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your favourite weather


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  • 2 weeks later...

Loved the 4 seasons when I lived in the US.  I actually loved winter the most.  To sit outside with a blanket, a hot cup of coffee, and watch the snow fall a bit.  Can't stay out too long.  So I would move my bed facing the window to watch the snow.

Here is SG...rainy weather gets me going.  Love running in the rain.  When it is hot like it is recently, I tend to get sick more often. 

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32 minutes ago, egal said:

gosh, winter.  hate it to the max


wet, miserable, cold, dark


Winters are not necessarily wet and miserable.  Yes, it is cold and days are shorter.  However, there are many fun things associated.  Skiing, skating, snow shoeing and many other exhilarating outdoor activities.  Nothing like cuddling in front of a fireplace. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Autumn is my favourite season.  Coincidentally today is Mid-Autumn Festival but what I’m about to describe is not a Singapore autumn.  The weather I’m most fond of is when the air feels fresh and crispy.


When it’s crispy outside, anything is pleasurable doing.  Walking by the beach, at the street market, dinning alfresco, hanging out in the park, even Working Out and tending the lawn becomes more enticing.


In the great outdoors, people looks refreshed with their all vigorous vibes in the crispy air.  Warm enough to bare some skin yet brisk enough to keep the skin from feeling damp and tacky, making it inoffensive when leaning towards someone to gently brush our body against theirs, hold a close conversation, share a laugh, continue exploring?  Maybe.  We know our breath will be most likely fresh, much like our unsoiled body.  Even after tending the lawn, still fresh!  Shred a burst of excitement, still fresh!  Shred again, still quite fresh!  Anticipating breaking into a sweat under soft golden sun and crispy air.


Autumn is my favourite season, spring is my second favorite but I’ll pause here.


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  • 2 months later...

I generally like sunny days. But not just sunny, must be those days with clear (no haze) and vivid blue sky. I don't know how to describe it, you can see a blue tinge on windows and even the ground during these kind of days. The sky near the horizon will be a lighter shade of blue. You'll typically see these kind of conditions in Australia. Happens fairly often here in Sabah too. Distant hills instead of gray or blurred by haze, will be a dark blue colour. This weather will make me feel relaxed and one with nature, even in the city.


If having self fun heavy continuous rain is shiok. Feel very relaxed and intimate with one-self.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I like spring and autumn.  But any weather is fine with me.


I welcome having the means to adapt to any weather.  To live in a neighborhood that does not get flooded with heavy rain.  To have sufficient means to pay for some air conditioning in summer and heating in winter.  To have at least one car to drive to my destination and back without having to depend on public transportation.

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