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"After 70, it's all suffering from all kinds of illnesses.", said my friend. Is it true?

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Guest Life

Every age is full of hardship. 

Every day is a challenge. 


That's what I feel. No matter what age. 

Pain and suffering. 


This is life. 

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Life is every little thing sour, sweet, bitter, spicy and salty. We only live once...!


No point in regrets and look our past. Just move forward with happiness, sadness, disgust, fear surprise or anger.. all of these depend on ourselves...


Learn to love and take care yourself first (but not to be selfish) and then love others...!

Edited by Alibaba789258
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When the trigger for bad health will start - that's multifactorial and really we have not fully understood. So just live everyday to the fullest and be contented. Stay healthy the best you could :)

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Guest Guest

Any age also might have their own health problem, no guaranteed that only at old age then will suffer from illness.

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12 hours ago, Guest Life said:

Every age is full of hardship. 

Every day is a challenge. 


That's what I feel. No matter what age. 

Pain and suffering. 


This is life. 


Ha ha ha, Guest Life.   Every coin has two sides.  Here is the other side:


Every age is full of happiness, joy,

Every day can contribute to our success.


That's what I feel.  No matter what age.  (  and I have experienced practically ALL ages )

Satisfaction and happiness.


This is life.

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On 5/13/2024 at 12:05 PM, GachiMuchi said:


I guess you are in your late 20s and early 30s. I think you should not worry too much about your aging skin, or illnesses and death for now.

What you should be doing is to live a good life and enjoying every moment.

Go and love, explore and experience heartbreaks, the joy of friendship, bitterness of failure, etc. in life.

Life if short. Live it well and with no regrets.



Yes, this is fine if " you should not worry too much " is still an intelligent evaluation of what is smart to do in the present and for the future ahead. 


Yes, we should live a good life.  We should enjoy what is there to enjoy in some moments of it.  "Every moment" is a combination of situations, good and bad.


Yes, we should explore and experience.  Our whole life should be a journey of DISCOVERY up to the last minute.  There is no limit of what we can discover in the world if we have the drive to do so.  If not, there is plenty to be discovered within us. To live is simply to exist in the continuous present.  In life, our persona, body and spirit, has been entrusted with caring for an unknown entity called "the soul",  for a certain number of years.  Afterwards we don't know...   This depends on everyone's beliefs, and if there is none, at least everyone's speculations,  which we all should have plenty.


Yes, life is short...  if we compare it with the age of the Universe.  An average life expectancy of 70 or 80 years is plenty, and... sufficient.  We should make good use of our time but not worry about "not doing enough in our short life ".  

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It is not a bad thing to be ill by the 70s, we live long and well enough now to have major illness by only the 70s. None of us can say for sure we have till 70s or 80s, but the vast majority of us should live 90% of it healthily. 


Life is how we live it, in the time that we have, first with the cards dealt to us, then we what we make of it.  


If we eat well, live well, we make the best of it from young, all else being unequal (genes, environment, circumstances). My father took long walks, climbed stairs, perspired, was not choosy with food, and ate fruits everyday. He had a productive active life well into his 80s. Did he have ailments big and small, sure. Was he suffering? Not really. Dementia and organ issues only advanced in his very late years. 


Look around, look carefully. Look at the number of seniors living their lives fruitfully daily. Notice them. Don't just conjure the image of hospitals and nursing homes. But of course, if you want to, please go help those less fortunate and in need in different places.


Our lives are not just a medical lifespan of our body either. We live, we play, we experience, we form memories. Not everything is a bed of roses, but please smell the roses when you have them.  


The age of the universe is about 14 billion, the solar system and earth 4.5 billion, life on earth 3.5 billion, humankind 200 million.


That is too remote to be relevant some guys will say. But from that we emerged. It is a very strange reality if you think about it. It took the universe 13.82 billion years to give us freaking 80 years of here and now, 70 of them in good health. Please look at and feel everything around you, please see everybody around you. Please go and enjoy it, and be kind to everyone else sharing this moment with you. 


Edited by PlayersGroup
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13 minutes ago, Guest Guest said:

As a single gay, i would rather die than be ill. 


I don't understand.  We single guys also are ill on occasions, yet we hang onto life.  Or do you mean to die rather than being permanently ill or disabled?  And in this case, what makes it worse to be... single?   On the contrary, being permanently ill and/or disabled and single means that you are not a burden to beloved spouses. 

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Guest Guest
34 minutes ago, Steve5380 said:


I don't understand.  We single guys also are ill on occasions, yet we hang onto life.  Or do you mean to die rather than being permanently ill or disabled?  And in this case, what makes it worse to be... single?   On the contrary, being permanently ill and/or disabled and single means that you are not a burden to beloved spouses. 


Sorry, i didn't make it clear. I meant permanently ill or disabled.

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1 hour ago, PlayersGroup said:

It is not a bad thing to be ill by the 70s, we live long and well enough now to have major illness by only the 70s. None of us can say for sure we have till 70s or 80s, but the vast majority of us should live 90% of it healthily. 


Life is how we live it, in the time that we have, first with the cards dealt to us, then we what we make of it.  


If we eat well, live well, we make the best of it from young, all else being unequal (genes, environment, circumstances). My father took long walks, climbed stairs, perspire, was not choosy with food, and ate fruits everyday. He had a productive active life well into his 80s. Does he have ailments big and small, sure. Was he suffering? Not really. Dementia and organ issues only advanced in his very late years. 


Look around, look carefully. Look at the number of seniors living their lives fruitfully daily. Notice them. Don't just conjure the image of hospitals and nursing homes. But of course, if you want to, please go help those less fortunate and in need in different places.


Our lives are not just a medical lifespan of our body either. We live, we play, we experience, we form memories. Not everything is a bed of roses, but please smell the roses when you have them.  


The age of the universe is about 14 billion, the solar system and earth 4.5 billion, life on earth 3.5 billion, humankind 200 million.


That is too remote to be relevant some guys will say. But from that we emerged. It is a very strange reality if you think about it. It took the universe 13.82 billion years to give us freaking 80 years of here and now, 70 of them in good health. Please look at and feel everything around you, please see everybody around you. Please go and enjoy it, and be kind to everyone else sharing this moment with you. 



No, thank you, it would not have been "not bad" for me to be ill by the 70s, and likewise it will be bad to be ill by  the 80s. It is bad to be ill at any age.


"After 70 its all suffering from all kinds of illnesses, is it true" ??   This may have been mostly the case 100 years ago, but it should not be today.  The ignorance in humanity about how to avoid illness keeps dropping all the time, and it got accelerated in the last decades. Knowledge is not perfect yet, but it has highly improved. 


The knowledge of humanity does not automatically transfer to knowledge of the individual.  It does not even transfer to knowledge of the medical establishment. It is here that WE need to be smart and search out for this knowledge, that is struggling to surge to some forefront in all areas of medicine.


I personally reached 70 in good health thanks to a traditional good lifestyle.  But from there on and especially in the last years I have discovered plenty of my previous ignorance, by trusting the discoveries of many expert doctors and researchers who have gone beyond their traditional training to propagate their new findings about health and prevention, and reversion of illnesses.  Both physical and mental.  Trust is increasing in the findings about flexible metabolism, insulin sensitivity, healthy biome as the pillars of health to preserve.  And the number of illnesses that are prevented by doing so keep increasing. 


There is little reason to ignore these advances in healthy living, there is not much cost involved, the time invested in it is well justified.  Why should we keep accepting today that age is a justification for coming down with all sorts of chronic illnesses and disabilities? 


I am not sure if it was a goal of the universe, with its age of 13.82 billion but now possibly more than 20 billion years, to give us 70 years in good health.  How much is the universe aware of our existence? 



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45 minutes ago, Steve5380 said:


No, thank you, it would not have been "not bad" for me to be ill by the 70s, and likewise it will be bad to be ill by  the 80s. It is bad to be ill at any age...


I am not sure if it was a goal of the universe, with its age of 13.82 billion but now possibly more than 20 billion years, to give us 70 years in good health.  How much is the universe aware of our existence? 



Ideally of cos, we hope to live without illness at any age. 


We are the aware part of the universe, I think that's already something for me, not sure if there's any goal, but I'm quite happy

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I haven't plan much for any eventuality at all.


Dying suddenly and rot at home is one thing, but kena critical illness, mentally incapacitated, physically incapacitated, I wouldn't know what to do.


Living life day by day now.

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7 hours ago, StockBottom said:

I haven't plan much for any eventuality at all.


Living life day by day now.



No planning?  Your day-by-day life will continue unchanged forever?  No ups or downs?  Is your day-by-day at least a healthy lifestyle?  IF not, you plan to change it? 


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Guest Guest
8 hours ago, StockBottom said:

I haven't plan much for any eventuality at all.


Dying suddenly and rot at home is one thing, but kena critical illness, mentally incapacitated, physically incapacitated, I wouldn't know what to do.


Living life day by day now.


人活一天, 过一天, 也就是代表这我们的生命每天在减少一天。

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On 5/15/2024 at 8:44 AM, Guest Guest said:


人活一天, 过一天, 也就是代表这我们的生命每天在减少一天。


Good proverb.  Time passes,  day-by-day, year-by-year.  All thinks, we included, get old.   Yet if we are smart owners a car, we will look out for good maintenance and repair so that it lasts as best and as long as possible, instead of simply letting it get old. 

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Guest Health is Fortune?

Recently, I was waiting at the clinic and overheard a China young couple (in their late 30s or 40s) asking the staff for comprehensive Health screening and scanning, that includes all type of cancer under the sun.  After a long conversation, the staff quoted them few thousand dollars (for couple) and eventually they signed on the dotted line. 


I remember one of our previous Health Minister, Khaw Boon Wan,  told folks to do basic health screening to avoid over health scare from the result of comprehensive health screen.   There may be some truth to it because one's well beings are so full of mystery you didn't quite expect what the result may be. 


If you guys are wealthy like the above young couple,  would you want to have such "comprehensive" health screening?  

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Guest Guest

You can do all sort of test and scan to detect any cancer etc, but still not 100% foolproof. And also how often can you repeat to do all these scan and test, as now you do the scan, ok but no one can guarantee you will still be ok 1-2 years later.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This thread is interesting

Will we suffer illness of all sort is so broad.


It's all boils down to what we eat, what we use daily and what we do to our body and mind right.


If we smoke, drink, eat fried food, process food, sit on the couch all day, we deserve to get punishment right.


If we follow elderly in blue zone, live beyond 100, and eat healthy, exercise, bond with community, live life with purpose, should we be reward to longviety?


Getting medical and dental check up every year is a basic routine, yet majority fail to detect level 0 or 1 cancer because of procrastination. There's carcinoma protection, yet people don't buy sufficient premiums 


There's anti aging supplements, yet people choose to pay for bubble tea and starbucks which cost more than investing in health.


There's no frills grooming products yet people choose to buy expensive branded products that may Contin chemical.


There's organic food, yet ppl choose fried chicken and beer.


Government made exercise class free already, yet people just netflix binge.


So in the next 50 years, there will be a  groups that's going to extend lifespan from ave 82yo male to 85 , 88, 98 because of medical advancement and unlocking the secrets to delay dna degeneration. 


Will you be keen to see how technology evolves to see a new world. Such as flying cars, space trips, teleportation, maybe announcement that multi verse and higher being is real? Hmm

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Guest Sorry
9 hours ago, fbttop said:

Getting medical and dental check up every year is a basic routine,


Not cheap.

9 hours ago, fbttop said:

There's anti aging supplements,

Bad for Kidney and Liver if taken regularly

9 hours ago, fbttop said:

There's organic food, yet ppl choose fried chicken and beer.

Hard to find organic food in Singapore and will not come cheap.  Some are just marketing gimmick and not truly organic.  

9 hours ago, fbttop said:

Government made exercise class free already, yet people just netflix binge.


You mean those shake hands shake legs type, and with music blasted loudly in the neighbourhood in the most absurd hour?  You can actually do it quietly at home, without disturbing others who are sleeping - especially babies and patients needing necessary rest and peace.

9 hours ago, fbttop said:

Will you be keen to see how technology evolves to see a new world. Such as flying cars, space trips, teleportation, maybe announcement that multi verse and higher being is real? Hmm

hmmmm.....you mean to experience rather than just seeing?   It will change your perspective about science, and just that. 


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2 hours ago, Guest Sorry said:

Not cheap.

Bad for Kidney and Liver if taken regularly

Hard to find organic food in Singapore and will not come cheap.  Some are just marketing gimmick and not truly organic.  

You mean those shake hands shake legs type, and with music blasted loudly in the neighbourhood in the most absurd hour?  You can actually do it quietly at home, without disturbing others who are sleeping - especially babies and patients needing necessary rest and peace.

hmmmm.....you mean to experience rather than just seeing?   It will change your perspective about science, and just that. 


Hmm that's why I have to always deal with nayslayers who can't commit to life improvement and keep complaining, and don't bother to have an account here even.


dealing with ignorant people are so tiring sometimes. Dont wish to waste my time to correct any of the above. Hai~



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On 5/22/2024 at 10:25 PM, Guest Health is Fortune? said:


I remember one of our previous Health Minister, Khaw Boon Wan,  told folks to do basic health screening to avoid over health scare from the result of comprehensive health screen.   There may be some truth to it because one's well beings are so full of mystery you didn't quite expect what the result may be. 


If you guys are wealthy like the above young couple,  would you want to have such "comprehensive" health screening?  


Your previous Health Minister had a good point.  What to do with comprehensive health screen if one does not understand the results and does not know what to do about them?


It makes sense that every adult ( and even children ) should get a yearly health check, have the doctor interpret and explain the results, and take action accordingly. 


But conventional medicine seldom goes beyond this.  This is why we should understand the results of the basic test and investigate how to go about them, in addition to trusting a doctor.  Then, as we advance in life, we should investigate more, look at the probability for illnesses that we could eventually develop, and research the preventive measures, like nutrition, exercise, etc.  that we could take to prevent the illnesses.   THEN  it can become of interest to get more test results, the ones we now understand what they are good for,  and eventually get a comprehensive test.  Blood tests that are not typical,  like fasting insulin, level of vitamin D,  uric acid, A1C, etc.  Also some scans, like carotid ultrasound,  bone density.   Depending on one's medical plan, and the disposition of the Primary Care Physician,  one can ask for these tests to be added to the yearly basic test.



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15 hours ago, Guest Sorry said:

Not cheap.

Bad for Kidney and Liver if taken regularly

Hard to find organic food in Singapore and will not come cheap.  Some are just marketing gimmick and not truly organic.  

You mean those shake hands shake legs type, and with music blasted loudly in the neighbourhood in the most absurd hour?  You can actually do it quietly at home, without disturbing others who are sleeping - especially babies and patients needing necessary rest and peace.

hmmmm.....you mean to experience rather than just seeing?   It will change your perspective about science, and just that. 



"Organic" food is not cheap in general.  And it also challenges our trust.  And many foods don't need to be "organic".   The Internet gives good info about this.  Like:


https://www.eatingwell.com/article/15808/15-foods-you-dont-need-to-buy-organic/   (  but you don't need to follow recipes,  eat an avocado like God creates it, ha ha ).


Good point about exercising quietly at home.  We can do a lot of resistance training at home, without special equipment.  And aerobic exercise as well ( do a hundred pushups or squats, for example, ha ha )


Edited by Steve5380
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Guest Freedom to think
12 hours ago, fbttop said:

Hmm that's why I have to always deal with nayslayers who can't commit to life improvement and keep complaining, and don't bother to have an account here even.


dealing with ignorant people are so tiring sometimes. Dont wish to waste my time to correct any of the above. Hai~



One truth that do not agree with your truth is called nay sayers??  Should we then just envolve around your truth and no other truth?

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For most people around the age of 50 the first illnesses might creep in.

Depends on your life style in early years, food intake (healthy / non healthy), how much exercise you did, put on too much weight,

sleeping cycle and amount, stress at work/home, genetic background. Just look at smoking also...

Some illnesses are genetic, you can't do much.


But for others, maybe around mid 40s you can get your exercise, sleep food cycle back into control...

and just not lay back.


Read up on the common recommendations how to improve your life and reduce potential illnesses in aging.

With the internet, there are nowadays good information on what you can do to counter potential illnesses or avoid

getting any such old age illnesses.



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13 hours ago, fbttop said:

Hmm that's why I have to always deal with nayslayers who can't commit to life improvement and keep complaining, and don't bother to have an account here even.


dealing with ignorant people are so tiring sometimes. Dont wish to waste my time to correct any of the above. Hai~




You are right and laud you for having the courage to write such here.


With a fatalistic mindset and negative approach nothing will change and you just try to blame other reasons why you can't look out.

A lot of people seem to be always blame shifting instead of realising it was always their own mistake.

The biggest problem here is, that those people who have this fatalistic approach, are the ones that cost the community the most later in medical coverage (which is Singapore is subsidised by the tax payers).


Not all the advice on staying healthy cost much, but just cost effort and readiness to change previous life styles.


Surely, a yearly check up won't cost a lot.

There are also certain institutions that offer a free health check on various basic checks.

E.g. if you are prone for diabetes but not yet suffering such checks are helpful to make you change your food intake and avoid having diabetes.


While most human beings tend to be sort of "lazy" or reluctant to change life styles, but such a topic here helps us to give all a push to look into the topic.


Don't complain later, nobody told you!


PS: Sport SG does not just cover senior citizens dancing samba at shopping malls...






Edited by singalion
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So much effort to redirect the topic guys..in real life if someone doesn't tune to the conversation and say things that doesn't contribute a single bit. Let's just keep mum... let that man embarrass himself.


So anyways I have participate in free HITT, crosstraining , spin, circuit in stadium and active sg. There's something for everyone of all ages. I mean u paid for them using taxes right. 


Now even basic check up is free under health 365, just choose ur clinic and book for at least your folks. Mid teir check up is over $100plus . U only need to save $10 a month. High teir is $200+, only $20 a month is sufficient. You only need to cut down 1 restaurant eat out. Hai-


Excuses just give u more suffering. 



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1 hour ago, mate69 said:

Yeah as they say, health is wealth, no?


LOL.  One can also say "wealth is health",  but this is not always true.  Do health and wealth need to be related?

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Guest Guest
7 hours ago, fbttop said:

So much effort to redirect the topic guys..in real life if someone doesn't tune to the conversation and say things that doesn't contribute a single bit. Let's just keep mum... let that man embarrass himself.


So anyways I have participate in free HITT, crosstraining , spin, circuit in stadium and active sg. There's something for everyone of all ages. I mean u paid for them using taxes right. 


Now even basic check up is free under health 365, just choose ur clinic and book for at least your folks. Mid teir check up is over $100plus . U only need to save $10 a month. High teir is $200+, only $20 a month is sufficient. You only need to cut down 1 restaurant eat out. Hai-


Excuses just give u more suffering. 



Good to maintain healthy lifestyle, but health issue can still happen to you anytime. Not trying to feel depressing, but that's life we have to deal with.

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On 6/3/2024 at 7:21 PM, mate69 said:

Yeah as they say, health is wealth, no?


But Singapore seems to subsidise health costs for Singaporeans... not sure your point is correct for Singapore... 


On the other hand wealthy people die from certain illnesses at early age also. Money can't buy good health. Not all expensive treatments will lead to being cured. 


Further, vegetable , which are seen as healthy, seem cheaper than meat, same goes for water compared to soft drinks or alcohol...


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Beside health is wealth

one more golden rule

preventive is better than cure


Not going too deep...

What if someone is determined to just eat fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, just plain water..

or maybe mixed with fish, seafood, not on poultry and red meat. Zero fried and processed food. 

Is this person less chance to suffer ?


Because homosapiens are naturally herbivorous , either are we meant to drink milk. 

Capitalism and consumerism in the modern world has already blurred the lines of what we should put in our mouth

We want our food fast, yummy, trendy, fomo, shiok, long shelf life to make us feel good temporarily. 

Not knowingly the manufacturing and farming for these food to feed billions of human, is destroying our own planet. 





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I didn't intend to promote to be vegetarian in my earlier post, don't get me wrong. 


Fish is healthy, certain meats in moderation also. But meat lovers who eat 70% meat and 20 % condiments (noodle, rice, potato) and just 10 % vegetable every day, surely develop health issues sooner than later. 


Many neglect the science about the digestive system and the general impact of overconsumption of meats. 



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Guest DonsonKwa

true & not true & true

age is just a number. 

it very much depend on ur life style & ur desire

to keep urself fit as well as ur mental well being.  

try ur very best to socialise ard, take part in social activities.

sickness/health problem are  part & parcel of life & how u dwell on it.  

u can overcome.  I hv seen myself in my neighbourhood there are 

ppl much older than me yet very fit.   hv positive mind.  

diet is important too.  eat in moderation


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6 hours ago, singalion said:


Many neglect the science about the digestive system and the general impact of overconsumption of meats. 



In the last decades, in this 21th century,  preventive medicine has taken off in a very helpful way.  Diseases that in the past were seen as unavoidable and irreversible are being found to have preventive and even curative ways that are within our reach,  often without the need for the medical establishment.  Illnesses like diabetes, heart disease, cancer, dementia and Alzheimer's, arthritis, are being labeled as having metabolic causes.  This means that with some dedication to investigate the new theories of how the illnesses develop, we can adjust our life style, nutrition + exercise + sleep, etc. so as to prevent them and then become seniors in good health passed the 70s.

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Guest Creation

There is no limit to how long people can live. It is all in the human will. Often when people reached 100yo, they felt they wanted to go even though they can have the will to live far beyond that. 

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9 hours ago, Guest Creation said:

There is no limit to how long people can live. It is all in the human will. Often when people reached 100yo, they felt they wanted to go even though they can have the will to live far beyond that. 


Guest Creation,  is this due to our Creation, or our Evolution?

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Guest Guest
22 hours ago, singalion said:

I didn't intend to promote to be vegetarian in my earlier post, don't get me wrong. 


Fish is healthy, certain meats in moderation also. But meat lovers who eat 70% meat and 20 % condiments (noodle, rice, potato) and just 10 % vegetable every day, surely develop health issues sooner than later. 


Many neglect the science about the digestive system and the general impact of overconsumption of meats. 


Not really true that meat lovers who seldom eat veggies would have health issues. Still depend on individual body. Some people are meat lovers and yet they do not have much health issues, but some people eat veggies a lot than meat might have health issues.


Same as people always say eat outside foods not healthy and would develop health issues. But you see many people default all their meals eat outside foods, and some even anyhow eat, never eat healthier outside foods, they still did not have much health issues.

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Guest Tio Bo?
11 hours ago, Guest Guest said:

Same as people always say eat outside foods not healthy and would develop health issues. But you see many people default all their meals eat outside foods, and some even anyhow eat, never eat healthier outside foods, they still did not have much health issues.

Health issues take decades to turn ugly.  Eating unhealthy food outside may not see instant effect yet until  signs and symptoms developed than too late liao.  Now, I eat very little outside food and also picky what I put in my mouth.  I save money also and indirectly become semi-fasting.  Also hor,  I stop buying snacks from supermarket. Also hor, snack not cheap.  Now I eat twice a day and drank tea in-between meal.  Liddat help me keep my stomach from feeling hungry and save a lot $$$  from snacking.  Eventually, my tastebuds started to adjust, my stomach timing also tried to adjust to my new habbit.  I still eat meat, but in moderation.  I also eat vegetables, but in moderation also.  Half here half there is good, no need over carnivorous or over herbivorious,  just moderate omniverous.   Liddat can liao and than you realise you can survive our high cost of living without being spendy on foods.  

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15 hours ago, Guest Guest said:

Not really true that meat lovers who seldom eat veggies would have health issues. Still depend on individual body. Some people are meat lovers and yet they do not have much health issues, but some people eat veggies a lot than meat might have health issues.


Same as people always say eat outside foods not healthy and would develop health issues. But you see many people default all their meals eat outside foods, and some even anyhow eat, never eat healthier outside foods, they still did not have much health issues.


Red and processed meats do increase health risks. In spite of what the Annals of Internal Medicine study suggests, Dr. Hu says that an accumulated body of evidence shows a clear link between high intake of red and processed meats and a higher risk for heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and premature death. "The evidence is consistent across different studies," he says.

But the key word here is "high." Dr. Hu points out that the exact amounts for safely consuming red meat are open to debate.

"The evidence shows that people with a relatively low intake have lower health risks," he says. "A general recommendation is that people should stick to no more than two to three servings per week."




What Are the Negative Health Effects of Eating Meat?

...higher consumption of unprocessed red, and processed red meat was associated with a higher risk of ischemic heart disease, pneumonia, diabetes, diverticular disease, and colon polyps.

In quantitative terms, the study found that every 70 g of unprocessed red meat and processed red meat consumed daily increased the risk of heart disease by 15% and diabetes by 30% after accounting for other lifestyle factors such as alcohol consumption, physical activity, and BMI.

The risk of developing gastroesophageal reflux was increased by 17% and diabetes by 14% as a result of consuming poultry meat.






Note that the farming and meat industry are lobbying or sponsoring plenty of flawed researches to counter the image on meat...

Same as the sugar related food industries try to spread the message that sugar intake is fine... or counter research on sugar.



Eating meat in moderation might be fine. Also, if it is a healthy mix of (less) meat with vegetable, beans etc.

There are some people who eat plenty of meat daily.


The 2 slices of beef in a beef soup next to vegetables in the soup should be ok, but probably 10 slices of pork in a ramen soup probably is over the limit.


Even at hawkers there are plenty of people who take two different portions of meat and one veggie at the Mixed Rice stalls...


In moderation please.

Eat some fish the next day, maybe have one day with just vegetables or beans.

Instead of drinking the soda drinks, take a fruit juice instead. (Here the juices are very mixed with ice cubes, the sugar content from the fruit should not be too much).

The factor is, how you balance it.


One bigger portion of red meat on the weekend cooked at home should be ok, if you reduce the meat content for the rest of the week thereafter,...






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16 hours ago, Guest Guest said:

Same as people always say eat outside foods not healthy and would develop health issues. But you see many people default all their meals eat outside foods, and some even anyhow eat, never eat healthier outside foods, they still did not have much health issues.


Have you visited any hospitals here?

Go to a hospital.


You would be surprised how many people in their late 40s to the age of 60s are around with health issues.


Sure, in the workforce there is rarely an option to cook your own food and heating cooked food in a microwave might have cancer risks also.

But you can avoid fast food.


However, if you have the chance of cooking your own meals on the weekends, maybe you do.

It's not much effort to cook some vegetables with a small piece of meat or preferably fish.


Some people have issues from genetic illnesses, sad to say, there is nothing you can do and I feel sorry for them. 


Maybe you look at the title of this thread.

It hadn't bumped up as a question if there isn't something about it.


I don't think your point on people eating outside food for many years and no health issues is correct.

As I started off, go and visit the local hospitals. Maybe you receive a better picture on the impact of an unhealthy diet.


I don't think the Health institutions here would promote so strongly for a more balanced diet if there aren't issues around (and costs resulting from the medical treatment)...





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Guest Guest

Take everything in moderation - food and whatever indulgence should be the norm for elderlies. But do note that hawker's food may be convenient tends to use cheaper ingredients, especially cooking oil and heavier in their seasoning, should try more home cooking.

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Guest depressed

i'm turning 40 soon and i'm already dreading having to spend another 30 more years to get to 70.


is it really that bad to die young?

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8 minutes ago, Guest depressed said:

i'm turning 40 soon and i'm already dreading having to spend another 30 more years to get to 70.


is it really that bad to die young?


What if you live till 105 or 110?

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Guest Guest
22 minutes ago, Guest depressed said:

i'm turning 40 soon and i'm already dreading having to spend another 30 more years to get to 70.


is it really that bad to die young?

Live your life to the fullness, no need to think and worry so much.

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Guest Guest
7 hours ago, singalion said:


Have you visited any hospitals here?

Go to a hospital.


You would be surprised how many people in their late 40s to the age of 60s are around with health issues.


Sure, in the workforce there is rarely an option to cook your own food and heating cooked food in a microwave might have cancer risks also.

But you can avoid fast food.


However, if you have the chance of cooking your own meals on the weekends, maybe you do.

It's not much effort to cook some vegetables with a small piece of meat or preferably fish.


Some people have issues from genetic illnesses, sad to say, there is nothing you can do and I feel sorry for them. 


Maybe you look at the title of this thread.

It hadn't bumped up as a question if there isn't something about it.


I don't think your point on people eating outside food for many years and no health issues is correct.

As I started off, go and visit the local hospitals. Maybe you receive a better picture on the impact of an unhealthy diet.


I don't think the Health institutions here would promote so strongly for a more balanced diet if there aren't issues around (and costs resulting from the medical treatment)...


No need to go to hospital to see. I am referring to the people around me that i know, like colleagues and friends. Many of them do not have serious health issues even they anyhow eat outside foods. So still depends on individual body structure, foods are not the main affecting factor, even though it does affect.

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