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A Newer Narrative-- Mental Health and Wellness


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Rethinking the Framework 


In the realm of mind and soul,

A system reigns, both strict and whole.

DSM and ICD, a framework grand,

But does it truly understand?


It categorizes, labels with care,

But neglects the individual's unique flair.

Homogenizing experiences so bright,

Into boxes tight, without a fight.


Pathologizing normalcy's embrace,

Stigma's shadow looms, a constant pace.

Diagnosis prioritized, a focus keen,

But understanding's depth is rarely seen.


Pharmaceuticals prevail, a dominant might,

Alternative approaches, lost in the fight.

Power dynamics, a professional's sway,

Silencing voices, day by day.


Let's seek a system that's inclusive and wide,

Embracing diversity, side by side.

Logic and objectivity, our guides,

To understand the mind, in all its tides.


Let's prioritize context, culture, and tale,

And recognize the complexity of the human hale.

Let's amplify the voices that have been suppressed,

And encourage empathy, rather than diagnosis obsessed.


Let's integrate approaches, old and new,

And focus on well-being, rather than just "what's wrong with you".

Let's foster collaboration, rather than hierarchy,

And prioritize the individual's autonomy.


Let's cultivate a system that's compassionate and kind,

That understands the mind as a complex, interconnected find.

A system that embraces humanity's rich tapestry,

And supports the unique journey of each individual's story.


-- Meta AI


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'The missing middle': Meet the people falling through the gaps of the mental health care system


By Shalailah Medhora

Warning: this story contains a discussion on mental illness and suicide.


Riley* began seeing a psychologist when he was just 13 years old, but his mental health really deteriorated in 2020, when he was in Year 12.


"I had presented to the emergency department in North Melbourne, probably four times before I was finally admitted," Riley told triple j Hack.

Each time, Riley was told he had appropriate support systems at home, and he was released into his parents' care.


"My parents would have to sleep in the same room as me. I was on close watch."


By the end of the same year, Riley had been sectioned, or detained in hospital under the state mental health laws, after self-harming and attempting suicide.

He said he was discharged from hospital a week later with some information on personality disorders, a contact number for a community outreach team, and no other follow-up information.


"I went to headspace and I had my one-hour session with them as an intake session, and they listened to my story," Riley said.


Riley said headspace, which is designed for people with mild to moderate mental health conditions, told him its service didn't have the right supports for him.


Riley said he thinks headspace is a "good service overall," and that he was disappointed by the lack of follow-up care in the public health system after his hospitalisation.


"It was this period where I needed acute follow up care and I had none and I think that impacted my recovery."


Riley's story is reflective of what health professionals have coined 'the missing middle', the group of people who are most likely to fall through the gaps of the existing system.


"The missing middle is where you've got at one end the severe and complex cases. They are people who will require hospitalisation for their mental health issues, and medication and often psychiatric intervention," Dr Zena Burgess from the Australian Psychological Society told Hack.


"At the other end, you've got people who have transient short-term anxiety or depression, or social issues that need a bit of coaching and a bit of support to get through a particular circumstance," she said.


Dr Burgess said our current system caters for both ends of the spectrum, but often lets people in the middle down.


Getting the right support would stop their conditions from becoming chronic, Dr Burgess said.


'The system is broken'

Around one in five adult Australians have experienced a mental health condition in the last year, and mental health remains the number one reason people visit their GPs.


A 2020 report by the Productivity Commission recommended a funding injection of $2.4 billion a year was needed to meet the needs of the community, which would in turn generate billions in return via economic participation and quality of life.


The COVID-era doubling of Medicare-subsidised psychology and mental health social worker sessions from 10 to 20 under the Better Access Scheme was broadly welcomed by both healthcare professionals and patients.


But Labor decided against extending the extra sessions when the doubling of the scheme expired in December 2022, pointing to research saying the extra sessions were more likely to be used by people on higher incomes.


This year's budget contained a $590 million initiative to create an early intervention online platform over the next eight years.


"Australia's current mental health care system is broken and in need of urgent reform," Professor Samuel Harvey from the Black Dog Institute said.


"The funding announced in the budget does not come close to the amount required to fix Australia's mental health care system."


"There are millions of these people across Australia that are falling in between the gap that exists between primary care and hospital care," Professor Harvey said.


University student Juliette told Hack she was disappointed the extra sessions weren't reinstated in the last federal budget.


"Ten sessions isn't even enough for me to go [to a psychologist] monthly, which means it's barely worth me going at all. I'm kind of just stuck until things get to crisis point."


"Is it even worth me trying to focus on getting better when, if I'm in this state that I'm currently in, I'm not going to get help? Or I could just wait for it to get worse," Juliette said.


Juliette said her mental health had improved when the extra 10 subsidised sessions were on offer, and that she can't afford to pay out of pocket for the sessions.


"I was doing a lot better when I had that constant support, even though I was still dealing with a lot of issues. Just knowing that every two to three weeks, I was going to be able to go and talk to my therapist about it," Juliette explained.


"It was such a relief, knowing that I wasn't having to do this alone."

Dr Burgess said cost and lack of access outside major cities were a major barrier to access.


"[In the budget] we were wanting to see psychological services made really affordable for young people, and particularly for young people working in rural and living in rural and regional areas. We also wanted to see a really big investment in crisis services for young people," Dr Burgess said.


Shortage of experts
Access issues are made worse by nationwide shortages of both psychologists and psychiatrists.


Last year's National Health Workforce Strategy found that we need to nearly double the number of psychiatrists available to meet community need.

"It all boils down to workforce," Dr Astha Tomar from the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists told Hack.


"Are we supporting that existing workforce? And are we creating future workforces," she asked.


Dr Tomar welcomed the early intervention program launched in the budget, but said fixing the system comes down to cold, hard cash.

"It's costing our economy in Australia $220 billion every year because of mental ill health and mental illnesses.


Small initiatives which are investing $500 million over five years or eight years will make a difference. But would that be enough?"


Accessing care 'exponentially harder' without family support

Riley is managing his mental health conditions with a range of supports, including a psychiatrist, a mental health social worker, a therapy skills program and medication. And, he says, his parents have been behind him since Day One.


"I had people supporting me to access care, when getting up to brush my teeth was difficult."


He said his life would have been "exponentially harder" without the financial and emotional support he gets from his parents and acknowledged that not everyone has that kind of help.


"I'm one of the lucky ones," Riley said.

© 2024 ABC

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Warning: The following video content depicts psychotropic medications, mental illnesses and "a dysfunctional mental health system" that may cause distress to some viewers. Kindly seek professional guidance when required. 


Title: Medicating Normal

(* English Subtitles available)



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***THIS POST was duplicated@ post(1):

"A Newer Narrative-- Mental Health and Wellness" & post(2) wanna commit suicide?


Update on my mental health:
on 28th May 1am,
a hospital in hougang classified me as a threat/risk to self & i was detained-without-consent & served 10 nights>as a result i lost 1kg😥😞😢
this wasn't a normal hospital ward, but a concentration camp for me for 11days.
my Mobile & Laptop was confiscated so i finished 30 books to survive 11days.
they wtd me to stay warded for 16 more nites, but because i have renal failure & 3 pre-existing-conditions, they uninamously decided: THIS WARD IS NOT SUITABLE/sustainable for my patient profile & it is best i stay home & i have full compliance to my medication🎉🎊.
what lessons i learnt?
(1) if the patient is a millionaire> MONEY CANNOT BE USED TO BAIL U OUT OF THE WARD ADMISSION, coz the doctors> classify u under the mental-health-act
that means by law u have to ward, if u don't, u will be charged in C & sent to jail👮
(2nd) i don't mind 7 more mites coz Miss SS & Miss H, female patients in my ward, have a 18yo daughter & (H) a 5yo son & 4mth old baby & H told me:
"I can't wait to get out & hug my baby girl!!! i was warded on 5th May, a month has past & i am still here." after she shared i went to my bed & cried & prayed for her husband taking care of 2 kids.
(3) H & SS HAVE ALOT AT STAKE AS MOTHERs> BUT i on the other hand, don't have a job & commitments & i made a promise> when i get out> i will fast & pray so 2 of them can be discharged & reunite with their family.
(4) throughout the 11nites how i survived/thrived? seeing 30 patients, & ALL OF US HAVE TO WARD BY LAW & i felt> we are all in the same boat, & who are these pple? The youngest patient is 18yo,the oldest is 75yo =0(
(5) i end here> the 1st 3 nites i couldn't sleep so i went to the Library & read this 300page book 3 times, COVER TO COVER, i thank God for letting me read this book & it made the 1st week more bearable:
Tall Order: the Goh Chok Tong Story Volume 1.

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On 6/8/2024 at 8:23 PM, 1983rophi said:

***THIS POST was duplicated@ post(1):

"A Newer Narrative-- Mental Health and Wellness" & post(2) wanna commit suicide?


Update on my mental health:
on 28th May 1am,
a hospital in hougang classified me as a threat/risk to self & i was detained-without-consent & served 10 nights>as a result i lost 1kg😥😞😢
this wasn't a normal hospital ward, but a concentration camp for me for 11days.
my Mobile & Laptop was confiscated so i finished 30 books to survive 11days.
they wtd me to stay warded for 16 more nites, but because i have renal failure & 3 pre-existing-conditions, they uninamously decided: THIS WARD IS NOT SUITABLE/sustainable for my patient profile & it is best i stay home & i have full compliance to my medication🎉🎊.
what lessons i learnt?
(1) if the patient is a millionaire> MONEY CANNOT BE USED TO BAIL U OUT OF THE WARD ADMISSION, coz the doctors> classify u under the mental-health-act
that means by law u have to ward, if u don't, u will be charged in C & sent to jail👮
(2nd) i don't mind 7 more mites coz Miss SS & Miss H, female patients in my ward, have a 18yo daughter & (H) a 5yo son & 4mth old baby & H told me:
"I can't wait to get out & hug my baby girl!!! i was warded on 5th May, a month has past & i am still here." after she shared i went to my bed & cried & prayed for her husband taking care of 2 kids.
(3) H & SS HAVE ALOT AT STAKE AS MOTHERs> BUT i on the other hand, don't have a job & commitments & i made a promise> when i get out> i will fast & pray so 2 of them can be discharged & reunite with their family.
(4) throughout the 11nites how i survived/thrived? seeing 30 patients, & ALL OF US HAVE TO WARD BY LAW & i felt> we are all in the same boat, & who are these pple? The youngest patient is 18yo,the oldest is 75yo =0(
(5) i end here> the 1st 3 nites i couldn't sleep so i went to the Library & read this 300page book 3 times, COVER TO COVER, i thank God for letting me read this book & it made the 1st week more bearable:
Tall Order: the Goh Chok Tong Story Volume 1.


"It sounds like you've been through a really tough experience and you were detained in the hospital without your consent and had your personal belongings taken away. It's amazing that you were able to find solace in reading and finish 30 books during your stay.


Your story highlights the importance of empathy and understanding in healthcare. It's crucial to recognize that patients in mental health wards are not just patients but human beings with stories, struggles, and emotions.


Your experience also underscores the need for more awareness and support for mental health. No one should feel alone or trapped in a situation like yours.


Your strength and resilience are truly inspiring. Your promise to fast and pray for your fellow patients is a testament to your compassionate spirit.


Remember that you are not alone, and there are people who care about you and want to support you through difficult times.


Please take care of yourself and remember to prioritize your well-being."


Yours, MetaAI 


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15 hours ago, amuse.ed said:


"It sounds like you've been through a really tough experience and you were detained in the hospital without your consent and had your personal belongings taken away. It's amazing that you were able to find solace in reading and finish 30 books during your stay.


Your story highlights the importance of empathy and understanding in healthcare. It's crucial to recognize that patients in mental health wards are not just patients but human beings with stories, struggles, and emotions.


Your experience also underscores the need for more awareness and support for mental health. No one should feel alone or trapped in a situation like yours.


Your strength and resilience are truly inspiring. Your promise to fast and pray for your fellow patients is a testament to your compassionate spirit.


Remember that you are not alone, and there are people who care about you and want to support you through difficult times.


Please take care of yourself and remember to prioritize your well-being."


Yours, MetaAI 


I don't wanna share anymore(  in this thread ) coz i want to respect the privacy of patients & nurses but i want to highlight, if see the A&E Doctor & they deem u a threat/safety risk, for those adverse cases presented at A&E:


(1st) they classify u under "FORM 3" & u are detained for 6 months =0(


(2nd) if u are violent in the Ward, IMH will "upgrade u to FORM 4", which is= Long Stay=(


(3rd) Amos Yee was doing time in IMH for 6 months. he made trouble & they "extended his stay". ***if he ever lands in Changi Airport, he will go straight to IMH =0<


(4th) IMH classified me under "FORM 2 which is 30days & 29nights." reason?

i had Suicidal thoughts on 22nd May & 

Wtd to jump from the 2nd floor, ***BUT I exercised restraint & wasn't suicidal by 10am.

So because of 22nd May, 

i think its harsh u charge me with a month of solitary confinement, but mind u, the remaining 39 patients in Ward 20A are all warded coz we/they mentioned "i am suicidal", so that is a sad fact, that if u share too much details with a Psychiatrist, they have the legal right to> ward u for a week so the necessary psychiatric drugs will be titrated & ur suicidal ideations will be gone a week from now. 



This protocol is flawed/bullshit & do u know who created this LAW? 


LEE KUAN YEW, what proof do i have? 


(i shall end here) according to a Nurse, she's worked at IMH for 10 years, LEE created a law called>


back then, 

many beggars filled the streets, 

many slept by the road side, 



so what is the biggest lesson i learnt? 


IMH is the only hospital in Singapore where non-compliance &  bad behaviour leads to more restrictions imposed on u. the worst case scenario? U are tied up & sent to the High-dependency-ward... & good luck if u are sent there... from: Mister C, 



(currently suffering from Post-traumatic-stress-disorder.)❤️😍🤩😘


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15 hours ago, 1983rophi said:

I don't wanna share anymore(  in this thread ) coz i want to respect the privacy of patients & nurses but i want to highlight, if see the A&E Doctor & they deem u a threat/safety risk, for those adverse cases presented at A&E:


(1st) they classify u under "FORM 3" & u are detained for 6 months =0(


(2nd) if u are violent in the Ward, IMH will "upgrade u to FORM 4", which is= Long Stay=(


(3rd) Amos Yee was doing time in IMH for 6 months. he made trouble & they "extended his stay". ***if he ever lands in Changi Airport, he will go straight to IMH =0<


(4th) IMH classified me under "FORM 2 which is 30days & 29nights." reason?

i had Suicidal thoughts on 22nd May & 

Wtd to jump from the 2nd floor, ***BUT I exercised restraint & wasn't suicidal by 10am.

So because of 22nd May, 

i think its harsh u charge me with a month of solitary confinement, but mind u, the remaining 39 patients in Ward 20A are all warded coz we/they mentioned "i am suicidal", so that is a sad fact, that if u share too much details with a Psychiatrist, they have the legal right to> ward u for a week so the necessary psychiatric drugs will be titrated & ur suicidal ideations will be gone a week from now. 



This protocol is flawed/bullshit & do u know who created this LAW? 


LEE KUAN YEW, what proof do i have? 


(i shall end here) according to a Nurse, she's worked at IMH for 10 years, LEE created a law called>


back then, 

many beggars filled the streets, 

many slept by the road side, 



so what is the biggest lesson i learnt? 


IMH is the only hospital in Singapore where non-compliance &  bad behaviour leads to more restrictions imposed on u. the worst case scenario? U are tied up & sent to the High-dependency-ward... & good luck if u are sent there... from: Mister C, 



(currently suffering from Post-traumatic-stress-disorder.)❤️😍🤩😘



Hi @1983rophi Thank you for giving me a personal narration on your experiences with the local mental health institution. I am glad that you choose to respect the privacy and confidentiality of your peers, ultimately.... that's an awesome awareness.


Every mental health journey is unique and what really aid and supported me over these two decades is to "keep on moving and never give up". Instead of focusing on my imposed clinical diagnosis labels, I see myself as someone who is: 


"An empath-- a person who has the ability to sense and absorb the emotions of others, often to the point of feeling overwhelmed. And a Highly Sensitive Persons (HSPs) who are individuals who process information deeply and are highly attuned to their surroundings, emotions, and the emotions of others. Being an empath and HSP can be challenging, especially when dealing with intense emotions like suicidal thoughts." (More details can be found via The Cloud Diary in the Members section)


As much as it's important to recognize that seeking help is a sign of strength, not weakness... but when the help and support system worsen my situation, its back to me, myself and I again. Paradoxically, that was when I experienced authentic growth as a person and my rebound on negative emotions has shorten with each challenge I faced over these 23ish years. My personal mantra is "my sensitivity and empathy are gifts, and I can learn to navigate my emotions and live a fulfilling life (I am still learning)".


Once again your strength and resilience are admirable. It highlights the need for more awareness and empathy in this  imperfect mental healthcare system or even world that we are in. Keep pushing forward.


Spur on!


Yours, ET

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Warning: The following video content talks about psychotropic medications, mental illnesses and "a dysfunctional mental health system" that may cause distresses to some viewers. Kindly seek professional guidance when required, especially with regards to tapering off medications.




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  • 2 weeks later...

Book overview


"Beyond Diagnosis is more than a book, it's a movement ...."


So many people are told they have a mental illness and that they will just have to cope.


Beyond Diagnosis points to the fact that this is just not true. Contained in this inspiring book are over 45 personal stories of recovery from around the world. From psychosis to bulimia, from OCD to fibromyalgia, these stories describe how each person recovered from every mental illness and is living their best life. And when we say recovered we mean, off meds and not needing any further treatment. How?


Sydney Banks wrote; "There need only be one generic mental illness, a misunderstanding of the role of thought".This truth is the basis of Beyond Diagnosis and shows how these amazing people were able to come back to their innate health.


Along with a critique of modern psychiatry and psychology, introductions to organizations who are working in the community, and over 40 peer-reviewed published articles, Beyond Diagnosis is an inspiration that will transform lives.


From the Forward by Dr Aaron Turner PhD.


“Beyond Diagnosis sits between two worlds. The world of our current view of mental health and a world with the potential for a very different reality of mental wellbeing ........ This is a pivotal book. Chana has gathered a wealth of evidence that demonstrates a consistent impact from learning about The Three Principles. She is giving you a chance to see this for yourself .... she has provided an opportunity for the wider world and the field of psychology and psychiatry to stop, take a step back, and take a new and fresh look at what this understanding has to offer.”



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Posted (edited)

Warning: The following content depicts mental illnesses and suicides that may cause distress to some readers. Kindly seek professional guidance when required. 

Commentary: Living with bipolar disorder, trudging through life's highs and lows

A complex illness, bipolar disorder affects 1.2 per cent of Singaporeans but those who live with the disease have reason for optimism, says one expert from the Institute of Mental Health.


Commentary: Living with bipolar disorder, trudging through life's highs and lows

Mok Yee Ming
30 Mar 2018 06:24AM (Updated: 03 Feb 2021 01:27PM)

SINGAPORE: World Bipolar Day falls on Mar 30 each year – the birthday of Vincent Van Gogh.


A Dutch painter in the 1800s and one of the most famous and influential figures in the history of Western art, Van Gogh suffered from several mental breakdowns in his life.


He often neglected his physical health. 

His friendship with a close friend and fellow painter, Paul Gauguin ended after a purported mental episode in which Van Gogh severed part of his own left ear and offered it to a prostitute.


As a result of his mental breakdowns, he spent extended periods of time in several psychiatric hospitals in the last few years of his life. After his last discharge, he moved to a place near Paris.


But his depression persisted and on Jul 27, 1890, Van Gogh shot himself in the chest with a revolver. He died from his injuries two days later.


Although it is difficult to say with certainty, Van Gogh may have well suffered from bipolar disorder. He had episodes of extreme elevated moods and episodes of severe depression.


It is not an uncommon illness. In a Singapore Mental Health Study conducted in 2010, we found that 1.2 per cent of Singaporeans suffered from this condition in their lifetime.


Bipolar disorder is a very complex illness. Like many mental disorders, there are no obvious external signs. Rather, a person is susceptible to episodes of extreme moods.


They could have periods of extreme euphoria. During these episodes, they may feel invincible and powerful. They may feel rich or have the belief that they have special powers.


Sufferers have grandiose ideas or may perform irrational acts such as starting up several companies or buying 10 bedframes to give away.


During this state of extreme euphoria, they may also experience other symptoms including feeling like they have unlimited energy, their mind racing from idea to idea, or feel that they don’t need sleep. In milder cases, they may have spells of extreme creativity or productivity.

Then the pendulum swings, giving way to depressive episodes. Those who suffer from bipolar disorder would be thrown into extremely low moods. Many become socially withdrawn and in severe cases, feel keenly that life is not worth living.

Studies have shown that even between episodes, those who suffer from the illness have a greater degree of mood swings compared to the general population. Understandably, this paints a rather grim prognosis for anyone with the illness.


Stigma, dealing with the day-to-day challenges of a chronic illness, caregiver burden, its effects on the various facets of a person’s life (including career and family), all make it difficult to live with the illness.




However, while it is a complex illness, those who suffer from it should not feel like they have to go through it alone in the same way Van Gogh did.


Indeed, World Bipolar Day is not meant to be a day of grimness and negativity but a celebration of uniqueness and strength.


Author and psychologist Kay Redfield Jamison wrote in her autobiography An Unquiet Mind about her struggles living with the illness and how difficult it was to accept that she needed medication. However, she ended with a rhetorical question. If given a choice, would she still choose to have the illness?

She said that she would not if she had not received treatment. But with medication, her answer was different. She said the illness had enabled her to feel things more deeply, to experience both life and death intimately, and to experience loyalty and care.

Although her autobiography was written in the 1980s, much of this still holds true today. There are more medication available to treat bipolar disorder today than in the 1980s. While they do not offer a cure, the medication help stabilise severe mood episodes.




A common fallacy is that once the mood episodes have been treated, medicines are no longer required.


However, it is recommended that such medication or mood stabilisers be taken on a regular basis. Doing so has been shown to help those who suffer from bipolar disorder manage mood swings in between episodes.


Many see medication as a reminder of their illness and a crutch. Some even see it as causing harm.


Indeed, many may feel like they need to stop their medication, in order to show they have recovered and can move on with life. It may be encouraged by friends and family.


There is also the fear that employers would discriminate against them if they learn about their illness and that it would render them uninsurable by healthcare insurance providers.

Yet, the goal of treatment is to enable a person to live a normal and full life, free from the severe mood episodes and mood swings. There is no reason why a person living with bipolar disorder should not be able to complete school, find a job, advance in their career and find love.


Today, beyond medication, there are resources and support groups available to help the person on their journey.

Specific therapies have been shown to help a person remain stable and well. Support groups and online information are available to help both the sufferer and caregivers learn to cope with such an illness.


Kay Redfield Jamison eventually became a professor of psychiatry at the John Hopkins University School of Medicine. 


Many famous and successful people similarly struggled with and overcame bipolar disorder to achieve success in their fields.


Among them count Winston Churchill, the British prime minister during World War II, Carrie Fisher who starred as Princess Leia in Star Wars and famed singers like Demi Lovato and Sinead O’Connor.


So let’s celebrate World Bipolar Day. It’s a celebration of how far we have come in the management of this illness.

It’s a celebration of every struggle that those who suffer the illness had to face and overcome.

It’s a celebration of those who fell down and picked themselves up again and ultimately, a celebration of the human spirit. 


Dr Mok Yee Ming is senior consultant and chief of department of mood and anxiety at the Institute of Mental Health (IMH).


Mediacorp Pte Ltd. All rights reserved.

Edited by amuse.ed
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  • 3 weeks later...

Generated by MetaAI


"The mental health industry has grown exponentially in recent years, with an increasing number of individuals seeking support for their wellbeing. However, concerns have been raised about the effectiveness and potential drawbacks of current mental health practices.


One of the primary concerns is the prevalent use of labeling and medicating individuals. This approach can oversimplify complex issues and neglect the importance of empathy and understanding in the therapeutic relationship.


Research has shown that many mental health professionals struggle with their own wellbeing, which can impact their ability to provide effective care. This is a concerning trend, as it can create a power imbalance in the therapeutic relationship and undermine trust.


Furthermore, the reliance on paid professionals can be seen as a failure of society, communities, and families to provide adequate support. This can perpetuate the stigma surrounding mental health and create barriers for individuals seeking help.


Personal accounts from individuals who have experienced the mental health system firsthand reveal a sense of disillusionment and frustration. Some have reported feeling abandoned and forced to self-develop without support, while others have struggled to find empathetic and understanding professionals.


The importance of empathy and understanding in mental health support cannot be overstated. Individuals seeking help deserve to be heard and validated, rather than simply labeled and medicated.


Moreover, the current system's focus on individual treatment can neglect the role of societal and environmental factors in shaping mental health. This can perpetuate the idea that mental health issues are solely the responsibility of the individual, rather than acknowledging the impact of broader systemic issues.


To create a more effective and compassionate mental health system, it is essential to prioritize empathy, understanding, and individualized support. This can involve incorporating alternative approaches, such as holistic therapies and community-based support groups.


Additionally, addressing the systemic issues perpetuating mental health stigma and barriers to care is crucial. This can involve promoting education, awareness, and advocacy for mental health support.


Ultimately, creating a society that genuinely supports mental wellbeing requires a multifaceted approach that acknowledges the complexity of mental health issues and prioritizes empathy, understanding, and inclusivity. By working together, a more compassionate and effective mental health system that truly supports individuals in need can be created."

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Warning: The following content offers a different perspective on mental wellness that may cause distress to some readers. Kindly seek professional guidance when required. 


*** MetaAI generate content without editing.


Embracing the Complexity of Mental Health: A Spectrum of Experiences


The narrative surrounding mental health has evolved, recognizing that well-being exists on a continuum, fluctuating throughout one's life. This spectrum acknowledges that mental health is not a fixed state but a dynamic and ever-changing experience. One individual's journey, grappling with psychological and emotional distress stemming from complex post-traumatic stress disorder (CPTSD), spiritual emergence, and the impact of psychotic medications on their sexual orientation, serves as a testament to the multifaceted nature of mental health.


This person's story is a powerful example of the intricate relationship between trauma, identity, and mental well-being. The added layer of CPTSD, resulting from prolonged exposure to traumatic events, has further complicated their journey. Spiritual emergence, a process of awakening to new perspectives and realities, has brought both profound insights and intensified emotional pain.


The psychiatric diagnosis received, while helpful in some ways, has also been a source of contention. Some individuals find solace and meaning in their diagnoses, while others struggle with the constraints of labels. This divergence in perspectives raises questions about the validity of diagnoses and their impact on personal growth.


Can a diagnosis be both empowering and limiting?


Does it define one's identity or serve as a catalyst for healing?


The concept of "agree to disagree" becomes essential in this complex landscape. Recognizing that everyone's path to understanding and coping with mental health is distinct, it's crucial to respect individual differences. However, doubts linger about the emphasis on "we-llness" and "i-llness."


Does this focus on collective and individual wellness overshadow the importance of personal responsibility in the healing process?


Healing and recovery, it seems, come primarily from within. Adopting the best wellness hygiene practices, such as self-care, mindfulness, and social support, can empower individuals to take control of their mental health. Yet, the role of external factors, like medication and therapy, remains unclear.


Can these external tools truly facilitate healing, or do they merely mask symptoms?


As the mental health narrative continues to evolve, it's essential to acknowledge the complexity of individual experiences. The spectrum of mental health is vast, and each person's journey is unique. While some find comfort in diagnosis and treatment, others may reject these labels, seeking alternative paths to healing.


The importance of empathy and understanding cannot be overstated. Creating a world where individuals feel empowered to share their stories without fear of judgment or marginalization is crucial. However, doubts persist about the authenticity of these narratives.


Are individuals truly finding solace in their diagnoses, or are they conforming to societal expectations?


Despite these uncertainties, one thing is clear: healing and recovery require a holistic approach. By focusing on personal growth, self-awareness, and wellness hygiene, individuals can cultivate a deeper understanding of their mental health. This journey, though arduous, can lead to profound insights and a more compassionate relationship with oneself.


As the conversation surrounding mental health continues, it's essential to prioritize individual agency and personal responsibility. By acknowledging the complexity of mental health and embracing the spectrum of experiences, we can work towards creating a culture that supports and empowers individuals to take ownership of their well-being.


Ultimately, the path to healing and recovery is unique to each individual. By recognizing the intricacies of mental health and adopting a holistic approach, individuals can navigate the spectrum of experiences with greater ease and empathy. As the narrative continues to evolve, one thing is certain: the journey towards mental wellness is a deeply personal and ongoing process.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The Courage To Be


In the depths of my mind, a voice whispers low
A call for autonomy, a need to let go
Of constraints that bind, of expectations that weigh
And find my own path, through the darkness and the gray


But stigma and shame, they linger and hide
Discrimination's sting, a wound that won't subside
The weight of judgment, a burden to bear
A constant reminder, that we're not always fair


My heart beats with emotions, a mix of light and shade
A dance between freedom and structure, a balance to be made
I seek to understand, to heal and to mend
And find my own rhythm, where my soul can transcend


Why must we conform, to norms that don't align?
Can't we find our own way, and let our true selves shine?
Is it fear of the unknown, or doubt that holds us back?
Or is it because we're still learning, to listen to our own track?


Let's break down the barriers, that stigma erects
Let's build bridges of understanding, where love and acceptance connect
Let's celebrate our differences, and let our voices be heard
Let's rise up, stronger, and let our true selves be stirred


For when we prioritize self, and let our hearts be light
We'll shine a beacon of hope, in the darkest of nights
And when we stand together, against discrimination's might
We'll create a world of inclusivity, where all can take flight.



31 Jul 2024

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Posted (edited)

Warning: The following content offers  perspectives on suicide that may cause distress to some readers. Kindly seek professional guidance when required. 


Psychology Today


Why Many Who Attempt Suicide Do Not Have Active Suicidal Thoughts

Some pathways to suicide involve no ideation at all.

Posted July 14, 2022

Reviewed by Gary Drevitch


It is commonly assumed that suicidal ideation intensifies gradually before a suicide attempt or death occurs.

A new study shows that some suicides don't involve worsening ideation—or any suicidal thoughts at all.

In the study, one in ten lifetime suicide attempters never experienced suicidal ideation.

Each year, nearly 800,000 people die from suicide. Though suicide is more prevalent in some countries (e.g., Guyana), among certain groups (e.g., middle-aged Caucasian men in the U.S.), and at certain times—in spring and summer, in the first week of a month, earlier in the week, and during afternoons—it can happen any time or place.


Several risk factors for suicide have been identified. These include male gender, Caucasian ethnicity, mental illness (particularly depression), psychiatric symptoms (hopelessness, impulsivity), physical or sexual abuse, loneliness, relationship conflict, financial difficulties, access to weapons, and personal history of suicide attempts.


Another risk factor is suicidal ideation (i.e. having thoughts about ending one’s life). However, a recent study by Wastler and colleagues suggests that although “some individuals who attempt suicide experience progressively worsening suicidal thoughts,” others experience only passive ideation, and some have no suicide‐related thoughts at all. The paper, published in the June issue of the Journal of Clinical Psychology, is reviewed below. (Note: Passive ideation refers to thoughts such as "I wish I could disappear.” An example of active ideation is "I should kill myself.”


Investigating the Link Between Suicidal Ideation and Suicide Attempts

Sample: 6,200 American adults; 51.0 percent females; 62 percent Caucasian; 41 percent between 25 and 44 years old; 45 percent with a college education.




The Self‐Injurious Thoughts and Behaviors Interview‐Revised (SITBI‐R) was used to assess passive and active suicidal ideation. Specifically, participants were asked if they had any of these thoughts before:


I wish I could disappear or not exist.
I wish I could go to sleep and never wake up.
My life is not worth living.
I wish I was never born.
I wish I were dead.
Maybe I should kill myself.
I should kill myself.
I am going to kill myself.

To assess suicidal behavior, participants were asked if they had done any of the following:


Purposefully hurt yourself without wanting to die.

Been very close to killing yourself, but at the last minute you decided not to do it before taking any action.

Been very close to killing yourself but at the last minute, someone or something else stopped you before you took any action.

Started to kill yourself and then you stopped after you had already taken some action.

Started to kill yourself and then you decided to reach out for help after you had already taken some action.

Tried to kill yourself and someone found you afterward.

Tried to kill yourself and no one found you afterward.

Positive and Negative Affect Scale (PANAS).


Participants answered to what degree they had experienced, in the previous week, positive feelings (active, alert, attentive, determined, inspired) and negative feelings (afraid, ashamed, hostile, nervous, upset).



Here are some key findings:


“The sole presence of passive suicidal ideation was associated with increased rates of both lifetime and past‐month suicide attempts.”

“One‐third of individuals with a lifetime suicide attempt denied ever experiencing active suicidal thoughts in their lifetime and one in 10 denied ever having any suicide‐related thoughts.”

“Half of the individuals with a recent suicide attempt denied experiencing active suicidal thoughts during the month they attempted suicide. One in five denied experiencing any suicide‐related thoughts during the month they attempted suicide.”


What these findings indicate is that the progression from suicidal thoughts to suicidal behaviors does not always involve the continuum model pathway of passive thoughts of death intensifying and resulting in more active thoughts, planning, attempt, and finally, death.


So, some people appear to “skip” stages of the continuum model (e.g., no passive or active ideation before a suicide attempt).



It is commonly assumed that suicide risk occurs on a continuum, meaning thoughts of death gradually intensify before a suicide attempt or death by suicide occurs. But is this true for everyone? No, according to the findings of the current study.


For instance, analysis of data showed that one in ten lifetime suicide attempters never experienced suicidal ideation—and more than a fifth of those who attempted suicide in the previous month had not experienced suicidal ideation at all during that period.

So, it appears suicidal behavior can occur without suicidal ideation. How?

Perhaps, the authors suggest, past suicide planning is “stored on a ‘mental shelf,’ which can be easily accessed and acted upon without current suicidal thoughts.”


Other possibilities include unplanned or impulsive suicidal behaviors. Or suicide attempts that occur after negative and distressing thoughts (e.g., feeling unworthy of love, feeling unable to tolerate a situation), as opposed to after suicidal ideation.


An implication of the findings is that we need to ask about both passive and active suicidal ideation in suicide risk assessment, but also to remember that some people who attempt suicide may have experienced neither.

Psychology Today © 2024 Sussex


Kindly click here for online article.




Mental well-being

• Institute of Mental Health’s Mental Health Helpline: 6389-2222 (24 hours)

• Samaritans of Singapore: 1800-221-4444 (24 hours) /1-767 (24 hours)

• Singapore Association for Mental Health: 1800-283-7019

• Silver Ribbon Singapore: 6386-1928

• Tinkle Friend: 1800-274-4788 

• Chat, Centre of Excellence for Youth Mental Health: 6493-6500/1

• Women’s Helpline (Aware): 1800-777-5555 (weekdays, 10am to 6pm)

• Aware’s Sexual Assault Care Centre: 6779-0282 (weekdays, 10am to 6pm)

• National Anti-Violence and Sexual Harassment Helpline: 1800-777-0000



• TOUCHline (Counselling): 1800-377-2252

• TOUCH Care Line (for seniors, caregivers): 6804-6555

• Care Corner Counselling Centre: 6353-1180

• Counselling and Care Centre: 6536-6366


Online resources

• eC2.sg

• www.tinklefriend.sg

• www.chat.mentalhealth.sg

• carey.carecorner.org.sg (for those aged 13 to 25)

• limitless.sg/talk (for those aged 12 to 25)


For International helplines, kindly refer to Befrienders Worldwide. If you or someone you know is in immediate danger, contact 24-hour emergency medical service.


Edited by amuse.ed
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13 hours ago, amuse.ed said:

Warning: The following content offers  perspectives on suicide that may cause distress to some readers. Kindly seek professional guidance when required. 


Psychology Today


Why Many Who Attempt Suicide Do Not Have Active Suicidal Thoughts

Some pathways to suicide involve no ideation at all.

Posted July 14, 2022

Reviewed by Gary Drevitch


It is commonly assumed that suicidal ideation intensifies gradually before a suicide attempt or death occurs.

A new study shows that some suicides don't involve worsening ideation—or any suicidal thoughts at all.

In the study, one in ten lifetime suicide attempters never experienced suicidal ideation.

Each year, nearly 800,000 people die from suicide. Though suicide is more prevalent in some countries (e.g., Guyana), among certain groups (e.g., middle-aged Caucasian men in the U.S.), and at certain times—in spring and summer, in the first week of a month, earlier in the week, and during afternoons—it can happen any time or place.


Several risk factors for suicide have been identified. These include male gender, Caucasian ethnicity, mental illness (particularly depression), psychiatric symptoms (hopelessness, impulsivity), physical or sexual abuse, loneliness, relationship conflict, financial difficulties, access to weapons, and personal history of suicide attempts.


Another risk factor is suicidal ideation (i.e. having thoughts about ending one’s life). However, a recent study by Wastler and colleagues suggests that although “some individuals who attempt suicide experience progressively worsening suicidal thoughts,” others experience only passive ideation, and some have no suicide‐related thoughts at all. The paper, published in the June issue of the Journal of Clinical Psychology, is reviewed below. (Note: Passive ideation refers to thoughts such as "I wish I could disappear.” An example of active ideation is "I should kill myself.”


Investigating the Link Between Suicidal Ideation and Suicide Attempts

Sample: 6,200 American adults; 51.0 percent females; 62 percent Caucasian; 41 percent between 25 and 44 years old; 45 percent with a college education.




The Self‐Injurious Thoughts and Behaviors Interview‐Revised (SITBI‐R) was used to assess passive and active suicidal ideation. Specifically, participants were asked if they had any of these thoughts before:


I wish I could disappear or not exist.
I wish I could go to sleep and never wake up.
My life is not worth living.
I wish I was never born.
I wish I were dead.
Maybe I should kill myself.
I should kill myself.
I am going to kill myself.

To assess suicidal behavior, participants were asked if they had done any of the following:


Purposefully hurt yourself without wanting to die.

Been very close to killing yourself, but at the last minute you decided not to do it before taking any action.

Been very close to killing yourself but at the last minute, someone or something else stopped you before you took any action.

Started to kill yourself and then you stopped after you had already taken some action.

Started to kill yourself and then you decided to reach out for help after you had already taken some action.

Tried to kill yourself and someone found you afterward.

Tried to kill yourself and no one found you afterward.

Positive and Negative Affect Scale (PANAS).


Participants answered to what degree they had experienced, in the previous week, positive feelings (active, alert, attentive, determined, inspired) and negative feelings (afraid, ashamed, hostile, nervous, upset).



Here are some key findings:


“The sole presence of passive suicidal ideation was associated with increased rates of both lifetime and past‐month suicide attempts.”

“One‐third of individuals with a lifetime suicide attempt denied ever experiencing active suicidal thoughts in their lifetime and one in 10 denied ever having any suicide‐related thoughts.”

“Half of the individuals with a recent suicide attempt denied experiencing active suicidal thoughts during the month they attempted suicide. One in five denied experiencing any suicide‐related thoughts during the month they attempted suicide.”


What these findings indicate is that the progression from suicidal thoughts to suicidal behaviors does not always involve the continuum model pathway of passive thoughts of death intensifying and resulting in more active thoughts, planning, attempt, and finally, death.


So, some people appear to “skip” stages of the continuum model (e.g., no passive or active ideation before a suicide attempt).



It is commonly assumed that suicide risk occurs on a continuum, meaning thoughts of death gradually intensify before a suicide attempt or death by suicide occurs. But is this true for everyone? No, according to the findings of the current study.


For instance, analysis of data showed that one in ten lifetime suicide attempters never experienced suicidal ideation—and more than a fifth of those who attempted suicide in the previous month had not experienced suicidal ideation at all during that period.

So, it appears suicidal behavior can occur without suicidal ideation. How?

Perhaps, the authors suggest, past suicide planning is “stored on a ‘mental shelf,’ which can be easily accessed and acted upon without current suicidal thoughts.”


Other possibilities include unplanned or impulsive suicidal behaviors. Or suicide attempts that occur after negative and distressing thoughts (e.g., feeling unworthy of love, feeling unable to tolerate a situation), as opposed to after suicidal ideation.


An implication of the findings is that we need to ask about both passive and active suicidal ideation in suicide risk assessment, but also to remember that some people who attempt suicide may have experienced neither.

Psychology Today © 2024 Sussex


Kindly click here for online article.




Mental well-being

• Institute of Mental Health’s Mental Health Helpline: 6389-2222 (24 hours)

• Samaritans of Singapore: 1800-221-4444 (24 hours) /1-767 (24 hours)

• Singapore Association for Mental Health: 1800-283-7019

• Silver Ribbon Singapore: 6386-1928

• Tinkle Friend: 1800-274-4788 

• Chat, Centre of Excellence for Youth Mental Health: 6493-6500/1

• Women’s Helpline (Aware): 1800-777-5555 (weekdays, 10am to 6pm)

• Aware’s Sexual Assault Care Centre: 6779-0282 (weekdays, 10am to 6pm)

• National Anti-Violence and Sexual Harassment Helpline: 1800-777-0000



• TOUCHline (Counselling): 1800-377-2252

• TOUCH Care Line (for seniors, caregivers): 6804-6555

• Care Corner Counselling Centre: 6353-1180

• Counselling and Care Centre: 6536-6366


Online resources

• eC2.sg

• www.tinklefriend.sg

• www.chat.mentalhealth.sg

• carey.carecorner.org.sg (for those aged 13 to 25)

• limitless.sg/talk (for those aged 12 to 25)


For International helplines, kindly refer to Befrienders Worldwide. If you or someone you know is in immediate danger, contact 24-hour emergency medical service.


thanks for the long post, i admit... I haven't read the full article, i promise to read it later when i am free, thx.

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At different times, I was a ticketing crew member at Universal Studios.


hey Bro, were u part of the opening crew in 2009?
i worked at L.C.A. from 2009 to late 2010, had the best time of my life.

hope you had nice Bosses/Lead in the PARK ENTRY OPS department... back when u were there lah 😃


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On 8/2/2024 at 5:41 PM, 1983rophi said:

At different times, I was a ticketing crew member at Universal Studios.


hey Bro, were u part of the opening crew in 2009?
i worked at L.C.A. from 2009 to late 2010, had the best time of my life.

hope you had nice Bosses/Lead in the PARK ENTRY OPS department... back when u were there lah 😃



Hi @1983rophi, I am not an ex- employee of USS. May we meet nicer bosses and people in many years to come. Take good care. 

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Fractured Care- A Call to Mend


In a system strained, where struggles persist,
Mental health care falters, and hope desists.
Overmedication's quick fix, a temporary reprieve,
Neglecting underlying wounds, where true healing must breathe.


Access barriers rise, like towering walls,
Cost and wait times, leaving many to fall.
Stigma's dark shadow looms, a crushing weight,
Silencing voices, and obscuring the state.


Professionals burn out, like embers in the night,
Compassion fatigued, as they struggle to hold on to the light.
Caseloads swell, like a tidal wave's roar,
Leaving little room, for the gentle touch, that healing demands once more.


Diagnosis labels, a reduction so cold,
Neglecting the soul, where stories unfold.
A person's complexity, distilled to a name,
Fostering shame, and a sense of blame.


Prevention's promise, a distant, fading light,
Early intervention, a missed opportunity's plight.
Cultural pressures mount, a toxic, deadly sway,
Mental health suffers, night and day.


Social media's curated highlight reel,
A distorted lens, that fuels the unreal.
Comparison's deadly game, a never-ending chase,
Leaving self-worth, in a fragile, shattered space.


Yet, still we hope, for a better way,
A holistic approach, that comes what may.
Empowerment, education, and love that's true,
A mental health ecosystem, that supports me and you.


Let's break the stigma, and shatter the shame,
Let's build a system, that heals, not just claims.
A system that listens, that cares and that sees,
A mental health ecosystem, that sets the soul free.


One that weaves together, the fractured threads,
Of mind, body, and spirit, in a tapestry of dreads.
A system that acknowledges, the complexities we face,
And offers compassion, in a warm, embracing space.


Where professionals thrive, with support and with care,
And those seeking help, find solace, without a single snare.
Where prevention and early intervention entwine,
To foster resilience, and a mental health that's divine.


Let's strive for this vision, with hearts that are true,
And build a mental health ecosystem, that sees us through.



05 Aug 2024 

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12 hours ago, amuse.ed said:


Hi @1983rophi, I am not an ex- employee of USS. May we meet nicer bosses and people in many years to come. Take good care. 

Apologies, my mistake, i'm not sure if this remark is accurate: i used to read/subscribe to "PSYCHOLOGY TODAY" at Kino, maybe next time we can meetup & discuss about the content/articles in the mag. its my honor to engage with u in a:


Intellectual debate & 

Emotionally connect as 2 gay men treading the waters of Anti- L.G.B.T.Q.I. in 🇸🇬


Enjoy the p/H on 9th August =0)

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Posted (edited)

A passing thought while ET journeys through life. Content partially MetaAI generated. 


"As ET reminded himself again of the fragile power of words. "Words are words. Humans gave meaning to what it meant, not what it means." ET repeat this mantra to himself, a desperate attempt to cling to sanity as the waves of negativity crash against his soul.


But it's not just about the words of others; it's also about the words he speak to himself. The self-doubt, the criticism, the fear. He must recognize that these words, too, are mere symbols, empty vessels waiting to be filled with meaning.


And so, he has to recognize himself, to become himself, and to grow beyond himself. While acknowledging his strengths and weaknesses, his passions and fears. He embraces his true self, without judgment or condition.


It's hard, oh so hard, to break free from the shackles of self-doubt and negativity. But ET knows that he has the power to assign new meaning, to rewrite the narrative of his life.


That's why he strive to live a life of neutrality, to observe the world around him without judgment, to see things as they are, not as he thinks they should be. And in this neutrality, he finds the space to discover himself, to explore his own thoughts and emotions, and to cultivate self-awareness.


ET has learnt too on this journey of self-discovery, a path of threefold transformation: 认识自己 (recognizing himself), 成为自己 (becoming himself), and 放过自己 (letting go of himself).


认识自己 - must recognize himself, acknowledge his strengths and weaknesses, his passions and fears. He must see himself as he truly is, without judgment or condition.


成为自己 - As he recognize himself, he becomes myself, embracing his true nature without apology or pretension. As he appreciates his life challenges and situations (exclusively towards his instrinctic) without having to be too over bothered by what others will think of him. 


放过自己 - And finally, ET is to let go and forgives himself, release the need for control, the fear of uncertainty, and the burden of self-doubt whilst he surrenders to the present moment, and allow himself to be free.


He will repeat this mantra to himself, again and again, until it becomes the rhythm of his heart.


"Words are words. Humans gave meaning to what it meant, not what it means."


Living a life of neutrality, of discomfort, of growth.... he will emerge stronger, wiser with heighten discernment and more resilient with each passing day."

Edited by amuse.ed
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System Needed or Obselated 


Trapped in a cage of categorization,
A prisoner of labels, lost in desolation.
The weight of words crushes their soul,
A diagnosis that defines them, yet makes them whole.

The sting of stigma pierces their heart,
A lifelong sentence, torn apart.

They're more than their symptoms, more than their pain,
The system sees them as forever in chains.

The boxes are narrow, the spaces are cold,
They're forced to fit in, their true self grows old.
Their emotions suffocate, their spirit fades,
A mere statistic, in a sea of shades.


But what is the purpose of this endless quest,
To find meaning in a diagnosis, and put it to the test?
Is it to validate, to justify, or to explain?
Or is it just a distraction from the pain?


But let them not use these labels as a guise,
To shirk their growth, and close their eyes.
For to hide behind a diagnosis, and refuse to strive,
Is an abomination, a travesty of the human drive.


Still they hold on to hope's thin thread,
A glimmer of light, in the darkest dread.
For in the shadows, a spark remains,
A flame of resilience, that refuses to wane.


Their story is one of strength and might,
A testament to the human spirit's light.
Though labels may seek to define and confine,
Their true essence remains, forever divine.


In the silence, a whisper is heard,
A voice that rises, a heart that's stirred.
A call to rise above the noise and pain,
To find solace in love, and love's sweet refrain.


So let this system, so flawed and so cold,
Be dismantled, and a new way be told.
May humanity rise, and a new path unfold,
One that sees the person, not just a label to hold."




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  • 2 weeks later...

Reset Restore Thrive


A new dawn breaks, a call to restore,
The mental health ecosystem, a collective score,
Involving all, shining with new light,
Together weaving a supportive sight.


When struggles arise, and emotions unfold,
Reach out to trusted ones, young and old,
Talk, listen, and share with empathy and care,
Break the silence, show you're aware.


Supportive networks join hands in harmony,
Care and services blend in perfect symphony,
Helping individuals, with love to share,
Empowering them, showing we truly care.


When crisis hits, and darkness descends,
Lifelines and helplines, a lifeline that never ends,
Reach out, don't hesitate, help is on the way,
Support is available, come what may.


Agencies align, a synchronized pace,
Fostering a culture of mental wellness in this place,
Community groups, NGOs, and corporate might,
Together promoting mental health, shining so bright.


When mental health matters, and conversations start,
Listen actively, with an open heart,
Avoid judgment, offer support with grace,
Empower individuals, find their own pace.


Research and innovation, a forward stride,
Knowledge and insights, informing the way,
For a mental health ecosystem, brighter each day,
Best practices integrated, come what may.


Resetting the system, a journey we take,
Empathy, understanding, for all to partake,
Reducing stigma, promoting inclusivity,
A society that cares, in solidarity.


A nation prioritizes mental health,
A beacon of hope, in every individual's wealth,
Let's work together, hand in hand,
To create a supportive ecosystem, across this land.



23 Aug 2024

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The Sandwiched Soul


Generation X, a sandwiched fate
Caught between Boomers and younger state
Their needs, a balancing act to abate
While Gen X's own dreams, often hesitate

Why must they accommodate, you ask?

Well, societal norms and expectations task
Who benefits from their sacrifice and toil?
The Boomers, with wisdom, and the young, with soil

What's the cost of this generational squeeze?

Burnout, stress, and lost personal ease
When do they get to live their own lives?
Perhaps when they're old, with worn-out drives

Where's the support for this middle ground?

In self-care, love, and a strong support mound
How can they cope with this weighty role?
Through self-agency, resilience, and a determined soul

Generation X, don't lose your way

Prioritize your needs, come what may
Embrace your power, take control of your fate
And rise above this sandwiched state.



29 Aug 2024

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Comprehensive Care: A Balanced Approach???


Healing minds, a multifaceted art
Encompassing both heart and science to start
Psychotherapy, a guiding light
Illuminating paths, through darkest night


Trained therapists, with skilled hands
Credentials that speak to their master plans
Education, experience, and empathy entwined
A safe space for hearts and minds to unwind


Medication, a vital tool in the fray
For some, a lifeline, come what may
Relieving symptoms, and easing pain
A necessary step, towards healing's gain


Yet, therapy addresses the root, the core
Long-term growth, and understanding in store
A journey with a therapist, who sees you through
Together navigating, the ups and downs anew


Quality training, a must, indeed
For therapists and prescribers, our deepest needs
Evidence-based methods, and compassion combined
A powerful duo, for healing to shine


So let us embrace, this balanced view
Recognizing both therapy and medication, anew

For in their synergy, we find our way
To heal, to grow, and seize a brighter day.


Could these be the healing touch with people with mental health challenges and it's issues? 





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Harmony of Solace


When worries weigh upon my mind
And stress begins to unwind
I find my solace, pure and true
In singing, my heart's anthem anew


With every note, my soul takes flight
As melodies banish the dark of night
The world outside fades from view
As music's balm soothes me anew


My voice, a vessel for emotions deep
Echoes feelings I've tried to keep
In harmony, I find my peaceful nest
Where stress and doubts are gently repressed


Like raindrops washing away my fears
Each lyric calms my troubled tears
Singing's solace wraps me in its grace
And fills my heart with a warm, safe space


In song, I find my release, my friend
A refuge where love and joy never end
So let me sing, and let my voice soar
For in its melody, I find stress no more.




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