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Got scabies (crabs) from someone in sauna

Guest 69fun

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Guest 69fun

Be careful guys. I was at KB a 1.5mths back. After that, I developed this unexplainable rash around my groin and migrated to my back. There're like tiny red bumps that were incredibly itchy and despite trying a myriad of creams and even antiseptic cream, the rash persisted. It took almost a month for it to subside and now completely gone. Wtf someone from there gave me that.

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  • 2 weeks later...
1 hour ago, highintensity1992 said:



That place is infested with SCABIES CRABS!!


Microscopic Kootoos!!!


Microscopic lice which burrow into your skin pores to multiply....


They are confirmed all over the place in ( OneSeven ) now Keybox for many years already and they are still there now?????!!!!!!¡.....




You have to see Doctor...


They are very highly contagious and will spread to anybody and everybody...


Have fun scratching...






Holy shit, I just went last night

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What causes scabies?
Scabies infection  is usually transmitted through close bodily skin contact such as holding hands for prolonged periods; spread amongst sexual partners is common. A brief handshake or hug does not usually allow for transmission unless the patient has crusted scabies.

Spread via fomites (clothing, towels, etc.) is very uncommon as the mite perishes within hours of leaving the host; it is relevant in

crusted scabies.


It's spread from person to person not from a place.

Get your facts right.

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47 minutes ago, GachiMuchi said:


It's spread from person to person not from a place.

Get your facts right.


Unless the guy who got it has been playing with whoever who's willing in the dark area.

I noticed that the dark area can be really dark, and there are people who played with anything that moves indiscriminately.

If you fit the sauna behaviour as stated, it is not surprising that you caught the scabs due to the high probability of contact.

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Guest Confusion

Crabs or pubic lice is not the same as scabies or lice (kootoo), isn't it?


Keybox has prawns, yes, but does it also have crabs too? That I am not so certain!

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On 8/9/2024 at 5:32 PM, Guest 69fun said:

Be careful guys. I was at KB a 1.5mths back. After that, I developed this unexplainable rash around my groin and migrated to my back. There're like tiny red bumps that were incredibly itchy and despite trying a myriad of creams and even antiseptic cream, the rash persisted. It took almost a month for it to subside and now completely gone. Wtf someone from there gave me that.


Scabies incubation period is 6 weeks... 


It's a fast conclusion catching something in a sauna. 


Scabies infection requires a more intimate and extended body to body contact (prolonged cuddling) which I don't see as common sexual activity in gay saunas... but more in a home or hotel setting. 


Let's not blame saunas if we are not clear on the source. 





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On 8/9/2024 at 4:32 AM, Guest 69fun said:

Be careful guys. I was at KB a 1.5mths back. After that, I developed this unexplainable rash around my groin and migrated to my back. There're like tiny red bumps that were incredibly itchy and despite trying a myriad of creams and even antiseptic cream, the rash persisted. It took almost a month for it to subside and now completely gone. Wtf someone from there gave me that.


It is not clear how well our immune system fights scabies.  Perhaps having been infected once and recovered gives you extra immunity?  In any case, it is wise to adopt a healthy lifestyle to build up a healthy metabolism that strengthens the immune system. ( people may hate me for being such a preacher, ha ha ).  Also, be glad that the scabies you got is not the worst infection you can get from sex.  

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Guest Off from crustaceans
4 hours ago, Guest Confusion said:

Crabs or pubic lice is not the same as scabies or lice (kootoo), isn't it?


Keybox has prawns, yes, but does it also have crabs too? That I am not so certain!

Prawns that carry crabs... That's what you get from Singaporean men.

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1 hour ago, Steve5380 said:


It is not clear how well our immune system fights scabies.  Perhaps having been infected once and recovered gives you extra immunity?  In any case, it is wise to adopt a healthy lifestyle to build up a healthy metabolism that strengthens the immune system. ( people may hate me for being such a preacher, ha ha ).  Also, be glad that the scabies you got is not the worst infection you can get from sex.  


Good to always to do some online research before posting. 

Scabies is quite troublesome and if not detected early can cause severe infections to the skin (due to itch and scratching). 


It can take weeks until it is fully resolved. 



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Guest PC orhweet laydee
1 hour ago, Guest Off from crustaceans said:

Prawns that carry crabs... That's what you get from Singaporean men.

Sounds yummy! *political conscious*

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Guest Confusion
51 minutes ago, highintensity1992 said:

Maybe it's a kind of virus??


Mpox variant ???


Are the blisters big or small??


Chicken pox variant??


Shingles variant??







Fungus/yeast infections?



Withour seeing a dermatologist, it could be literally aaaaaaanythingggggggg.......



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Guest Good to read
9 hours ago, singalion said:


Scabies incubation period is 6 weeks... 


It's a fast conclusion catching something in a sauna. 


Scabies infection requires a more intimate and extended body to body contact (prolonged cuddling) which I don't see as common sexual activity in gay saunas... but more in a home or hotel setting. 


Let's not blame saunas if we are not clear on the source. 





The person you are replying to didn’t say he caught scabies

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Guest Bewildered
1 hour ago, Guest Lol said:

Fascinating that people are not worried about getting hiv from sauna but scabies. Lol

Can't agree more.  Plus, HIV though treatable, costs run in the thousands per month.

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4 hours ago, Guest Good to read said:

The person you are replying to didn’t say he caught scabies


Good to always also read the title of a thread. 


In the title which TS entered he talks about scabies:


 Got scabies (crabs) from someone in sauna


Edited by singalion
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Scabies is different to crabs.

Scabies is most common in school children. Very itchy, usually can see lumps/ rash around the fingers and toes.

Any kind of skin contact can spread scabies.


Crabs is also known as pubic lice. Does not commonly cause a rash. Close examination can sometimes find little bugs in the pubic area.

Sometimes get sensation of something crawling.


They are both treated by insecticidal medication

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16 hours ago, Expired Btm Uncle said:

Sacbies is not a STI but crab is. As they cling onto your pubic hair the best way to deal with them is to burn down the whole forest so they have no trees to cling onto


Pubic lice is not a STD/ STI.


Yes, shaving is helpful, but if you have other hairy parts (arm pits, legs), the lice may move to these areas to survive (even to eyelashes).

Clothes and bed sheets should be changed daily also and directly washed.


It is better to get one of the treatments:

Treatments include permethrin, malathion and pyrethrins with piperonyl butoxide.

These come as shampoos, creams or lotions which you apply to the skin.


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28 minutes ago, highintensity1992 said:

simple and best effective treatment


SPRAY YOUR FAVOURITE EU DE TOILETTE and then light it up......    guaranteed to get rid of the microscopic critters.....


If you can afford wasting your Eau de Toilette... but actually, not to recommend this at all....


You might land in hospital with severe burns.




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sauna is the best and most efficient way to get one night stands.

Not proud of it but I have been frequently them every other week.


With mpox and now more and more post in the forum about such ailments..... makes me not want to visit a sauna anymore but there is literally nowhere else where you can get a ONS without worrying about catfishes, logistics (place) and finding your type, and have it no strings attached after

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Poppers spill on skin can have the same effects when not wash away in time. I spilled popper on my thigh before and I didn’t clean it off thoroughly. It itch the next day and lasted several days too.! Red n blotches and itchy…In your case, maybe someone spilt the poppers on the mattress and you happened to use it after that, thus stain your crotch and your back?? Maybe?

Don't worry, Be happy

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Should count yourself lucky it's not warts or herpes or other incurable STDs.


One frd contracted both the above.  He told me the procedures were v painful and stressful.



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Some people may already know they have STDs but they still go to Saunas....maybe in a revengeful or cannot care less or selfish mentality.


So must really be careful.

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