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Purpose of life

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She could be suffering from depression. Maybe some anxiety at work? Toxic work environment?


Maybe she should find someone to share her hobbies with.


Or perhaps start with the basics. Try to stay active even if she doesn't feel like it and try to get enough rest and sleep.


Perhaps take some time to think about what are her long term goals and what she can do to work towards them. If she is feeling a lot of internal negativity, she should try to step outside of herself. Look at herself as a third person. What advice would she give to herself?


Depending on how long she has been going through this, it might be worthwhile to consult with a mental health professional as well. There is no shame in that. A mental health professional can help give her a different perspective, or prescribe medication if needed.

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Guest Sexually deprived?
31 minutes ago, Atwork said:

How to help a friend who has lost interest in life? she used to love working. But now she hates it. She says life is so mundane. She has done most of the hobbies like plants n aquariums. There is nothing to look forward to..

Find her a straight man, who shared her hobby like plants and aquariums...and love + sex which were deprived from us the gay people.  Only then, she will be greatly revived, and love life more than any of us here.

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4 minutes ago, Willy19750 said:

She could be suffering from depression. Maybe some anxiety at work? Toxic work environment?


Depending on how long she has been going through this, it might be worthwhile to consult with a mental health professional as well. There is no shame in that. A mental health professional can help give her a different perspective, or prescribe medication if needed.


Consulting a mental health professional can be a good idea if it is done with some caution,  but if it derives into prescribed medication, other venues should be explored. It seems that the microbes in our gut could help!  ( please don't laugh, I am serious... )


32 minutes ago, Atwork said:

How to help a friend who has lost interest in life? she used to love working. But now she hates it. She says life is so mundane. She has done most of the hobbies like plants n aquariums. There is nothing to look forward to..


If she has done hobbies and is intelligent,  there is one "hobby" that can change her life, and pay off immensely more than plants and aquariums. This hobby is to learn and apply preventive medicine that can keep her healthy and happy through life.  Medical researchers are making new findings about ways that the bacteria in our gut,  the "gut microbiome", influences our state of mind, among many other influences they have in our health.  I have been ingesting for six month a culture made with the bacterium Lactobacillus Reuteri,  and my mood and satisfaction with life has strongly improved. 


I have been posting information about these findings and ways to taking advantage of them in the thread " for gays who will be seniors one day",  and these apply not only to gays when they get older, but also to young girls who go through existential crises of youth.   Help your friend and have a look at this information.  :thumb:  

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She need to destress. You can become her listener.. Let her vomit out all of her stress... After that do some excersie...I hope this help..!

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Thanks all. I guess it is really her work that caused this. Previously, work was her passion.  And without hobbies, she was doing fine.


Plants and stuffs were her hobbies during covid.

Now they were not maintain properly. And there is no other hobbies she is interested in. 

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Guest Guest

High chance your friend might have depression, only depends mild or serious. If a person suddenly lost interest in what he/she likes and doing, always say no purpose in life etc, it is not so simple as what you think that this person is only over stress and just go de-stress. Seek professional help soon.

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17 minutes ago, Guest Guest said:

High chance your friend might have depression, only depends mild or serious. If a person suddenly lost interest in what he/she likes and doing, always say no purpose in life etc, it is not so simple as what you think that this person is only over stress and just go de-stress. Seek professional help soon.

Yes. She does know she had episode of mild depression b4. She called sos hotline before too. Mainly family issues..

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12 hours ago, Atwork said:

How to help a friend who has lost interest in life? she used to love working. But now she hates it. She says life is so mundane. She has done most of the hobbies like plants n aquariums. There is nothing to look forward to..


10 hours ago, Atwork said:

Yes. She does know she had episode of mild depression b4. She called sos hotline before too. Mainly family issues..


As much as I empatised with what your friend is going through, she is the only person that can make her depression go away. What you can do is only to listen to her and keep your mouth shut and just be there when she needs you. No one can help her except herself. She needs to overcome her mood swing, mood change, etc. ny herself.


My friend killed himself from depression last year after surviving his jump from flat the year before. He recovered from his fall in the hospital and with help from counsellor and medication he became better, but last November, he informed us that his depression came back.  As friends, we can't do anything during his depression or his recovery. What we can do was to offer our condolences to his family after his passing. 


As to the purpose of life. IT is what you make of it. Tell your friend to look within herself and find her own purpose. You can't do much to help. It is all up to her.

Edited by GachiMuchi
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take her traveling abroad but not city live traveling, take her to country side or nature like mountain. that help me when I get stressed, also self apreciation that I've work hard and deserve vacation.

traveling around Greater Jakarta

Traditional Massage

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Guest wahahaha
12 hours ago, Atwork said:

How to help a friend who has lost interest in life? she used to love working. But now she hates it. She says life is so mundane. She has done most of the hobbies like plants n aquariums. There is nothing to look forward to..

It can be many things affecting her:


1)  Suffering from mid-life Career crisis, smell retrenchment, no career planning on hand.

2)  Suffering from hormonial changes

3)  Relationship problems - missing someone she admired or love in life

4)  Not being able to find love after seeing so many people getting married.  She thinks she is not attractive enough.

5)  Family problems

6)  Health/financial issue

7)  Hallucination about future challenges.

😎 Inferriority/insecurity syndrome, suicidal thoughts too.

9) Overworked or procrastinating too much

10)  She Siao liao (time to take medicine)

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18 hours ago, Atwork said:

How to help a friend who has lost interest in life? she used to love working. But now she hates it. She says life is so mundane. She has done most of the hobbies like plants n aquariums. There is nothing to look forward to..


I applaud you for having empathy for your friend.  Your concern for her well being matters.

My questions:

01.     Has she been reaching out to you?

Let assume she had.


This is a good start, a good indicator that she recognizes her state of being.  She needs someone to listen to her.  She wants company, obviously.  She wants someone to help her to carry her burden, her plight, her sadness and frustration.  She wants a shoulder to lighten up her heavy feelings.


She resonates with your energy.  She trusts you.


All you need to do is to listen.  Do not suggest anything extreme to burden her.  You agree to disagree quietly.  You disagree to agree out of love for her.


You need to know where her state of mind is.  Is she having sporadic mood swings?  Can a slightest thing make her from happy to sad, or calmness to anger?


Encourage her with what she wants.  Ask her the questions as how she wants to proceed with them.  Good questions can wake her; they can bring the awareness to what she is looking for.


02.    Are you the one reaching out to her?

Let assume you did.

How did you know that she ‘has lost interest in life’?  Did you sense a change in her behaviour?


Share with her your concern, through your observation.  Share with her that you notice a difference in her behaviour lately and it concerns you.  You may want to ask her with awakening questions to make her to realise on her state of being. 


You may want to highlight to her about her previous "episode of mild depression b4".  You may want her to talk about her "family issues".  However, when you are asking these questions, be gentle with them.  Do not provoke and do not insist.  The intention is to make her to realize, to bring back awareness into her state of well being.  Acceptance changes things.


Let her admit to her situation and let her (slowly) open up to you.  When she does that, get her to share her story.  Listen without making any judgement, but only love.


All you need to do is to listen.  Very often, humans with problems just want to vent out.  The more they are to talk, the more they can sense their way out too.


With good listening, you re-emphasize her desires/wants.  Empower her to realize that she does know how to get out of the predicament.


Should you want to go further to help her, asks her how you can help?  Share with her how much you can spend time with her.  You need to know your limitations too - this is important when you are initiating the reaching out.


Question on ‘Purpose Of Life’ vs ‘Life is so mundane’


The question on purpose of life is a heavy question.  It is a question NOT to be asked/discussed when you are dealing with someone who is going through depression.  It can trigger something negative.  It may cause the person to feel more a failure when he/she is already feeling it that way.  A depressed person needs love, not a 'lecture' about life.


When someone says ‘life is so mundane’, it can be a state where the person is stuck in routines.  This individual needs excitement, new challenges, new experiences. 


Should he/she keeps repeating this affirmation, this person is experiencing an early stage of burnout.  Burnout is not a mental illness but it can lead to depression.


Good luck to you, @Atwork.  May the blessings be upon you.



Click Here To Visit My Blog @ "The Blessed Life"

*Let me live my life to be an instrument of 'Love', in how I speak and in how I see others*

- May there be Love and Peace beyond all understanding -

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Just to post this info here, for those needing it.


SOS Helplines.jpg

Click Here To Visit My Blog @ "The Blessed Life"

*Let me live my life to be an instrument of 'Love', in how I speak and in how I see others*

- May there be Love and Peace beyond all understanding -

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On 3/26/2024 at 12:39 PM, GachiMuchi said:


As much as I empatised with what your friend is going through, she is the only person that can make her depression go away. What you can do is only to listen to her and keep your mouth shut and just be there when she needs you. No one can help her except herself. She needs to overcome her mood swing, mood change, etc. ny herself.


My friend killed himself from depression last year after surviving his jump from flat the year before. He recovered from his fall in the hospital and with help from counsellor and medication he became better, but last November, he informed us that his depression came back.  As friends, we can't do anything during his depression or his recovery. What we can do was to offer our condolences to his family after his passing. 


As to the purpose of life. IT is what you make of it. Tell your friend to look within herself and find her own purpose. You can't do much to help. It is all up to her.


Your advice is kind, and it is not uncommon.  "She is the only person" ?  If she were "the person", wouldn't she have got rid of her depression already ?


We often get amazed at the connection between mind and body.  We think that our mind, our "free will", has perfect control over the body.  But our body has also control over our mind.   Counseling alone, even if she makes an effort to make it work, may not eliminate her depression if the brain itself is the problem.   Psychiatrists use drugs, of course, but they often are no more than sedatives and they don't make a person happy but controlled. And drugs should not be taken long-term.


I know I sound repetitive, but a friend could help her in medium-term by helping her into the latest in nutrition,  good metabolism, and the use of the microbiome in what is called "psychobiotics".  One could bring her a "yogurt" of Lactobacillus Reuteri, Lactobacillus Helveticus and Bifidobacterium Longum to eat every day.  

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