On 2/22/2022 at 11:55 AM, Guest Guest said:


not only that, each person on HRW is entitled to 6 free ART kits, the government cannot afford to give out so many ART kits.

Just because i have close contact with a covid positive person and yet i did not receive any HRN, i could not get free ART kits and need to pay for the ART kits myself to fulfill the 7 days monitoring.

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On 2/22/2022 at 8:48 PM, Guest guest said:

Just because i have close contact with a covid positive person and yet i did not receive any HRN, i could not get free ART kits and need to pay for the ART kits myself to fulfill the 7 days monitoring.

And many will not do ART by themselves, if they do not receive the HRN... Hence the high infection rates in the community.

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On 2/22/2022 at 9:26 PM, sgmaven said:

And many will not do ART by themselves, if they do not receive the HRN... Hence the high infection rates in the community.

I do ART for 7 days and now 5 days if i have close contact with covid positive cause i am responsible for my own health. I believe since now MOH protocol if you are well and mild unwell but tested positive don't even need to see doctor and recorded as covid cases and only self-isolated and self-test. But i think many people even they are positive and yet still go out as per normal. Cause no one knows. Unlike last time it is an offense to go out if you are covid positive. Maybe this is why the infection rates are so high, and many people got infected.

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On 2/22/2022 at 9:36 PM, bluerunner said:

Unless you start testing yourself, you may not even know you have gotten it. 
I am thinking of start testing myself too. 

I think many people only start to self-test if they feel unwell or have symptoms. If they feel well, no one would bother to go test themselves regularly, since it is not cheap for one ART test kit. Every time you use one test kit, it cost you at least $5 per kit. Like throwing away money esp if you are well.


So you thinking of start testing yourself? How often will you test?

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Sore throat is the #1 symptom for infection, speaking from personal experience and from all friends who got infected.


If you develop sore throat, pls do ART and be mentally prepared. Accompanying symptoms after sore throat will normally be fever and cough (with phlegm).

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On 2/22/2022 at 9:53 PM, Guest guest said:

I do ART for 7 days and now 5 days if i have close contact with covid positive cause i am responsible for my own health. I believe since now MOH protocol if you are well and mild unwell but tested positive don't even need to see doctor and recorded as covid cases and only self-isolated and self-test. But i think many people even they are positive and yet still go out as per normal. Cause no one knows. Unlike last time it is an offense to go out if you are covid positive. Maybe this is why the infection rates are so high, and many people got infected.

Definitely, last time even when it is an offense,  there are still lots of report where people just try their luck to go out. Some cannot tahan the boredom of staying in their house, there are also workers who get paid daily,  no work means no money, then of course there are lots who dont care, these are all part of endemic living 

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I am doing ART every day at home.  Music is an art,  one of the most abstract and intellectual ones. I practice the piano every day, playing also Chopin, Schubert, Schumann.


I don't understand what causes this finger arthritis in Singaporean gays that makes it difficult for them to type on the keyboard.  What is the reason to write 'ART' instead of "antigen rapid test" ??   I often have to wonder some time before figuring out what their abbreviations mean. Some waste of time,  and thank God  that I am smart! 


For several weeks now I am having two "iHealth" antigen rapid tests at home,  courtesy of Uncle Sam who sends them to us free.  I have no plans to use them, unless I have strong suspicions of having covid.  If I ever get flu symptoms, which I have not had for years,  I will wait to see how they develop and only if they persist I might use a covid test.  For me, any regular tests are not necessary.  I am fully vaccinated, take all the precautions, but...  one never knows... 

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On 2/22/2022 at 9:36 PM, bluerunner said:

Unless you start testing yourself, you may not even know you have gotten it. 
I am thinking of start testing myself too. 

Think about it, with the >25,000 infection rate yesterday, it is almost guaranteed that each HDB block has at least one person down with COVID. The government is doing a wonderful job normalising COVID. When everyone is getting infected, left, right and centre, we cannot do anything but say it is ENDEMIC...

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Guest 美女冰冰
On 2/23/2022 at 12:57 PM, sgmaven said:

Think about it, with the >25,000 infection rate yesterday, it is almost guaranteed that each HDB block has at least one person down with COVID. The government is doing a wonderful job normalising COVID. When everyone is getting infected, left, right and centre, we cannot do anything but say it is ENDEMIC...

what can you do?

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On 1/27/2022 at 9:18 AM, Steve5380 said:

Rather than confronting the high cost of a lockdown,


could the Singapore government, which has so much money,  buy say 10 million N95 or KN95 masks and distribute them for free to the millions who need additional protection, like it is now done in America?


On 1/27/2022 at 9:41 AM, Guest Wtf said:

There have been six distribution rounds of free masks in Singapore, via the Temasek foundation. Over three million masks were given out in the most recent round, which ended on January 23. Singapore has no shortage of masks and they are mandatory to be worn in public - indoors and outdoors - in most situations, except when eating, drinking or exercising.



On 1/27/2022 at 9:44 AM, Steve5380 said:


This is commendable.  But what type of masks were given out?   The N95, KN95 are much superior to the simple cloth or surgery masks,  and they are highly protective.  This is why healthcare providers use them.  And different from what they do, they can be reused many times.


On 1/27/2022 at 9:48 AM, Guest Wtf said:

If you want to comment on Singapore issues on a Singapore forum, it wouldn’t hurt to keep up to date with what is happening in Singapore or to do some research on the topics you comment about.

Just Google ‘Temasek foundation mask distribution’ and you will find all the information. From that search, I can tell you that the current masks have N-95 grade filtration. 


On 1/27/2022 at 9:52 AM, Steve5380 said:


I didn't know what Temasek foundation is, so thanks for the information.  Then, with these N95 masks on, people should not feel so much at risk, being fully vaccinated on top of it.

one month later:


On 2/23/2022 at 10:25 PM, Steve5380 said:


The most effective protection against the virus should be a good N95 or KN95 mask.  Is your government making these available?  They can be reused many times. 




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Guest Gross saliva

An old man walked right in front of me and deliberately coughed  into my face.  What would you guys have done?  I could wack the bloody shit out of him, , but decided to stay my hand for his untowards & nuisance behaviours.  Why are there so many mad people around in time of pandemic?  

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