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You should post the theme song she sang for her June 1999 drama 'Lost Soul' 另类佳人.

She played a lost soul (literally) in cheongsam, crooning eerie romantic songs with her ghastly singing technique.

No wonder the drama flopped, fell out of top 10.

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5 minutes ago, Guest Guest said:

You should post the theme song she sang for her June 1999 drama 'Lost Soul' 另类佳人.

She played a lost soul (literally) in cheongsam, crooning eerie romantic songs with her ghastly singing technique.

No wonder the drama flopped, fell out of top 10.

This gd song ah?


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7 hours ago, FluteGuan said:


Thomas Hartono (father)
Jocelyn Tjioe (mother


So where's he born? Sg or indo? Anyway he looks like one manhunt winner, i think also nathan.


53 minutes ago, FluteGuan said:


The song is 如果.

first sung by li ji mei for sbc drama series.


In the same compilation album

While fann wong got to cover maggie tengs 如何对你说,zoe covered 如果。

没有事我不能做 (there's nothing I can't do)





Lz is as old as ljm, y is she doing a cover for the latter? At least fw is at least a decade younger than dmh.


19 minutes ago, Guest Guest said:

Please post better stuff like TPH and Ix's sex drama rather than the old hag's flop dramas.





The producer should ve roped in James lye. Knowing the attention will be on the guys, the actresses r all C listers.



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3 hours ago, fab said:


So where's he born? Sg or indo? Anyway he looks like one manhunt winner, i think also nathan.



Lz is as old as ljm, y is she doing a cover for the latter? At least fw is at least a decade younger than dmh.


The producer should ve roped in James lye. Knowing the attention will be on the guys, the actresses r all C listers.

Born n bred in Sg la.


His indon chin folks immigrated here. Rich indon chin ga ma,,,


His maternal grandpa owns tunglok ok!


Tt manhunt nathan is son of a preacherman... but gayish,


This nathan is younger fresher and manly. Even when he does the jazzy moves, he does it in a manly way,


Cos laozoe cant sing la. So they chose an easy song for her...

even the  she cant make it

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1 hour ago, FluteGuan said:





Li ji mei in yellow with unker wang and aunty cbf. Unker wang was often paired with ljm who crossovered to singing.


Wyq still a stiff green kkj then. 



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<blockquote class="instagram-media" data-instgrm-version="7" style=" background:#FFF; border:0; border-radius:3px; box-shadow:0 0 1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.5),0 1px 10px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.15); margin: 1px; max-width:658px; padding:0; width:99.375%; width:-webkit-calc(100% - 2px); width:calc(100% - 2px);"><div style="padding:8px;"> <div style=" background:#F8F8F8; line-height:0; margin-top:40px; padding:62.4537037037% 0; text-align:center; width:100%;"> <div style=" background:url(); display:block; height:44px; margin:0 auto -44px; position:relative; top:-22px; width:44px;"></div></div><p style=" color:#c9c8cd; font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; line-height:17px; margin-bottom:0; margin-top:8px; overflow:hidden; padding:8px 0 7px; text-align:center; text-overflow:ellipsis; white-space:nowrap;"><a href="https://www.instagram.com/p/BH4ZwArAN4i/" style=" color:#c9c8cd; font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; font-style:normal; font-weight:normal; line-height:17px; text-decoration:none;" target="_blank">A photo posted by Zoe Tay鄭惠玉 (@zoetay10)</a> on <time style=" font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; line-height:17px;" datetime="2016-07-15T11:58:29+00:00">Jul 15, 2016 at 4:58am PDT</time></p></div></blockquote> <script async defer src="//platform.instagram.com/en_US/embeds.js"></script>

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7 hours ago, Guest Guest said:


Why do people care about such things in the past?

i tink tt was pre internet era...


And sbc artistes were big timers. Esp the actors n actresses


pp were less sophisticated and being on telly wasa big thing.

look at the audience in those recorded variety shows, they look like theyre high or something lol

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错失首届《才华》 ‘嫉妒’郑惠玉








患病期间想复工 经纪人劝休息











never argue with the guests. let them bark all they want.





After I have said what I wanna say, I don't care what you say.



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Guest chia leon
1 hour ago, Guest Guest said:

Do you think Ian Fang will make it to Top 10 Most Popular Male Artistes next year?

of course. he has the backing of 1.3b 同志 u know... one person one call can liao

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Guest Peh Xinyi
On 17/07/2016 at 4:44 PM, fab said:


And yet hes so proud of this achievement n can brag about it. 


Really sama sama with lz. Very proud of many best actress nominations but 1 win.


He actually bragged to the local media that now 1.3 billion people knows him. Pui!

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Guest chia leon
2 hours ago, fab said:














错失首届《才华》 ‘嫉妒’郑惠玉








患病期间想复工 经纪人劝休息









where is this from?

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Guest Guest2
20 minutes ago, Guest Guest said:

Old slut of mediacorp didn't offer her cb for Jackie Chan???



Maybe old slut got rejected?

Jackie is not interested in expired cheebyes who has been around.

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Deleted Scenes of pll after she refused to be 潜。


If it's someone else her legs would be readily open big big.



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39 minutes ago, Guest Guest2 said:


Maybe old slut got rejected?

Jackie is not interested in expired cheebyes who has been around.

Jackie chan was given pics of tcs actresses to assess.

he said laozao was 乡土味。

when told tt was "our" ahjie, he stood by what he said.


Pll on the other hand, was featured in the then chinese mag from tcs. The lao tiko saw her cover pic and just had to have her.



Pll wd have become a kept woman had she been so gian guan of fame.


 BUt no, she was a trad lady.

even acting on tv, she refused to kiss


When it came to intimate scenes , she wd use up tons of double sided tape, to tape her blouse to her chest. JuST in case her boobs zaogeng. Tts how 保守pll was.


Laozoe on the other hand, was a sHOw all, right from the start,

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Other than pll, there was zll


She was prettier than laozoe and non slutty.


She refused to kiss wyq even in her early first series. Mi li ye, die , butterfly.




She may not look it, but she has angmo blood and her surname was very Angmo, but her granny remarried and she used the chinese surname zhu.


Like pll, she chose marriage over fame.


Married a local scholar and lived overseas, most notably in japan.

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Lao zoe was smart, i have to say, no looks so use her 2 balls.

if she hadnt used tt, she wd have lost out to the many pretty babes of tt tome.

pll, zll, even now fatty aunty zheng wan ling. AH LIAN turned panama diplomat wife,


All these linglings pawned her in terms of looks

Edited by FluteGuan
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19 minutes ago, FluteGuan said:

Jackie chan was given pics of tcs actresses to assess.

he said laozao was 乡土味。

when told tt was "our" ahjie, he stood by what he said.


Pll on the other hand, was featured in the then chinese mag from tcs. The lao tiko saw her cover pic and just had to have her.



Pll wd have become a kept woman had she been so gian guan of fame.


 BUt no, she was a trad lady.

even acting on tv, she refused to kiss


When it came to intimate scenes , she wd use up tons of double sided tape, to tape her blouse to her chest. JuST in case her boobs zaogeng. Tts how 保守pll was.


Laozoe on the other hand, was a sHOw all, right from the start,


I stand by his 乡土味 remarks too.


Whats trad?


19 minutes ago, FluteGuan said:

Other than pll, there was zll


She was prettier than laozoe and non slutty.

Who is not.


14 minutes ago, FluteGuan said:



period dramas was something she excelled in. Something tt laozoe cdnt beat. Lu 2 nai.


Come on there r many things lz can't fight. Anyway zwl speaks fluent english not the i is ah jie std.



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Guest chia leon
15 minutes ago, fab said:


I stand by his 乡土味 remarks too.


Whats trad?


Who is not.



Come on there r many things lz can't fight. Anyway zwl speaks fluent english not the i is ah jie std.

I kapo.. trad is traditional I guess...

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13 minutes ago, fab said:


I stand by his 乡土味 remarks too.


Whats trad?


Who is not.



Come on there r many things lz can't fight. Anyway zwl speaks fluent english not the i is ah jie std.

Now fluent la. When zwl started out, she was lianish.



Even had to ask xianyun jie for help.

sista how to read this word a?

of cos xy jie is very kind and helped her la.


One of zwls first roles was pairing with hong gup rui shushu. 吾爱吾家or something. 



She never 打压pp one, this xiangyun joe


Trad as in traditional la.

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Now fluent la. When zwl started out, she was lianish.



Even had to ask xianyun jie for help.

sista how to read this word a?

of cos xy jie is very kind and helped her la.


One of zwls first roles was pairing with hong guo rui shushu. 吾爱吾家or something. 



She never 打压pp one, this xiangyun jie


But zwl luckily break off with the poor chen tian wen mr unbelievable. Her mum didnt like him cos he was poor... and zwl finally broke off....



Luckily she ended up well, married the panama angmo. Now a rich successful socialite


Trad as in traditional la.

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Guest Guest
42 minutes ago, FluteGuan said:

Lao zoe was smart, i have to say, no looks so use her 2 balls.

if she hadnt used tt, she wd have lost out to the many pretty babes of tt tome.

pll, zll, even now fatty aunty zheng wan ling. AH LIAN turned panama diplomat wife,


All these linglings pawned her in terms of looks


Can someone post the Transitlink card featuring Lao Zoe in nothing except a fur wrap around her cheebye?

If PETA was here in Singapore, they would have picketed Caldecott Hill and burnt her posters outside Radio Gate!

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17 minutes ago, Guest chia leon said:

I kapo.. trad is traditional I guess...


Much as i know its a positive word, i cant help linking triad, knowing flutey problematic keypad. Hehe.


Zwl is not lianish, she is kandang. Anyway zwl is an excellent actress. Regardless elegant ladies or funny aunties, she demonstrated a graceful transit.

Edited by fab



never argue with the guests. let them bark all they want.





After I have said what I wanna say, I don't care what you say.



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Guest Guest 2
41 minutes ago, Guest Guest said:


Can someone post the Transitlink card featuring Lao Zoe in nothing except a fur wrap around her cheebye?

If PETA was here in Singapore, they would have picketed Caldecott Hill and burnt her posters outside Radio Gate!


The cheap slut can be found on carousell for $20 with the fur around her lao cheebye.




Singapore's most photographed slut.

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49 minutes ago, fab said:



Much as i know its a positive word, i cant help linking triad, knowing flutey problematic keypad. Hehe.


Zwl is not lianish, she is kandang. Anyway zwl is an excellent actress. Regardless elegant ladies or funny aunties, she demonstrated a graceful transit.

Siao triad ...u tink hk issit?


Zwl talking is chorloh one...


And her cantonese cmi. When hk directors were employed to make sbc tcs dramas.... quite a few had potty mouth





They were damned pissed at zels bochup merry go lucky spirit and scolded her all the vulgar canto words...but zel didnt even know ..


Just continue her singaong make merry ways.


She was quite la ta ....one.



Anywhere film... also never mind. Just find a piece of cardboard and can sleep in the drain!


No kidding. Ask the veterans who worked with her...all know abt zwl.


But she was very likable, nevertheless..


Everyone just knew she was a bit 38, lol



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29 minutes ago, Guest Guest 2 said:

Singapore's most photographed slut.

And photoshopped 2.


6 minutes ago, FluteGuan said:

Siao triad ...u tink hk issit?


Zwl talking is chorloh one...


And her cantonese cmi. When hk directors were employed to make sbc tcs dramas.... quite a few had potty mouth





They were damned pissed at zels bochup merry go lucky spirit and scolded her all the vulgar canto words...but zel didnt even know ..


Just continue her singaong make merry ways.


She was quite la ta ....one.



Anywhere film... also never mind. Just find a piece of cardboard and can sleep in the drain!


No kidding. Ask the veterans who worked with her...all know abt zwl.


But she was very likable, nevertheless..


Everyone just knew she was a bit 38, lol




She was mostly 儍大姐 n righteous. Much as shes loud, shes more class than that kampong lian.



never argue with the guests. let them bark all they want.





After I have said what I wanna say, I don't care what you say.



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Guest Guest
1 hour ago, Guest Guest 2 said:


The cheap slut can be found on carousell for $20 with the fur around her lao cheebye.




Singapore's most photographed slut.


Her lackeys are fucking delusional if they think this photoshopped old slut in fur can fetch $20.


Remember how stacks of her 1998 EP were sitting unsold at the former HMV Heeren going for $1 each

(and yet no one was picking up the bait for these purportedly 'limited edition' EPs)???


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Guest Guest 2
50 minutes ago, Guest Guest said:


Her lackeys are fucking delusional if they think this photoshopped old slut in fur can fetch $20.


Remember how stacks of her 1998 EP were sitting unsold at the former HMV Heeren going for $1 each

(and yet no one was picking up the bait for these purportedly 'limited edition' EPs)???



They are trying to make a profit here by selling it for $5




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6 minutes ago, FluteGuan said:

Excellent condition, ok! Lol


Bought n chucked.



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After I have said what I wanna say, I don't care what you say.



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Guest Guest

Pan Lingling's collaboration with Jackie Chan was not the end of the story!  

Because of his positive impression of Singapore actresses, Jackie came to Singapore to scout for actresses for his movie, 红番区 Rumble in the Bronx.

That was when he was given Lao Zoe's pic.  He said she had 乡村味.  


The role eventually went to Hong Kong actress Anita Mui.

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On the day he was told the good news, Mark said he bumped into Fann Wong, who was behind him, at the TV station. She gave him the thumbs up sign and he struck 4D second prize for the number “0400” on that very day.


Looking back on his fortuitous encounter with Fann, he jokingly remarked, “Thank goodness I bumped into the second Ah Jie-in-waiting and she gave me a ‘good’ sign which helped me to win the second prize. Luckily it’s not the sixth Ah Jie-in-waiting, can you imagine if it’s Ann Kok ? I’d have won the consolation prize instead. (Laughs)”

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