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Hotel Fun in Johor Bahru


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Not sure if I can find someone to go with me from this forum.

I will be going to JB perhaps KSL hotel on 05/06/24 (Wed afternoon) and stay om till 06/06/24(Thu morning).


We can proceed with swim, force workout training in hotel and hopefully if comfortable to do a bdsm session with me tied up. With poppers, liquor wine and forced workout.  I personally have a whip that will make it red as if the person is under severe torture and with no cane marks.  The marks go away in a while’s time. Discovered this by accident actually.. I will bring that with me but don't worry, I will not do that to do unless you are willing to try.

Should you have recommendations for cheaper hotel with the basic amenities like gym and pool within JB not too far from sg furthest distance estimated from Malaysia custom to KSL region, do let me know also.

My agenda list might also include a trip to Maze Sauna near Taman Sentosa to steam and then proceed dry sauna; I will stay in the steam sauna maybe for 15 - 20 mins and immediately switch to dry sauna for another 15-20 mins subject myself to extreme heat. Maybe if able to find ppl there, do forced workout and bdsm there in the hottest environment possible.


Will let nature takes it’s course… I just want to test myself to my fitness limits and in doing so, to let the other ppl (if they enjoy it) seeing myself in pain, suffering and in agony; to their enjoyment.


Personally prefers Chinese or Malaysian Chinese or Malay (Personal preferences)

Edited by seewai
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