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Mediacorp Artists - News And Gossips 新传媒新闻和八卦 (Compiled)

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Stop digging the old hag out of her career grave, she has nothing new to talk about, she is as good as dead...


She has a new English movie 'Mister John' and a new MCS blockbuster, 'The Dream Makers'.


Who says she has nothing new to talk about.


Zoe Tay is "永远的阿姐"! 

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She has a new English movie 'Mister John' and a new MCS blockbuster, 'The Dream Makers'.


Who says she has nothing new to talk about.


Zoe Tay is "永远的阿姐"! 


Great, we love to see how she screws up with her lousy acting skills again. Zoe Tay a decade and half of fails and more to come.  :lol:

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如果你认识高层人士, 你就会知道, 不管这里的读者讨厌她, 她的地位到目前为止无人可代替,

所以就算她说话不经过三思, 虽然很多所谓的阿哥阿姐不喜欢她妒忌她, 她依然我行我素,

就只有她有特别待遇是别的依然没有的, 也只有她能和高层人士讨价还价, 若是别人, 等着被冷藏吧。

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就只有她有特别待遇是别的依然没有的, 也只有她能和高层人士讨价还价, 若是别人, 等着被冷藏吧。



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如果你认识高层人士, 你就会知道, 不管这里的读者讨厌她, 她的地位到目前为止无人可代替,

所以就算她说话不经过三思, 虽然很多所谓的阿哥阿姐不喜欢她妒忌她, 她依然我行我素,

就只有她有特别待遇是别的依然没有的, 也只有她能和高层人士讨价还价, 若是别人, 等着被冷藏吧。


what kind of connections ZT have?

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Rumour has it that Zoe Tay has a very powerful backer in MCS, that's why even though Guo Lingsong cannot stand Zoe and Pual Yuen and Paul Chan don't think highly of her, she can still act like a Queen in MCS.

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Rumour has it that Zoe Tay has a very powerful backer in MCS, that's why even though Guo Lingsong cannot stand Zoe and Pual Yuen and Paul Chan don't think highly of her, she can still act like a Queen in MCS.

Pls, guo lingsong and paul this and that all cannot make it either.

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Guest twisties

dunno why you guys hate her so much ...if you guys have met zoe in person you know how natural, kind and down to earth she really is. she really never acts like a queen and plus she is extremely gay-friendly

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dunno why you guys hate her so much ...if you guys have met zoe in person you know how natural, kind and down to earth she really is. she really never acts like a queen and plus she is extremely gay-friendly


Definitely, she's sharing a double ended dildo with CHW.  :rolleyes:

Did anyone see this extremely gay-friendly faghag at Pink Dot?  :rolleyes:

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Rumour has it that Zoe Tay has a very powerful backer in MCS, that's why even though Guo Lingsong cannot stand Zoe and Pual Yuen and Paul Chan don't think highly of her, she can still act like a Queen in MCS.



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Natural, kind and down to earth?

Doesn't sound like the bitch who bitched about PLL and Madeline Chu!


they are JIEMEIs hellooo its natural to take a jibe at close friends

close friends always suan each other :rolleyes:

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How much did Lao Zoe pay you to defend her by spinning falsehoods?

Since when was PLL or MC jiemeis of the old hag? They were in competition during the early days.

And even if they were really jiemeis, you think that old hag poking/jibing her colleagues would be accepted?

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Guest coming soon

How much did Lao Zoe pay you to defend her by spinning falsehoods?

Since when was PLL or MC jiemeis of the old hag? They were in competition during the early days.

And even if they were really jiemeis, you think that old hag poking/jibing her colleagues would be accepted?

How much did Queen Zoe owe your money to defame her of these falsehood?  You just go wash you butt proper and to go rape in jail for defamation.  You have no fucking balls to register as a member to post.  However, you did not realize that your IP address can be tracked, so, be prepared for what you have done here and also in other forums.  You're invited to post more so that all your IP addresses can be tracked.

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Guest snowball

我只能够说, 一个人若是没有被人提起的价值, 那就不算是个艺人, 那他或她就失败了。

不论是赞是贬, 贬者或许来去就是那几个人, 是那些现代的年轻人,


她依然是他们的宠儿, 十多年了仍然矗立不倒, 不否认她的演技没进展, 甚至倒退,



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How much did Queen Zoe owe your money to defame her of these falsehood? You just go wash you butt proper and to go rape in jail for defamation. You have no fucking balls to register as a member to post. However, you did not realize that your IP address can be tracked, so, be prepared for what you have done here and also in other forums. You're invited to post more so that all your IP addresses can be tracked.

Irony of ironies, fancy a guest accusing another guest of not posting as a member.

Pot calling the kettle black much?

Your useless empty threat is only good for scaring primary school kids.

Instead of threatening Lao Zoe's critics (is that the only thing you can do, useless lackey?), why don't you spend your time coaching Lao Zoe in acting skills?


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我只能够说, 一个人若是没有被人提起的价值, 那就不算是个艺人, 那他或她就失败了。

不论是赞是贬, 贬者或许来去就是那几个人, 是那些现代的年轻人,


她依然是他们的宠儿, 十多年了仍然矗立不倒, 不否认她的演技没进展, 甚至倒退,






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欧萱,白薇秀是七公主的成员, 至今也不怎么成气候, 一直认为新传媒不会看人选人,

如果新加坡不是只有这一家, 早新传媒就消失了。

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How much did Lao Zoe pay you to defend her by spinning falsehoods?

Since when was PLL or MC jiemeis of the old hag? They were in competition during the early days.

And even if they were really jiemeis, you think that old hag poking/jibing her colleagues would be accepted?


she didnt pay me anything lolol im just stating some facts 


and yeah it's acceptable for close friends to take jibes at each other. im guessing you dont have anyone close enough to to do this with lol

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How much did Queen Zoe owe your money to defame her of these falsehood?  You just go wash you butt proper and to go rape in jail for defamation.  You have no fucking balls to register as a member to post.  However, you did not realize that your IP address can be tracked, so, be prepared for what you have done here and also in other forums.  You're invited to post more so that all your IP addresses can be tracked.


oh and this isnt me lolol i dont type like that

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Guys, Enough of Zoe Tay please. :angry:  Seriously dun understand why u guys hate her and bitch about her so much, it's not like she has done something bad or harmful to you or your family. You guys prob dun even have any encounter with her before, apart from not knowing her personally. prob its the same person posting again and again.


Pls stop, its very irksome to come here everytime only to see bitchings about zoe tay non-stop. ;)

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Guys, Enough of Zoe Tay please. :angry:  Seriously dun understand why u guys hate her and bitch about her so much, it's not like she has done something bad or harmful to you or your family. You guys prob dun even have any encounter with her before, apart from not knowing her personally. prob its the same person posting again and again.


Pls stop, its very irksome to come here everytime only to see bitchings about zoe tay non-stop. ;)



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she didnt pay me anything lolol im just stating some facts 


and yeah it's acceptable for close friends to take jibes at each other. im guessing you dont have anyone close enough to to do this with lol


LOLOL I think you just exposed yourself posting as guest "coming soon".

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they are JIEMEIs hellooo its natural to take a jibe at close friends

close friends always suan each other :rolleyes:

see this is the way i usually write :)


How much did Queen Zoe owe your money to defame her of these falsehood?  You just go wash you butt proper and to go rape in jail for defamation.  You have no fucking balls to register as a member to post.  However, you did not realize that your IP address can be tracked, so, be prepared for what you have done here and also in other forums.  You're invited to post more so that all your IP addresses can be tracked.


lolol and this is sooo not


*ok confusion cleared*

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Guest Gideon

Finished reading the i-weekly interview.. in fact all along I very much prefer Huang Bi Ren to Zoe Tay. A pity that bi ren left, she's really a very awesome actress. anyone else here likes huang bi ren also ?

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Finished reading the i-weekly interview.. in fact all along I very much prefer Huang Bi Ren to Zoe Tay. A pity that bi ren left, she's really a very awesome actress. anyone else here likes huang bi ren also ?


Huang Biren is a real talent, a top-class actress.

Zoe Tay is just an overrated old hag.

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Was this scripted and/or anticipated?

Regardless whether I like them or not, a break up is always painful...

don't like her, find that she is quit fake, the way she talks ...

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白薇秀 Bobby  4年情断




原本感情已到谈婚论嫁阶段的白薇秀与洋男友Bobby Tonelli,惊传4年情断,白薇秀受访时泪洒说:“我根本不认识真正的他!”

















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Guest 被人白吃白玩



..... what's she worry about?  Her xxxxxx one big one small?  or .... up to you to imagine.


Maybe Miss Pei has something to tell the media about Bobby too.  Let's wait to hear.

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i dun find bobby tonelli hot at all. but as a gay, i think joanne peh is quite pretty.

you may say so if she removed her thick makeup.

how many gals dare to go out without makeup i wonder

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Face ja1 jp2 re3

Figure jp1 re2 ja3

Acting re1 jp2 ja3


Overall jp1 re2 ja3



never argue with the guests. let them bark all they want.





After I have said what I wanna say, I don't care what you say.



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Face ja1 jp2 re3

Figure jp1 re2 ja3

Acting re1 jp2 ja3


Overall jp1 re2 ja3


wah you write like that how people understand :P

i think


face jp1 ja2 re3 (jp and ja has natural beauty, re needs make up to enhance)

figure jp1 ja2 re2 (cannot beat jp, both ja and re slim down alot, both abit meaty last time)

acting re1 jp2 ja3 (ja cannot act as well as them)


overall now jp and re leading, ja abit behind, last time still gt fc but dunno what she do to herself and off she go. :P

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Face ja1 jp2 re3

Figure jp1 re2 ja3

Acting re1 jp2 ja3


Overall jp1 re2 ja3


人缘 ja1 jp2 re3

Overseas exposure ja1 re2 jp3

Marketability with advertisers jp1 ja2 re3


overall result:

JA and JP tie, RE last

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I don't like Jeanette Aw, she cannot act and her voice is so sugary sweet.


I hate Joanne Peh, she's such a SPG and thinks too highly of herself.


Rui En is the best, she can act and she's damn cool.

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