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More Than Just One

Guest -snowball-

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Guest -snowball-

Most people say that Sex & Love relationship can be separated, that is why when you attach you flirt outside does not mean you don't Love your partner, but do you think it is possible for a man ( str or gay ) to truly Love more than just one?

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Most people say that Sex & Love relationship can be separated, that is why when you attach you flirt outside does not mean you don't Love your partner, but do you think it is possible for a man ( str or gay ) to truly Love more than just one?

IMHO, I thnk not. Imagine both drowning, and you can only save one.....

I am sure there are other opinions to this and it would be interesting to hear them.

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Most people say that Sex & Love relationship can be separated, that is why when you attach you flirt outside does not mean you don't Love your partner, but do you think it is possible for a man ( str or gay ) to truly Love more than just one?

I think the answer is YES (based on bigamy or polygamy) but the question is how much love can you give to each partner. You may be able to satisfy them materially with equal share (assuming you are rich) but still the emotional attachment depends on factors like individual favouritism, chemistry.

Perhaps a more practical question is to ask :

"Could someone with 2 partners share whether it is possible to love each partner equally ? " The test will come when the person is faced with the question :

"Whom would you sacrifice if you have to choose only one to live? " unless love is so great that that person is willing to exchange his life for 2.


- Love is at its best when it is selfless

Edited by reflection


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The answer is YES in a lifetime, but NO at the same time.

I turned str to gay when I realised I've fallen in love with my best friend. He's str and has a gf now. It's impossible for both of us to be together simply because he's just not interested in guys.

Sometime later, I was approached by a guy. I couldn't accept him as I still have feelings for this friend. As time goes, I'm touched by his sincerity and we started to be together :)

Life goes on when the one you love don't love as much as you do.

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Guest -snowball-
I am quite curious about threesome relationships, do you think they will work out better than multiple "monoganous" relationships?

curious, i would just say, depends what type of relationship you into & seek, most important, what type of person you are? i just believe one fact, if you truely Love a person, you will appreciate & treasure him, no matter how bad or evil you are, you won't want to do anything that will hurt him, too bad, most people keep giving himself excuse to cover his mistake, when actually most people are super selfish, they just love & care for themself only

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If you look at the shape of a Triangle, you will see "3 x edges" and not something "Round-Smooth". Got my pt.?

3Some-Love = Craps = Poor Excuses = Self-deceiving = Selfishness = Blind-love = Say-Say-Only

The end result makes 3 Parties on Edge ...


... 1+1 is complex enough for human race, in particularly, among PLUs.

... So, why still want to crack our head on uncalled for "Cheem-Cheem" mathematics?

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Guest Two For Me

First - the parameters:

a) Both at the same time

b) Both in the same bed

c) Both in sincere and full agreement to share me with one another

Next - the relationships:

a) I am spouse to both

b) Each is spouse to me

c) Both are brothers to each other

Finally - the extent of Love:

a) I love both equally and would not sacrifice either for the other and yes Reflection I would gladly forfeit my life if it meant saving the 2 of them

b) Each of them loves me as a spouse and each other as brothers and would gladly give up their own life to save the other two

c) If I was faced with a decision where I could only save one then I would still try to save both and thus maybe all of us would perish together or then again we might all survive!

It might seem far-fetched but here is what I have learnt from the experience:

a) Love unreservedly, love wholeheartedly, love honestly, love passionately

b) Be selfless, each placing the other two before themselves, no one taking advantage of the others nor taking the others for granted

c) Be fair and ever ready to accept each one "as is" and not try to change them into your ideal / dream lover / brother

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to be honest, i only believe when people say they will try to be fair but love can give equally?

:lol: " I would gladly forfeit my life if it meant saving the 2 of them "

too many people just like to assume something not yet happen or maybe they know won't happen,

so they can say what ever they want, maybe sweet talks & empty promises is what most people want & believe,

oh yes, all my fingers equally same length, now then i know that :thumb:

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Guest Two For Me
Bravo, excellent, almost impossible for the above Utopia and egalitarian relationship but I choose to believe :thumb:

Thanks Reflection :D

It helped that both are natural, biological brothers. Both had a "crush" on me. :P

I was attracted to both of them and couldn't bring myself to choose between them. :rolleyes:

Each wanted to be with me but at the same time was conflicted because they had a strong bond as brothers and didn't want to see the other hurt while they were happy. :thumb:

Their solution - asking me to pick between them even though one would be hurt in the process. They felt this was the fairest way forward.

I picked neither and made a radical suggestion instead. :twisted: Share me and both be happy or both not have me and be disappointed together.

I told them that I loved them both and wouldn't hurt one by picking the other. So it was all or nothing - share me or lose me.

One brother wanted to make way for the other even though he could not imagine life without me. The other would not let him since he felt uneasy about having me at his brother's expense.

We were almost at a stalemate until I suggested a trial to explore whether the 3 of us could be together blissfully.

We spent much effort and time deliberating the mechanics of the would-be relationship ... ground rules, sleeping arrangements, time together, time apart.

We decided to take a camping trip together to spend 24/7 with each other to trial the effectiveness of the arrangements and plans we made together.

It was a little uncomfortable at first for the both of them to watch the other making love but quick alternating between them soon got them horny as hell even when it was the brother that was getting pleasured while they watched. :whistle: :P

I am blessed that they are both good natured but not initially given to sharing (e.g. clothes) due to their birth order and the desire to forge their own identity. I did not try to make them the same but revelled in their diversity, pleasuring each the way they desired the most. But when it came to spending time with each I did it equally.

Loving them equally did not mean making love to them in the same way but treating them equally well, giving each whatever they desired and I don't mean this in a materialistic way. When it came to spending money on them I did it equally although I have gotten them different gifts since their tastes and preferences were not always the same. Emotionally I strive to be a soul mate to both as they are to me and have never shown preference to one over the other.

I am fortunate to have parents that treated my sibling and me alike without preference to either. To this day my sibling and I are close and this has been an invaluable reference point for me in my current unusual relationship situation.

For the sceptics out there - I know that such a relationship is rare and many have never experienced anything like it but when it happens to you, you will know how I feel when I say that I am truly blessed. Please don't be mistaken ... I am not saying that everything is always perfect and that we live in paradise. Indeed we have our share of disagreements but we never go to bed angry. We surface our misgivings and work through them. Living with others will always be about compromise but there are happy and unhappy compromises. We relentlessly strive to achieve happy compromises.

We live in a world where it is mostly about "me first" and filling ourselves in our quest for happiness. Ironically true happiness comes to those who empty themselves and put others first for it is only in giving that we receive!

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"Guest Snowball" , "Member Snowball" and "Two For Me" All has the Same IP Address.

I hope you are not suffering some split personalities after have one too many bf?

Huh ! :rolleyes: I have been replying to a guy with personality problem ? But his hypothesis opens my mind that it may still be possible to achieve equal love if both others are brothers (biological or twins).

A storyline about loving and living with 2 brothers will be fresh and unprecedented. Yes, in this scenario, I agree that it is POSSIBLE to love equally, though not perfect.


- Ideas may seem absurd and thought-provoking but sometimes achievable

Edited by reflection


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Guest Two For Me
"Guest Snowball" , "Member Snowball" and "Two For Me" All has the Same IP Address.

I hope you are not suffering some split personalities after have one too many bf?

Dear Gachi Muchi

Guest Snowball and member Snowball while they may be the same person, is definately not me. From what I understand of your system's IP tracing mechanism, it is only able to trace the ISP's trunkline by geographical area. Thus it is entirely possible that Snowball and I live in the same geographical area. In addition our posting styles are so different. This is not the 1st time you have made such a claim on same IP address - recall "John" in another thread.

Huh ! :rolleyes: I have been replying to a guy with personality problem ?

Dear Reflection

I am sure Snowball will protest that he is not me!

Loving 2 brothers, in my case, is not a hypothesis and no they are not twins.

I do not know what perfect love is but I certainly know what equal love is!

In any case whether anyone believes in my unusual situation is entirely up to them.

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Dear Gachi Muchi

Guest Snowball and member Snowball while they may be the same person, is definately not me. From what I understand of your system's IP tracing mechanism, it is only able to trace the ISP's trunkline by geographical area. Thus it is entirely possible that Snowball and I live in the same geographical area. In addition our posting styles are so different. This is not the 1st time you have made such a claim on same IP address - recall "John" in another thread.

Dear Reflection

I am sure Snowball will protest that he is not me!

Loving 2 brothers, in my case, is not a hypothesis and no they are not twins.

I do not know what perfect love is but I certainly know what equal love is!

In any case whether anyone believes in my unusual situation is entirely up to them.

Two for me,

Thanks for your explanations and I will give you and Snowball the benefits of doubts.


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I think both or 3 of you either lived in the same block of flats and sharing the same Starhub line.

I will have our IT expert Hendry check and see.

Anyway, it would really be sick if the post is from the same person.

Which reminds me of a show. "My Own Worst Enemy" starring Christian Slater


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"Guest Snowball" , "Member Snowball" and "Two For Me" All has the Same IP Address.

What r u, IP Fraud Analyst Inspector or something? Give them a break!

Volunteering for the underwear association for third world countries. Please donate your used underwear to me.

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Apparently, I suspect Two for me is mooching on Snowball's wireless network.

Two for me. Becareful what you doing. Don't end up like the Poly student who got jail under the new Privacy law.

Mooching on other's network to cover own tracks for visiting gay sites is a smart move but dangerous.

So happens that both post on BW.

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Guest Two For Me
Apparently, I suspect Two for me is mooching on Snowball's wireless network.

Two for me. Becareful what you doing. Don't end up like the Poly student who got jail under the new Privacy law.

Mooching on other's network to cover own tracks for visiting gay sites is a smart move but dangerous.

So happens that both post on BW.

Dear Gachi Muchi

No need to mooch since I can use my own resources and I don't use wireless for precisely the reason of signal overlaps. In any case ISP trunk lines only have geographical area information to sites such as BWs. Only the ISP itself will be able to isolate the precise source of online traffic as they have in several cases before when their help was sought by law enforcement. So your suspicions again are unsubstantiated and unwarranted and your attempt to deflect attention from your mistake is unconscionable and belies a hidden agenda.

Everyone makes mistakes but it takes real character to admit it.

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I heard that line somewhere before. Please use it back on yourself.

What do you mean by "since I can use my own resources"? Are you saying your source is not from Starhub directly?

Anyway, Snowball had contacted me and told me he did not set password for his router. So judging from the his call, my suspicion obviously falls on u.

Whatever it is, the fact shows both you and snowball have the same IP and post about the same time, on the same day.

As long as ur conscience is clear and you did not mooched others "resources" why do you have to worry?

I did not make a mistake in reporting that both you and snowball have the same IP so there is nothing to me to admit.

The truth will surface once Snowball sets the password for his router. Who is mooching and who is not.

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Guest Two For Me
I heard that line somewhere before. Please use it back on yourself.

What do you mean by "since I can use my own resources"? Are you saying your source is not from Starhub directly?

Anyway, Snowball had contacted me and told me he did not set password for his router. So judging from the his call, my suspicion obviously falls on u.

Whatever it is, the fact shows both you and snowball have the same IP and post about the same time, on the same day.

As long as ur conscience is clear and you did not mooched others "resources" why do you have to worry?

I did not make a mistake in reporting that both you and snowball have the same IP so there is nothing to me to admit.

The truth will surface once Snowball sets the password for his router. Who is mooching and who is not.

Dear Gachi Muchi

So has Snowball set his password yet? :twisted:

Your allegation of the same IP address is misleading since it actually refers to the trunk line IP of the various ISPs which aggregates online traffic from various individual IP addresses. Hence the claim "same IP" is meaningless if it merely refers to trunk IP (which is shared) instead of individual IP addresses (which is not shared).

There is a huge difference between posting from a common geographical area as compared to posting from the same individual IP address! Surely you are not claiming that this point escapes you???!!!

Your claim on the same IP address was used to substantiate your comment on split personality. If the IP address you referred to as being the same was a trunk IP rather than an individual IP, how does that support your comment on split personality? :whistle:

So Plan B was what - mooching? Again unsubstantiated since you are only able to capture trunk IP addresses!

The flaw in your claims vests in your refusal to admit the obvious - that websites such as BWs can only capture trunk IP addresses which is common to many users in a pre-determined geographical area.

As this post demonstrates, I am still posting. My conscience is clear and I'm not worried! :D

So now what? Plan C - Snowball has not yet secured his wireless router? :P Or perhaps since you seem unwilling to admit your error, you might consider consigning this to the Flaming Room or even deleting it? :twisted:

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-Two For Me- , mind asking where you stay? i did contact NetGear & Starhub, they give me a sure answer, won't be have same IP under 2 different user, i am really confuse now, i don't know what is going on, yes i not set passwords for my router yet as i don't know how to.

-Two For Me- , can you register as a memeber & PM me, i really need to know the answer, thanks

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Dear Gachi Muchi

So has Snowball set his password yet? :twisted:

Your allegation of the same IP address is misleading since it actually refers to the trunk line IP of the various ISPs which aggregates online traffic from various individual IP addresses. Hence the claim "same IP" is meaningless if it merely refers to trunk IP (which is shared) instead of individual IP addresses (which is not shared).

There is a huge difference between posting from a common geographical area as compared to posting from the same individual IP address! Surely you are not claiming that this point escapes you???!!!

Your claim on the same IP address was used to substantiate your comment on split personality. If the IP address you referred to as being the same was a trunk IP rather than an individual IP, how does that support your comment on split personality? :whistle:

So Plan B was what - mooching? Again unsubstantiated since you are only able to capture trunk IP addresses!

The flaw in your claims vests in your refusal to admit the obvious - that websites such as BWs can only capture trunk IP addresses which is common to many users in a pre-determined geographical area.

As this post demonstrates, I am still posting. My conscience is clear and I'm not worried! :D

So now what? Plan C - Snowball has not yet secured his wireless router? :P Or perhaps since you seem unwilling to admit your error, you might consider consigning this to the Flaming Room or even deleting it? :twisted:

It is obvious and I have proof that your first few post's IP is identical to Snowball's IP. That is undeniable.

With your constant hoopla on technical jargon on "common geographical area" you failed to even understand what is mooching? Tsk, Tsk, Tsk!

Snowball has been forth coming with information of his router, the area where he stays, etc. Most importantly, Snowball is also a regular contributor in BW, whereas for you, an anonymous poster, with no contribution history.

in your weak defense, you can only come up with "I can use my own resources". So, why should I believe an iota of what you have said?

Please save us from your hypothesis of your Plan A,B,C because you are not a regular poster when compared with Snowball. You do not have credibility no matter what you say.

Your latest post is of course rid of the same IP issue as it is obvious you could no longer get away with mooching after I exposed you.

Well, this topic will be closed because you being an attention seeking troll, you stole all the attention with your incredulous story and your lousy ABC hypothesis / arguments and spoils the whole discussion.


Snowball, don't bother asking him to register because he will never do it when he has chose to be a guest poster with no posting records. If he is forth coming with information, he would have already done it. You can forget about receiving his PM. Such people are just hit and run case because they are guilty of mooching and that's why he is anonymous.

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