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Mediacorp Artists - News And Gossips 新传媒新闻和八卦 (Compiled)

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Anyone remember Julian Low from Polo Boys? I've seen his dick before! I was at Plaza Sing and he walked in with Primero Ang (from Polo Boys as well)! Guys, he is uncut and slightly above average. Maybe about 4" soft. His fore skin is also very nice and thin and he pulled it back halfway while he peed!

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To me, Zoe Tay is still the most iconic chinese drama actress in Singapore. I think what she needs is a great drama that will bring out the best in her. I always feel that she has this "glam" aura, and she should keep that up and doll up. Those films of hers that i think bring out the best in her, and those i really liked - was when she glam it up as some gambling queen, power career woman, etc. I really like Zoe, but those roles where she was intentionally made very plain or auntie - are not suitable for her in my opinion. I hope TCS can really custom-make a TV drama or even movie for her - something along the concept of Singapore's version of "Sex and the City". Singapore version, we tone down on the sex portion. But we can still have the glam - Zoe wearing fabulous designer clothes,shoes, bags, etc and living a glam power career woman life in singapore city with her other 3 equally glamarous BFFs in their 40s. Lots of glam, lots of controversial issues in Singapore to be brought out through this drama!!

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I hope TCS can really custom-make a TV drama or even movie for her - something along the concept of Singapore's version of "Sex and the City". Singapore version, we tone down on the sex portion. But we can still have the glam - Zoe wearing fabulous designer clothes,shoes, bags, etc and living a glam power career woman life in singapore city with her other 3 equally glamarous BFFs in their 40s.

MediaCorp already customised one very meaty role for her 2.5 years ago in The Ultimatum, where she, playing a CEO, was trussed up in glam designer wear and Birkins daily and had a very meaty role and many opportunities to show off her acting chops.

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"Hi, I'm back."

Zoe Tay was good for a short stint in the 90s and she went downhill from then on. I can't bear to watch her shows anymore, same boring expression, substandard acting in all her recent roles. I don't understand why mediacorp is giving her so many chances given her poor track records. It is so unfair to other hardworking actresses like Michelle Chong or Yvonne Lim who can do better than her anytime.

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Why is this old hag called "undisputed queen of cadecott hill??" Which group of idiots agreed upon that?? what kind of undisputed achievements? Big titles and she can't live up to it! That only makes her look useless as hell.

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Many years ago there was this Ah Jie who loved to take other people's things and misplace them.

One day, the wife of a top actor (who has been romantically linked to Ah Jie), could not find something that belonged to her actor husband. She got wind that Ah Jie had hidden it.

Unable to take the liaison rumours and Ah Jie's antics any longer, the wife stormed up to Ah Jie and confronted her, telling her to return her hubby's stuff.

Ah Jie cried and complained to the management. The wife was subsequently cold-storaged.

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Guest muguiying
Many years ago there was this Ah Jie who loved to take other people's things and misplace them. One day, the wife of a top actor (who has been romantically linked to Ah Jie), could not find something that belonged to her actor husband. She got wind that Ah Jie had hidden it. Unable to take the liaison rumours and Ah Jie's antics any longer, the wife stormed up to Ah Jie and confronted her, telling her to return her hubby's stuff. Ah Jie cried and complained to the management. The wife was subsequently cold-storaged.

Dear Guest, now I know who you're and why you're always here bitching/fighting Ah Jie like your family's woman warriors had done in Song Dynasty. You're the ex-wife of the ex-Top Actor. That explains.

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Dear Guest, now I know who you're and why you're always here bitching/fighting Ah Jie like your family's woman warriors had done in Song Dynasty. You're the ex-wife of the ex-Top Actor. That explains.

You think Ah Jie = Zoe Tay??

Fann Wong could be equally guilty as the one who loved to take others things and misplacing them.

Unless you're already admitting to Zoe's guilt.


With stupid fans like you, Zoe Tay needs no detractors.

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Zoe Tay was good for a short stint in the 90s and she went downhill from then on. I can't bear to watch her shows anymore, same boring expression, substandard acting in all her recent roles. I don't understand why mediacorp is giving her so many chances given her poor track records. It is so unfair to other hardworking actresses like Michelle Chong or Yvonne Lim who can do better than her anytime.


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HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA 6:50 Who is this old hag????? Michelle Chong reads blowingwind.

Yes, Michelle Chong definitely reads BlowingWind, I mentioned this sometime back too.

"Who is this old hag?"


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This deplorable chow aunty will now be the official OLD HAG after Mdm Nancy Goh's stint.

Look at Pan Lingling in A Song to Remember, her skin is flawless, smooth and clear even without any makeup. No wrinkles even when close-up.

Zoe Tay? The unofficial old hag last time, now the official old hag. :D

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Quan Yifeng escapes jail term



Thursday, Dec 29, 2011

Television host Quan Yifeng has been sentenced to 15 months' probation for an altercation she had with a taxi driver more than a year ago, The Straits Times reported today.

She had pleaded guilty to a charge of mischief last month after pulling out the fare meter and spilling water on the receipt printer in Mr Chan Swee Kong's taxi during a dispute on June 26 last year.

District Judge Low Wee Ping took into account that she had suffered from post-natal depression after giving birth to her daughter in 1999 and had been receiving treatment for severe depression, anxiety and sleep problems since 2007.

However, these factors did not condone her actions, he said. He also warned her that any breach of the conditions of the probation could see her back in court for sentencing of this offence, as well as any other new ones.

According to the English daily, Quan will not be allowed to travel overseas without the permission of her probation officer and will have to report in within 24 hours of her return.

She will also need to attend psychiatric treatment and psychological counseling for anger management.

Her grandaunt Mary Chen Ming Li signed a $3,000 bond to ensure Quan's behaviour during the probation period.

The bond will be forfeited if Quan breaches any of the conditions or reoffends.

According to The Straits Times, Quan arrived at the Subordinate Courts in a Mercedes-Benz with Ms Chen.

She was dressed in a front-zipped long-sleeved black top and black pants and sported a copper red hair-do.

She smiled for photographers while entering the Subordinate Courts at 9.20am.

The incident happened after Quan commented on the bad service of the 53-year-old cabby, after he refused to help load her luggage into the boot of the taxi.

Later, Mr Chan slammed on the brakes to avoid a collision with a vehicle, throwing the TV host and her then 11-year-old daughter forward.

The situation worsened when Quan messed up Mr Chan's belongings and damaged the taxi equipment.

Two other charges of mischief and using criminal force were considered by the judge in sentencing

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Look at Pan Lingling in A Song to Remember, her skin is flawless, smooth and clear even without any makeup. No wrinkles even when close-up.

Zoe Tay? The unofficial old hag last time, now the official old hag. :D

She was an old hag in 2002, now it 2012. She's OLDER HAG.

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Guest maxiplay
This rabid bitch should at least get 5 rotans across her CB or a leash around her bitch neck.

where got enough, should give her at least 20 rotans :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

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Guest QuanYiFug


Post natal depression in 1999

Incident happened in 2010, why is that relevant??

Is she a misled underage brat who can't tell what's right or wrong??


She should be jailed!

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I'd like to clarify that I'm neither anti nor pro Zoe Tay. It's just that i came across The Noose and since they made reference to Zoe, and reading this forum, I was just being cheeky to post it here.

Having said, Mediacorp often have strict censorship of their own content and they won't lightly poke fun at their own employee. After all, which company will intentionally humiliate their own staff?

So if this managed to pass and get screened publicly, either Zoe gave tacit approval (then you can say she is very 大方), or even the management can't stand her and sabo her.

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It's probably just a case of being richer or more well connected mean that you have access to resources that others don't to help you in a court case. For example, access to psychiatric examination, doctors, accountants, lawyers and etc who are experienced in helping you to present your case in a better light. At the same time, you also get help in terms of presenting yourself when being questioned.

When one is poor, it is unlikely that one can afford the above. That is what makes the difference.

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Guest Superoll
I'd like to clarify that I'm neither anti nor pro Zoe Tay. It's just that i came across The Noose and since they made reference to Zoe, and reading this forum, I was just being cheeky to post it here. Having said, Mediacorp often have strict censorship of their own content and they won't lightly poke fun at their own employee. After all, which company will intentionally humiliate their own staff? So if this managed to pass and get screened publicly, either Zoe gave tacit approval (then you can say she is very 大方), or even the management can't stand her and sabo her.

It's general consensus that she is an OLDHAG with declining popularity compared to her one time fame once upon a time. This OLDHAG is becoming increasingly obsolete, people have seen her true colors, she's nothing special.

http://www.zoetayonline.com/ is abandoned,

http://www.zoetay.com/ is server error

http://www.uniquely-zoe.com is now an irrelevant blog

She is not bringing in big bucks, million dollar production, 90k box office, her acting is pathetic, she's dry and haggard, Mediacorp can't wait to incinerate this OLDHAG. You think they bother to get her approval to call her an OLDHAG?

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What talking you? She has status? Hello?? She is a tv actor. Don't bring your political rubbish here lah. Are you implying the courts favors non Singaporeans?

why are you so work up? you're non-singapore and got NO discount from the court? Poor thing. :yuk: LOLROF TaTa

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It's general consensus that she is an OLDHAG with declining popularity compared to her one time fame once upon a time. This OLDHAG is becoming increasingly obsolete, people have seen her true colors, she's nothing special.

http://www.zoetayonline.com/ is abandoned,

http://www.zoetay.com/ is server error

http://www.uniquely-zoe.com is now an irrelevant blog

She is not bringing in big bucks, million dollar production, 90k box office, her acting is pathetic, she's dry and haggard, Mediacorp can't wait to incinerate this OLDHAG. You think they bother to get her approval to call her an OLDHAG?

Well said. Management can't be bothered either way whether she stays or leaves, she's plainly irrelevant to local showbiz.

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Well said. Management can't be bothered either way whether she stays or leaves, she's plainly irrelevant to local showbiz.

Like a piece of preserved soiled sanitary napkin from 1998, dried and cracking, only some people would encase it in an airtight bag and smell it for old time's sake.

To everyone else, it's just a piece of blood soaked rubbish.

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okay la,,, give her 5 painful jalak rotans :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

I STRONGLY OBJECT!!!!! Why are you guys like this??? 5 painful jalak rotans????? Please..........

She MUST be given 7 x 7 = 49 strokes all over her!

Whip until she can no longer lift her hands to beat people or vandalise taxis.

Whip until she can no longer move her face and feign innocence.

Whip until she can no longer spread her legs to pee or seduce men.

sounds like the ritual "hitting small man"

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Much as I don't condone Quan's actions, I must say the taxi driver was not totally blameless either.

The taxi driver refused to help her with her bulky luggage despite her travelling with her young daughter, asked her "which way to go to Changi Airport" (despite the fact that there is only one direct way to Changi Airport from East Coast), braked dangerously and insinuated that Quan's daughter was dysfunctional because she didn't have a father.

With such brazenly horrifying taxi drivers, Quan should have just gone on to whack him instead of his taxi!

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Well the only way for Quan to learn a lesson is to boycott her shows.

Mediacrap isnt going to offer her new programmes if advertisers and viewers refuse to watch them.

She may have the talent to speak good Mandarin (Taiwanese, mah!) but her screen persona isnt all that great.

Give me Kym Ng anyday... Kym is funny and hilarious without trying too hard...

Watching HDB Tai-Tai on Friday nights is a sure way to relax and unwind.

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When fighting in court, it is not really about the truth, but it very much depends on how good your lawyer is. Do you know that a lawyer can easily charge $400 to $650 per hour of work? And if a poor man sue a rich guy for example, $10,000, the rich guy, without any evidence, can counter sue the poor for $2 millon? And due to the amount (above $60,000), the case will need to be heard in the high court. The estimated cost of engaging a lawyer to settle a case in high court can easily cost $100k. Can an average person comfortably afford a $100k of legal fees even though he has all the evidence of wining? No. And do you know that even when a person wins in court, the judge would normally award the winner about 65% coverage of the legal fees? This means the poor man still have to bear about $34k of the legal fees! Unfortunately, that is the truth.

Too bad the person is a taxi driver.

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When fighting in court, it is not really about the truth, but it very much depends on how good your lawyer is. Do you know that a lawyer can easily charge $400 to $650 per hour of work? And if a poor man sue a rich guy for example, $10,000, the rich guy, without any evidence, can counter sue the poor for $2 millon? And due to the amount (above $60,000), the case will need to be heard in the high court. The estimated cost of engaging a lawyer to settle a case in high court can easily cost $100k. Can an average person comfortably afford a $100k of legal fees even though he has all the evidence of wining? No. And do you know that even when a person wins in court, the judge would normally award the winner about 65% coverage of the legal fees? This means the poor man still have to bear about $34k of the legal fees! Unfortunately, that is the truth.

Too bad the person is a taxi driver.

What you described is largely true in a civil trial.

Quan's case, however, is a criminal case. Proceedings were brought against her not by the taxi driver but by the Attorney General's Chambers, the prosecutorial arm of the State.

Nevertheless, she would definitely have had to foot Subhas Anandan's legal fees for work done and court appearances etc, as well as miscellaneous expenses (on top of her other non-legal expenses such as medical treatment and anger management sessions).

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Guest A shit hole

She always hosted Charity show together with Guo Liang. That gave her the status to escape harsh punishment. If we look at it objectively and making past history comparison on how our court metted out judgement for nearly similar offences. I must say it is indeed double-standard approach. The court will not just take the crime seriously but allow substantial mitigation based on the person status or contribution to the society and eventually A CRIME committed by the person many not end up a crime afterall. That is the reason why people viewed a lot of judgements seemed biased, prejudiced and unfair. This is how the systems work and if depriving Potong Pasir resident the rights to have their lift upgraded is considered lawful in Singapore, than we know the whole legal systems are already screwed long time ago. Already one New Zealand who beat up taxi drivers has been 'allowed" to run-road by granting his approval to leave Singapore for HK and London. He eventually never returned. Choo Wee Kiang corruptions are still waiting....for dunno what for an offence so glaring. I dunno what to say further.

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Guest maxiplay
I STRONGLY OBJECT!!!!! Why are you guys like this??? 5 painful jalak rotans????? Please.......... She MUST be given 7 x 7 = 49 strokes all over her! Whip until she can no longer lift her hands to beat people or vandalise taxis. Whip until she can no longer move her face and feign innocence. Whip until she can no longer spread her legs to pee or seduce men. sounds like the ritual "hitting small man"

七七四十九條???........ she will cry until she faint~~~~~~~~~~~ can tahan not?? if can tahan, give her another 七七四十九條 on her CB mouth :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: and in a total of 49 + 49 = 98 條 :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

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