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I think Joanne Peh is one of the more natural actresses around. She was good in Han Yew Kwang's Channel U telemovie, Love in a Cab.

this peh is so ya-ya-papaya, saw her at one of the shopping mall, greet her and she look away and proud... she is just like the character she is acting in the 9pm channel8...a complete slug

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this peh is so ya-ya-papaya, saw her at one of the shopping mall, greet her and she look away and proud... she is just like the character she is acting in the 9pm channel8...a complete slug

Can't believe u will greet her in the first place?? Haha.

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Guest cablem systems

what was the article about?

QUEEN of Caldecott: Stop always criticising us

Ch 8 dramas losing shine

Unnatural dialogue, amateurish angles, weak acting are dislikes

By Kwok Kar Peng

February 26, 2011


FOR the past two years, local viewers have come down hard on Channel 8 dramas for not being able to replicate the success of 2008's The Little Nyonya.

Not only have they slammed the shows on online forums and newspapers, they are also tuning out.

Viewership ratings for Channel 8 dramas have been on the decline.

Coincidentally, viewership for StarHub Cable TV's VV Drama, which airs dramas from Hong Kong, Taiwan, China and Korea, has grown.

The recent scrapping of the $110 radio and TV licence fee could possibly be another nail in the coffin for free-to-air channels. Viewers may be less inclined to watch them now that they are not paying indirectly for them.

But for the artistes at the receiving end of the brickbats, enough is enough.

Queen of Caldecott Hill Zoe Tay admits she's disheartened by the constant booing.

Her last drama, 2009's The Ultimatum, was heavily criticised.

She told The New Paper: 'We want to produce good shows too but it's not healthy if we are the target of so much negativity. We get discouraged too.

'Feedback is good. If a drama is bad, then we have to improve...But if viewers always attack us, it's bad for both the production crew as well as the viewers.

'If someone constantly tells you that you're terrible at what you do, you wouldn't like it too, right?'

Among the litany of complaints from netizens and members of the public who've voiced their unhappiness is that some of the Channel 8 storylines are melodramatic, unoriginal and predictable.

A summary of their dislikes: The dialogue is unnatural, the camera work amateurish and the actors mediocre.

Also, the same few faces like Jeanette Aw, Dai Yangtian and Elvin Ng are cast repeatedly as the leads.

Disgruntled audiences are perhaps of extra concern to Tay, 43, now that she has a new drama due out in June - her first since The Ultimatum.

In Devotion, she plays a woman who adopts five children and toils for them despite the misunderstandings and animosity they have towards her.

It also stars Chen Hanwei, Terence Cao, Zhou Ying and Zhang Zhenhuan.

Perhaps the Ah Jie is resigned to forces beyond her control, as she believes declining ratings is inevitable and something that everyone in the industry must come to terms with.

She said: 'In the past, there were only a few channels on TV that people could watch.

'Now, viewers have access to shows from any part of the world on their mobile phone. We can't compare current ratings to what we used to get.'

After all, no other Channel 8 drama has come close to the record figures of The Little Nyonya.

It attracted an average of 838,300 viewers aged 15 and above, according to international market research company Taylor Nelson Sofres, hired by MediaCorp.

Hyped-up flops

The big hits of the past two years were Housewives' Holiday in 2009 (785,000 viewers) and With You in 2010 (682,900 viewers).

The heavily hyped blockbuster dramas ended up at the bottom of the heap.

The Ultimatum had stirred up great expectations as it starred heavyweights like Tay, Li Nanxing, Fann Wong and Tay Ping Hui and was touted as Tay and Wong's first on-screen reunion in 14 years since The Golden Pillow in 1995.

But the thriller drew only 616,900 viewers.

Together, a 2009 nostalgic blockbuster drama starring Jeanette Aw, Dai Yangtian and Elvin Ng, also failed to rise to the occasion, with only 643,300 viewers.

Another highly anticipated drama was last year's Breakout, which drew 625,400 viewers.

The show pit the good guys (Elvin Ng, Zhou Ying and Christopher Lee) against a family of psychopaths (Guo Liang, Jeanette Aw and Dai Yangtian).

Even the ratings for last year's top Channel 8 dramas were nothing to crow about.

New Beginnings had an average viewership of 655,400, Happy Family had 632,600 and Unriddle had 602,200.

The sliding statistics are something that MediaCorp's stable of talents can no longer deny - or ignore.

Up-and-coming actor Zhang Zhenhuan admitted he's 'concerned' about the dwindling numbers, which have affected his morale.

Said the 25-year-old: 'Since joining showbiz (in 2008), the ratings have been falling and I am very disappointed.

'But I tell myself to just play my roles well, which is what's most important.'

Actor Christopher Lee, 39, thinks lower ratings merely indicate that local TV is undergoing a transition.

He explained: 'The era of family dramas is coming to an end and there's a need to film another genre of dramas.

'The audience needs time to adjust to this. When they are not comfortable with a new genre, they will change channels.

'It explains why the low-rated or highly disputed dramas are of a different genre, like The Ultimatum and Breakout.'

Lee also feels that it's better to have people talking about the dramas than to get a cold shoulder.

His wife, actress Fann Wong, 40, added: 'We cannot use viewership ratings to determine our work. We are creative people and we have our own style.

'We should lead the audience and not have ratings determine what we should film.'

Viewers go online

Actor Chen Hanwei, 42, thinks that rating figures are not an accurate reflection of true viewership.

'People are going online to watch the programmes,' he said.

'Viewers don't sit in front of the TV at 7pm or 9pm to catch the local dramas. Instead, they catch the repeat telecasts or catch the episodes online. But the rating figures do not factor in these viewers.'

But with audience censures and bleak viewership numbers against them, do the celebrities feel their months of filming have been in vain?

Actor Terence Cao, 43, said: 'If people are not watching, then I'll just take it that the three months I spent filming a drama were a form of training.

'I'll try again with my next role.

'Just because I feel that I've acted well in a drama doesn't mean that other people will agree with me.'

But all firmly believe there's still hope for local dramas and that they'll be able to recapture the lost audience.

Said Fann Wong: 'If we work hard enough, the audience, local and foreign, will accept local dramas.

'If they don't, it just means that we haven't worked hard enough and there's still room for improvement.'

Zhang and Lee also feel that local dramas possess a familiarity which could still be a draw.

Actress Joanne Peh, 28, added: 'Everybody likes to see local faces because you feel a certain affinity with your own people...

'It feels like home, and at the end of the day, that is what will draw people back to local dramas.'

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Guest Kendall

Among the litany of complaints from netizens and members of the public who've voiced their unhappiness is that some of the Channel 8 storylines are melodramatic, unoriginal and predictable.

A summary of their dislikes: The dialogue is unnatural, the camera work amateurish and the actors mediocre.

Also, the same few faces like Jeanette Aw, Dai Yangtian and Elvin Ng are cast repeatedly as the leads.

Whether it is the production, story or actors, Mediacorp has to face up to what competition is all about.

I do not think that Spore audience has more depth than what the local dramas can offer, but in the market of entertainment, if the public does not like watching your dramas, you will just have to go.

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this peh is so ya-ya-papaya, saw her at one of the shopping mall, greet her and she look away and proud... she is just like the character she is acting in the 9pm channel8...a complete slug

I met Elvin Ng another day, he is so friendly and agreed to take a photo with me! He even dun forget to say thanks for your support before he left! urgh, how sweet he is~~~

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Whether it is the production, story or actors, Mediacorp has to face up to what competition is all about.

I do not think that Spore audience has more depth than what the local dramas can offer, but in the market of entertainment, if the public does not like watching your dramas, you will just have to go.

That Z ah jie talks like the audiences should not complain about substandard acting, bad dialogue and unengaging storylines??

Tell her to fark off!

She has the typical civil servant mentality - MCS is her rice bowl, so you accept, shut up and dun complain.

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Guest Kendall

She has the typical civil servant mentality - MCS is her rice bowl, so you accept, shut up and dun complain.

Spot on!

Many in mediacorp still work and operate like civil servants.

To be fair, in a small country with limited talents and market(what more for the Chinese Language), the programmes in mediacorp are really not too bad.

But 'not too bad' is not good enough when we are faced with competition from shows from Taiwan, Korea and HK (Note this countries are Spore's rivals in economy).

And with such attitude and the regional competition, Spore will simply wither.

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Guest Nauseous

QUEEN of Caldecott: Stop always criticising us

The recent scrapping of the $110 radio and TV licence fee could possibly be another nail in the coffin for free-to-air channels. Viewers may be less inclined to watch them now that they are not paying indirectly for them.

But for the artistes at the receiving end of the brickbats, enough is enough.

Queen of Caldecott Hill XXXXXXX admits she's disheartened by the constant booing.

Her last drama, 2009's The Ultimatum, was heavily criticised.

She told The New Paper: 'We want to produce good shows too but it's not healthy if we are the target of so much negativity. We get discouraged too.

'Feedback is good. If a drama is bad, then we have to improve...But if viewers always attack us, it's bad for both the production crew as well as the viewers.

'If someone constantly tells you that you're terrible at what you do, you wouldn't like it too, right?'

For her below average performance, she is expecting praises and encouragement from the audience?????

Give her best actress want to not?? :yuk:

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For her below average performance, she is expecting praises and encouragement from the audience?????

Give her best actress want to not?? :yuk:

I think she's secretly dying for that lor...

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Guest Neutral

Blowing Wind is one of the few rare forums where one can give Ah Jie constructive criticisms.

In other forums, any criticism of Ah Jie will be immediately deleted by the moderators, who are her lackeys.

These include MediaCorp online forums, Sgforums, etc.

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Just read from Paul Chan's Baguatv blog that apparently Zoe's movie Love Cuts got only $90k box office, losing to Sandcastle, Haunted Changi and Lao Niu?? OMG!!!

If this is true, this is shameful. Love cuts got so much more publicity compared to the other 3 films...

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No big stars? No sweat as home-grown movies roll in the dough

By Christina Ng

WITHOUT big names and big budgets, two very different home-grown films are breaking new ground and filling up seats by appealing to eclectic Singapore tastes.

Boo Junfeng's debut feature film Sandcastle, which is showing in only one hall at Golden Village (GV) VivoCity, has made $46,720 within 18 days since opening on Aug 26.

That figure trumps Eric Khoo's 2008 film My Magic, which made $29,500 in its six-week run that year.

According to a GV spokesman, the arthouse movie will play for just one or two weeks more because another film - I Am Love, an Italian film starring Tilda Swinton - is scheduled to open there on Sept 30.

Still, the spokesman said that Sandcastle is doing well, especially "considering the fact that this is Boo's first feature film".

The other home-grown movie making waves in cinemas is the mainstream horror flick, Haunted Changi.

The film, made by Singapore- based American film-maker Tony Kern, debuted on Sept 2. As of Sunday, it's raked in $484,320.

That amount is comparable to the $400,000 that the 2005 Singapore horror film The Maid raked in within its first six days of sneak previews.

It eventually earned $2.5 million at the box office.

Mr David Glass, managing director of GV, said: "Horror titles like Haunted Changi...do extraordinarily well in the cinemas.

Local movie-goers have also been really supportive of local content in recent years."

The success of Haunted Changi - a Blair Witch Project-styled movie filmed in Singapore's Old Changi Hospital - can be attributed to strong word-of-mouth recommendations, as well as clever marketing gimmicks.

Online promos on social-networking portals played a big part in getting the word out for the movie, said GV's spokesman.

Comparatively, The Maid, made by home-grown director Kelvin Tong, had a much larger marketing budget, said the GV spokesman.

The figures that Haunted Changi - which opened in 19 cinemas - has raked in, given its marketing budget, are encouraging, she said.

The movie also debuted at the No. 2 slot at the Singapore box office. It beat Hollywood comedy Grown Ups and action film The Expendables to that spot.

And Sandcastle - a sentimental piece about a teenage boy (played by first-time actor Joshua Tan) and his family's murky history, as well as his coming of age - has won praise from critics.

my paper film critic Yong Shu Hoong said that the film struck the right chord with local audiences.

He added that he rates Sandcastle a little higher than Eric Khoo's first feature, Meepok Man (1995), which he felt was more awkward stylistically as compared to Boo's natural style.

Boo, who is presently in Toronto to attend the 35th Toronto International Film Festival where Sandcastle is making its North American premiere, responded to the box-office success with joy.

He told my paper: "I'm very happy that the film has found a discerning audience in Singapore. It has benefited a lot from the good reviews and positive word of mouth."

He added: "I hope this demonstrates that there's a growing number of people who appreciate such films, and inspires faith in the industry to move away from the tried-and-tested formulas that define commercial filmmaking in Singapore."

Freelance film director Yuan Ler, 29, who watched Sandcastle 11/2 weeks ago, said that the film is "not so artistic that it alienates the average movie-goer".

He added: "The heart of the film is in the right place."

The one piece of not-so-good news for Singapore cinema is that Love Cuts, the other home-grown film out now, isn't shining at the box office.

The film, starring XXXXXXX and Hong Kong's Kenny Ho, has made just $90,000 as of Sunday. The movie - which opened in 16 cinemas - made its debut last Thursday. :yuk: :yuk:

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Can't believe this - how can Love Cuts, which had a huge marketing budget, sexy poster and Allan Wu's naked torso, lose to 老牛, Sandcastle and Haunted Changi?? What is the reason for Love Cuts' dismal box office performance?

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& both you guys are seriously off topic.....

comparatively, I think that what Fann said (something on creativity in respond to the dwindling viewership) is more presentable than what Zoe has said.



never argue with the guests. let them bark all they want.





After I have said what I wanna say, I don't care what you say.



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Guest Guest 2

The reason why it has done badly was because of the lead actress.

She has a track record of over promise and under deliver.

I feel that someone in the local media is trying to sabo Rui En by calling her "Queen of viewership".

Haven't anyone learnt from Ah Jie's case?

In the past, Zoe's supporters kept calling her the Queen of viewership.

It turned out to be a double-edged sword - people used the same thing to prove that she's no longer popular.

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Personally, i feel that a successful viewership should never be the effort of one single artiste.

It should be the fruit of the labour of the entire team, both front and back stage.



never argue with the guests. let them bark all they want.





After I have said what I wanna say, I don't care what you say.



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Guest Kendall

Personally, i feel that a successful viewership should never be the effort of one single artiste.

It should be the fruit of the labour of the entire team, both front and back stage.

And also the quality and depth of the viewers as well. :rolleyes:

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If Joanne Peh really want to bare all for the camera in Eric Khoo's Charming Rose, please don't stop her okay? Let her do it. Don't be like that Christy Yow, using that ‘bare all’ antic to get media coverage and then later backed out by saying MediaCorp doesn’t allow her to do it.

For Joanne Peh: a good actress don't need to shed her clothes. But Joanne wants to bare all for Eric Khoo so she can go to Cannes. She is so ambitious & hardup for international fame to the extent of taking off her clothes! I think next time, she can never marry a Singaporean man anymore if she breaks up with her ang mo boyfriend. She has to continue to find an ang moh as husband, LOL.

being independent doesn’t mean you go for a boob job & then say due to menstruation your boobs got bigger. being independent doesn’t mean you sleep around & then talk freely on air about it. being independent doesn’t mean you tell people they may see your breasts & pubic hair but they don’t know what’s inside you. being independent doesn’t mean you beg for s’poreans to support you & your drama cos you are s’porean so got the affinity. being independent doesn’t mean you view sex, view nudity, view relationship with a western mentality.

joanne peh is not being independent & modern. she is being spg & apeing the westerners.

please don’t equate independence & modernity with moral corruption.

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By the way, who (amongst us) still watch Channel 8 programmes faithfully?

Who had been sitting in front of your television set at 7 pm, 9 pm from Monday to Friday?

Used to in the 90s, when stories of drama serials were great. Now no more. To me, they have lost their lustre. :huh:

"You like who you like lah. Who cares if someone likes the other someone because of their race? It's when they hate them. That's the problem."

Orked (acted by Sharifah Amani) in SEPET (2004, directed by Yasmin Ahmad)

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Guest massagee

To be honest, I am not a good fan of current local production. I used to like some of them i.e. like " hong Tow Jin" "Wu suo Nan Yang"..etc Thereafter, I hardly watch. In recent years, I totally don't watch at all. I find them lack of emotion in their action (especially sad or crying scenes). the worst case is they like to copy from taiwan, japan or korea shows - no originality at all. Even their variety shows are bad. Some try to act cute some but i must say Kym Ng is not bad though (she and aiyoyo paired up nicely). Can't stand Mark, Bryan..

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MY Tv also has not put into good use for the last 5 yrs circa.

Apart from the dwindling std of the production, to be fair, it is also due to the fact that internet is providing a much wider options, especially those of the overseas production.

Speaking of which, I really miss Kym and Chen Liping's comical rendering of the duo HDB Taitais... :clap: Anyone is with me?



never argue with the guests. let them bark all they want.





After I have said what I wanna say, I don't care what you say.



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Btw, has anyone seen the Channel U official drama poster for their serial 拍卖?

It shows Christopher Lee performing fellatio on Jesseca Liu.

It's most unbelievable, horrendous and disgusting.

How can Channel U do this kind of risque and low class ad??

MDA should have censored this kind of oral sex advertisement.

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Speaking of which, I really miss Kym and Chen Liping's comical rendering of the duo HDB Taitais... :clap: Anyone is with me?

I've almost forgotten about this comical pair!

What great chemistry they've got! :thumb:

Does anybody know if Sharon Au 欧菁仙,

ever coming back to Mediacorp?

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Guest Guest

MY Tv also has not put into good use for the last 5 yrs circa.

Apart from the dwindling std of the production, to be fair, it is also due to the fact that internet is providing a much wider options, especially those of the overseas production.

Speaking of which, I really miss Kym and Chen Liping's comical rendering of the duo HDB Taitais... :clap: Anyone is with me?

Thanks to the internet that we get awakened and realise how lousy local productions can be, how people like Zoe is such a fake deal. :yuk:

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Guest alien

I've almost forgotten about this comical pair!

What great chemistry they've got! :thumb:

Does anybody know if Sharon Au 欧菁仙,

ever coming back to Mediacorp?

Sharon Au 欧菁仙 will be coming back to mcs when she finished her studies, but will be doing backstage job. Shld not be hosting any tv programme. Looks like she has lost the "interest" of going back to last time the fame she used to have on tv.

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Guest Guest

Btw, has anyone seen the Channel U official drama poster for their serial 拍卖?

It shows Christopher Lee performing fellatio on Jesseca Liu.

It's most unbelievable, horrendous and disgusting.

How can Channel U do this kind of risque and low class ad??

MDA should have censored this kind of oral sex advertisement.

You mean Jessica Liu acted as a transsexual??? tsk tsk...

Low in originality - yes. Low class, horrendous, disgusting => you never have oral sex before lah?

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Btw, has anyone seen the Channel U official drama poster for their serial 拍卖?

It shows Christopher Lee performing fellatio on Jesseca Liu.

It's most unbelievable, horrendous and disgusting.

How can Channel U do this kind of risque and low class ad??

MDA should have censored this kind of oral sex advertisement.


Its the other way round lah, its Christopher Lee supposingly getting a BJ and got snapped.

The poster is indeed actually quite suggestive.

But the slogan in the black arrow say - "你以为事实一定如你想象?“ "you think what you saw is the truth?"

Edited by cock brand
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Guest Michelle Chong Beckhams

Michelle Chong is truly the most versatile artiste of MediaCorp.

In comparison, Z ah jie is completely unversatile!!

(In case you're wondering why Z ah jie is being mentioned, that's cos her supporters kept calling her the "most versatile queen of MCS", "thousand faces", 千面女郎... lol)

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I feel that all of you are being very unfair to Ah Jie.

Give her a break!

1. Stop blaming Zoe for the box office failure of Love Cuts.

Love Cuts is a serious movie about breast cancer, it's not a comedy or a ghost movie.

If Zoe wasn't the lead actress, the box office would have been far worse.

Stop wrongfully accusing Zoe of being a box office poison!

2. Zoe is still very versatile, just look at her different looks in magazine covers and centrespreads.

Just because she's been taking on mother roles doesn't mean she's no longer versatile.

She was great as a scheming career woman in Ultimatum, she was even nominated for Asia's Best Actress alongside Michelle Yim.

3. Zoe doesn't care about being an international superstar or getting Hollywood offers.

She's a good mother to 3 sons and is just trying her best to be a good actress.

Why so many evil words for her? Please do some self-reflection.

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Guest amidst_the_stars

Btw, has anyone seen the Channel U official drama poster for their serial 拍卖?

It shows Christopher Lee performing fellatio on Jesseca Liu.

It's most unbelievable, horrendous and disgusting.

How can Channel U do this kind of risque and low class ad??

MDA should have censored this kind of oral sex advertisement.


You are just like those typical hypocritically morally -upright aunties that tsk tsk at anything that hints of sex or whatever. Its people like you that The Kids Are All Right is only getting played at the theatres with one copy of the film in Singapore and its people like you that Black Swan has its pivotAL MOMENTS barbarically censored. Which makes it hard for Singapore film industry to progress. You never suck cock before ah? Talk so much but no balls to comment here as a member.

No sense of humour at all.

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Talk so much but no balls to comment here as a member.

What's with your obsession with commenting as a member?

You sore that guests who talk sense keep slamming you, a registered guest, for your own moronic comments?


Not happy? Suck on it. LOL

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Guest amidst_the_stars

What's with your obsession with commenting as a member?

You sore that guests who talk sense keep slamming you, a registered guest, for your own moronic comments?


Not happy? Suck on it. LOL

No. Cuz u r a narrow-minded "morally upright" citizen that makes this world a lesser place. And were u slamming me in the first place? Not that i know of. And you never talk sense anyway. And i bet with the majority of the forumers here, you garner 0 credibility with your constant criticism of things n pple without having the guts to do it as a member. But I guess you never had one. Its fine sweetie. Your mommy will change your nappies.

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And you never talk sense anyway. And i bet with the majority of the forumers here, you garner 0 credibility with your constant criticism of things n pple without having the guts to do it as a member.

You have a penchant for baseless assumptions.

In the thread "Most Disgusting Local Celebrity", you assumed that one forummer was slamming Zoe because of her wrinkles.

It turned out that he wasn't. Unable to rebut any further, you then began accusing him of not having balls to post as a guest.

That's your typical modus operandi:


For someone who registered less than 2 months ago (22 January 2011), you sure are full of baseless assumptions:

1. "you never talk sense anyway" - how would you know when I'm posting as a guest and you can't track my posting history (or the posting history of ANY guest, for that matter)?

2. "I bet with the majority of forumers here..." - how would you know what the majority of forumers think when you registered barely one-and-a-half months ago? Baselessly assuming again? LOL

3. "no guts to do it as a member" - another baseless assumption. People post as guests for a variety of reasons and not necessarily because they have 'no guts' as alleged by you.

In short, you are full of baseless and rubbish assumptions!

Fark off!

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amidst_the_stars status update:

"U don't have to be rich, 2 be my guy. U don't have 2 be cool, 2 rule my world. Ain't no particular sign I'm compatible with. I just want your extra time and your......................................KISS."

Please lah!

No man would want to give you any time, let alone extra time and a kiss. LOL

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Guest amidst_the_stars

You have a penchant for baseless assumptions.

In the thread "Most Disgusting Local Celebrity", you assumed that one forummer was slamming Zoe because of her wrinkles.

It turned out that he wasn't. Unable to rebut any further, you then began accusing him of not having balls to post as a guest.

That's your typical modus operandi:


For someone who registered less than 2 months ago (22 January 2011), you sure are full of baseless assumptions:

1. "you never talk sense anyway" - how would you know when I'm posting as a guest and you can't track my posting history (or the posting history of ANY guest, for that matter)?

2. "I bet with the majority of forumers here..." - how would you know what the majority of forumers think when you registered barely one-and-a-half months ago? Baselessly assuming again? LOL

3. "no guts to do it as a member" - another baseless assumption. People post as guests for a variety of reasons and not necessarily because they have 'no guts' as alleged by you.

In short, you are full of baseless and rubbish assumptions!

Fark off!

Eh no. I nvr retracted my stance that he was slamming Zoe due to her wrinkles cuz the subtext was so obvious. But it might be not the only reason. Yes he is ball-less like you. Thanks for commenting on my status. You are such a wonderful sweetheart. :rolleyes:

Soon this is going down the flaming room and it's going to be probably your 2nd? or maybe even 3rd or 4th or 5th or 6th time down the flaming room? As a "guest" u sure love flaming others and getting flamed.

Wow if u r not a guest n using seperate accts to post your "pearls of wisdom"( like droplets of semen that sumone cummed all over your neck?), doesn't that make you even more...pathetic?

LOL - Loser Over Losers????

You've done some bad things sweetie. And what is Fark? :B)

And you is a class act tracking down my posts. Maybe you ought to be committed to a place with the initials of...IMH ??

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Eh no. I nvr retracted my stance that he was slamming Zoe due to her wrinkles cuz the subtext was so obvious. But it might be not the only reason.

Stop lying.

All he did was post a picture of her and say "most disgusting".

And then you went on a rampage, accusing him of slamming Zoe due to her wrinkles.

And you have the cheek to call guest posters ball-less?

I checked your profile and you don't have any date of birth, location, interests or anything written in your 'about me' page?

Big deal about being registered, it makes you and your baseless assumptions easier to track, that's all. :rolleyes:


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Soon this is going down the flaming room and it's going to be probably your 2nd? or maybe even 3rd or 4th or 5th or 6th time down the flaming room? As a "guest" u sure love flaming others and getting flamed.


If this goes into the flaming room, it will be because of your baseless assumptions.

Just like how you deliberately and wrongfully accused Plasters of criticising Zoe because of her wrinkles when he didn't.

Eventually, because of you, oralb moved that entire thread into the flaming room. :rolleyes: :whistle:

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Guest amidst_the_stars

Stop lying.

All he did was post a picture of her and say "most disgusting".

And then you went on a rampage, accusing him of slamming Zoe due to her wrinkles.

And you have the cheek to call guest posters ball-less?

I checked your profile and you don't have any date of birth, location, interests or anything written in your 'about me' page?

Big deal about being registered, it makes you and your baseless assumptions easier to track, that's all. :rolleyes:


Clearly a L-U-N-A-T-I-C !!!!

And you don't understanding the word "subtext" kinda makes me wonder about your bewilidering lack of comprehension.

Keep this up and we are going down the flaming room. I sure dun mind since I am bringing this LOSER-OVER-LOSERS DOWN WITH ME!!!

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Guest amidst_the_stars

You calling yourself hah?

Nah, for you :lol:


At least I dun condemn all the civil servants in Singapore with your insensitive generalization which was your previous flaming argument.

Look out for Gstc82 vs Lol Over Civil Servant Mentailty Split from - Mediacorp Artists - News and Gossips at THE FLAMING ROOM. LOL says That Z ah jie talks like the audiences should not complain about substandard acting, bad dialogue and unengaging storylines??

Tell her to fark off!

She has the typical civil servant mentality - MCS is her rice bowl, so you accept, shut up and dun complain.

Now you will excuse me, I shall not bother continuing arguing with a cunt like you. Cya LOSER-OVER-LOSERS. And save the number for yourself, i am sure in the near future you need it. :clap:

Edited by amidst_the_stars
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At least I dun condemn all the civil servants in Singapore with your insensitive generalization which was your previous flaming argument.

Yet another baseless assumption by you.

Where's your proof that that LOL is me?

Until you show proof, yours will just be another baseless assumption.

The latest to add to your history of 38 previous baseless assumptions and counting.

You are pwned again. LOL :rolleyes::lol:

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