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Piles / hemorrhoids Discussion - Can bottom with piles enjoy anal sex? + How To Take Care Of Piles? Pile Operation (compiled)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Anyone had problem with hemorrhoids after anal sex? Heard that it's an aggravating factor especially prevalent in gay bottoms, wondering how true that may be.

Any experience, thoughts and remedies most appreciated... tks luv

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Anyone had problem with hemorrhoids after anal sex? Heard that it's an aggravating factor especially prevalent in gay bottoms, wondering how true that may be.

Any experience, thoughts and remedies most appreciated... tks luv

Search for "Home remedy for piles or hemorrhoid". You may find something useful like garlic, apple cider vinegar, coconut oil, Vicks VapoRub, etc.

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  • 4 months later...

ecently my piles start to bleed....ribena water in the toilet bowl.


my mum recommends me to tie it?


anyone can share their experience



hey bro.....emphatise with your current situation as I've been through and its frightening to see blood daily when you pass motion. suggest that  you quickly go and see a doctor for immediate treatment.


1. Consider whether you would want to be a subsidised or non-subsidised patient. Subsidised patient will have to 1st see a polyclinic doctor and get a referral letter. Polyclinic will fix the appointment date of your preferred government hospital (yes, you can choose which hospital you prefer). For subsidised  patient, usually they would  be seen by a junior doctor in the government hospital. They do not get to choose to see a Senior Consultant. To see a Senior Consultant, it is classified as PRIVATE class charges including operation and ward charges.


2. The hospital specialist will determine your condition and advise accordingly. The tie method you mentioned is called ligation (they use rubber bands to tie) and you will have stomach ache feeling (bearable) after the procedure.  It could be done on the spot and need not be warded. I had it done some years back but the bleeding reoccured.


3. If tie doesn't work, it will be a day surgery. I just had my piles surgery done in SGH in April 2015 and the method is called THD where the doctor sewed the veins to prevent the blood from flowing down to the piles. The doctor said everyone including infants have piles and it is not recommended to cut the piles away else will have problems controlling the bowels (this is an old procedure and very painful). They now use the NEW method THD - PAINLESS. Patient will put to sleep and awake in half an hour. Can go home on the same day. you google and read more of THD.


4. Doc also advised to cut down on spicy food at all times as chilies produce chemicals that caused the blood vessels to swollen. Drink plenty of water as without water also difficult to flush out toxins and faceas out from the body.


5. Doc recommended papaya for easy passing motion. If you have constipation problems, can try buying stool softener (Lactus or Duphalac) from any pharmacies. But dont over dependent on them. Use when necessary. Can try also Prune juice from supermarkets. Eating bread with butter and drinking skim milk also helps me to pass motion easily (at least these are natural ways compared to using medicines).


6. Lastly, check with your insurance agent is your operation is fully covered by insurance. From my last 2 operations (including piles op in Apr 2015), all my Pre and Post hospitalisation and follow up consultations were claimable within 120 days based on the type of policy you are covered.


7. Although, its a day surgery, you might wish to request to stay a few more days to ensure everything is ok before discharged. Its a nightmare going to A&E as the waiting time to see a doctor can be more than 4 hours wait and another 8 hours wait just to get admitted to a ward in government hospitals (of course if private hospitals will be faster la). If you are 100% covered by insurance, why not stay to have peace of mind ?


You will also need to book appoint to see polyclinic doctor. Polyclinic Central Appt tel no:  63553000.


Well, this is my sharing with you brother and wish you GOOD health. Keep us updated on your piles problems.

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Have u tried this daflon (diosmin & hisperidin ) combined in a pill? It works for chronic piles. Generic version is much cheaper though. Can get it at pharmacies.

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I am going for a piles operation in SGH. Any brothers here have been thru the operation before can share on:-


1. Is it very painful after operation ? In my case, it was painless and I was able to walk normally 1 day after the operation. Pass motion any blood after operation ? Some bleeding is normal, especially with the first few bowel movements after surgery.

2. Any painkillers given? Yes + stool softeners

3. How many days warded 1.5 day

4. How many days MC given ? 1 week

5. Period of recovery About 2 weeks

6. Any  re-occurance of piles after the operation ? Yes


Really SCARED of it.! Don't worry so much and all the best.


Thanks everyone !

Replies in blue bold print above

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Guest itchy backside

i had piles for at least 30 years. recently, it popped outside and stayed outside. it was also itchy. I asked the government doc for tying or operation. he said that since it had popped out, it cannot be tied...dunno true or not. he gave me what was mentioned above i.e. diosmin and hesperidin...u can ask for the generic which is cheaper. My piles DISAPPEARED after about a month of daily application. I am so happy and really very surprised that a herbal medication can really remove the piles. But the itch comes back once a while. I use really hot water to burn it and it lasts a few days>I hv also started to wash instead of using toilet paper after shitting. Perhaps a need a stocky guy to top me to remove the itch...haha.

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I have doubt that medication can shrink piles. Tot just to relieve bleeding.

This is my personal experience after suffering for 30 years. I also never believed. Initially, when the doctor gave me the medication, I thought it was just another round of taking medication. I guess you are not a piles sufferer yourself. If anyone has piles, try it for 3 months. What do you have to lose? The medication is not that expensive. I am not recommending any brand and am not benefitting from this. Just wnat to share something good.

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  • 1 month later...

My bf has been having external piles for about 3 weeks and we haven't had sex since he had piles (I am pure top, he is flex bottom). He has been to the doctor and taking medication but the piles are still not healing.  


Anybody has good home remedy to recommend?

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  • Apple Cider Vinegar – Using apple cider vinegar is one of the most popular natural treatments for hemorrhoids. Simply soak a cotton ball or some toilet paper with ACV and apply it to the hemorrhoid area. Repeat this process until the inflammation disappears and symptoms resolve. You should see improvement instantly. Alternatively, add some ACV (half a cup) to a sitz bath.
  • Rutin – A health-promoting compound found in numerous plants such as buckwheat, oranges, grapefruit, lemon, cranberries, and asparagus (to name a few), rutin is another home remedy often used for hemorrhoids. Buying it in supplement form may be the best option. One individual on Earthclinic says“I have had a hemmroid for almost a year now. Just last week I started taking Rutin 500mg twice a day, in the morning and one before going to bed. … taking Rutin for only a week the inflammation has gone down and my hemmroid thankfully is almost gone, it’s less than a size of a pea today.”
  • Coconut Oil – Apply coconut oil directly to hemorrhoids, rinse and repeat. In addition to symptoms subsiding, the hemorrhoids should disappear over the course of just a few days.
  • Witch Hazel – An astringent and healing tree, witch hazel is one of the oldest known natural remedies for hemorrhoids. Just soak a pad or cotton ball with witch hazel and apply it to the area.
  • Aloe Vera – As with the above treatments, simply apply aloe vera to the affected area to relieve symptoms.
  • Up Fiber Intake: Eat Plenty of Vegetables, Fruit  – Seeing as hemorrhoids result from constipation and straining, it should be no surprise that upping fiber intake can help mend the issue. Fiber helps soften stools and is essential for colon health and digestive health as a whole. This nutrient helps to clean out the gastrointestinal system, preventing constipation and allowing the colon to work at greater levels of efficiency. Sources of fiber include: vegetables of all kinds, flax seeds, almonds, pecans, pistachios, prunes, pears, and beans. Include these foods in your diet while trying the other home remedies for hemorrhoids.
  • Take Probiotics and Consume Probiotic-Rich Foods – Probiotics are essential for balancing the bacteria in your gut, which can prevent constipation and absolutely promotes overall health. Either take a high-quality probiotic supplement, or consume more probiotic-rich foods such as fermented foods like fermented cheese, yogurt, sauerkraut, Korean kimchi, and numerous fermented drinks like kombucha tea.
  • Hydrate – Staying hydrated with water seems to be the number one recommendation for almost any health ailment. Water helps cleanse your internal system and hydrates your entire body. Along with fiber, drinking more water will help to soften stools and hopefully reduce the need for straining during a bowel movement.
  • Soaking the area in warm water a few times a day for 10-15 minute periods can reduce inflammation and help relieve symptoms. You may also take a sitz bath and add a half cup of apple cider vinegar.
  • Keep the area clean, bathing daily. Don’t use soap on the area as it will likely just cause irritation. Use moist toilet paper to dab the area after a bowel movement to lessen friction from wiping.
  • Apply ice packs or cold compresses to relieve swelling.


I had piles/ haemorrhoids before and if it persist surgical procedures might be needed.

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I am also very prone to external piles, I always used a needle to puncture piles and squiz out all the poison then applied some antiseptic. avoid eating chilie stuff and sun tan your butt, after that it will be healed! Is it painful? of course its painful! but if don't squize out laki painful haha...once you squize out used a plastic and cover it. after awhile the pain will subside! e 

Edited by gstringuy26
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5 hours ago, justinys said:

My bf has been having external piles for about 3 weeks and we haven't had sex since he had piles (I am pure top, he is flex bottom). He has been to the doctor and taking medication but the piles are still not healing.  


Anybody has good home remedy to recommend?

It depends on what causes or aggravates the piles in your bf's case. Is it constipation, gas bloating, spicy food or sexual activities ...?

To stop the bleeding, I usually combine both Western (daflon 500) & Eastern Medicine (see a chinese herbal doctor who prescribe herbal liquid medicine to stop the bleeding & reduce the gas bloating in my case). DOPROCT (cream & suppository) & NEO HEALER (cream & suppository) is also helpful in reducing the inflammation. Lastly, for external piles with "protruding veins", try to use your finger to "push" the "veins into or inside the anus. This way, the piles heals faster (as a doctor once told me & did the "pushing" of the piles).

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I bought psyllium husks pills to make my stool softer. It helps. Try not to 'force' your shit out. Only go when the urge is strong. If it doesn't come out don't try to push it out. You will strain and bleed.

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On 5/6/2016 at 3:04 PM, justinys said:

My bf has been having external piles for about 3 weeks and we haven't had sex since he had piles (I am pure top, he is flex bottom). He has been to the doctor and taking medication but the piles are still not healing.  


Anybody has good home remedy to recommend?


I thought people prone to have piles or hemmorhoids are genetically prone to have prolapse of the rectum , so not having something thrusted into there like a penis would be helpful.

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2 minutes ago, Guest said:


I thought people prone to have piles or hemmorhoids are genetically prone to have prolapse of the rectum , so not having something thrusted into there like a penis would be helpful.


crap... then i need to learn being a bottom.. shucksss. yeah he has recurring piles. 

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How To Stop Hemorrhoids From Interfering With Anal Sex


Anal sex doesn't necessarily cause hemorrhoids, but penetration can agitate existing angry veins. With a few simple techniques you can ease the pain of inflammations during anal sex. This reader emails:

Dear Ramon,

I am in a new relationship and have recently developed a small external hemorrhoid. I've tried everything I can to heal it and have visited the doctor but it still causes pain, especially while having sex. So my boyfriend and I haven't had anal sex in a week and he is getting fairly antsy about it, and I don't know what to tell him about this. I was also wondering if you had any advice regarding future intercourse, while having a history of hemorrhoids, and whether or not this is going to continue to interfere with my current relationship, or any in the future.

These steps can lead to more comfortable sex:

Relax. Hemorrhoids are inflamed veins that never contract back to their normal size. Then, when something rubs up against them, like a finger or penis, the already sensitive veins become more inflamed or tear, causing pain.


Stress is one of the major culprits of over-inflated rectal veins and since our back door is meant to biologically push things out and not take them in, our bodies are under a lot of stress when bottoming. The key is trick your bum into thinking your partner is a fiend and not foe. Relaxation is the best method. So, how do you relax?

Longer foreplay can help loosen up tense muscles, even tension you don't know is present. Prolong your arousal to relax the muscles, including your rectum. Any top worth the label will know how to help you relax before anal. A massage or long warm bath are great relaxation techniques as well. Soaking your bum will also help your hems shrink to a more comfortable size.

Repeat after me:
Lubrication is my friend. Unlike the vagina, the anal canal doesn't produce its own lubrication. Never let your man spit and stick; always use an ample amount of lubricantion. Here's a another quick tip: Many guys think lubricating the penis is enough. It can be, but anal is much smoother if you lubricate the rectum as well. When you think you've used enough, apply more. Then take your finger and massage the lubricant inside, especially around your hemorrhoids.

Try different angles. The rectum has a few different veins, and any one (or many) of them can become inflamed. Depending on where your's are, you may find better comfort in different positions. You know your body best, so start on top and position yourself where it is most comfortable. Also, take your partner's penis into account. Does it curve to the side, up, or down?

Lastly, Stop if there's pain. If you're experiencing pain, let your partner know. Time to stop. Your hems need time to heal. So, don't push it. There are other ways to be intimate without anal sex.

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On ‎5‎/‎6‎/‎2016 at 3:04 PM, justinys said:

My bf has been having external piles for about 3 weeks and we haven't had sex since he had piles (I am pure top, he is flex bottom). He has been to the doctor and taking medication but the piles are still not healing.  


Anybody has good home remedy to recommend?

Go for a permanent solution, get rid of it at the hospital once and for all.

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  • 1 year later...
Guest AlanPiles

I have piles for quite a no. of years now. I am a bottom and I find myself having great difficulty & pain in being penetrated even when then Top's dick size is of average girth and length (< 5"). I will usually ends up bleeding. To date, I think I have not been successful in all my attempts & cannot really enjoy anal sex.


Does poppers really help for those who has serious piles issues to relax the anal muscles? How do you overcome your piles issue with respect to anal sex?

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I think you should have the piles treated before attempting anal sex. You want sex to be pleasurable and not painful and uncomfortable. I believe that there are creams you can apply to help with the condition, or see a doctor for a solution. The last thing you want is a bloody mess after anal penetration. 


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I had a very serious case of piles about a year ago and it hurts like fuck. There was constant blood and pus. 

Visited the doctor and he told me that it might be a case of piles + anal fissure 

At that time my habit was to clean my ass with toilet paper before washing with water from the bidet/hose. So my guess is, the constant tugging and rubbing on the lining, coupled with some hard stools resulted in that very painful episode.


The pain was so excruciating  I couldn't get quality sleep for almost 3 weeks. Visited a few doctors but the meds they gave didn't help, until finally i went to a doc (which my partner recommended) and seeing how "murky" my asshole is. He gave me very strong painkillers, antibotics and Proctosedyl. I recovered within a week.


After that i stopped using toilet paper. Its always water + wet tissue for me now...


And yes, I agree with doncoin, you should prob get it checked, and wait for it to heal before you try inserting anything up your hole.

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Guest AlanPiles
16 hours ago, doncoin said:

I think you should have the piles treated before attempting anal sex. You want sex to be pleasurable and not painful and uncomfortable. I believe that there are creams you can apply to help with the condition, or see a doctor for a solution. The last thing you want is a bloody mess after anal penetration. 


1 hour ago, Guest Phyto said:

I had a very serious case of piles about a year ago and it hurts like fuck. There was constant blood and pus...



Thanks for sharing. The ointment Proctosedyl sounds familiar ... I will try it.


I have seen many doctors (Western & Chinese Herbal) with regards to my piles problem. It is something that is constantly recurring & doctors also told me that my condition can only be managed & not "cured". I have heard of some medical procedure whereby the doctor will either "tied" or "cut" away the piles... bleeding & very painful for weeks ... the person may experience discomfort due to the tighter skin tension around the anus after the procedure. Anyone mind sharing their experience?






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Guest soreass

Don't know if this is piles or what but lately (6 months) sometimes I can feel the anus a little sore. I don't feel anything as I function daily but it feels sore to the touch. Especially after passing motion or bathing. I do not use tissue to wipe, I use only water. But the feeling is like there's a small wound on it but there is no blood. It's distressing as I love to btm raw but now i'm afraid as virus may enter the bloodstream easily if there is indeed a small wound. Does anyone else have this condition?

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22 minutes ago, Guest soreass said:

Don't know if this is piles or what but lately (6 months) sometimes I can feel the anus a little sore. I don't feel anything as I function daily but it feels sore to the touch. Especially after passing motion or bathing. I do not use tissue to wipe, I use only water. But the feeling is like there's a small wound on it but there is no blood. It's distressing as I love to btm raw but now i'm afraid as virus may enter the bloodstream easily if there is indeed a small wound. Does anyone else have this condition?


Get checked, could be sti

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yes it's pretty common due to our diet... try to increase more fiber intake, take plenty of liquid and ensure you have a smooth bowel for sometime (i.e. months) before engage in anal again... it will take some time but better to let it healed before rubbing it with stick...

try to chew your food longer before swallow helps the stomach breaking down the food...


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  • 9 months later...
Guest Worried

This is not related to anal sex as I have never engaged it.


Lately I have been bleeding at the anus when pooping, it has been going on for a while and I can fill a little pain when the poop comes out. Could it be skin issues such as dry anus or eczema (which I have a history of but not around the anus), but it is so distracting to see blood on the tissue when wiping. 


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Guest Guest

It could be your poop being very dry. I have that occasionally. The more you wipe, the more the abrasion and hence bleeding.


if persists, better seek treatment. 

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Guest Poopsie Doodle

Men need about 30g of fibre daily, and most do not meet that target. Daily detoxing does wonders for mood and wellbeing, drink more water too.

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13 minutes ago, thorzguy said:


Eh... Good question. Why Vitamin C ah?? 

Vitamin c overdose your body will cause histamine reaction (like mosquito bite itch). Whole body will itch including Asshole. When itch you scratch might rupture your anus ~


Also did you ate too much seafood or prawns etc?  Will cause histamine to overdose too 

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4 minutes ago, Kimochi said:

Vitamin c overdose your body will cause histamine reaction (like mosquito bite itch). Whole body will itch including Asshole. When itch you scratch might rupture your anus ~


Also did you ate too much seafood or prawns etc?  Will cause histamine to overdose too 

Oh.. I didn't know that. Thanks for the info! 

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TS, what colour is the blood? Fresh red or dark red? And how much did you bleed? Staining the entire piece of toilet paper, or streaks of blood, or splatter around the toilet bowl?


If it's bright red, not in very large amounts and present when you wipe, it could be anal fissures or tears. Would advise you to just rinse your anal area after big business for the moment and see if it improves.


If it's dark red and mixed with your stools, the origin is likely to be higher up in your digestive tract.


In any case, you should go to a doctor for a more comprehensive check up if the problem persists. Gws! :)

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