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Just wondering if anyone that had been attached and faced such a person who don't deserve any forgiveness? Tell so many lies and and keep thinking is right, even worst is he done so many things to hurt ... I was like a maid for 8 years, making breakfast, washing clothes , buy food and do even his school projects   Went to meet others and fun etc omg still refuse to leave my home . He has his profile here too. I don't like shaming people so I won't disclose. But I can share things about me. After all I just want a closure but he refused. Pm me if have a solution. 🙏🙏 A promise made but never fulfil. I ignored all my friends, my parents , his parents , everyone advise to risk myself to go against their kind advice to allow one last chance .. just in 1 and half week, again lied few times and found out. Really disappointing and still can say love when nothing done is love.  I hate myself that I was weak to let this horrible person a final chance. Nothing repent and continue meeting fun with people here . 

Edited by lex.A
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7 hours ago, lex.A said:

Just wondering if anyone that had been attached and faced such a person who don't deserve any forgiveness? Tell so many lies and and keep thinking is right, even worst is he done so many things to hurt ... I was like a maid for 8 years, making breakfast, washing clothes , buy food and do even his school projects   Went to meet others and fun etc omg still refuse to leave my home . He has his profile here too. I don't like shaming people so I won't disclose. But I can share things about me. After all I just want a closure but he refused. Pm me if have a solution. 🙏🙏 A promise made but never fulfil. I ignored all my friends, my parents , his parents , everyone advise to risk myself to go against their kind advice to allow one last chance .. just in 1 and half week, again lied few times and found out. Really disappointing and still can say love when nothing done is love.  I hate myself that I was weak to let this horrible person a final chance. Nothing repent and continue meeting fun with people here . 


You are now voicing your displeasures AFTER 8 Years?

I can only say to you, you deserved what you get, especially the part where "I ignored all my friends, my parents , his parents , everyone advise to risk myself to go against their kind advice".

You are both blind and deaf. Blinded by love and deaf to advices and warnings.

Fellow gays out there, if you are encountering similar kind of experience like TS, he had set a record on being a big sucker.

PLEASE DON'T FOLLOW HIS FOOTSTEP! He is the worst example of "Giving it all".


I don't have any good solution but I do have a few bad ones:

1. Get the police involved to evict him out of your house, but you would have to proof that it is your house. 

2. Take a protection / restriction order against him.

3. Get his family to take him back.

4. When he is out of the house for his fun, throw his stuff out of the house and change the lock. If he tried to cause trouble, look at no. 1 and no. 2


Honestly, if you don't have the heart to do the above, then you deserve what you get.

If I were him, I would do the same to you too because you are such a push over.

You think you can change him with your love. Sorry lor, you think wrong.
You are nothing but a maid and ATM machine. 

The truth hurts and yes, I am rubbing it in.

If you are not prepared to served the ties that binds, no one can help you.


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8 hours ago, lex.A said:

Just wondering if anyone that had been attached and faced such a person who don't deserve any forgiveness? Tell so many lies and and keep thinking is right, even worst is he done so many things to hurt ... I was like a maid for 8 years, making breakfast, washing clothes , buy food and do even his school projects   Went to meet others and fun etc omg still refuse to leave my home . He has his profile here too. I don't like shaming people so I won't disclose. But I can share things about me. After all I just want a closure but he refused. Pm me if have a solution. 🙏🙏 A promise made but never fulfil. I ignored all my friends, my parents , his parents , everyone advise to risk myself to go against their kind advice to allow one last chance .. just in 1 and half week, again lied few times and found out. Really disappointing and still can say love when nothing done is love.  I hate myself that I was weak to let this horrible person a final chance. Nothing repent and continue meeting fun with people here . 


You never challenged him but gave him the safe home. What do you expect?


A) tell him to get his stuff by xx date...


B) if he doesn't just place his things outside your door, but keep his valuables somewhere safe


C) get a friend to stay with you next days and tell him you moved on


D) changing locks is a good idea. 


E) if he wants to talk, tell him you have no ear for him. 



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10 hours ago, lex.A said:

Just wondering if anyone that had been attached and faced such a person who don't deserve any forgiveness? Tell so many lies and and keep thinking is right, even worst is he done so many things to hurt ... I was like a maid for 8 years, making breakfast, washing clothes , buy food and do even his school projects   Went to meet others and fun etc omg still refuse to leave my home . He has his profile here too. I don't like shaming people so I won't disclose. But I can share things about me. After all I just want a closure but he refused. Pm me if have a solution. 🙏🙏 A promise made but never fulfil. I ignored all my friends, my parents , his parents , everyone advise to risk myself to go against their kind advice to allow one last chance .. just in 1 and half week, again lied few times and found out. Really disappointing and still can say love when nothing done is love.  I hate myself that I was weak to let this horrible person a final chance. Nothing repent and continue meeting fun with people here . 


I have known persons who, like you, are unable or unwilling to stand against abusers.  These kind persons have a great heart, that prevents them from saying "NO".   I hope that you can train your heart to accept that you have a God-given right to decline requests, to have a "free will", without this violating any moral rule.  Forget about "forgiveness", since his spirit may be missing the moral dictate of not taking advantage of others, and so, he does not feel any guilt exploiting you.   When you take the steps to end the exploitation, you are not causing him any major damage by ending your status of victim.  There are plenty of other victims around for him to take advantage, and if he does not find them, he may resign himself to just get what he is entitled to.


I wish you good luck in gaining the power to decline requests, to say "NO, thank you".  Be assured that this power will not bring you feelings of guilt, and to decline will become easier with practice.  

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16 hours ago, lex.A said:

Just wondering if anyone that had been attached and faced such a person entity who don't deserve any forgiveness?


Tell so many lies

he done so many things to hurt ...

Makes me like a maid for 8 years,   

Went to meet others and fun etc

refuse to leave my home .

I just want a closure but he refused. 

A promise made but never fulfil.

Nothing done is love. 

Unreptence and continue meeting others for fun

I helped you summed up your bf's characters above, in order to facilitate everyone's understanding that you are cohabiting with a non-human entity.

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