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Savings, FDs, cpf & investments - how do u grow your money?


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but why will it be called Fixed D? 

  On 6/15/2024 at 7:14 AM, Guest Guest said:

If thinking about FD, can instead consider some local banks that offer higher interest rates for savings account without locking in your money. Examples like Standard Chartered Esaver and CIMB offers around 3.5%!




there are more than one option avail in googling me https://x.com/gnnbccb?s=21&t=WxsKRj9hm-pT2wyoEmonPQ

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i am very clear

Guest you mentioned

 instead consider some local banks that offer higher interest rates for savings account without locking in your money



WHy is this called Fixed D /FD when it doesnt lock it up?

It is NOT FD then

hence why will it be called FD?


  On 6/15/2024 at 8:14 AM, QinWei said:

but why will it be called Fixed D? 





there are more than one option avail in googling me https://x.com/gnnbccb?s=21&t=WxsKRj9hm-pT2wyoEmonPQ

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  On 6/16/2024 at 3:47 AM, QinWei said:

i am very clear

Guest you mentioned

 instead consider some local banks that offer higher interest rates for savings account without locking in your money



WHy is this called Fixed D /FD when it doesnt lock it up?

It is NOT FD then

hence why will it be called FD?




you might think you are very clear but you clearly did not read carefully 

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Guest Interesting
  On 6/17/2024 at 3:46 AM, QinWei said:

More choices
but only 1 best option given: 
Honestly anything less than 5% is out , if not cannot beat inflation 



yes he says he wouldn’t invest with bigfundr. I agree, too high risk for too low reward  

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Some didnt view till the end
he didnt invest but have the promo code to let us sign Up

this is just 1 perspective! 

We are not leading a life under a youtuber or influencer

i didnt know some based on tiktoks/videos to confirm our own life choices? Hope not many of such


there are more than one option avail in googling me https://x.com/gnnbccb?s=21&t=WxsKRj9hm-pT2wyoEmonPQ

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how safe and since all used a youtuber to ......... 
They are not to "instruct" or adv us
they have alwys set the disclaimer these are not financial advices

but lay the ground for us to decide what suit our lifestyle




Edited by QinWei


there are more than one option avail in googling me https://x.com/gnnbccb?s=21&t=WxsKRj9hm-pT2wyoEmonPQ

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Guest Interesting
  On 6/17/2024 at 12:20 PM, QinWei said:

Some didnt view till the end
he didnt invest but have the promo code to let us sign Up

this is just 1 perspective! 

We are not leading a life under a youtuber or influencer

i didnt know some based on tiktoks/videos to confirm our own life choices? Hope not many of such


really can’t understand what point you are trying to make.

My point was quite simple: I agree with the YouTuber commenting that the risk vs reward balance doesn’t work for bigfundr, it’s too high a risk for too low a reward. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I read this topic and found that 5 years later when i reach 55 the SA will close and left over OA, RA and MA.

I have already transfer my OA to max out my SA currently which would be FRS when reach 55.

I would like to know when i reach age 55 would my salary goes to OA or RA?

What if i top up to reach ERS at age 55 asking same question as above would my salary goes to OA or RA?

From what i understand is OA interest rate 2.5% and RA interest rate is 4% right?

If after i hit ERS will RA gets block off and salary flows to OA instead?


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As we dont know your property at all

 If you have set aside your FRS, whether fully in cash or with a mixture of property and cash, any remaining SA savings will be transferred to your Ordinary Account (OA), where they remain withdrawable and will earn the short-term interest rate.



You can choose to transfer your OA savings to the RA at any time, up to the prevailing Enhanced Retirement Sum (ERS) to earn long-term interest rates and receive higher retirement payouts. Once transferred, the RA savings can only be streamed out to you in retirement payouts. With the raised ERS from 1 January 2025, more than 99% of the members aged 55 and above today would be able to transfer all their SA savings, that were channelled to the OA due to the closure of SA, to the RA.
You will be notified when your SA is closed, through a hard copy notification, as well as an email/SMS where applicable. No action is required from you now.


there are more than one option avail in googling me https://x.com/gnnbccb?s=21&t=WxsKRj9hm-pT2wyoEmonPQ

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  • 3 weeks later...
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No matter what do something simple on investments like buying indices





PODCAST: What will happen to your retirement savings now that changes to the CPF Act were passed in Parliament in October, signalling the closure of the CPF Special Account for members aged 55 and above? 


🎧 Listen here: https://bt.sg/ixUVi




there are more than one option avail in googling me https://x.com/gnnbccb?s=21&t=WxsKRj9hm-pT2wyoEmonPQ

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  On 10/26/2024 at 8:07 PM, yoyo74 said:

I read this topic and found that 5 years later when i reach 55 the SA will close and left over OA, RA and MA.

I have already transfer my OA to max out my SA currently which would be FRS when reach 55.

I would like to know when i reach age 55 would my salary goes to OA or RA?

What if i top up to reach ERS at age 55 asking same question as above would my salary goes to OA or RA?

From what i understand is OA interest rate 2.5% and RA interest rate is 4% right?

If after i hit ERS will RA gets block off and salary flows to OA instead?



When you reach >= 55yo and still working, deduction from you salary goes to OA and MA (if MA is not max). If MA already max, everything goes to OA. 

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  • 5 weeks later...

it has stay stable for very long, wont increase
I m using UOB bank account since day 1

  On 12/30/2024 at 11:20 AM, ethancsg said:

OCBC cos I dont like UOB. I think one day UOB may up its fee to be the same as OCBC/DBS.




there are more than one option avail in googling me https://x.com/gnnbccb?s=21&t=WxsKRj9hm-pT2wyoEmonPQ

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  • 2 weeks later...

I buy US stocks on my own, faster returns. I dun let financial advisors touch my money. Waste time only. I never will buy financial products from any insurance agents. Always bluff U with high return to make u part your money.


Had bad experience with them. All same pattern one. That time lehman brothers period. They all pull their money out and save themselves, while using our money to hold. That was the end of my trust with any sort of financial product sellers.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Oooh i tot your query is on UOB primariy 

How much can gold earned in movments compared to equities?

u tend to use CPF monies to do so , or cash 

  On 1/30/2025 at 7:08 AM, maddfreesia said:

sold some gold at 3 times its price ofwhen i bought it




there are more than one option avail in googling me https://x.com/gnnbccb?s=21&t=WxsKRj9hm-pT2wyoEmonPQ

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  On 1/30/2025 at 8:47 AM, maddfreesia said:




Really not sure compared to equities. All i know each day the price is increasing. A couple dollars here and there overall


So u r only interested in gold? 


And eg let s take the period of after covid, all equities price start to raise in mid 2021
Till feb 2024 ie for a period of abt 3yrs , compare it w S&P and Techgy etf

compare urself w gold



Red line is gold
Or compare w some stocks , nvidia and Tesla seemed so much better right? 


Ooops the financial chart doiesnt work, pls comp on your own

Edited by QinWei


there are more than one option avail in googling me https://x.com/gnnbccb?s=21&t=WxsKRj9hm-pT2wyoEmonPQ

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  On 2/2/2025 at 4:14 AM, Tony Tan said:

Thank you very much for reaching out to me. 


The question that I have may take a little bit of explaining. Was wondering whether we could discuss this over the bw chat? 


Bcos to clarify my question, i may need to show you my cash flow and my computation 




If the answers/cf/computations are privy to some, just pm him directly

if not , pls share openly here in this thread so that all could benefit from it


there are more than one option avail in googling me https://x.com/gnnbccb?s=21&t=WxsKRj9hm-pT2wyoEmonPQ

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Thank you for responding 


It might be a bit difficult for me to write down in the Forum the details of my trade as they are calculations and some cash flows 


As per your suggestion, i will drop him a PM to see if he is amenable to a voice chat 


Thank u QW

Edited by Tony Tan
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  On 1/30/2025 at 9:45 AM, QinWei said:

So u r only interested in gold? 


And eg let s take the period of after covid, all equities price start to raise in mid 2021
Till feb 2024 ie for a period of abt 3yrs , compare it w S&P and Techgy etf

compare urself w gold



Red line is gold
Or compare w some stocks , nvidia and Tesla seemed so much better right? 


Ooops the financial chart doiesnt work, pls comp on your own


click on enlarge (near to the mid of it)  and then chart and u can read it 


i dont have space to paste it here

added in sg popular etf too CSOP iEdge Southeast Asia+ TECH Index ETF https://www.csopasset.com/sg/en/products/sg-atech/etf.php

gold is in pink bottom 3 with all time popular Sg reits 

tesla performance is top

2nd is my fav iuiT
Microsoft is 4th only

this is end march 2023 till now

here > chart


everything is goin up too , not just gold 

but gold slightly perform better if prolong it longer , jul 2021 till now since 2021 jul



how about a short 9mth comparison in 2023?  > here
u can see Gold is surely one of the lowest 2 performer







for reits lover 

  On 1/30/2025 at 8:47 AM, maddfreesia said:




Really not sure compared to equities. All i know each day the price is increasing. A couple dollars here and there overall




there are more than one option avail in googling me https://x.com/gnnbccb?s=21&t=WxsKRj9hm-pT2wyoEmonPQ

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I don’t focus on short term gains but long term. I put money in ETFs/Mutual Funds/Reits.


I am not great with the financial market but managing finances I’m alright with it ( I.e budgeting ). I don’t have the time to analyse market trends and etc… I leave that to my partner, in a way he compliments me.


I focus on doing side job or doing what I’m great at to bring in more cash flow. He focus on investment and growth. Of course I do make risky trades as well. I have trades that have been losing up to 50 or greater %. But those only constitute a small percentage of my portfolio.


In the end it’s about managing your risk, managing your own income and think of ways to increase your own incoming income. Of course it’s easier said than done, this takes a lot of patience and energy. I’m currently on break from everything as I’m burnt out. That’s one thing I didn’t manage properly.

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  On 2/4/2025 at 6:34 AM, strangeName said:

have trades that have been losing up to 50 or greater %.


That is ok if it is equities


wat exactly r risky trades??

options??? Swap derivatives

, forex?


  On 2/4/2025 at 6:34 AM, strangeName said:

do make risky trades as well



so gd that u throw it to him and he still compli u

  On 2/4/2025 at 6:34 AM, strangeName said:

I leave that to my partner, in a way he compliments me.




there are more than one option avail in googling me https://x.com/gnnbccb?s=21&t=WxsKRj9hm-pT2wyoEmonPQ

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  On 2/4/2025 at 11:25 AM, QinWei said:

That is ok if it is equities


wat exactly r risky trades??

options??? Swap derivatives

, forex?



so gd that u throw it to him and he still compli u



I make uninformed trades. Basically I’m betting. 

I don’t do forex, I dabbled in it but it didn’t turn out that well. Options/futures I do use it as a means to hedge against some of my bets but I got lazy to manage it eventually.

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  On 1/27/2025 at 12:40 AM, maddfreesia said:

Would anyone recc using UOB Gold account as a investment? Since the price of could doubled in a short 2 years? 


Gold price went up about 30% for 2024 due to the two war, 2025 with trump's unpredictability,  expert predict it will continue to rise though maynot be as strong as 2024.


UOB need to pay yearly admin fee for gold account but OCBC don't need, having said that, the different in buying and selling price are quite huge for OCBC. Probably for a longer term it make sense. 

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