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Mediacorp Artists - News And Gossips 新传媒新闻和八卦 (Compiled)

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I saw Chen Hanwei at the basement 4 food court of Ion Orchard before, at 7 pm peak hour on a Sat evening, many people were staring at his fashionista outfit but he just ignored the stares.

Get the Singapore Paranormal Investigators to check out why that place is haunted

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I heard a top local actress used to sleep with a tycoon and then their adulterous relationship was put to an abrupt end by the wife who gave the actress a tight slap...

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I heard a top local actress used to sleep with a tycoon and then their adulterous relationship was put to an abrupt end by the wife who gave the actress a tight slap...


please, seriously just stop spouting rubbish will you.

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Shouldn't gay people be proud of Chen Hanwei? Why are there haters within the community?


Proud of him for what? He doesnt even dare to admit, and even said he is not in that dream makers show

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i heard somewhere that huang hui had a crush with dasmond koh and she left mediacorp cos dasmond kind of rejected her in front of the filming crew


my god she must be blind.

dasmond koh is ugly and proud and disgusting. i hope he will disappear from tv soon

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Jeanette Aw on Joy Truck, she looks so youthful like in her 20s!

Can act, can sing, can write, can cook, can bake very well, can dance vy well & can draw vy well.

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Can act, can sing, can write, can cook, can bake very well, can dance vy well & can draw vy well.

Can act cute very well, can sing with her 喉音,can write nonsense, can bake cake every morning, can dance as she walk & can draw like a kindergarden kid

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I heard a top local actress used to sleep with a tycoon and then their adulterous relationship was put to an abrupt end by the wife who gave the actress a tight slap...

It's quite obvious who this 'top local actress' is... Suffice to say it isn't Fann Wong.


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Looking 李腾 then and now. He must have gone through a major renovation on his face




Just saw him on tv just now, looks really ugly, even his current look is urgh. Pornsak stayed natural though

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Just saw him on tv just now, looks really ugly, even his current look is urgh. Pornsak stayed natural though

Pornsak drinks fresh cum from different guys every week, of cos look better

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this guy is irritating especially his big mouth and his laugh. KNN

Think he will stay on tv for quite some time, based on his popularity n high exposure given by mcs.




Spend time counting your blessings,

not airing your complaints.

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Proud of him for what? He doesnt even dare to admit, and even said he is not in that dream makers show


Kumar admitted. Did he have more supporters from the gay community then?

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hope to see more of Pierre Png on tv.

He is super charming and hot.


Yea pierre png is hot! I met him before when he has moustache on, think that was 2013 or 2012. Very manly and attractive!
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All of the above, as well as Rui En, Xiang Yun, Pan Lingling, Huang Biren, Ivy Lee and Aileen Tan, are more consistently versatile and outstanding than the old hag Zoe any day.

All they lack are 'Queen'-tailored roles and lots of hype and hot air by media lackeys to give the illusion of 'unbeatableness'.


zoe can act well in many interesting and unique roles..HBR and Rui En I dont think can act all the different types. I find their acting quite bland to be honest

Xiang Yun and Aileen is not bad too. Ivy long time never watch le forgot.

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zoe can act well in many interesting and unique roles..HBR and Rui En I dont think can act all the different types. I find their acting quite bland to be honest

Xiang Yun and Aileen is not bad too. Ivy long time never watch le forgot.



Definitely, only 1 best actress to her name compared to ‘bland acting’ is a travesty. You can catch her from today onwards at 9pm. Will she be outshone by rebecca and sheila sim like what happened in dream makers and devotion? Let’s wait and see.

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Is it only me or is chw really playing the roles very sissy in an aunty ways despite the roles in penguin daddy n 118 r supposed to be straights?

Edited by fab



never argue with the guests. let them bark all they want.





After I have said what I wanna say, I don't care what you say.



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今晚的九点戏剧,还好有老戏骨,zoe and xiang yun, 能演到入目三分的 byran and rebecca, 如果只有那个烂阿哥与烂 model, 观众大可出去 shopping, 不必急着回家。阿哥十年如一日的表情,不看也罢,35 岁了还在原地踏步,演来演去都在情情爱爱理打转,他不累我们都累了。那个 sheila sim 更惨,以为一至笑的很璨斓,很有生命力,就是自然的好演技,太造作了,左看右看,她还是回去当她的 TOP model 吧。

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今晚的九点戏剧,还好有老戏骨,zoe and xiang yun, 能演到入目三分的 byran and rebecca, 如果只有那个烂阿哥与烂 model, 观众大可出去 shopping, 不必急着回家。阿哥十年如一日的表情,不看也罢,35 岁了还在原地踏步,演来演去都在情情爱爱理打转,他不累我们都累了。那个 sheila sim 更惨,以为一至笑的很璨斓,很有生命力,就是自然的好演技,太造作了,左看右看,她还是回去当她的 TOP model 吧。

Alvin is ah ge? He is only A list actor but no ah ge status bah... Agree that he has not improved, but no doubt he is still one of the best looking guys in the station...

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Anybody watched 'You can be an angel too' just now? Who is that Mr Goh who used his handphone in the wards and got scold by XiangYun and counselled by Bryan? Quite cute! Think he acted somewhere before...

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Is it only me or is chw really playing the roles very sissy in an aunty ways despite the roles in penguin daddy n 118 r supposed to be straights?

Little did we wonder he is called uncle 娘 in that show. And together with aunty lucy they are losers in the show who have problems getting girls, and need egging and exact instructions from others to ask girls out for a date.

Such explicit nationalist and traditional family propaganda!

I wonder are gays who like watching this show masochists?

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Elvin best looking in the station? Not to me. He is just average lah, 很多马来人都是他这种脸,very common face. I think Lee mingshun, Lee nanxing and even Shawn Chen is even more good looking than elvin lah.

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Why must sheila sim cry until so 凄惨 when she was discharge from the hospital ? Actually she just need to feel 感激感动, 用眼神表达既可,不必泪流满面,真的不知所谓,乱演一场。而且每个人都对每个人 sayang 来 sayang 去, 小心翼翼的呵护,有点 over, 太假了。不好看.

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Anybody watched 'You can be an angel too' just now? Who is that Mr Goh who used his handphone in the wards and got scold by XiangYun and counselled by Bryan? Quite cute! Think he acted somewhere before...

oh 伍洛毅 the guy who claimed to have naked or almost naked pict leaked out previously but ended up no one giving a damn about it.


well he is a prc if i had remembered wrongly, used to be long hair and took part in the super host tv contest which only left with li teng still in the station

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Little did we wonder he is called uncle 娘 in that show. And together with aunty lucy they are losers in the show who have problems getting girls, and need egging and exact instructions from others to ask girls out for a date.

Such explicit nationalist and traditional family propaganda!

I wonder are gays who like watching this show masochists?


Bryan wong was extremely bitchy in the 9pm show too

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Byran 在九点剧里演得很好,轻松又自在,与 rebecca 一唱一合,一来一往,一配一搭,很有看头,接下来火花就会乱喷了。期待期待。Elvin 老样子,硬棒棒,很用心用力在 ' 演 ' 一个角色,thats it . Sheila 跟他是绝配,你演过来我演过去,你丢粒烂萍果来,我也回敬你一粒,看得我们发毛。惠玉向云已在发功,相信会好戏连连。

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Definitely, only 1 best actress to her name compared to ‘bland acting’ is a travesty. You can catch her from today onwards at 9pm. Will she be outshone by rebecca and sheila sim like what happened in dream makers and devotion? Let’s wait and see.

Wonder who will be nominated for SA2015 best actor and actress. 

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Guest everybody agree

Can mediacorp please listen to us and bring back the scriptwriter of the 90 era or at least try to bring back those type of drama..we want to watch interesting show with interesting plot not some normal everyday drama.

This is the feedback I get from most people..please listen

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Oh... Thanks! Wah.. went to his FB page... seems like he has been appearing in quite alot of shows...

oh 伍洛毅 the guy who claimed to have naked or almost naked pict leaked out previously but ended up no one giving a damn about it.


well he is a prc if i had remembered wrongly, used to be long hair and took part in the super host tv contest which only left with li teng still in the station

I feel more lonely during Oscar season than V Day...

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Can mediacorp please listen to us and bring back the scriptwriter of the 90 era or at least try to bring back those type of drama..we want to watch interesting show with interesting plot not some normal everyday drama.

This is the feedback I get from most people..please listen


think even if mediacorpse bring back the 90s scriptwriter also cannot bring it back to old times. who can act all those roles..you think elvin ng or wood xuan or xu bin? see liao all dulan big time no mood. face it the golden age is over and never come back!

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Minus looks, i really felt their acting in this angel /nurses show is ok , esp Zoe: http://xin.msn.com/en-sg/video/catchup/you-can-be-an-angel-too-episode-2/vp-bdd5adc0-6f33-458a-b4d3-0e89f0f7bb2a

i m NOT surre why some pp over here have to keep critiq on "old hags" , this and that who and who....what and what!

and meaningful show just like "Liang Yi" (Good doc) - korean show

Can we be "kinder"? and make the world place


Having said that,

Mediacorp epic : Dong Dang de nian Dai is  not too 

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If you watch Elvin Ng, you will notice that whatever character you give to him, he will forever walk like a model. please change the way you walk according to the character given to you. Thank you.

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