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Rapid loss of erection upon entry

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can cause by nervous, tired or health issue


if issue persist, consult doctor, u may prescribe /w vigra or something like that.

Wrestling your tool to enter (eg, bottom not yr type, not cooperative, no skill and force enter, etc ) may make it soft 🫢

Edited by fun72
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  • 3 months later...
On 2/27/2025 at 10:43 PM, kidster said:

Are there any supplements we can consume to maintain erection? Eg. Ginseng, Tongkat Ali

quick fix - libido injection, once every 12 weeks. Beware: risks increase with prostate cancers and arthritis blockage in heart.

After injection, Regular exercises, such as swimming, running, racket games, can help to reduce risks and train muscles.


food wise, very subject to individual body, eggs, red meat, cucumber and spinach are good.



sleep 8 hours daily, cut alcohol and cigarettes. 

but all above can only delay the ED due to aging, most gays end up with final identity- SDU, single, despairing and desperate, plus unwanted. 😅😭



Edited by Malabird
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