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Questionnaire On Gay Advertising


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A Questionnaire on the Effect of Homosexual Appeal Advertisements


This questionnaire investigates the purchasing habit and the level of advert-acceptance among homosexual consumers. Thank you for participating and answering the questions. You may choose only ONE answer from the options of the following questions except Qestion 9. Please highlight your answer in red or in bold font.

1、 您的性别是? What is your gender?

A. 男 Male

B. 女 Female

2、 您的年龄是? How old are you? ________

3、 您来自哪里? Where are you from?

A. 中国 China

B. 亚洲 Asian

C. 欧洲 Europe

D. 美国 America

E. 其他 Other

4、 您的购物动机通常是? What motivates you to purchase goods?

A. 受广告影响 Advertisements

B. 出于客观需要 Basic need

C. 没有什么动机,随便看到就买了 No particular motivations. Just random purchasing

5、 您购买商品时首要考虑的是什么因素?

What affects you most when you’re buying something?

A. 包装好看 Nice packaging

B. 质量好 Good quality

C. 品牌有名气 Brand reputation

D. 价格公道 Fair pricing

6、 您通常获取商品信息的渠道是? Where do you usually get the information of a product?

A. 电视、广播、报纸、杂志等媒体上的广告 Ads on TV, radio, newspaper, magazine, etc

B. 商品的户外促销宣传活动 Out-door activities and sales promotion

C. 亲朋告知 From family and friends

D. 其他(请说明) Other (please specify)

7、 您经常购买广告中的产品吗? Do you always buy commodities appeared in adverts?

A. 只购买广告中的产品 I only buy commodities appeared in adverts

B. 经常 Always

C. 有时候Sometimes

D. 从不 Never

8、 广告中的什么因素会促使您购买产品?

Which aspect of a certain advert motivates you to buy the good it advertises?

A. 广告创意好 The idea of the ad

B. 广告中所述的产品性能、特点 The specialty and feature of the product

C. 广告代言人 The endorser of the ad

D. 说不清楚 I don’t know

9、 能否回忆起看到过的一则同性诉求广告?

Can you remember any gay advertisement you’ve seen before?

A. 能(请注明品牌及产品) Yes (please specify the brand name and type of product)

B. 不能 No


(If you chose A for the question, please continue with the following questions. If you chose B, the questionnaire is finished from here. Thank you for your cooperation!)

10、 通过同性诉求广告,您有认识到更多的品牌吗?

Have you known more brand names than before from gay advertisements?

A. 有 Yes

B. 没有 No

C. 不知道 I don’t know

11、 在同性诉求广告中,通常看到的是那些产品或行业的广告?(选择1-3项)

Usually, which categories do the goods or services you see in gay advertisements belong to? (Choose 1 to 3 answers)

A. 食品 Food

B. 日用品 Daily products

C. 烟酒 Tobacco/Alcohol

D. 服饰 Apparel

E. 奢侈品 Luxury

F. 医药健康 Medicine/Health

G. 旅游 Tourism

H. 银行、金融 Banking/Finance

12、 您对同性诉求广告的态度是? What is your attitude towards gay advertising?

A. 很喜欢,并且我会购买广告中的产品 I like it and I’ll buy the product it advertises

B. 反感,觉得丑化了同性恋群体的形象 I don’t like it, I think it damages the image of gay people

C. 没什么特别的感受 I don’t have any opinion

13、 您是否想在今后看到更多的同性诉求广告?

Do you want to see more gay advertisements in the future?

A. 是 Yes

B. 否 No

C. 无所谓 I don’t mind



This is the end of the questionnaire. Thank you for your cooperation!

If you have any questions, please seek advice from questionnaire09@ymail.com

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