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Original BL story set in a sci-fi world

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Leocity Chronicles

Chapter One: Chaos at the gala

The Get Gala was the most glamorous philanthropic event at Leocity. The grand ballroom of the Grand Palace was adorned with cascading floral arrangements in yellow, red and orange hues, creating a spectacular backdrop for the gala. Lim Zhi Tong, Leocity's youngest billionaire at thirty-two, moved through the crowd with practiced ease, his white velvet Dolce & Gabbana suit contrasting starkly against the rich reds and deep emeralds of the evening gowns and tuxedos surrounding him. His wife, Jenny Sudharto, a stunning socialite in a shimmering ruby gown, was by his side, their combined presence commanding attention and respect.


The evening reached its peak as the city’s top-charting pop star, Sue Jester, took the stage. Her sequined Rick Owens dress sparkled under the spotlights, her vocal acrobatics enchanting the starstruck crowd who were too cool to bop along. Lim Zhi Tong watched, momentarily losing himself in the music, unaware of the shadows gathering outside the venue.


In the midst of Sue Jester's performance, a sudden explosion shattered the serene atmosphere. The doors burst open, and a troupe of menacing figures clad in dark, tattered robes stormed in. They moved with an eerie fluidity, their faces obscured by masks resembling grotesque, ancient deities. The crowd screamed and scattered as the once harmonious gathering descending into chaos.


"Chaos Coven!" someone shouted, recognizing the notorious group that had been plaguing the city. Lim Zhi Tong’s heart raced as he darted through the pandemonium, heading for the exit. The billionaire reached his car, a sleek black Bentley, and slipped inside. The vehicle, specially modified, provided the privacy and equipment he needed for his transformation.


Inside the car, Zhi Tong activated the sequence that kicked off the clandestine transformation. A high-tech golden suit enveloped him and he felt the familiar surge of power from the mystery gem fused with his self-developed carbon steel armor. He emerged moments later as one of Leocity’s top vigilantes, Gold Guardian, ready to confront the intruders.


Back in the ballroom, the Chaos Coven wreaked havoc. Their leader, Grey Mummy was hovering over the crowd and directing his minions with a calm yet menacing presence. Clad in tattered grey robes and bandages that wrapped around his body, he exuded a sense of authority, his eyes glowing with the energy of purple shadow photons.


Joses Neo, a young cop with a wiry frame and intense eyes, arrived on the scene with his partner, Jerome Cheng and other police officers. Moments later, Gold Guardian burst into the ballroom to immediately engage the Chaos Coven. His movements were a blur of golden light and steel, a flurry of hope in an otherwise debilitating situation. Despite his prowess, the sheer number of enemies made it difficult for him to maintain control and innocent attendees were injured in the fracas. 


"Stay focused, Joses," he told himself, as he assessed the chaotic atmosphere. 


The battle raged and Joses saw Grey Mummy directing his minions with a calculated calm. "If I can take him down, maybe we can end this," Joses thought, steeling himself for potential violence. He raised his weapon and took aim, his breath steady despite the chaos around him.


Grey Mummy turned just as Joses fired, the bullet striking him in the shoulder. The leader of the Chaos Coven staggered, his control faltering. Shadow photons crackled around him, and he shot a venomous glare at Joses before tossing a bolt of shadow photons at the young, lean cop.


Joses doubled over in pain, the effort of the shot nearly incapacitating him. His vision blurred, and he struggled to remain standing. Jerome Cheng rushed to his side, his presence a reassuring anchor in the turmoil.

"We got this, Joses. Hang in there," Jerome said, his voice steady.


Joses nodded weakly, his thoughts a jumbled mix of triumph and agony. "I did it. I actually did it," he thought, a mix of disbelief and pride washing over him. But the pain was becoming unbearable. "Stay strong, don’t pass out now," he reminded himself, trying to focus on the chaos around him to stay conscious.


Meanwhile, Gold Guardian continued to fight off the remaining minions, his golden armor gleaming under the ballroom’s shattered chandeliers. Jerome’s eyes scanned the chaos, finally settling on a young intern from Sycorp, Jie Han, lying on the floor, dazed and injured.


"Hang on, kid," Jerome muttered, charging through the fray to reach him. Jie Han’s eyes fluttered open, and for a brief moment, he glimpsed a familiar face beneath the golden armor of Gold Guardian.

"Mr. Lim Zhi Tong?" Jie Han thought, confusion clouding his mind. "No, it can’t be."


A Chaos Coven minion loomed over Jie Han, ready to strike. Jerome tackled the attacker, his own powerful frame a shield for the young intern. A shot cracked the air and the attacker melted into sizzling black goo on the polished marble floor. Despite his injury, Joses delivered a fatal shot to the evil intruder. For a split second, it was as if Gold Guardian shot an approving glance at Joses, but before the young lad could revel in his victory, the superhero shot off to tackle a few more shadow minions. 


"Are you okay?" Jerome asked Jie Han, his voice a blend of concern and adrenaline.


"Yeah, I think so," Jie Han replied, his gaze lingering on Jerome’s face. "Thank you."


As Joses watched Gold Guardian swiftly taking command of the fray, he thought, "Why can’t I be like that?" His mind raced with the desire to do more, to be more. "This isn’t enough. I need to push harder, train harder. I need to make a real difference."


Gold Guardian finally subdued the last of the minions, their bodies dissolving into black goo and filled the hall with a putrid smell. The ballroom was a wreck, but the immediate threat was over. As the dust settled, Joses and Jerome found a moment to catch their breath.


"How often has the Chaos Coven been attacking lately?" Jerome asked, glancing at the destruction around them.


"Too often," Joses replied, wincing as he tried to stand up properly. "I wish I had powers like Gold Guardian. Maybe then I could really make a difference."


Their conversation was overheard by an old man watching from the shadows, his expression inscrutable.


The night had shown Joses the stark reality of his limitations. As he looked at the devastation around him, he knew one thing for sure: he couldn’t stand by and watch anymore. He had to become a hero in his own right, no matter what it took.


Chapter Two: Reunion

Joses sat in a corner of the bustling coffee shop, nursing a cup of black coffee. The smell of freshly ground coffee filled the air as elderly men chattered over chicken wings and pad thai. The TV mounted on the wall was playing a news report about the Get Gala attack, the volume loud enough to catch snippets of the anchor's voice over the clatter of dishes and the hum of conversations around him. His torso still ached from the injury he’d sustained during the chaos, a constant reminder of his close call with the Grey Mummy.


Joses was placed on medical leave due to his injuries and the past few days of inactivity had greatly irritated the usually active young lad. 


From the corner of his eye, Joses spotted a familiar silhouette and upon closer inspection, it was a familiar face—Aiden Chan. Aiden and Joses were school buddies in high school but had lost contact ever since Aiden left for studies in Australia. Aiden was impeccably dressed in a tailored navy blazer over a crisp white shirt, paired with slim-fit trousers and polished loafers. His hair was neatly styled, and his presence exuded confidence and sophistication.


“Joses? Is that you?” Aiden’s voice was a mix of surprise and delight as he made his way over.


“Aiden!” Joses stood up, forcing a smile despite the discomfort in his torso. “Long time no see. When did you get back?”


Aiden pulled him into a quick hug before stepping back to look him over. “Just a few days ago. Wow, it’s really good to see you. You haven’t changed a bit.”


Joses chuckled, trying to hide his self-consciousness. Aiden looked every bit the successful young man, while he felt every bit the lowly paid cop he was. “Yeah, it’s been a while. What brings you here?”

“Just catching up with some old friends and family. I was actually supposed to be at the Get Gala, but thankfully I had a family emergency. We all knew what happened.” Aiden’s expression turned somber, his eyes flicking to the TV screen.


Joses nodded, his stomach twisting with a mixture of relief and guilt. “Yeah, it was all over the news. Really terrible. Just heard about it like everyone else.”


Aiden sighed, shaking his head. “Enough about that. How have you been? What are you up to these days?”


Joses forced another smile, shifting uncomfortably in his seat. “Oh, you know, just the usual. Keeping busy. How about you? You look like you’re doing really well.”


Aiden grinned, leaning back in his chair. “Yeah, Australia was great. Finished my degree and got some good experience working there. But there’s no place like home, right?”


“Absolutely,” Joses agreed, though the words felt hollow. He glanced down at his coffee, trying to think of something else to say.


“So, are you still into the same old stuff?” Aiden asked, his eyes twinkling with curiosity. “Remember our crazy plans from back in the day?”


Joses laughed, genuinely this time. “Yeah, I remember. Life’s a bit different now, though.”


“I get it,” Aiden said, nodding thoughtfully. “But hey, we should definitely catch up more. Maybe hang out sometime?”


“Yeah, that sounds good,” Joses said, feeling a mix of nostalgia and longing. “Let’s do that.”


Aiden pulled out his phone. “Here, let’s exchange contacts. It’ll be good to keep in touch.”


Joses took out his own phone, and they exchanged numbers, the simple act making him feel more connected to his old friend despite the distance their lives had taken them.


“Great,” Aiden said, slipping his phone back into his pocket. “I’m looking forward to it. Take care, Joses.”


“You too, Aiden,” Joses replied, watching as his friend walked out of the coffee shop, his figure blending into the busy street outside.


As Joses finished his coffee, he couldn’t shake the feeling of inadequacy that had settled over him. Aiden’s success and confidence were stark contrasts to his own struggles and insecurities. But he also felt a flicker of determination. Maybe, just maybe, reconnecting with old friends and finding new purpose could help him navigate the chaotic world he was now a part of.


With a deep breath, Joses stood up and left the coffee shop, his mind already racing with thoughts of what the future might hold.


Edited by lukecat
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