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what do u eat for breakfast


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On normal days, reheat items from dinner the night before. A serving of protein, boiled/fried egg, salad or leftover stir fry veggies. If still hungry add on high-fibre bread or toast. Weekend enjoy a bit go out eat noodles, typically fish slice noodles. 😋

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5 hours ago, egal said:

somewhat healthy


Yes. I alway go for healthy lifestyle food. Some people will complaint "less sugar", "kosong" and tasteless. Anyway, simple make us healthy. Bread, 2 soft boiled eggs, angku kueh, coffee. 


I don't go heavy breakfast at home, unless on tour. 



Life is short! Don't wait for the last minute to do what you like to do! Just do it!

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11 hours ago, egal said:

wht type of bread


bread is also processed food actually;  highly processed food in fact


Why we might never know the truth about ultra-processed foods (bbc.com)


Wholemeal bread. It is a processed food but not a high process food. 

If you stay with me, I will make wholegrain bread, so it will be more healthy. Haha...


Sometimes, we have no choice, when we are outside (working), we just simply how eat. Like me, I eat MCDONALD fast food for breakfast. 


Life is short! Don't wait for the last minute to do what you like to do! Just do it!

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Yolo so anything goes, depend on mood. What we have at the hawkers or make my own sandwiches with peanut butter and cheese slices. If sick of all those than a simple bowl of oats, topped with nuts, dates and wolf berries or a simple drizzle of condensed milk or honey. If in sinful mood than frozen prata wraps. Pan fry prata, topped with egg, cheese and what ever veggies available like tomatoes, cucumbers, or salad greens than drizzles with chilli sauce and salad cream. And when not feeling well than a break cream crackers into a bowl and pour hot milk. (This is my fave cos everything feel so sweet and it always perk up the mood ) 😜 

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