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Mediacorp Artists - News And Gossips 新传媒新闻和八卦 (Compiled)

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26 minutes ago, Guest said:


Lapdog lackey 

















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Guest Zoe's lackey
4 hours ago, Guest said:


Her fucking lackeys should be hung upside down and have their throats slit.



Tolong! Tolong! "Ban Chance" Tolong! Give old ah Gua one chance!

Lim Pey zeem kia, Diam Diam Zhoon, Lao Sai. Tolong Mai "Pak Zhiam"hor Lim Pey Si!







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20 minutes ago, Guest Zoe's lackey said:


我要好好利用这个网络空间,让你们认识超下贱、超无耻的我!让你们见识"最佳老人妖奖"得主的"秘辛"(就是 my hidden secret ……我老来娇可爱吧?嘻嘻!)

不管是白天~~~啊~~~(嗲声嗲气、摆pose)…还是晚上…呀~~~(再嗲声嗲气、再摆pose)…我要24 by 7全力放送我的爱!






我就不信老娘多开关几次,你闻不到我的"太监LAN PA 味"!这可是我的"招牌迷魂香",飞过的蝴蝶、蜜蜂、苍蝇、蚊子全倒下了!厉害呗!)




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Guest Zoe's lackey
2 minutes ago, Guest said:

LOL. 没家教的玉狗仔。


YES! 我知道!大家没见过一个把帯有阴毛的臭鸡排缝在老嘴上的老人妖,直到你们看到……我!



我后悔白活,没有好好学习,落得如今又老又丑又臭又矫情!空有脑袋瓜却没有学问!一个大肚子却没有一丁点儿墨水!我想死,又孬种不敢自身,我想活,又到处惹人嫌恶!天呀!我Chao Ah Gua何去何从?

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Guest Zoe's lackey
3 minutes ago, Guest said:





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Guest Zoe's lackey









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38 minutes ago, Guest Zoe's lackey said:


YES! 我知道!大家没见过一个把帯有阴毛的臭鸡排缝在老嘴上的老人妖,直到你们看到……我!



我后悔白活,没有好好学习,落得如今又老又丑又臭又矫情!空有脑袋瓜却没有学问!一个大肚子却没有一丁点儿墨水!我想死,又孬种不敢自身,我想活,又到处惹人嫌恶!天呀!我Chao Ah Gua何去何从?


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14 minutes ago, Guest said:


Support your CB, old hags like her are meant to sag.


Choy.....you think ZOE like your mother meh....when she goes out people curious when she has 4 legs.....:D

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14 hours ago, Guest said:


That could very well be Linda's real reaction inside.

If you know Linda Chung in Hong Kong, she doesn't suffer fools lightly.

If she's instructed to address someone as Ah Jie, she must truly respect that person as an Ah Jie first.

In this case, she must be wondering who the hell is this old hag???


Haha yeah

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1 hour ago, Guest said:


So? This is about zoe, who cares about fann.


Yes indeed, we love slamming that useless old hag Zoe whose lackeys love to artificially inflate her achievements.

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This video is revolting. Smirking at your fans for trusting your word. Have some integrity and own up to the fact that you misled and exploited your fans for personal monetary gain. There was no misunderstanding or misinterpretation - you set out to deceive, mislead and exploit for a commercial arrangement. Shame on you, Rebecca Lim!


Rebecca, I think you should not have said your fans "misinterpreted" or "misunderstood" your message. Nobody was speculating either. You said "Yes, I'm retiring." It is as clear as it can be. So just admit it was a marketing stunt with NTUC, I think your fans will take it better if you come clean and move on.  Also, not everything your company or your agent arranged is good for you. Some marketing folks are trying new ideas and u r their guinea pig, think carefully what is good for yourself b4 u agree to it. U r smarter than this.


'Planning to retire' and 'retiring' are two very different thing, just like 'planning to go Europe' vs 'going Europe'. Even a 10-year-old will know the difference. Your advertisement campaign is just forcing the message. Sorry thumbs down for you Rebecca Lim this time.


A very unwise PR stunt that doesn't bode well with her fans and NTUC Income. She'll lose some fans and NTUC Income will be perceived as a dishonest insurer who uses a celebrity to deceive the public. Bad move!


Thanks Rebecca. Was looking at a few retirement/investment plans with a few friends. Now we can safely rule NTUC out. Thanks for making our choices easier. Please know that your unprofessional and childish antics have also affected other Mediacorp artistes as several viewers would now boycott any drama you appear in, regardless of your co-stars. So you have effectively killed 3 birds with one stone. 
1. Become less popular.
2. Jeopardize NTUC income.
3. Affect other artistes in Mediacorp.


Dear Rebecca, I've always liked you for your unassuming ways, and this recent episode came as a surprise as what you'd posted is very incongruent with the public's perception of you. Nothing wrong with endorsing a product, but be straightforward about it. Don't coat your intentions with ambiguity, and thereafter defend yourself by saying that the public "misunderstood'. You had misreprented; we did not misunderstand. The plain meaning of " I am retiring" is clear. I don't know how else you can construe it.


It is regrettable that you now have to face all this online vitriol. But this too will pass, and you will emerge stronger and wiser from it all. You said in a recent interview that you've learnt how to say "no" to things that you are uncomfortable with. Why then, did you not say "no" in this instance? Your failure to say no makes you complicit in this entire matter. You cannot and must not blame NTUC for "forcing" this down your throat.


Super Lame shit. I'm unsubscribing, unliking and NOT watching your show anymore. All the years of hard work gone down the drain with this lame "retirement" gimmick. As a fan of yours before today, your LAME really to pull this off to your loyal fans who care about you. Do we mean nothing to you at all? like to play with your feelings? or is $$ just on your mind when doing this marketing gimmick with NTUC. How much did they pay you to play with your Fans feelings?


What possessed you to stage such an unethical stunt, Rebecca? Surely someone of your stature could have just done a straightforward campaign without insulting the intelligence nor betraying the trust of your fans or general audience? The lack of integrity and remorse is disappointing.


NTUC, do you think it's hilarious??lame and shame for you. Rebecca, what a bad stun you have done for NTUC. Utterly no respect for you and NTUC. Pls be brave enough to stand up and apologise.


This failed marketing plan stinks just as much as poverty simulation. Because our pioneer generation are clearing tables and picking up card boards just to make ends meet and here we have our Best Actress flaunting that she is "retiring" at 29.   Seems like money is the root of this evil - for leading a sensible young lady to make a distasteful choice to take up this endorsement job and to add salt to wound to our pioneer generation among us who CAN'T retire.


NTUC: the genius who came up with this disgusting idea should be fired. 
MediaCorp: the genius who arranged this ploy to take fans on a ride should be sacked. 
Rebecca Lim: Do some serious self reflection and ask yourself if it is right to sell yourself and treat your fans like idiots for the sake of money. You are truly one disgusting money-hungry fake who has brought shame to the acting profession.


Rebecca Lim, have you no sense of shame at all? Exploiting your fans and fame for a cheap, low-class money-making deceitful ploy? Please DO RETIRE immediately, good riddance to bad rubbish!

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46 minutes ago, Guest said:

This video is revolting. Smirking at your fans for trusting your word. Have some integrity and own up to the fact that you misled and exploited your fans for personal monetary gain. There was no misunderstanding or misinterpretation - you set out to deceive, mislead and exploit for a commercial arrangement. Shame on you, Rebecca Lim!


Rebecca, I think you should not have said your fans "misinterpreted" or "misunderstood" your message. Nobody was speculating either. You said "Yes, I'm retiring." It is as clear as it can be. So just admit it was a marketing stunt with NTUC, I think your fans will take it better if you come clean and move on.  Also, not everything your company or your agent arranged is good for you. Some marketing folks are trying new ideas and u r their guinea pig, think carefully what is good for yourself b4 u agree to it. U r smarter than this.


'Planning to retire' and 'retiring' are two very different thing, just like 'planning to go Europe' vs 'going Europe'. Even a 10-year-old will know the difference. Your advertisement campaign is just forcing the message. Sorry thumbs down for you Rebecca Lim this time.


A very unwise PR stunt that doesn't bode well with her fans and NTUC Income. She'll lose some fans and NTUC Income will be perceived as a dishonest insurer who uses a celebrity to deceive the public. Bad move!


Thanks Rebecca. Was looking at a few retirement/investment plans with a few friends. Now we can safely rule NTUC out. Thanks for making our choices easier. Please know that your unprofessional and childish antics have also affected other Mediacorp artistes as several viewers would now boycott any drama you appear in, regardless of your co-stars. So you have effectively killed 3 birds with one stone. 
1. Become less popular.
2. Jeopardize NTUC income.
3. Affect other artistes in Mediacorp.


Dear Rebecca, I've always liked you for your unassuming ways, and this recent episode came as a surprise as what you'd posted is very incongruent with the public's perception of you. Nothing wrong with endorsing a product, but be straightforward about it. Don't coat your intentions with ambiguity, and thereafter defend yourself by saying that the public "misunderstood'. You had misreprented; we did not misunderstand. The plain meaning of " I am retiring" is clear. I don't know how else you can construe it.


It is regrettable that you now have to face all this online vitriol. But this too will pass, and you will emerge stronger and wiser from it all. You said in a recent interview that you've learnt how to say "no" to things that you are uncomfortable with. Why then, did you not say "no" in this instance? Your failure to say no makes you complicit in this entire matter. You cannot and must not blame NTUC for "forcing" this down your throat.


Super Lame shit. I'm unsubscribing, unliking and NOT watching your show anymore. All the years of hard work gone down the drain with this lame "retirement" gimmick. As a fan of yours before today, your LAME really to pull this off to your loyal fans who care about you. Do we mean nothing to you at all? like to play with your feelings? or is $$ just on your mind when doing this marketing gimmick with NTUC. How much did they pay you to play with your Fans feelings?


What possessed you to stage such an unethical stunt, Rebecca? Surely someone of your stature could have just done a straightforward campaign without insulting the intelligence nor betraying the trust of your fans or general audience? The lack of integrity and remorse is disappointing.


NTUC, do you think it's hilarious??lame and shame for you. Rebecca, what a bad stun you have done for NTUC. Utterly no respect for you and NTUC. Pls be brave enough to stand up and apologise.


This failed marketing plan stinks just as much as poverty simulation. Because our pioneer generation are clearing tables and picking up card boards just to make ends meet and here we have our Best Actress flaunting that she is "retiring" at 29.   Seems like money is the root of this evil - for leading a sensible young lady to make a distasteful choice to take up this endorsement job and to add salt to wound to our pioneer generation among us who CAN'T retire.


NTUC: the genius who came up with this disgusting idea should be fired. 
MediaCorp: the genius who arranged this ploy to take fans on a ride should be sacked. 
Rebecca Lim: Do some serious self reflection and ask yourself if it is right to sell yourself and treat your fans like idiots for the sake of money. You are truly one disgusting money-hungry fake who has brought shame to the acting profession.


Rebecca Lim, have you no sense of shame at all? Exploiting your fans and fame for a cheap, low-class money-making deceitful ploy? Please DO RETIRE immediately, good riddance to bad rubbish!


tbh i personally dont feel anything...not sure why is there so much drama about it...

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6 hours ago, Guest said:


Yes indeed, we love slamming that useless old hag Zoe whose lackeys love to artificially inflate her achievements.


We love to capitalise on your stupidity and market ZOE further....


ZOE you are number 1. Whatever amount of slamming and defamation, you are still National Icon, everlasting beauty and forever diva!

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5 hours ago, Guest said:


We love to capitalise on your stupidity and market ZOE further....


ZOE you are number 1. Whatever amount of slamming and defamation, you are still National Icon, everlasting beauty and forever diva!


Spoken like Lao Zoe's lapdog lackey nonpareil, LOL

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On Wednesday, 30 December 2015 at 9:06 AM, Guest said:

No Jeanette hater? Why keep mentioning the older actress. Pointless! The show main motive is to let trying very hard Jeanette to get the best actress award. So shameful, get 10 time most popular award n up the prayer table liao still have not get ANY acting related award. 100 ppl make 100 calls is the same vote as 10000 ppl make one call. But popular or not so easily to see. She is like the last time Michelle Salam n Phyllis Quek - use money to buy popularize. Where are the 2 now? They suppose to be "international star" act in Taiwan n HK series.

This type of character give to Joanne or Rebecca to act easily get award. Give to auntie Jeanette she must keep trying. This time medicock will give her the acting award liao. If not can get to cold palace liao

On Wednesday, 30 December 2015 at 3:36 PM, Guest said:

Joanne maybe ok, I don't think Rebecca can handle such role thou...

just want to type the second part but you type le hahah.....think joanne should be quite good with zhao fei er role

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3 hours ago, Guest said:

just want to type the second part but you type le hahah.....think joanne should be quite good with zhao fei er role

joanne can act but her award winning histories all kelong one...

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Can't be more kelong than the consolation one uknowho got.



never argue with the guests. let them bark all they want.





After I have said what I wanna say, I don't care what you say.



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My prediction for star awards 2016:

Best Actor : Hot Favorite - Qi YuWu 

                    Dark Horse - Shaun Chen

Best Actress : Hot Favorite - Jeanette Aw

                       Dark Horse - Rui En

Best Supporting Actor : Hot Favorite - Chen Tian Wen

                                       Dark Horse - Others have equal chances

Best Supporting Actress : Hot Favorite - Julie Tan

                                            Dark Horse - Paige Chua/Carrie Wong

Best Drama Serial : Hot Favorite - 118

                                Dark Horse - Tiger Mum/Crescendo

Best Evergreen Artiste : Hot Favorite - Hong Hui Fang

                                       Dark Horse - XiangYun/Chen Shu Cheng

Young Talent Award : Hot Favorite - Damien Teo

                                  Dark Horse - Ian Teng/Ezekiel Chee




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1 hour ago, Guest said:

My prediction for star awards 2016:

Best Actor : Hot Favorite - Qi YuWu 

                    Dark Horse - Shaun Chen

Best Actress : Hot Favorite - Jeanette Aw

                       Dark Horse - Rui En

Best Supporting Actor : Hot Favorite - Chen Tian Wen

                                       Dark Horse - Others have equal chances

Best Supporting Actress : Hot Favorite - Julie Tan

                                            Dark Horse - Paige Chua/Carrie Wong

Best Drama Serial : Hot Favorite - 118

                                Dark Horse - Tiger Mum/Crescendo

Best Evergreen Artiste : Hot Favorite - Hong Hui Fang

                                       Dark Horse - XiangYun/Chen Shu Cheng

Young Talent Award : Hot Favorite - Damien Teo

                                  Dark Horse - Ian Teng/Ezekiel Chee






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Ouxuan will never get. Her performance is similiar, if not worse than the one, in po tian wang.


Let alone that number 1 from the btm, with that walk in walk out role.



never argue with the guests. let them bark all they want.





After I have said what I wanna say, I don't care what you say.



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7 minutes ago, fab said:

Ouxuan will never get. Her performance is similiar, if not worse than the one, in po tian wang.


Let alone that number 1 from the btm, with that walk in walk out role.


Ya Hui will be crowned Best Actress this year.  Don't believe, just watch.

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20 minutes ago, Guest said:


Ya Hui will be crowned Best Actress this year.  Don't believe, just watch.


No, Rebecca Lim will win again. She is the new queen after that publicity stunt.

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2 hours ago, Guest said:

My prediction for star awards 2016:

Best Actor : Hot Favorite - Qi YuWu 

                    Dark Horse - Shaun Chen

Best Actress : Hot Favorite - Jeanette Aw

                       Dark Horse - Rui En

Best Supporting Actor : Hot Favorite - Chen Tian Wen

                                       Dark Horse - Others have equal chances

Best Supporting Actress : Hot Favorite - Julie Tan

                                            Dark Horse - Paige Chua/Carrie Wong

Best Drama Serial : Hot Favorite - 118

                                Dark Horse - Tiger Mum/Crescendo

Best Evergreen Artiste : Hot Favorite - Hong Hui Fang

                                       Dark Horse - XiangYun/Chen Shu Cheng

Young Talent Award : Hot Favorite - Damien Teo

                                  Dark Horse - Ian Teng/Ezekiel Chee





what is there to predict about hot favorite?? everyone know the hot favorite also what...

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37 minutes ago, fab said:

Ouxuan will never get. Her performance is similiar, if not worse than the one, in po tian wang.


Let alone that number 1 from the btm, with that walk in walk out role.


po tian wang........................................dunno how she got nomination for that role

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30 minutes ago, Guest said:


Ya Hui will be crowned Best Actress this year.  Don't believe, just watch.


farnie la you........you will see riot outside mdc gate after that. my wise prediction say that it will be rui en or zoe tay or rebecca. but rebecca a bit hard becos 1) she win last year 2) she screwed up herself recently

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22 minutes ago, Guest said:


farnie la you........you will see riot outside mdc gate after that. my wise prediction say that it will be rui en or zoe tay or rebecca. but rebecca a bit hard becos 1) she win last year 2) she screwed up herself recently


The winner will be anyone except your idol Rui En.

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There were artistes who won 2 consecutive yrs b4 so it should not be a deterring factor for reb.



never argue with the guests. let them bark all they want.





After I have said what I wanna say, I don't care what you say.



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Just now, Guest said:


The Jeanette die hard fan is here. Don't worry, Zoe tay will win.


LOL, so you admit you are the Rui En lackey always defaming Jeanette.

I'm no fan of Jeanette, only a hater of Rui En's lackeys.

Don't worry, Rui En WON'T win.

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4 minutes ago, Guest said:



得罪太多人 that's why the scriptwriter gave this scene to make viewers enjoy


Julie should have given the black-faced eye-rolling bitch a few tight slaps.

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5 minutes ago, fab said:

There were artistes who won 2 consecutive yrs b4 so it should not be a deterring factor for reb.


Her role in Sealed with a Kiss is lousy and she screwed up recently with her publicity stunt.

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