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Mediacorp Artists - News And Gossips 新传媒新闻和八卦 (Compiled)

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Guest amidst_the_stars

See for yourself what a quarrelsome little bitch you are? :rolleyes:

You have once again tried to derail the topic again when no one is talking about you in this thread??? Thanks ah. :unsure:

No ah. I am trying to promote uall/u to take up this roles. Since you all say zoe tay is old, wrinkled, talentless and has nothing but a series of flops,then, you all must be really seriously talented to be constantly putting her down. Its your turn to shine and be the next top actress of mediacorp. Jia you :)

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No ah. I am trying to promote uall/u to take up this roles. Since you all say zoe tay is old, wrinkled, talentless and has nothing but a series of flops,then, you all must be really seriously talented to be constantly putting her down. Its your turn to shine and be the next top actress of mediacorp. Jia you :)

Thanks for your confirmation highlighted in red and bold. :thumb: :thumb:

I'm glad that I can find something we have in common from that paragraph of rubbish you wrote. :) I couldn't agree more. :clap:

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I donno as i dont watch TV.

Anyway according to what i find out online, Anjin is Lawrence Wong. But I have seen him in real person b4. He is less than 1.7m but Andie is at least 1.8m.

He looks so different now. Must have done something to his face.



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Guest amidst_the_stars

Thanks for your confirmation highlighted in red and bold. :thumb: :thumb:

I'm glad that I can find something we have in common from that paragraph of rubbish you wrote. :) I couldn't agree more. :clap:

No ah, I never highlight anything. I am just summarising what you and your friends have been describing Zoe Tay all this time. Don't pull me down the water I never said she was any of these things and I never agree with uall also :). You must be responsible for what you type you know, its not good to misquote and add words in other people's posts.

But jiayou k? Whether u want to be yu hong, qiao er, jiumei or li chang, go for it k??? Be the next QUEEN of Mediacorp. :clap: Bye bye !

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I donno as i dont watch TV.

Anyway according to what i find out online, Anjin is Lawrence Wong. But I have seen him in real person b4. He is less than 1.7m but Andie is at least 1.8m.

He looks so different now. Must have done something to his face.

yup i agree.. still remember the letter days... he looked so diff.. now is like rather delicious hehe

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Guest Guest2

See for yourself what a quarrelsome little bitch you are? :rolleyes:

You have once again tried to derail the topic again when no one is talking about you in this thread??? Thanks ah. :unsure:

What to do, a sore loser like amidst_the_stars can only retaliate by taking cheap potshots! Notice how he has completely run out of arguments to defend Zoe Tay, his idol (although he denies it, as expected)?

This is most disgraceful behaviour coming from her bunch of supporters.

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Guest ltr21

But jiayou k? Whether u want to be yu hong, qiao er, jiumei or li chang, go for it k??? Be the next QUEEN of Mediacorp. :clap: Bye bye !

It's Li Guang, not Li Chang.

Can't even tell the difference between 厂 and 广? :rolleyes: :whistle:

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Guest Guest2

It's Li Guang, not Li Chang.

Can't even tell the difference between 厂 and 广? :rolleyes: :whistle:

OMG LOL, this is really very xia suay!

Looks like our good friend ATS has a word recognition/pronunciation problem, just like his idol, when she kept saying "Ye Yicen". LOL!

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Wallace Ang, former Star Search participant.

Wallace Ang? He doesnt look like this previously. He is a dj with some station now rite?



never argue with the guests. let them bark all they want.





After I have said what I wanna say, I don't care what you say.



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They can go flaunt their dramatic talents and be at their bitchy best in the show. Their chance to make it big and prove that they can act better den Zoe Tay since they regard her as talentless.

What kind of f*cked up logic is that??

Since when did her critics call themselves Queen of Caldecott, No. 1 Ah Jie, 千面女郎 and all those fake glowing epithets?

If Zoe Tay wants to call herself all that, then be prepared to live up to those high-falutin titles.

Her critics never called themselves that, they never even called themselves actors or actresses for that matter.

Based on your retarded logic, someone must be an actor/actress before he/she can criticise Zoe Tay?!

Stupid. :rolleyes:

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Guest amidst_the_stars

should be 01 or 03.

The first time I've ever seen him on TV was in Holland V. Wonder why he never got to sign a fulltime contract with Mediacorp.

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Many have predicted or urge for her downfall. :thumb:


LOL the comments are damn funny :clap:

Pregnant also wanna cause such big hooha. Wonder what action mediacorpse gonna do to her.

Seem like her days as undisputed No1 in Mediacorpse are numbered. Anyway even if she dun make such comment, her days are also numbered hahaha

juz her usual publicity stunts lah ... u noe how desperate she can b at times ...

And also her career is on a free fall nowadays, must kpkb abit to let ppl know she still ard.

Bull shit. During her 1st pregnancy, she kept talking abt all these benefits of breastmilk... then she took on a commercial abt weight loss pills. The thing abt that weight loss pills was - breast feeding mom should not be taking weight loss pills.

Paid big bucks to swallow.....why not ?

I think Zoe is not worthy of the "Cadecott Queen" title (at all). Not really that talented (can't sing) and gorgeous compared to the Taiwanese. Not at all impressed by her so-called "acting skills". She has been sitting on the throne for many years and its time for her to let others to take over.

at first ok lah but the rest make her look not so good. Recent years she completely lost it.

Should have drop her long time ago liao lah.

Mouth so big.

Voice so coarse.

Acting so fake.

Her ads all contradict each other.

No job now so can spend more time "swallowing". Pity the hubby though.

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LOL the comments are damn funny :clap:

Pregnant also wanna cause such big hooha. Wonder what action mediacorpse gonna do to her.

Seem like her days as undisputed No1 in Mediacorpse are numbered. Anyway even if she dun make such comment, her days are also numbered hahaha

juz her usual publicity stunts lah ... u noe how desperate she can b at times ...

And also her career is on a free fall nowadays, must kpkb abit to let ppl know she still ard.

Bull shit. During her 1st pregnancy, she kept talking abt all these benefits of breastmilk... then she took on a commercial abt weight loss pills. The thing abt that weight loss pills was - breast feeding mom should not be taking weight loss pills.

Paid big bucks to swallow.....why not ?

I think Zoe is not worthy of the "Cadecott Queen" title (at all). Not really that talented (can't sing) and gorgeous compared to the Taiwanese. Not at all impressed by her so-called "acting skills". She has been sitting on the throne for many years and its time for her to let others to take over.

at first ok lah but the rest make her look not so good. Recent years she completely lost it.

Should have drop her long time ago liao lah.

Mouth so big.

Voice so coarse.

Acting so fake.

Her ads all contradict each other.

No job now so can spend more time "swallowing". Pity the hubby though.

Words in bold has a very good point. Maybe she is good, but not good enough anymore since the rest have all improved and better than her over the years. This lazy and complacent actress thinks she can hang on there infinitely with her expired fame, while everyone just can't wait to spit on her. :yuk:

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Guest Guest2

This lazy and complacent actress thinks she can hang on there infinitely with her expired fame, while everyone just can't wait to spit on her. :yuk:

LOL @ words in bold!!

This old hag is riding on her artificially manufactured fame to stage a "comeback" every other year. Too bad her orgasm is getting weaker and weaker, no amount of Viagra can help pump up that flaccid and deflated career of hers.

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LOL @ words in bold!!

This old hag is riding on her artificially manufactured fame to stage a "comeback" every other year. Too bad her orgasm is getting weaker and weaker, no amount of Viagra can help pump up that flaccid and deflated career of hers.

She can forget about it, nobody is interested.

90k box office is very telling, if she had that many supporters, they would be there to fill up the seats.

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Guest bitchy

She can forget about it, nobody is interested.

90k box office is very telling, if she had that many supporters, they would be there to fill up the seats.

my conclusion, after reading the many posts here: life is such a bitch!!!

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Guest Guest2

She can forget about it, nobody is interested.

90k box office is very telling, if she had that many supporters, they would be there to fill up the seats.

I'm sure part of the 90k came from HPB also.

Looks like the only way for her to revive her popularity, is to do a Mavis Hee and run into RWS shouting "I am better than Fann Wong!" :lol: at least can get some sympathy for her mental condition lor :whistle:

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I'm sure part of the 90k came from HPB also.

Looks like the only way for her to revive her popularity, is to do a Mavis Hee and run into RWS shouting "I am better than Fann Wong!" :lol: at least can get some sympathy for her mental condition lor :whistle:

what's there to revive for her?

She just has to accept that her golden days of acting as sweet young things (in 20s or even 30s) is over. She will just need to move on and and play roles suitable for her age.

Else, she may consider quitting showbiz like some of her predecessors. Afterall, her biggest achievement in the showbiz should be her husband.



never argue with the guests. let them bark all they want.





After I have said what I wanna say, I don't care what you say.



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Guest Guest2

what's there to revive for her?

She just has to accept that her golden days of acting as sweet young things (in 20s or even 30s) is over. She will just need to move on and and play roles suitable for her age.

Else, she may consider quitting showbiz like some of her predecessors. Afterall, her biggest achievement in the showbiz should be her husband.

Audiences are just not taking to her, be it roles suitable for her age (Love Cuts) or otherwise (Ultimatum).

Maybe she should just quit from acting and just appear on mag covers as a Photoshopped mag whore. At least got some occasional exposure, $$ and can leave deluded readers with a good impression. :rolleyes:

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Guest amidst_the_stars

what's there to revive for her?

She just has to accept that her golden days of acting as sweet young things (in 20s or even 30s) is over. She will just need to move on and and play roles suitable for her age.

Else, she may consider quitting showbiz like some of her predecessors. Afterall, her biggest achievement in the showbiz should be her husband.

Actually she was never really typecast as the sweet young thing. That was Fann Wong. However, the point abt her playing roles suited for her age is valid.

And no offence, but just want to point out that your post just further encourages that schizo guest forumer to continuously regurgitate his verbal diarrohea here, leaving an unbearable stench. If you know what I mean.

And i thought you dun really watch TV?

Edited by amidst_the_stars
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Guest Guest2

Actually she was never really typecast as the sweet young thing. That was Fann Wong. However, the point abt her playing roles suited for her age is valid.

And no offence, but just want to point out that your post just further encourages that schizo guest forumer to continuously regurgitate his verbal diarrohea here, leaving an unbearable stench. If you know what I mean.

And i thought you dun really watch TV?

See lah, quarrelsome little bitch acting as forum police again, so high-and-mighty and so judgmental.

死性不改 :rolleyes:

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Actually she was never really typecast as the sweet young thing. That was Fann Wong. However, the point abt her playing roles suited for her age is valid.

And no offence, but just want to point out that your post just further encourages that schizo guest forumer to continuously regurgitate his verbal diarrohea here, leaving an unbearable stench. If you know what I mean.

And i thought you dun really watch TV?

May I edit "sweet young things" to "glam young things"?

Yes, I do know what u mean. Hence I was trying to put an end by saying "what's there to revive". If u know what i mean too.

No i hardly watch. But I do read news.



never argue with the guests. let them bark all they want.





After I have said what I wanna say, I don't care what you say.



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Hence I was trying to put an end by saying "what's there to revive". If u know what i mean too.

No need to explain yourself unnecessarily, what you said is clear.

Those officious self-appointed thread police should just f*ck off if they don't like what they read. :rolleyes:

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Guest amidst_the_stars

May I edit "sweet young things" to "glam young things"?

Yes, I do know what u mean. Hence I was trying to put an end by saying "what's there to revive". If u know what i mean too.

No i hardly watch. But I do read news.

Icic. Den what do u watch for entertainment ? I gather from the words below and your display nick that u prob prefer Taiwanese variety shows and HK TVB serials?

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Maybe she should just quit from acting and just appear on mag covers as a Photoshopped mag whore. At least got some occasional exposure, $$ and can leave deluded readers with a good impression. :rolleyes:

LOL. During the height of the Ultimatum wrinkles saga, 8 Days chief editor Ms Tan Lee Sun admitted that Zoe's mag covers underwent photoshop. :clap:

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Icic. Den what do u watch for entertainment ? I gather from the words below and your display nick that u prob prefer Taiwanese variety shows and HK TVB serials?

So smart.

Anyway, cos someone said the guy next to Andie is Fann's bro in Be happy, so i went to watch (but dont see him in the show at all from epi 5 to 9).

I notice Chen hanwei presented the married man role in a very bitchy, feminine and aunty manner.



never argue with the guests. let them bark all they want.





After I have said what I wanna say, I don't care what you say.



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Guest amidst_the_stars

So smart.

Anyway, cos someone said the guy next to Andie is Fann's bro in Be happy, so i went to watch (but dont see him in the show at all from epi 5 to 9).

I notice Chen hanwei presented the married man role in a very bitchy, feminine and aunty manner.

Yeah he is abit. And Fann is surprisingly watchable. The cutesy sweetness is still there but presented in a more mature, and self-deprecating way. She's no longer as cloyingly sweet as previously. I realised her Chinese accent is heavily influenced by Taiwan and China. V diff in contrast to Singaporean chinese. Guess thats the result from working overseas alot.

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Guest amidst_the_stars

I am in awe of Fann Wong. How does she manage to stay so youthful and beautiful despite having reached the dreaded 40 ????

And the best thing is, she doesn't seem to have any visible plastic surgeries done on her face. And even if there is, she doesn't look plastified and elastified. 40 already leh. She looks like she is in the same age group as Jeanette Aw !

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ON the contrary, I tot her complexion looks too "tight" for a 40 yo. Pan Lingling's complexion may not be as procelain as hers, but PLL definitely looks more natural for a 40 yo. To a certain degree, FW reminds me very much of Carol Cheng and Nicole Kidman.

JA looks very haggard for her age. Not sure is it her make up but she looks more like cynthia and/or Ann's age group.



never argue with the guests. let them bark all they want.





After I have said what I wanna say, I don't care what you say.



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Guest amidst_the_stars

Ok la , maybe Fann goes for IPL treatments often??? Yeah PLL looks more natural and she still is very pretty.

I dun tink Jeanette Aw looks haggard,but i do think she's alittle too skinny. And Ann is also another actress that doesn't look her age. She's 38 and she looks like shes juz approaching 30 or barely 30. Put her next to Jesseca and they look the same in terms of age. And Ann is also becoming a really fine actress, even better than Cynthia Koh.

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Be fair to PLL (41) and ZT (43) who are the mother of 2 and 3 respectively. FW (40) & AK (39) are not a mum yet, so the comparison is not an apple to an apple, not fair at all.

Having a kid is no joke, set aside the damage of pregancy to a women's body and looking. All pigment, wrinkles, bla bla start to appear after preg and gave birth...whats more the endless f**k from the hubby?

It is the same to compare yrself to your pees who are married with kids. PLU has less stress on the kids of course can look better. Whats more we have more $$$ and more time to spend to doll up ourselves?


Ok la , maybe Fann goes for IPL treatments often??? Yeah PLL looks more natural and she still is very pretty.

I dun tink Jeanette Aw looks haggard,but i do think she's alittle too skinny. And Ann is also another actress that doesn't look her age. She's 38 and she looks like shes juz approaching 30 or barely 30. Put her next to Jesseca and they look the same in terms of age. And Ann is also becoming a really fine actress, even better than Cynthia Koh.

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wang jian fu left mediacorps and is now acting in taiwan serial

NITELIFE also known as LIFE IN A NITEMARKET currently showing weekend 7pm slot

he started from episode 325 whereas singapore is now at abt 10th episode

he put on a refreshing credible fine performance.

it just show mediacorp does not how to use talent or

creating a watchable drama series

his surprising serious perfomance is excellent as completely opposite to his madcap comedian act in sg.

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I havent watched this new show hence I am not sure what kind of role he's playing and shant comment.

Nevertheless up till now, I still dont think that he is the deserving winner for Star search Nth batch. He simply lacks the brooding good looks of a leading man. Standing next to 715, he really has not much of star appeal to talk about.

He should be contented playing supporting characters roles.

wang jian fu left mediacorps and is now acting in taiwan serial

NITELIFE also known as LIFE IN A NITEMARKET currently showing weekend 7pm slot

he started from episode 325 whereas singapore is now at abt 10th episode

he put on a refreshing credible fine performance.

it just show mediacorp does not how to use talent or

creating a watchable drama series

his surprising serious perfomance is excellent as completely opposite to his madcap comedian act in sg.



never argue with the guests. let them bark all they want.





After I have said what I wanna say, I don't care what you say.



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nightlife is showing in taiwan and up to last night, it is at 330rd chapter.

i followed this show online.

wang plays a serious up and coming doctor.

in singapore he starred as a half baked nitwit comedian.

so whilst in taiwan, can only assume him putting up only a mediocre performance.

but totally surprised, he at more at ease as a doctor contrary to his image here in mediacorps.

never had good impression of him before, but now have change my opinion.

you just have to wait for a little over 150 (3yrs) weekends to catch his performance to voice your opinion.

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Guest amidst_the_stars

I havent watched this new show hence I am not sure what kind of role he's playing and shant comment.

Nevertheless up till now, I still dont think that he is the deserving winner for Star search Nth batch. He simply lacks the brooding good looks of a leading man. Standing next to 715, he really has not much of star appeal to talk about.

He should be contented playing supporting characters roles.

Can't believe 715 is from the 1999 star search batch. He has really blossomed tremendously since then. I prefer him over DYT anytime. He's like the male version of Rui En, less spunky but more culturally refined.

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At least Christy's breasts is much bigger than hers, younger than her, less wrinkly than her. She is jealous of all younger woman, look at how she criticised Fiona Xie. :yuk:

What to do, she's no longer a spring chicken, she's just an old hen with faded drooping feathers.

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NOt sure what has he done to his face but he sure is getting hotter.



never argue with the guests. let them bark all they want.





After I have said what I wanna say, I don't care what you say.



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Guest amidst_the_stars

I thought his nom for Best Supporting Actor was a joke. Seriously, why not Chen Shucheng in With You? He was 1000000000000x better den Andie and was also the most touching character after Rui En's. Aiyah dunno wth is Mediacorp thinking. No wonder so many people have left.

He's going on a self-promotion spree after getting a hot bod. Don't really care.

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He's going on a self-promotion spree after getting a hot bod. Don't really care.

If he were rubbing his durian-seed 6 pack abs onto your cock tip and seducing you into a missionary position, I'm sure you'd care. :rolleyes:

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Guest Guest

I thought his nom for Best Supporting Actor was a joke. Seriously, why not Chen Shucheng in With You? He was 1000000000000x better den Andie and was also the most touching character after Rui En's. Aiyah dunno wth is Mediacorp thinking. No wonder so many people have left.

He's going on a self-promotion spree after getting a hot bod. Don't really care.

Ya damn it!

Best supporting actor should have been given to BOBO with her manly voice.

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Wow Andie's skin... wow how drastic



"The two of us are living in the same era, believing in the same future

Yesterday’s tears and today’s smiles will stay true

We’ve experienced the same pain, we’ve gathered the same kindness

And we’ll turn them into the strength to live on tomorrow"



progress - ayumi hamasaki


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