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Mediacorp Artists - News And Gossips 新传媒新闻和八卦 (Compiled)

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13 minutes ago, Guest tyler nipples said:

Baobao is cute..but lacks height.


Whatever he can do... xubin shd overtake.


Poor thing.


Xubin is a father liao but still act 年轻小伙子。。。lol


Tell me about it.


That 1 can still act as undergraduate. 



never argue with the guests. let them bark all they want.





After I have said what I wanna say, I don't care what you say.



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51 minutes ago, bigdanbeam said:

Watched  the 9pm show for the first time tonight. And the first  thing i see is cynthia and rayson calling lmj "妈"


Oh my 天


That 1 also called lmj 妈 before. 



never argue with the guests. let them bark all they want.





After I have said what I wanna say, I don't care what you say.



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1 minute ago, Guest tyler nipples said:

Which 1? I thot is 2.

Lu 2 Neo


Both 1 and 2.



never argue with the guests. let them bark all they want.





After I have said what I wanna say, I don't care what you say.



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26 minutes ago, bigdanbeam said:

I thought chantelle learnt Vietnamese for the show.  原来是配音的

Sure must 配音, if not how could she able to speak consistent throughout the drama, since filming might not everyday.

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On 1/27/2021 at 3:31 PM, fab said:


Look only.


Anyway  Elvin is a celebrity who must maintain a friendly image.


Robin is not.

I told my office colleagues that elvin and romeo are couple, all my colleagues scold me crazy, don't anyhow say. How could both of them are couple? Haha.

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7 minutes ago, Guest guest said:

I told my office colleagues that elvin and romeo are couple, all my colleagues scold me crazy, don't anyhow say. How could both of them are couple? Haha.





never argue with the guests. let them bark all they want.





After I have said what I wanna say, I don't care what you say.



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16 minutes ago, Guest tyler nipples said:

Bluff people bluff uourself



Bluff ownself until think other people stupid


It means that two are straights. 



never argue with the guests. let them bark all they want.





After I have said what I wanna say, I don't care what you say.



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14 hours ago, bigdanbeam said:

This 曾小晴  seems to have a lot of acting opportunities.  

I have no Impression of her so far. So far I only notice zetong and herman have more screen time.

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I wonder if mdc realise it is no longer the only fta media. 



never argue with the guests. let them bark all they want.





After I have said what I wanna say, I don't care what you say.



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1 hour ago, fab said:

I wonder if mdc realise it is no longer the only fta media. 


I think they are starting to panic.


Judging from their recent shows, especially those produced specifically on Toggle like The Last Madame, seems like they are trying to experiment and capture the local young audience again but so far, have yet to produce a real hit like 'The Little Nyonya'.

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Star Awards Nominations come out already: https://www.todayonline.com/8days/sceneandheard/entertainment/star-awards-returns-april-more-nominations-each-category


- Non MDC artistes like Huang Biren, Yvonne Lim, Fann Wong, Thomas Ong snubbed in acting categories.

- Surprised they didn't give Lawrence Wong a courtesy Best Actor nom

- Wooden Elvin Ng actually got a Best Actor nom

- Ayden Sng didn't get Best Newcomer nomination but Ben Tan did?? They seem to promote Ayden quite heavily but never nominate him for anything.

- Ian Fang got nominated for 'Most Charismatic Award'?!? He is one of the most hated artists in MDC.

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I wanted to say suay for the non contracted to not get nominated.


Then I think they probably don't give a damn to these useless awards.



never argue with the guests. let them bark all they want.





After I have said what I wanna say, I don't care what you say.



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Guest Mediacock
3 hours ago, Gayleo said:

Star Awards Nominations come out already: https://www.todayonline.com/8days/sceneandheard/entertainment/star-awards-returns-april-more-nominations-each-category


- Non MDC artistes like Huang Biren, Yvonne Lim, Fann Wong, Thomas Ong snubbed in acting categories.

- Surprised they didn't give Lawrence Wong a courtesy Best Actor nom

- Wooden Elvin Ng actually got a Best Actor nom

- Ayden Sng didn't get Best Newcomer nomination but Ben Tan did?? They seem to promote Ayden quite heavily but never nominate him for anything.

- Ian Fang got nominated for 'Most Charismatic Award'?!? He is one of the most hated artists in MDC.

In this age and time, does anyone still care about Star Awards? Probably not.

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7 hours ago, Gayleo said:

Star Awards Nominations come out already: https://www.todayonline.com/8days/sceneandheard/entertainment/star-awards-returns-april-more-nominations-each-category


- Non MDC artistes like Huang Biren, Yvonne Lim, Fann Wong, Thomas Ong snubbed in acting categories.

- Surprised they didn't give Lawrence Wong a courtesy Best Actor nom

- Wooden Elvin Ng actually got a Best Actor nom

- Ayden Sng didn't get Best Newcomer nomination but Ben Tan did?? They seem to promote Ayden quite heavily but never nominate him for anything.

- Ian Fang got nominated for 'Most Charismatic Award'?!? He is one of the most hated artists in MDC.

Must be mdc read those comments that always say elvin wooden acting, and now they give him a best actor nom?

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6 hours ago, Guest Mediacock said:

In this age and time, does anyone still care about Star Awards? Probably not.


Elvin definitely cares lol.

He probably cares a lot since it has been a decade since his last acting nomination.


Didn't see his nominated work for All Is Well so don't know whether he deserves the nom or not but based on the recent 9pm drama, his acting seems as wooden as ever.

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6 hours ago, Gayleo said:


Elvin definitely cares lol.

He probably cares a lot since it has been a decade since his last acting nomination.


Didn't see his nominated work for All Is Well so don't know whether he deserves the nom or not but based on the recent 9pm drama, his acting seems as wooden as ever.


Elvin is nominated mah. TW storyline some more. So boliao. Got diff meh from sg storyline 


Edit: realised your "didnt see" meant "didnt watch"


Elvin recently talked about his near misses with best actor wins   on quan yifeng talk show. Then come another  nomination. Probably all.planned by mediacorp

Edited by bigdanbeam
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Best Actor
Chen Han Wei - Super Dad
Desmond Tan - All is Well – SG
Elvin Ng - All is Well – TW
Pierre Png - A Jungle Survivor
Qi Yuwu - A Quest to Heal
Romeo Tan - Happy Prince
Zhang Yao Dong - Daybreak

i watched all and my thought is... in their respective roles,

CHW no break through, maintained his usual standard

DT cannot in this role, supporting more suitable

EN should win, a breakthrough performance, i felt his frustrations & anger in the role

PP nothing much, only one crying scene, a few seconds thats it

QYW against type but nothing much

RT really nothing here worth nomination

ZYD should win too, matured layered performance 


im afraid ZYD not well liked enough, and idiotic mediacorp will give CHW another trophy!

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Best Actress
Carrie Wong - A Quest to Heal
Chen Li Ping - How Are You?
Felicia Chin - A Jungle Survivor
Kym Ng - My Guardian Angels
Rebecca Lim - A Jungle Survivor
Rui En - Hello From The Other Side
Zoe Tay - My Guardian Angels


here's my take on their roles, after watching...

CT surface acting, no depth, she is more worthy in "hello, miss driver'

CLP like CHW, maintain standard, no breakthrough

FC surface acting still after all these years, a few scenes severely overact ie the scene she lost her baby

KN should win for this! very enduring and affecting to me while watching

RL very layered very deep performance, a strong contender

EN not totally in her role, she seems lost, but competence

ZT nothing much here, not worthy of a nomination


RL will likely win given mediacorp usual practice. though she worthy of the trophy given that she has so many times, i'll give the award to KN for a breakthrough performance!

Edited by mith
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Best Supporting Actor
Brandon Wong - Hello From The Other Side
Bryan Wong - A Quest to Heal
Chen Shu Cheng - Old is Gold
Darren Lim - While You Were Away
Guo Liang - A Jungle Survivor
Ian Fang - All is Well - SG
James Seah - C.L.I.F.5


Best Supporting Actress
Aileen Tan - Hello Miss Driver
Bonnie Loo - C.L.I.F.5
Chantalle Ng - Terror Within
Cynthia Koh - After the Stars
Kym Ng - Daybreak
Lin Mei Jiao - After the Stars
Lina Ng - Terror Within

all is worthy except haven't watch 'terror within'.

i'll give the trophies to james seah and LMJ, or a tie with LMJ+CK.

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4 hours ago, mith said:

Best Supporting Actor
Brandon Wong - Hello From The Other Side
Bryan Wong - A Quest to Heal
Chen Shu Cheng - Old is Gold
Darren Lim - While You Were Away
Guo Liang - A Jungle Survivor
Ian Fang - All is Well - SG
James Seah - C.L.I.F.5


Best Supporting Actress
Aileen Tan - Hello Miss Driver
Bonnie Loo - C.L.I.F.5
Chantalle Ng - Terror Within
Cynthia Koh - After the Stars
Kym Ng - Daybreak
Lin Mei Jiao - After the Stars
Lina Ng - Terror Within

all is worthy except haven't watch 'terror within'.

i'll give the trophies to james seah and LMJ, or a tie with LMJ+CK.


I think BSA should give to Cynthia since LMJ won it last time when Cynthia was the hot favourite.

I watched ATS and while both Cynthia and LMJ were fantastic, Cynthia should win just cos MDC owes her since Cynthia missed out so many times when she was the hot favourite.


4 hours ago, mith said:

Best Actress
Carrie Wong - A Quest to Heal
Chen Li Ping - How Are You?
Felicia Chin - A Jungle Survivor
Kym Ng - My Guardian Angels
Rebecca Lim - A Jungle Survivor
Rui En - Hello From The Other Side
Zoe Tay - My Guardian Angels


here's my take on their roles, after watching...

CT surface acting, no depth, she is more worthy in "hello, miss driver'

CLP like CHW, maintain standard, no breakthrough

FC surface acting still after all these years, a few scenes severely overact ie the scene she lost her baby

KN should win for this! very enduring and affecting to me while watching

RL very layered very deep performance, a strong contender

EN not totally in her role, she seems lost, but competence

ZT nothing much here, not worthy of a nomination


RL will likely win given mediacorp usual practice. though she worthy of the trophy given that she has so many times, i'll give the award to KN for a breakthrough performance!


I think CLP should win BA over Kym. 

Kym's performance was good but it was also very close to her real personality.

CLP however, completely immersed herself in the role and there was zero trace of CLP left. CLP's character is also as memorable as Aiyoyo and Mo Wanwan and its not easy to create iconic characters like this.


4 hours ago, mith said:

Best Actor
Chen Han Wei - Super Dad
Desmond Tan - All is Well – SG
Elvin Ng - All is Well – TW
Pierre Png - A Jungle Survivor
Qi Yuwu - A Quest to Heal
Romeo Tan - Happy Prince
Zhang Yao Dong - Daybreak

i watched all and my thought is... in their respective roles,

CHW no break through, maintained his usual standard

DT cannot in this role, supporting more suitable

EN should win, a breakthrough performance, i felt his frustrations & anger in the role

PP nothing much, only one crying scene, a few seconds thats it

QYW against type but nothing much

RT really nothing here worth nomination

ZYD should win too, matured layered performance 


im afraid ZYD not well liked enough, and idiotic mediacorp will give CHW another trophy!


I think if Elvin really wins, there will be a huge backlash cos he really was terrible in the recent 9pm drama. Maybe he really improved in this particular role but a Best Actor winner should be consistent and Elvin is def not consistent.


If CHW wins one more time, I can imagine the entire Singapore cursing at the TV.


I think ZYD will win since he already won at ATA and he has been getting a lot of praise for his acting recently.

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28 minutes ago, Guest Gue said:

Best actor: chw (mdc will give him as usual)

Best actress: rebecca or rui en 

Best supporting actress: cynthia koh (long overdue) 

Best supporting actor: brandon wong


Best Actress will be Ah Jie!

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12 hours ago, mith said:

Best Actor
Chen Han Wei - Super Dad
Desmond Tan - All is Well – SG
Elvin Ng - All is Well – TW
Pierre Png - A Jungle Survivor
Qi Yuwu - A Quest to Heal
Romeo Tan - Happy Prince
Zhang Yao Dong - Daybreak

i watched all and my thought is... in their respective roles,

CHW no break through, maintained his usual standard

DT cannot in this role, supporting more suitable

EN should win, a breakthrough performance, i felt his frustrations & anger in the role

PP nothing much, only one crying scene, a few seconds thats it

QYW against type but nothing much

RT really nothing here worth nomination

ZYD should win too, matured layered performance 


im afraid ZYD not well liked enough, and idiotic mediacorp will give CHW another trophy!

Where is Shaun Chen??? Are you kidding me?? Is Shaun Chen’s acting skill worse than Elvin Ng??? 🤦 

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16 hours ago, bigdanbeam said:


Elvin is nominated mah. TW storyline some more. So boliao. Got diff meh from sg storyline 


Edit: realised your "didnt see" meant "didnt watch"


Elvin recently talked about his near misses with best actor wins   on quan yifeng talk show. Then come another  nomination. Probably all.planned by mediacorp

Could be high chance Star awards is all planned and scripted by mdc. Something like another drama series.

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10 hours ago, averageguy said:

Where is Shaun Chen??? Are you kidding me?? Is Shaun Chen’s acting skill worse than Elvin Ng??? 🤦 


im surprise too shaun no nomination. but elvin nomination is well deserved for this role.


18 hours ago, Gayleo said:


I think if Elvin really wins, there will be a huge backlash cos he really was terrible in the recent 9pm drama. Maybe he really improved in this particular role but a Best Actor winner should be consistent and Elvin is def not consistent.


i dont know what's mediacorp judging criteria, and how much internal politics are at play...


(annual) award SHOULD be given solely for the artiste nominated work, NOT the artiste work history. a good actor with string of good work can give a one time bad performance. OTOH, an actor who constantly give below average performance could shine in just that one role.


of course, reality never play out as it should. 


elvin is not only bad at the recent 9pm show, he has a string of awkward performances over the years... but this nominated role is well deserved. winning is an encouragement.

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1 hour ago, mith said:


im surprise too shaun no nomination. but elvin nomination is well deserved for this role.



i dont know what's mediacorp judging criteria, and how much internal politics are at play...


(annual) award SHOULD be given solely for the artiste nominated work, NOT the artiste work history. a good actor with string of good work can give a one time bad performance. OTOH, an actor who constantly give below average performance could shine in just that one role.


of course, reality never play out as it should. 


elvin is not only bad at the recent 9pm show, he has a string of awkward performances over the years... but this nominated role is well deserved. winning is an encouragement.

Elvin is so bad 99% of the time that the 1% is magnified when it is just an average performance for other actors.

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Best Newcomer Award
Benjamin Tan - My Guardian Angels
Herman Keh - Interns’ Survivor Guide
Juin Teh - Interns’ Survivor Guide
Ke Le - Ah Gong Can Cook
Seow Sin Nee - Hawker Academy
Sheryl Ang - All Around You
Zhang Ze Tong - A Jungle Survivor
Read more at https://www.8days.sg/sceneandheard/entertainment/star-awards-returns-in-april-with-more-nominations-in-each-14110590


Ben Tan? LMAO


How come people like Fang Rong & Ayden Sng didnt get nominated? They are so much better than this list.

or they dun qualify anymore?

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Guest Mediacock
5 hours ago, Guest Guest said:

Elvin is so bad 99% of the time that the 1% is magnified when it is just an average performance for other actors.

This guy is a total air head. Tries very hard to make intelligent remarks but ends up making himself look so stupid instead. Just look at his numerous thank you speeches that left many people scratching their heads. 

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Almost fainted when I saw the New Comer nomination list. Agree that Fang Rong and Ayden is more well deserved. They have much meatier roles and their performance is definitely way better. 

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1 hour ago, Guest Guest said:

Almost fainted when I saw the New Comer nomination list. Agree that Fang Rong and Ayden is more well deserved. They have much meatier roles and their performance is definitely way better. 


Maybe they are not contracted? 

Edited by fab



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9 hours ago, mith said:


im surprise too shaun no nomination. but elvin nomination is well deserved for this role.



i dont know what's mediacorp judging criteria, and how much internal politics are at play...


(annual) award SHOULD be given solely for the artiste nominated work, NOT the artiste work history. a good actor with string of good work can give a one time bad performance. OTOH, an actor who constantly give below average performance could shine in just that one role.


of course, reality never play out as it should. 


elvin is not only bad at the recent 9pm show, he has a string of awkward performances over the years... but this nominated role is well deserved. winning is an encouragement.

I totally agree with you when you wrote, “(annual) award SHOULD be given solely for the artiste nominated work, NOT the artiste work history....” I watched his performance in All is well, indeed not bad but not to the extent of getting a nomination (*faint if win)... Romeo, Qi Yu Wu etc have other good works, shouldn’t they be getting a second or third nominations?

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The problem in the entertainment circuit (whether it is Star Awards, the equivalent for the Suria and Vasantham, Channel 5 dramas, singing competitions) is that the country is simply too small to be able to produce sufficient talents.  


If you want a good looking, body beautiful, can act, can speak and express (in mother tongue (not a forte to many Sporeans)), must be sporean, and can speak intelligently, its near impossible!  With all these 'required' parameters stacked up, chance is that you get those as what we have.


I think our local entertainment is super crappy, but in the distribution of limited talents in all fields in Spore, this really is what we can afford (like in mediacorp) from a small country.

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