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Similar race prefers to keep to their own race?

Guest Guest chinese

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Guest Guest chinese
On 2/26/2024 at 10:52 PM, PATRICK VIVIAN LEE said:

Anyway Indian nationals prefer to keep to themselves; they behave more like a brotherhood. They don't seem to be keen on our local Chinese.

Chinese also interested in chinese

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Guest HEHE
On 6/7/2024 at 11:59 AM, Guest Guest chinese said:

Chinese also interested in chinese


Not true, I'm Chinese. I'm attracted to guys from all races. Some chinese guys are just not my type. Its not the color of the skin. Its the feature of the face, or the chest, or the smile, or the eyes. Or the look. Or just the smile. 


I doubt anyone is only interested in a particular race. Otherwise there is alot of Chinese uncle at Chinatown.... Hehehe.

Its not the race, its the person.

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Guest Guest chinese
31 minutes ago, Guest HEHE said:


Not true, I'm Chinese. I'm attracted to guys from all races. Some chinese guys are just not my type. Its not the color of the skin. Its the feature of the face, or the chest, or the smile, or the eyes. Or the look. Or just the smile. 


I doubt anyone is only interested in a particular race. Otherwise there is alot of Chinese uncle at Chinatown.... Hehehe.

Its not the race, its the person.

But most of the time,a person  will play with his race usually ,rare to play with other rsces

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Guest no end
1 hour ago, Guest Guest chinese said:

But most of the time,a person  will play with his race usually ,rare to play with other rsces


gay relationship in singapore doesnt lead to marriage, or getting to know the parents or the relatives, or the religion / culture. so its not important.

its just really compaionship, friendship, sex and male bonding.


that is the sad truth of gay in singapore. it leads to nothing real. the way our government intended it to be .

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Guest Tree
22 hours ago, Guest no end said:


gay relationship in singapore doesnt lead to marriage, or getting to know the parents or the relatives, or the religion / culture. so its not important.

its just really compaionship, friendship, sex and male bonding.


that is the sad truth of gay in singapore. it leads to nothing real. the way our government intended it to be .


In Singapore, people are generally weak in aspects of forging and managing bonding, whether young, old, men, women, str8 or gay.  Call it a weakness, incompetence or disability.


And because of such a weakness, people are generally not able to move up the next stage or relationship.  The gov need not do much.



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23 hours ago, Guest no end said:


gay relationship in singapore doesnt lead to marriage, or getting to know the parents or the relatives, or the religion / culture. so its not important.

its just really compaionship, friendship, sex and male bonding.


that is the sad truth of gay in singapore. it leads to nothing real. the way our government intended it to be .


This is quite an astute observation, sadly

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On 6/8/2024 at 3:04 PM, Guest no end said:


gay relationship in singapore doesnt lead to marriage, or getting to know the parents or the relatives, or the religion / culture. so its not important.

its just really compaionship, friendship, sex and male bonding.


that is the sad truth of gay in singapore. it leads to nothing real. the way our government intended it to be .

 Government got nothing to do with us n out activities..Many of us behaving like self declared criminals hiding in the dark n all. No one point gun at our head for being a gay. 

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Guest Anti gahmen
7 hours ago, cutejack said:

 Government got nothing to do with us n out activities..Many of us behaving like self declared criminals hiding in the dark n all. No one point gun at our head for being a gay. 


If you can't get married, buy HDB with your husband. Build a life. You are just roommate. Even if you go icu, you can't visit cause not next of kin. Emergency contact, you're just "friend". 


Your nric address may be similar for admin purpose, sing pass, CPF but there is only 1 legal owner. The other is a tenant. 


That is the relationship. You're not real. You're not legit. You're just a lifestyle. 


Gahmen respect the need for you to suck cock and get fucked in the ass by cock. But you are not the family we aim to build. You are not the demographic we rely on. 


You are just your lifestyle. 

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Write a will...any 2 person can joint together n buy a resale hdb or condo. U can authorised yr partner to visit U in hospital.  But but the question is. How genuine n faithful are gays towards their partner? Even if u choose yr own race? Better n last longer rs compared to str8 couples?

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Open eyes
On 6/13/2024 at 1:08 PM, lonelyglobe said:

People tend to be more comfortable with their own race,  nothing wrong about that,  now ask yourself one simple question: " when is the last time u had a lunch or dinner with someone not from your own race,  colleagues excluded. 


literally every other day - it’s not difficult to have friends of other races, especially in Singapore.

You might just have to get out of your comfort zone if it’s difficult for you to find common ground and shared experiences with another human of a different race. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Not really...I had 2 Chinese exes (long term r/s) before and one of the times I ran into some race related issue that I can recall was when one of my exes, his mom told him to stay away from me because I can use 'bomoh' and steal his money. Ironically, he ended up working for me as a side hustle. I think it doesn't really matter and she can hate me or whatever but her son is busy getting his back blown by me in his room 😂. In other cases, the other ex's mom was a very sweet lady. She was a docile type of mom. Even cooked for me and gave me some Chinese medication when I was sick this one time. It all depends lah. 

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Similar race prefers to keep to their own?  I mostly keep with to my social class, rather than race.  And for sex, I am always attracted to non whites. 



On 6/12/2024 at 1:42 AM, cutejack said:

Write a will...any 2 person can joint together n buy a resale hdb or condo. U can authorised yr partner to visit U in hospital.  But but the question is. How genuine n faithful are gays towards their partner? Even if u choose yr own race? Better n last longer rs compared to str8 couples?


Is there in Singapore a "power of attorney for medical decisions" like in the US?   I needed this to gain rights to get involved in my late bf's treatments, and yet after he passed away, I could not decide on the disposal of his body, which had to be by a member of his family,  his brother in his case. 


Yes, more important is the commitment and love between partners than their legal rights.  And yes, I think that this can last longer than in str8 couples.



Edited by Steve5380
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14 hours ago, Guest Minor said:

LOL.  Weirdly, most Malays avoid their own race.  There are those don't even want to cam with his own race.



I'd beg to differ. Can't speak for others but myself. Have you seen these abangs out here? lol. I think for me the only reason its kinda hard to connect sometimes is due to lifestyle choices/belief systems. For me, if someone is generally open minded/free thinking, that's a huge upside.

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Guest guest
On 6/13/2024 at 4:00 AM, Guest guest said:

I am chinese but I am crazy for white cocks .. love white cocks very much


Same here. I'm Chinese but I find it hard to get horny when with other Chinese. Mostly get super horny when with white guys.

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