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"After 70, it's all suffering from all kinds of illnesses.", said my friend. Is it true?

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Guest FYI
24 minutes ago, Guest depressed said:

i'm turning 40 soon and i'm already dreading having to spend another 30 more years to get to 70.


is it really that bad to die young?

Someone in this forum is already 81yo, and he seems very happy and wanted to live even longer by watching his diet with extreme care.  


Do you have anything to say to him?

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Thou i am a health freak, and family, friends, colleagues knows I eat healthy.

But for my goals, I feel I am only 75% there to a super strict dieting.

Things that I have cut almost totally are fried food, processed food, sugar, fatty red meat. 


However I have to constantly listen to people around me complaining about their pains, health issue, sleep issue, while slurping laksa, nasi padang, chicken rice.

While I eat my brown rice, vege, tofu, egg and hear comments that my lunch is so lame, yucky. 


Especially like my mum, a cancer survivor is back to eat all sorts of high calories, high sugar, fat and sodium stuff. Dont get it..




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Guest Guest
46 minutes ago, fbttop said:

Thou i am a health freak, and family, friends, colleagues knows I eat healthy.

But for my goals, I feel I am only 75% there to a super strict dieting.

Things that I have cut almost totally are fried food, processed food, sugar, fatty red meat. 


However I have to constantly listen to people around me complaining about their pains, health issue, sleep issue, while slurping laksa, nasi padang, chicken rice.

While I eat my brown rice, vege, tofu, egg and hear comments that my lunch is so lame, yucky. 


Especially like my mum, a cancer survivor is back to eat all sorts of high calories, high sugar, fat and sodium stuff. Dont get it..


How you managed to cut almost totally of sugar? Even you do not drink any sugary drinks, but eating carbo also can become sugar.

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Oolong , green tea, water , air soda


Anything else replace by stevia


Brown rice or konjac instead of white rice


I do not have diabete, so am not curbing with insulin spike. But the unnecessary calories.  I also don't take things that has sucrose or fructose.


That's why it's almost and not 100%. Protein shake comes with sweeteners, ur cai peng also cook with sugar. But salad doesn't.





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Guest Da Jiba
On 5/14/2024 at 10:30 AM, Guest Life said:

Every age is full of hardship. 

Every day is a challenge. 


For you, that is.  Poor princess.



On 5/14/2024 at 10:30 AM, Guest Life said:


That's what I feel. No matter what age. 

Pain and suffering. 


This is life. 


Lol.  For you

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Guest Da Jiba
On 5/14/2024 at 1:05 AM, GachiMuchi said:

The sad truth is different people will get different illness from as early as 30s-40s and some will be 50s-60s. and some in 70s-80s.


I have friends who dies suddenly while jogging in his early 40s.

Friends with knee problems &  heart disease from 50s-60s.

My mom had cancer in her 60s -70s.

A friend who had depression in his 50s and committed suicide.

Most people will have varied ailments, diseases, etc. some curable, some not.

So, it is good to maintain a healthy lifestyle with balance diet and exercise.


I guess you are in your late 20s and early 30s. I think you should not worry too much about your aging skin, or illnesses and death for now.

What you should be doing is to live a good life and enjoying every moment.

Go and love, explore and experience heartbreaks, the joy of friendship, bitterness of failure, etc. in life.

Life if short. Live it well and with no regrets.

Old age destroys youth, health and memories.  True that if you're in your 20s and 30s you should live uncaged by unnecessary and unfounded health worries

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Guest Da Jiba
On 5/23/2024 at 11:25 AM, Guest Health is Fortune? said:

Recently, I was waiting at the clinic and overheard a China young couple (in their late 30s or 40s) asking the staff for comprehensive Health screening and scanning, that includes all type of cancer under the sun.  After a long conversation, the staff quoted them few thousand dollars (for couple) and eventually they signed on the dotted line. 


I remember one of our previous Health Minister, Khaw Boon Wan,  told folks to do basic health screening to avoid over health scare from the result of comprehensive health screen.   There may be some truth to it because one's well beings are so full of mystery you didn't quite expect what the result may be. 


If you guys are wealthy like the above young couple,  would you want to have such "comprehensive" health screening?  


Why you so kaypoh? Mind your own biz.  

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Guest Da Jiba
11 hours ago, fbttop said:

Oolong , green tea, water , air soda


Anything else replace by stevia


Brown rice or konjac instead of white rice


I do not have diabete, so am not curbing with insulin spike. But the unnecessary calories.  I also don't take things that has sucrose or fructose.


That's why it's almost and not 100%. Protein shake comes with sweeteners, ur cai peng also cook with sugar. But salad doesn't.






Stop giving food advice to strangers.  You're not even on topic and hardly sounds qualified.  Stevia..... 😂

OMG what a laugh.  Do some research ya.

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Hah i wont stop giving 'food advice' but I can share what my diet is.

I've just got my medical report and HbA1c is 5.1 and that's factual. 

Also note that in all of my replies, I do not advocate for any brands for any bias


It's ignorant to say that it's off topic, because sugar is the cause of obesity and diabetes in consumerism behaviour.

Which appears that my uncles and aunties are suffering at the age of 60s already.

I started stevia 10 years ago before the commercial buy off shelf..

Do you know how? Probably not either. If you know more , then share your knowledge. 


So please register an account otherwise delete all your post to clean up flaming. :)







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Guest Guest
40 minutes ago, fbttop said:

Hah i wont stop giving 'food advice' but I can share what my diet is.

I've just got my medical report and HbA1c is 5.1 and that's factual. 

Also note that in all of my replies, I do not advocate for any brands for any bias


It's ignorant to say that it's off topic, because sugar is the cause of obesity and diabetes in consumerism behaviour.

Which appears that my uncles and aunties are suffering at the age of 60s already.

I started stevia 10 years ago before the commercial buy off shelf..

Do you know how? Probably not either. If you know more , then share your knowledge. 


So please register an account otherwise delete all your post to clean up flaming. :)


Your HbA1c is 5.1 that's good. Looks like you are successfully in cutting in your sugar. I am trying and yet my HbA1c still in pre-diabetic.

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20 hours ago, Guest Guest said:

No need to go to hospital to see. I am referring to the people around me that i know, like colleagues and friends. Many of them do not have serious health issues even they anyhow eat outside foods. So still depends on individual body structure, foods are not the main affecting factor, even though it does affect.


Because you truly know all health reports and medical check results of all the people around you such as colleagues and friends... 🤣


You are right in saying that food is not the only factor.

I previously pointed to genetic conditions that may cause illnesses. If you have such a precondition, then the probability to suffer a later illness is high.

Further, a decent amount of exercise may benefit in reducing risks for certain illnesses.


However, it is scientifically sufficiently researched and proven that certain outside food intake (fast food, lack of variation, certain hawker food,...) increases the risk of illnesses.

It is also proven that certain South East Asian food dishes rich in coconut, fatty oily curries, laksa types, ramen fatty and fatty meat rich dishes... (too many to name) contribute to certain illnesses.


In general, the hawker food is high on salt, sugar, starch and unhealthy fats...

You can do a self test: Take a fried rice bought in a hawker stall, let it cool down and place to the fridge for 2 -3 hours, you would be shocked to see how much fat it contains...)




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7 hours ago, Guest Da Jiba said:


Stop giving food advice to strangers.  You're not even on topic and hardly sounds qualified.  Stevia..... 😂

OMG what a laugh.  Do some research ya.


Let's assume your jibe is motivated by trolling...


Stevia intake is still better than real sugar or the other sweetener brands.

While the research on Stevia might not be complete, but if you do a research, it comes out as having more advantages than disadvantages.


The topic here is whether with 70s onwards people suffer illnesses and the posts from fbttop are spot on!

Namely, in assisting others to reduce the risk of suffering one of the illnesses.

His posts are creating awareness.



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19 hours ago, fbttop said:

Anything else replace by stevia


I am surprised that you still require Stevia.

Why not just keeping it off at all?


Also, it is recommended by health experts to check on the ingredients as certain types of Stevia brands add sugar alcohol, dextrose or maltodextrin (= counter productive).


Years back I switched in keeping drinks without sugar.

There is no need to drink oolong with sugar or Stevia.



19 hours ago, fbttop said:

I also don't take things that has sucrose or fructose.



The problem turns up, when you eat outside and don't have the control.

Certain fruit flavoured drinks that look like made by the outlet ("homemade"), may contain sucrose or fructose...

It is very difficult to find drinks in Singapore that do not contain sugar or other sugar substitutes. Take the calamansi/ limau drinks...

Most waiters will check and later tell me that they contain sugar and they don't have any fruit drink without...

So your option is mostly with plain water...


Then, desserts ...

I also never understand why in Singapore plenty of cut fruit stalls add sugar / and or salt to the fruits they sell.


I hope your bf or future bf doesn't take you to a cake shop to celebrate something, ha ha...





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Guest Try it
20 hours ago, fbttop said:

Anything else replace by stevia


Monk fruit sweetener is another option. 

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Guest Guest

I always find not easy to cut off from sugar. Even i don't drink sugary drink, only plain water. But if i eat bread and starchy food, still can convert to sugar.

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I still need 100% stevia (not buy from Singapore as its not oure) for cooking and own made barista coffee.


Liquid stevia is good for making your own ice bubble tea and desserts!


For outside home, my default is ooloong tea, jiajia zero, green tea repeat.


really no point to cut to zero sweet or sugar. I have no diabetes no obesity. 


Indulge in sweet stuff without guilt !


Singapore is lagging behind in terms of public awareness and whats offered out in the market.

Even in US & Thailand, you have all sorts of 0 calories and sugarless sauces to spice up your food.



Monk fruit sweetener is another option. 



This is the new player, which is lou than guo. More like 0 calories market. Price a bit higher than stevia. I feel the marketing is towards keto market.

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Guest Try it
1 hour ago, fbttop said:

This is the new player, which is lou than guo. More like 0 calories market. Price a bit higher than stevia. I feel the marketing is towards keto market.

Monk fruit sweetener is not new.   People with insulin resistance often look for different options to not completely cut out of sweetener.   Recently, I also found out that carob powder is good, if you crave to sweeten your coffee without the need for sugar.

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On 6/6/2024 at 7:50 AM, Guest depressed said:

i'm turning 40 soon and i'm already dreading having to spend another 30 more years to get to 70.


is it really that bad to die young?


Maybe you dread too much!   And you are dreading the wrong stuff.  You are dreading the time between 40 and 70,  instead of dreading the time after 70.  


Instead of this dreading,  you should welcome a perfect age to take control of your future health by learning to have the best nutrition possible.  Then...  you have 30 years of healthy living to avoid any sufferings after 70.  :thumb: 

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13 hours ago, fbttop said:

I still need 100% stevia (not buy from Singapore as its not oure) for cooking and own made barista coffee.


Liquid stevia is good for making your own ice bubble tea and desserts!


For outside home, my default is ooloong tea, jiajia zero, green tea repeat.


really no point to cut to zero sweet or sugar. I have no diabetes no obesity. 


Indulge in sweet stuff without guilt !


Singapore is lagging behind in terms of public awareness and whats offered out in the market.

Even in US & Thailand, you have all sorts of 0 calories and sugarless sauces to spice up your food.



This is the new player, which is lou than guo. More like 0 calories market. Price a bit higher than stevia. I feel the marketing is towards keto market.


It is sad that you NEED stevia.  That you need sweet stuff.  Instead of progressively getting rid of this craving for the sweet. 


To not have diabetes or obesity is NO JUSTIFICATION for not cutting out sugars.  Many people have pre-diabetes without knowing it.  Have you been tested for it?


Monk fruit sweetener seems to be the ideal replacement for other sweeteners.  Its mogrosides even seem to have health properties.  Stevia has also become an ideal substitute for sugar.  BUT...  the best substitute for glucose and fructose is not to crave the sweet.  We can accept natural sweets in some products we eat in moderation, but to add sweeteners is asking for trouble.

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1 hour ago, Steve5380 said:


It is sad that you NEED stevia.  That you need sweet stuff.  Instead of progressively getting rid of this craving for the sweet. 


To not have diabetes or obesity is NO JUSTIFICATION for not cutting out sugars.  Many people have pre-diabetes without knowing it.  Have you been tested for it?


Monk fruit sweetener seems to be the ideal replacement for other sweeteners.  Its mogrosides even seem to have health properties.  Stevia has also become an ideal substitute for sugar.  BUT...  the best substitute for glucose and fructose is not to crave the sweet.  We can accept natural sweets in some products we eat in moderation, but to add sweeteners is asking for trouble.


If have a balanced food intake, then you eat a bigger portion of vegetable/lentils type AND fruits. 


Fruits naturally contain sugar, some plenthy. 


Regarding happiness and positive mood experts permit eating something what you enjoy on times, the impact on health is minimal if it is done in moderation. Surely the old age illnesses don't creep in if you indulge in some cake or some 50gr  chocolate once every fortnight if your general diet is balanced. 


We can't escape sugars by all means, the relevant point is trying to reduce sugar intake as much as you can. 


In this region here are people who only drink Milo like daily 5 big cups over one day and also soft drinks in between. When their office pantry offers cookies, muffins, crackers etc... 

In the long term this is a recipe for diabetes...


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Guest U not my type

Youngsters up to their 30s can have the luxury of eating junk food, plenty of carb, sugar, sex and alcohol.  But once they reached 40, their body will tell them to stop and move on to new diet regime and lifestyle.  Listen to your body request, you won't go wrong.   Once you reached 70, your body will make another request again, this time more stringent because your organs needed to go mild with foods due to over-worked the past 70 years.   If you don't listen to your body, you will not listen to anyone at all and I don't want to know you.

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9 hours ago, Guest U not my type said:

Youngsters up to their 30s can have the luxury of eating junk food, plenty of carb, sugar, sex and alcohol.  But once they reached 40, their body will tell them to stop and move on to new diet regime and lifestyle.  Listen to your body request, you won't go wrong.   Once you reached 70, your body will make another request again, this time more stringent because your organs needed to go mild with foods due to over-worked the past 70 years.   If you don't listen to your body, you will not listen to anyone at all and I don't want to know you.


Good advice.  But remember,  we better make the changes BEFORE the body requests them.   Often the symptoms come only when some damage has already been done.

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14 hours ago, Steve5380 said:


It is sad that you NEED stevia.  That you need sweet stuff.  Instead of progressively getting rid of this craving for the sweet. 


To not have diabetes or obesity is NO JUSTIFICATION for not cutting out sugars.  Many people have pre-diabetes without knowing it.  Have you been tested for it?


Monk fruit sweetener seems to be the ideal replacement for other sweeteners.  Its mogrosides even seem to have health properties.  Stevia has also become an ideal substitute for sugar.  BUT...  the best substitute for glucose and fructose is not to crave the sweet.  We can accept natural sweets in some products we eat in moderation, but to add sweeteners is asking for trouble.


Yo man, you didn't read my post .hah


I've just got my medical report and HbA1c is 5.1 and that's factual. 

Also note that in all of my replies, I do not advocate for any brands for any bias


Already mentioned that I do not have any disease and as a fact my Glucose is lower than last year. 

I don't have craving for sweet stuff, but it doesn't harm to have sweet stuff once in a blue moon.


It's not sad to use replacement sugar, and since you are not in Singapore.

We still need sugar to cook some of our dishes, we still need to host guest who prefer coffee with sugar. 


You are steering this chat to an extremist diet and teaching me NOT to have stevia and NO EXCUSES even If I don't have diseases. 

Even people around me who have diabetes are using replacement sugar. 

So condescending.. sigh. 




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2 hours ago, fbttop said:


Yo man, you didn't read my post .hah


Already mentioned that I do not have any disease and as a fact my Glucose is lower than last year. 

I don't have craving for sweet stuff, but it doesn't harm to have sweet stuff once in a blue moon.


It's not sad to use replacement sugar, and since you are not in Singapore.

We still need sugar to cook some of our dishes, we still need to host guest who prefer coffee with sugar. 


You are steering this chat to an extremist diet and teaching me NOT to have stevia and NO EXCUSES even If I don't have diseases. 

Even people around me who have diabetes are using replacement sugar. 

So condescending.. sigh. 




So all your meals are “home prepared” meals? You don’t eat outside hawker and restaurant foods (unless friends invite), instant foods and noodles, processed and canned foods, frozen and convenient foods, ice creams, diary products, desserts even no need to mention etc. etc. anymore ….? 😅

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9 hours ago, Kopi Gao said:

So all your meals are “home prepared” meals? You don’t eat outside hawker and restaurant foods (unless friends invite), instant foods and noodles, processed and canned foods, frozen and convenient foods, ice creams, diary products, desserts even no need to mention etc. etc. anymore ….? 😅


Well...  one can eat all home prepared meals and eat healthy.  And he wrote that his A1c is 5.1,  which means that his average glucose level is low.  But he misunderstood my post as being "extremist",  while it is simply practical.  I don't advocate complete withdrawal from sugar,  just avoid ADDING it to food. This should be his decision, I don't force him to anything. 

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13 hours ago, Kopi Gao said:

So all your meals are “home prepared” meals? You don’t eat outside hawker and restaurant foods (unless friends invite), instant foods and noodles, processed and canned foods, frozen and convenient foods, ice creams, diary products, desserts even no need to mention etc. etc. anymore ….? 😅


As mentioned in earlier post, the most can do a 75% damage control. Hawker food have alot of healthy food too. Not just dealing with sugar, because sodium is more prominent than  sugar. YTF is the most filling and healthy meal. I used to eat 6 times a week. Steam soup is OK too. Spinach soup. 


The only thing I can't control is family dinner. Have to eat what mum cooks. So am picky what I want. 


Instant noodle can be culled. To baked , non fried, but I changed to konjac


Canned food, I only have tuna. Because fatty fish is way too expensive outside


Frozen food I have triple berries for daily smoothies. Edamame for protein and oyster, shrimps


Convenient food? I eat rice puff and protein chips, nuts, dried fruits to fill up hunger pangs


Dairy products is fine. I drink no lactose milk and Greek yogurt for smoothies. 


Desserts, currently I make 0 calories boba drinks. Or cacao. 


Days when am free, I steam everything vegan or chicken soup with everything inside. 


Am contented but to some it's consider health freak.

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Guest Mr Big Picture
19 hours ago, fbttop said:


Already mentioned that I do not have any disease and as a fact my Glucose is lower than last year. 

I don't have craving for sweet stuff, but it doesn't harm to have sweet stuff once in a blue moon.


It's not sad to use replacement sugar, and since you are not in Singapore.

We still need sugar to cook some of our dishes, we still need to host guest who prefer coffee with sugar. 


You are steering this chat to an extremist diet and teaching me NOT to have stevia and NO EXCUSES even If I don't have diseases. 

Even people around me who have diabetes are using replacement sugar. 

So condescending.. sigh. 


My  lowest HbA1c  was 4.5 in year 2001, after being bullied by boss, and work pressure for 3 years and became unrecognisable.   After I resigned, my HbAIc hovers between 5 to 5.3 and remain so for years despite me craving for sweet stuffs.  Best is not to take things for granted.  Now learning to drink more tea and cut down on carb and eating less fruit (Fructose?) if I can.  It is not about cutting down sugar alone, but to build up your liver function and protection other parts of your organ like kidney and heart. That being said, one also need to reduce your creatinine level (usually quite high for attheletes and gym builders) in your blood to maintain an overall healthy body system.  Don't you think so?

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2 hours ago, lightsmith32 said:

Very true. Hope to die while I’m healthy 


While you are healthy,  you probably will like to keep living.  Hopefully this is how you will feel if this is at an advanced age.  Old and healthy -> happy  :) 

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Guest Spot On?
8 hours ago, Steve5380 said:


While you are healthy,  you probably will like to keep living.  Hopefully this is how you will feel if this is at an advanced age.  Old and healthy -> happy  :) 

I find it quite interesting that at 81 years old, you have no friends, no particular hobby, don't go out much, don't see your loved ones, usually eat simple or leftover food (as part of a healthy lifestyle), don't work in your garden, and I believe that you spend your days sitting in your armchair, watching television or reading a book until the next mealtime. Time passes quickly into the night, and this cycle repeats itself without any excitement at all—or, better yet, it's best not to experience any excitement to maintain normal blood pressure levels.  Correct?

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12 hours ago, Steve5380 said:


While you are healthy,  you probably will like to keep living.  Hopefully this is how you will feel if this is at an advanced age.  Old and healthy -> happy  :) 

I saw my dad grow old and become bed ridden and struggled to live day to day. So actually I don’t want to live longer, the duration doesn’t matter. Instead i want to life a full life based on quality.


i remain cognizant of this fact as i go thru life and am fearful of suffering at old age. Can say similar to what Buddha felt when he was still a prince.

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Guest Planner
2 hours ago, lightsmith32 said:

i remain cognizant of this fact as i go thru life and am fearful of suffering at old age.

Save enough and enrol in old age home where people will take good care of you.   If you don't want, then live through your life, make good full use of it and let nature take its course.  Some people die peacefully in their sleep without knowing, and some kena stroke instantly and die without pain.  You don't have to worry about sufferings.

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1 hour ago, Guest Planner said:

Save enough and enrol in old age home where people will take good care of you.   If you don't want, then live through your life, make good full use of it and let nature take its course.  Some people die peacefully in their sleep without knowing, and some kena stroke instantly and die without pain.  You don't have to worry about sufferings.

Let’s hope so la bro

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Guest Guest
On 6/9/2024 at 10:16 AM, Steve5380 said:


Well...  one can eat all home prepared meals and eat healthy.  And he wrote that his A1c is 5.1,  which means that his average glucose level is low.  But he misunderstood my post as being "extremist",  while it is simply practical.  I don't advocate complete withdrawal from sugar,  just avoid ADDING it to food. This should be his decision, I don't force him to anything. 

How can a person eat all home prepared meals? Unless the person no need to work and stay home everyday.

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Guest Guest
6 hours ago, lightsmith32 said:

I saw my dad grow old and become bed ridden and struggled to live day to day. So actually I don’t want to live longer, the duration doesn’t matter. Instead i want to life a full life based on quality.


i remain cognizant of this fact as i go thru life and am fearful of suffering at old age. Can say similar to what Buddha felt when he was still a prince.

Agreed, no need to live longer, whether healthy or not. When old age, even no become bed ridden but also likely to become dementia. Dementia is a very suffering and scary health issue to have. Think even scary than cancer. Cause cancer at least maybe can cure or if no cure, likely will die fast. But dementia is a slow suffering process for yourself and the people around you. and likely you would not die fast.

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Guest Guest
On 6/9/2024 at 2:12 PM, fbttop said:


As mentioned in earlier post, the most can do a 75% damage control. Hawker food have alot of healthy food too. Not just dealing with sugar, because sodium is more prominent than  sugar. YTF is the most filling and healthy meal. I used to eat 6 times a week. Steam soup is OK too. Spinach soup. 


The only thing I can't control is family dinner. Have to eat what mum cooks. So am picky what I want. 


Instant noodle can be culled. To baked , non fried, but I changed to konjac


Canned food, I only have tuna. Because fatty fish is way too expensive outside


Frozen food I have triple berries for daily smoothies. Edamame for protein and oyster, shrimps


Convenient food? I eat rice puff and protein chips, nuts, dried fruits to fill up hunger pangs


Dairy products is fine. I drink no lactose milk and Greek yogurt for smoothies. 


Desserts, currently I make 0 calories boba drinks. Or cacao. 


Days when am free, I steam everything vegan or chicken soup with everything inside. 


Am contented but to some it's consider health freak.

No matter what you do and eat, as long you are happy ok already, no need to bother on what others say.


YTF might not be healthy as what you think, as there are many fried stuff and process meat. Must depend on what items you choose when you eat YTF. If you eat the Koo Kee YTF, most of their items are fried which i think not say very healthy if you eat them often.

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4 hours ago, Guest Guest said:

How can a person eat all home prepared meals? Unless the person no need to work and stay home everyday.


Some meals take very little or no time and work to prepare.  Chocolate: to chew it.  Solid cheese: to cut it.  Cottage cheese: to spoon it.  Greens: to steam them in the microwave.  Can of sardines: to open it.  Avocados: to cut it and remove the kern.  Chicken thighs or breasts:  to microwave them.  Etc, etc...


4 hours ago, Guest Guest said:

Agreed, no need to live longer, whether healthy or not. When old age, even no become bed ridden but also likely to become dementia. Dementia is a very suffering and scary health issue to have. Think even scary than cancer. Cause cancer at least maybe can cure or if no cure, likely will die fast. But dementia is a slow suffering process for yourself and the people around you. and likely you would not die fast.


This is why we should adopt a healthy nutrition before we reach old age.  Doctors and researchers who like prevention are finding that  cancer, dementia, Alzheimer's are caused by bad METABOLISM.   Therefore we can prevent them.

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4 hours ago, Guest Guest said:

No matter what you do and eat, as long you are happy ok already, no need to bother on what others say.


YTF might not be healthy as what you think, as there are many fried stuff and process meat. Must depend on what items you choose when you eat YTF. If you eat the Koo Kee YTF, most of their items are fried which i think not say very healthy if you eat them often.


You have the perfect solution to be happy ok TODAY.   But no guarantee for tomorrow.   YTF ( Yong Tau Foo ?)  I have never eaten,  and so I made it to 81... :) 

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11 hours ago, lightsmith32 said:

I saw my dad grow old and become bed ridden and struggled to live day to day. So actually I don’t want to live longer, the duration doesn’t matter. Instead i want to life a full life based on quality.


i remain cognizant of this fact as i go thru life and am fearful of suffering at old age. Can say similar to what Buddha felt when he was still a prince.


Start TODAY the preventive measures that avoid growing old and become bed ridden and struggle.  Take the warning from your dad.


15 hours ago, Guest Spot On? said:

I find it quite interesting that at 81 years old, you have no friends, no particular hobby, don't go out much, don't see your loved ones, usually eat simple or leftover food (as part of a healthy lifestyle), don't work in your garden, and I believe that you spend your days sitting in your armchair, watching television or reading a book until the next mealtime. Time passes quickly into the night, and this cycle repeats itself without any excitement at all—or, better yet, it's best not to experience any excitement to maintain normal blood pressure levels.  Correct?


Yes, at 81 I am still grieving my beloved boyfriend who passed away nearly 6 years ago. I have no plans for another bf.   I spend most of my time at home, enjoying music and practicing the piano, calling and emailing my son and sister,  except for twice a week attending my Aikido classes and twice a week working out in my gyms.  I try to make a long walk through the neighborhood every day,  sometimes in a nearby mall.  I could tolerate much excitement since my blood pressure is on the low side,  but I don't need to artificially create excitement.   My happy life is a source of moderate excitement.   This is all correct. :) 

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Guest Guessing
9 hours ago, Steve5380 said:


my blood pressure is on the low side

You need to take more IRON rich food to normalise it.

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Guest Good Supplements
5 hours ago, Steve5380 said:


Yes, I can lick off the rust from some nails I have in my garage...

Might as well swallow the entire nails.  Good foryour guts. 

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Guest Guest
On 6/11/2024 at 1:23 AM, Steve5380 said:


Some meals take very little or no time and work to prepare.  Chocolate: to chew it.  Solid cheese: to cut it.  Cottage cheese: to spoon it.  Greens: to steam them in the microwave.  Can of sardines: to open it.  Avocados: to cut it and remove the kern.  Chicken thighs or breasts:  to microwave them.  Etc, etc...



This is why we should adopt a healthy nutrition before we reach old age.  Doctors and researchers who like prevention are finding that  cancer, dementia, Alzheimer's are caused by bad METABOLISM.   Therefore we can prevent them.

Bad METABOLISM? What it means?

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5 hours ago, Guest Guest said:

Bad METABOLISM? What it means?


A bad metabolism is the one where the tissues in the body have turned insensitive to insulin.  This means that to receive the glucose in the blood the insulin has to be high.  If the insulin production by the pancreas is insufficient, then there is too much sugar (glucose) in the blood, resulting in diabetes with all its problems.   The high levels of insulin prevent the tissues to be fed by the ketones that provide energy in the absence of glucose.  This is an INFLEXIBLE metabolism, that cannot switch to energy from ketones when there is little glucose,  therefore the individual is always hungry if he does not eat for a while.   With a bad, inflexible metabolism one cannot tolerate fasting. 


Eating too much sugar is the main contributor to a bad metabolism.   And many starches are digested like sugar.   And fructose, one component of sugar, is quite unhealthy.

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