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Discussion on Busking & Busker (compiled)


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been busking since 1-12-2022.



best spot for me: MANDARIN GALLERY.



how much collected on a gd day? 1hour>




average day? mostly coins so total>

$40 max.



*i have a day job so whatever collected, i see it as an incentive, once i received $9 in coins but i am still happy =0)

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(1) if rain, then close shop =0(


(2) choose a place where pple are more generous. i once Busked at Redhill MRT EXIT near the Condominiums & in 1h, hit donations of $100😲.



(3) THE SOUND U PRODUCE thru ur mic & amplifier DECIDES HOW MUCH DONATIONS u will collect*** this is the most impt lesson , if u use a mic & Amp MADE IN CHINA & u sound muffled when u sing, no one will donate so>



gd quality equipment GUARANTEES u a gd performance .


(4) choose songs which are Goofy & makes pple laugh or sing-along.


if u are gonna sing serious songs which bore ur audience, u mite as well do busking in your/the Shower . i choose Goofy songs & they crack up my audience & i get more to donate =0)



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  • 5 months later...

This is my 2nd post on "Busking". 


i sing Disney, 

The kids love it, 

Naturally Parents see the kids dance & donate/tip me up to $10.


6pm, on 25-5-24, outside Suntec City, @the LUSH STORE, a guy busking with a saxophone, why he gets less tips than me? 


Coz in busking, 

Hearing someone sing is a Premium. 

Everyone can play the Piano, 

But not many can sing like JJ Lin. 



***in USA, the same applies, Singers generally earn more.*



i have a Murdoch Degree in Comm, never found it useful in real life, but as a Busker, 



U need to be able to work the crowd & WOW THEM when u stop playing(& then they get to hear ur speaking voice.)




If u can't then pls don't be a Busker. 




I've seen 40 Buskers in total, 

Sorry, my mistake, i've watched 40 Buskers onsite & u can feel their love 4 their instrument & performing/busking on the streets. 




your love for creating live music has to be FOREVER UR MOTIVATION, everything else is either non-existant or non-essential, i wish u Buskers out there: all the best, Love ya =o) 

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  • G_M changed the title to Discussion on Busking & Busker (compiled)

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