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Recovery from covid - any tips from those who have recovered?


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I was infected with covid last week. Today is day 9 and I still have 2 bands on my ART.


I should count myself lucky as my symptoms were mild. I had mild fever and sore throat for the first few days and it subsided by day 4. But I had persistent headache/giddiness and a weird sweet taste on my tongue until day 8.


Currently, I am still feeling weak. I still feel giddy most of the time and pant with little exertion. I have been resting most of the time.


Want to ask those who have recovered. What do you do for your recovery? Do you go for TCM? How long do you take to recover back to normal?

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According to Ho Ching (PM's wife), the viral load profile for BA5 Omicron infection is different from previous variants and can take 9-10 days to clear, even for double-boosted individuals. 



"2 more bits of Omicron BA.4 & BA.5 characteristics are emerging. 
The temporal viral load profile may be changing. 
Instead of peaking just before symptoms appear, the Omicron variants may peak after symptoms appear. This is why folks very often tested ART+ AFTER symptoms had appeared. 
In addition, even for boosted and doubly boosted folks, it takes as long as 9-10 days to turn ART-.
Again, this could mean that the viral load is continuing to increase after symptoms appear, and starts declining a few days after symptoms appear. 
This is unlike the earlier pre-Omicron variants where the viral load peaks on average just before symptoms appear, and quickly starts declining within a day after symptoms appear. The exceptions are for the immunocompromised folks and those illness turn serious. 
Thus, for the majority, the viral load goes down to non infectious levels within 5-7 days, sometimes sooner for young kids. 
This draggy persistence of high viral load detectable with ART for 8-10 days means the latest Omicron sub-variant patients stay infectious for longer. 
So what can we do?
We already have vaccines and boosters to protect ourselves from severe or fatal covid infection. 
We can now adjust our covid response to minimise transmission to others. 
First, as soon as we have any respiratory or infection symptoms, try to self isolate or reduce mask down interactions like meals with others. This is to reduce the chance of infecting others while our viral load continues to build up. 
Interestingly, apart from general infection symptoms like fever and headaches, and respiratory symptoms like runny nose, coughs and sore throat, the latest Omicron 4&5 have some distinct and unusual symptoms compared to the earlier pre-Omicron covid symptoms. 
The ticklish or itchy throat is one distinctive Omicron symptom
Interestingly, the latest Omicron variants can cause bouts of sneezing too!
Unusual symptoms include nausea, and headaches that can’t be easily soothed with the usual panadol type over the counter medication. 
So once we have any of these symptoms, put on a good mask before interacting with anyone, and avoid mask down interactions with others. 
Second adjustment is instead of treating ourselves as recovered 7 days from testing ART+, we should extend this to 9-10 days, or wait till we are ART+. "

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Have not personally contracted Covid, but know a lot of people around me, including loved ones who have contracted said illness. 


Goes without saying that long-term constant hydration and a nourishing diet is key to returning the stamina your body needs to return to the level of functioning that it previously was at. 

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On 7/14/2022 at 1:44 PM, Polgnoru said:

I was infected with covid last week. Today is day 9 and I still have 2 bands on my ART.


I should count myself lucky as my symptoms were mild. I had mild fever and sore throat for the first few days and it subsided by day 4. But I had persistent headache/giddiness and a weird sweet taste on my tongue until day 8.


Currently, I am still feeling weak. I still feel giddy most of the time and pant with little exertion. I have been resting most of the time.


Want to ask those who have recovered. What do you do for your recovery? Do you go for TCM? How long do you take to recover back to normal?

Hello, I was infected with Delta variant back then. I felt weakness in my body as well and only felt better from day 10 onwards. I didn’t have the chance to take any TCM or medication except cough syrup for my cough. TCM would certainly help and remember your dosage of Vit C too. I could only rest and binge on Netflix to pass time. If you have a diffuser, diffuse with some essential oils to help with your headache and respiration. 

Soon you will regain your vigor. Take care bro!

Be cool, like a breeze...

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Hi hi, I have the same experience as @Coolbriz. Was down with Delta variant last year and felt better only from day 10 onwards. You will definitely feel weak. Just remember to drink more water and practice deep breathing(that's what I did) because I had breathing difficulty back then. Other than that, coolbriz pretty much covered everything.
1) Drink more water
2) Try to breathe in deep and control your breathing
3) Vitamin C
4) Oxymeter, if your oxygen level is too low, you might want to monitor.

May you have a swift recovery! @Polgnoru

Edited by Quietboy
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