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TCM doctors recommendation

Guest mrjuicetiger

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Guest mrjuicetiger

Hi, recently have a bout of health condition affecting my hands and nerves


Been trying out western med but to no avail thus thinking of seeking out tcm as an alternative treatment 


i used to only go to the one at marine parade but I just found out the shop r permanently gone. Thus wonder if anyone has good tcm doctors to recommend 


ty in advance 

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Hi, recently have a bout of health condition affecting my hands and nerves


Been trying out western med but to no avail thus thinking of seeking out tcm as an alternative treatment 


i used to only go to the one at marine parade but I just found out the shop r permanently gone. Thus wonder if anyone has good tcm doctors to recommend 


ty in advance 

Tg katong plaza has one. U may try.


Edited by cutejack
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Dumb questions. How does TCM work? Started getting presbyopia (still havent gone to the optometrist) and vertigo, not sure if related or high stress.


Why do they ask if I want acupuncture? What is the expectation and discipline required, compared to it's easy to google western medicine and webmd. Do they have pills nowadays instead of powder to mix with water?


What sort of conditions will be better with TCM?

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Guest mrjuicetiger

Dumb questions. How does TCM work? Started getting presbyopia (still havent gone to the optometrist) and vertigo, not sure if related or high stress.


Why do they ask if I want acupuncture? What is the expectation and discipline required, compared to it's easy to google western medicine and webmd. Do they have pills nowadays instead of powder to mix with water?


What sort of conditions will be better with TCM?

from my experiences however limited, i find maybe they can 'listen' out for connections between parts of your body


for instance u might get an symptomatic ache at X, but the root cause is actually somewhere else at Y


they may or may not administer acupuncture... depending on your condition.


as for the Chinese medication if prescribed, i find that it is more effective personally but it's usually over a longer period of time. from my past visits, it's usually the kind you have to boil though


i think pill is always synthesized n perhaps not as effective? then again it could be my placebo effect 😛

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  • 1 month later...

I finally picked up enough courage to get me a TCM appointment. Was trying to just visit those nearby but not even sure if they're authentic (google didn't help), cos only registered clinics can claim under company flexi benefits.


Ended up downloading the Eu Yan Sang app, and no human interaction can book next day appointment. They have a "condition" checker that gives you which practitioner is well-verse in that, then look at where the clinic they practice from. Was told next appointment can walk-in, which is weird right, i'm taking time off from work because you're nearby workplace, so I cant afford to wait in queue. Also can't figure out the queue system from their app.


Did ask the doc but she said acupuncture can help improve symptoms if there's no other cause. So mine is due to "shi qi" from the digestive that causes the vertigo. Had 10 days powder medicine, if you guys can advise if need to die die follow, use warm water to mix half cup, must be twice a day, morning/night after food and at least 5 hours apart with western medicine 2 hours later. Eu Yan Sang is powder, they dont do capsule - but i also dont think that amount of powder can go in 10-20 pills? The powder also a bit clumpy, stir still dont want dissolve.


Still bearable but not sure how i'm going to take them since i dont take breakfast and need take western cholesterol medicine at night. Cant imagine doing this in office and doctor not sure if my stomach can take on empty stomach. With my busy schedule, what happens if i miss a dose. Then there's no prescription of what the medicine is, how to transfer the history if you want to go another clinic or brand. Doc say must do at least 2 cycles which could be 2-3 months before can see improvement.


Cost wise - senior doctor $40, 10 days $12/day.

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  • 1 month later...

The doctor said shi bu jing bu (i tried to google translate/google it), what does it mean?


Asked the doctor about the powder, actually the way is to first use cool water, the powder don't stick like using warm/hot water. Mix then pour hot/warm water before drinking. So much easier this way then trying to squeeze the small chunks.


The best part is, the air raid shelter under my block just opened a TCM clinic. LOL but don't know claimable under company or not. Lazy to figure it out.

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I go to TCM regularly. Recently I got covid. While it's mild it did affect me in several ways such as loss of appetite and bitterness in my mouth. So I just told my TCM doctor my symptoms and they would often give me acupuncture treatment with some Chinese medicine for a few days.


TCM is more for preventive treatment, or balancing or harmonizing your health. The theory goes that there are both positive energy (正气)and negative energy(邪气)in your body. When one energy is out of balance, it will lead to discomfort or illness. TCM seeks to restore the balance so the body can function optimally again.


This is why TCM is less invasive. It restores the balance in the body by activating the healing capacity of the body. TCM also helps u understand your own body better as a holistic system.


I visit Chung Hwa clinics.


I only go to western doctors for MC.

Edited by Startup
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I haven't seen the benefit of TCM. At least now i'm more open to acupuncture - but Doctor say no need. haha.


Looks like Chung Hwa clinics is slightly cheaper (in terms of medicine), per visit doctor fees is a lot less. Do you need to wait a long time to get consult? Eu Yang San i guess with the price does not have much people visiting (though counter says Sat is crowded).

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  • 3 weeks later...

One thing that most people don't realize is that western and Chinese medicine can be complementary. 


Consider TCM as your first line of defence for your health. 病从浅中医。First take measures to prevent yourself from falling sick. If you do fall sick, seek treatment early. Once it develops into something serious, it will become an expensive medical affair.


We all know treatment for serious medical conditions can set you back by hundreds of thousands. All your hard earned money becomes compulsory 'donations' to hospitals and doctors.


So start by taking care of yourself using TCM which includes 养身 which simply means taking care of your body.

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  • 5 weeks later...

I might want to recommend an alternative to western and TCM medicine.   By "western" I mean traditional, official medicine.


I follow the advice of many new "gurus" in preventive medicine,  which although they are Medical Doctors,  they research the role of nutrition in the status of our health.  They preach the benefits of metabolic flexibility with good insulin sensitivity, time restricting eating like intermittent fasting, and adequate supplementation.   I find it worth to follow the videos and books of Dr. Steve Gundry,  and others of similar ideologies like Dave Asprey, who recently wrote an interesting book "Smarter not Harder".   I have posted some YouTube videos by these "gurus" in the thread "for gays who will be seniors one day".


On 10/3/2023 at 6:39 AM, keyboard said:


Still bearable but not sure how i'm going to take them since i dont take breakfast and need take western cholesterol medicine at night. Cant imagine doing this in office and doctor not sure if my stomach can take on empty stomach. With my busy schedule, what happens if i miss a dose. Then there's no prescription of what the medicine is, how to transfer the history if you want to go another clinic or brand. Doc say must do at least 2 cycles which could be 2-3 months before can see improvement.



Careful with this "western cholesterol medicine",  aka Statins.  The role of cholesterol in heart health is rapidly changing,  and "western medicine" has a lot of inertia.   I cannot give medical advice,  but statins have a lot of negative effects.

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