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Yoga for Sports Rehabilitation & Performance


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Hi everyone,


Just a friendly message to everyone that's interested to try yoga, or get back into the practice if you are a regular practitioner. LGBTQ+ friendly teacher here, and a class with me is designed to meet every student's body and abilities where they are, and to find a balance between effort and ease. I believe that yoga should be made accessible for everyone, and each person discovers their connection to the practice in their own time.


I used to be mega plus-size, and currently am still on the heavier side (I've lost about 30kg through lifestyle changes and yoga) - but I'm much stronger now, and have gone through a yoga teacher training. It's always important that my environments are safe, non-judgmental and stress-free. I can cater private lessons, but depending on interest, I am happy to start a community class on a regular basis for all that are interested.


Do reach out via DMs, or leave your telegram contact below and I'll be in touch! Alternatively, you can reach me on telegram @bendybran. Thanks for reading!

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fyi, these classes are fully clothed :) I understand the fascination with nude yoga, but as my classes are made for everyone to feel safe, I try to remove potential elements that may cause individuals to feel self-conscious. many thanks for everyone's understanding!

Edited by Btyred91
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  • 3 months later...

If you're a little (or a lot) on the heavier side, and struggling to kick off your fitness & wellness journey within a safe and healthy space, this post is for you!


In the spirit of cultivating community and self-love/care, I will be starting a blowing wind-exclusive yoga programme for overweight individuals who wish to get fitter and trim some weight through yoga. It's not by any means an easy task to undertake, but with the support and encouragement from like-minded peers, we can get you through to the other side feeling healthier, fitter, and hopefully happier as well! Class sizes will be kept small for privacy (not more than 4 pax per session), with personalized attention to each person, together with before-and-after-practice sharing sessions. Think of it as yoga, but with all the benefits of a support group.


For more details, DM me or hit me up on telegram @bendybran. Only positive vibes, please! (In the comments too)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you, Brandon, for the great yoga lesson last night.


Time and again, I was told that my body was stiff, and that is not good. To make matters worse, I put on much weight over the COVID period.


Now, I am concerned about my health, knowing that being heavy is not healthy. This program by Brandon fit my needs as I need to become more flexible and lose weight.


I had an interest in yoga but had never attended a proper class before. At one stage, I joined some yoga sessions, and most of the time, I was lost, falling behind, unable to do proper poses, and didn't receive much guidance from the coach.


Anyway, this is just my personal take, and I liked this program because:

  1. It is only open to men (including chunky men).
  2. The class size was small.
  3. The instructor was sensitive to my inability to make specific poses and guided me patiently.
  4. The studio was very nice and clean.

This morning, I felt more refreshed.


Please note that I am not in business with Brandon and am just a student. I just wanted to share my experience and my take on the program.

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  • 1 month later...

Do you regularly train in the gym, go for long distance runs or cycle avidly? You may notice that over time, various muscles and areas on your body stop listening to you or give you chronic aches and pains, like your shoulders, hamstrings and lower back.


Restorative or therapy yoga may just be what you need to support your performance in various sport. Contrary to what is commonly advertised, yoga is not only crazy backbends or gravity-defying arm balances, but can provide good recovery of range of motion, mobility and flexibility to optimise your performance in other areas of your lifestyle. Not to mention a great way to give yourself some me-time, finding some centering and grounding in the process.


If you're interested to find out more, feel free to telegram message @bendybran for details on the right class to suit your needs, and help you feel that little bit better :) Hit me up!  

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