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Blowing wind Issue 28-29 Nov 2023


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1. Some users online were probably surprised by some unknown webpage shown when they visited blowing wind last night.


2. In short, our "DNS name" expired last night. The provider showed a "sponsorship webpage" to everyone to pressure us to take action and make payment.  We scrambled this morning to do the renewal.

3. For most people, the above change is immediate and you will not likely noticed.
However some ISP may take a while to propagate the DNS change after our renewal, so need your patience . 

Our apologies.


Hendry Tan

Admin cum Moderator




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This explains why a couple of hours ago I couldn't get the blowingwind.org page to work.  I got a message that the page was unprotected, and that "it does not have privilege".  So this explains it.  Thank you BW Moderators for your efforts and diligence.   No apologies warranted. :) 

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Guest So Easy Say
1 hour ago, singalion said:

How about setting reminders prior to the expiry of your domain to avoid running into such situations…


There are plenty of tools nowadays to set reminders…


Yes, to set reminder is easy.  But if they have no fund, how?


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I find it ironical that the two biggest Member trolls, who make two or three postings here on the average daily, were also the first two to reply to the topic. But yet there was no mention of them willing to sponsor anything to this forum, other than more of their usual trolling lying shit. This just goes to show that those white trash just wants to be the parasites here in Asia, either predating sexually on young Asians men, or here to take their jobs without giving a single cent back.  

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BW reader are sufficiently smart to identify on BW who the biggest trolls are, namely those who hide for centuries behind Guest posts and claim others are trolling while their own post does not contribute to anything on the topic but only trolling others.


Just reflect on the typical buzz words used here... in that post.

Only trolls would use such denigrating words on this Forum. 

The fact that this Guest has to hide behind a Guest post for years speaks for itself already.

I would also wanted to see what this Guest sponsored so far on BW other than his trolling posts and disturbing the forum???


My post was intended for improvement on the SOP of the BW moderators.

Set a reminder 1 month or 2 weeks prior to the expiry of a domain for every year, then you don't act when deadlines have past.


It is meant as a recommendation.


Even on handphones you have calendars where you can set reminders or there are free calendar tools that prompt you a message or even an sms.



Edited by singalion
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