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Gay Or Bi? How To Classify


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My friends and I had a very interesting conversation earlier. Some of us classify ourselves as Gay while others classify themselves as Bi.

Does having had sex with a woman classify you as Bi or should at least one of your last 15 sexual encounter be with the opposite sex before you can call yourself Bi.

Its interesting to see people classify themselves as Bi when the last time they slept with a woman was like many many years ago.

The oher concept is of a non-practising gay, ie someone who likes men but does not cruise, look for sex or have a boyfriend.

Look forward to hearing your comments.

Edited by nicefatboy
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Whether a BI guy is married or not, is merely a status ...

Likewise, I don't think we need to label gay category like "Gay-Attached", "Gay-Single" etc. :P

A BI guy is one who will auto-horny when meeting his type of gals or guys in real sex scene or just viewing from the virtual pxxno site .... it's just that simple & there's no compromise.

If it is purely lusty sex, then one of the differences would be: Guys are easily hooked up with & usually no money transaction involved. (this case, I speak for myself). On the another hand, hooking up gals at the pubs will require some patience & tactics & that little X-factors ....b4 you can bring her to bed.

As for pay sex$$, then any Ah Kou /Meow also can get their basic needs. :P

If you are a true-BI, you will be able to differentiate the shiokness between a Woman & a Man & your cock should have some level of erection even just looking at sexy nude gals photo & straight sex clips (& hope that you are one fxxking the cunt).

Put sex aside, If's purely friendship, good colleague, then it doesn't matter whats the person sex orientation is .... so long he or she is a nice person & can get along.

One of the criteria to be a true-BI, one needs to be able to blend-into the 2 communities w/o feeling confined & restrictive :D

Join me ... & Welcome u to the BI world, its so bursting with vitality & versatility :D


.. Give me my kinda of Women, anytime :P

.. My ideal orgy would be a 3some fun with my dream Guy & Gal ...:P

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there are many married guys out there who are actually gay. they are not sexually attracted to a girl, but got married, for the sake of getting married.

A confused Bi: like what was stated above.. they are not officially 100% gay, so at the meanwhile they tell people that they are bi. even though they are not attracted to girls.

A pure bi = guys who are turned on by both guys and girls. they do not choose sides. to them, they can be aroused by both sex. these type of guys, when they are in love, they are in love with an individual. not sex.

There are also another breed of bi, who are actually sexually attracted to both sexes, but however have chosen a side by choice. dunno what you wanna label these though. most of this breed, have eventually chosen to get married and stick with the girls, a small minority have chosen to date and bed only guys. i belong to the minority breed.

but i dun see what is the big hoo haa about trying to seperate a bi and a gay. at the end of the day, if people dun say, you also won't know their "status" ma... and erm..... haha Being bi DOES NOT gets you more guys, dats for sure. :P

Edited by Stoner79

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I wrote something about the various type of BI married men back in 2006 under the Member's Lounge thread: 爱上已婚者




大致上, 我把(BI-已婚者)分类成以下几种:

第一种(BI): “结婚”之前,不晓得自己有喜欢男人的倾向,之后在某种情况底下,才逐渐觉察到自已是同性恋者. 在好奇心的驱使下, 随之而来的是一夜情的浅尝即止, 或过度的放纵, 或追求有个长相思守的同性伴侣的复杂心理变化.

第二种(BI): 由于社会或家庭的压力 (i.e. 独身子廷续香火的观念, 父母抱孙心切的期待, 朋友与同事的揶喻 , 或 抛开不了因其他周遭环境造成的面子问题 etc.), 无奈而亦然 ”结婚”去. 很明显的, 一个与妻子同床异梦的无助且悲哀的同性恋者.

在长久的压抑之下, 他也可能开始响往同性之间的恋情.

第三种(BI): 因为本身喜欢小孩, 因此”借腹”生子, 也”结婚”去了. 但仍然活动于圈内, 一夜情当然不在话下. 妻子可能仅是一个生育的工具.

第四种(BI): 很明确自己具有双性的倾向, 渴望有正常男人的家庭生活而”结婚”, 欲摆脱不了断臂之癖.

第五种(BI): 尝试以”结婚”来改变自已同性恋的心理, 但往往于事无补,甚至付出惨痛的代价. 在很多PLU的角度去看, 是愚昧的. 此种BI可能会有自杀的念头.

第六种(BI): 在老一辈的华人传统观念里, 尤其以早期已婚的女人而言, “口交”这种行为, 既变态又污秽. 根本在行房时, 此举是免淡的.

老婆收精后, 没有了太大的性起 (或因老婆年迈而身子欠佳), 再加上本身经济能力有限的情况下, 年长的叔佰可能就会在无意中或通过一些管道而接触到同性 .



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I think one should not generalise. I like to visit massage parlors in Bangkok, and it's a different experience whether it is one where the massage is done by a boy or whether it's by a girl. Both experiences can be great, but different. With a girl the massage is very much secondary and it's all about the sex. With a boy, the massage is more part of the experience, and the sex is a welcome extra. As a bi you get the best of both worlds

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There is only ONE type of Bi in this whole wide world - A person (man or woman) that can be aroused by the same and opposite gender sexually and also have the same degree of sexual desire to make it with them.

It doesn't matter if this person is single, married, widowed, hermit, whatever; its purely the person's psychological makeup - he just want and need both sexes to be satisfied sexually.

A straight person is just the opposite - they are not interested and can't be aroused by the same sex.

There are lotsa gays who got married due to social / family pressure claiming to be bi are all rubbish.......they are essentially still gay trying to parade as a regular. Period.

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