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becoming an author


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  • egal changed the title to becoming an author

yes! for the local market it's either a story with a very humorous look at life much like a jack neo movie but with better setup 😁

or horror; as the ancillary market for this genre is good and big 😊

26 minutes ago, egal said:

ever thought of becoming one?


if yes, what do you think you will write about?


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4 hours ago, egal said:

i think a lot here would have inteesting stories to tell


their wild days or still wild days, lol


must write in a way not too 'offensive' to str8 or mainstream or conservative readers/market/demographic

otherwise it's over before it could begin haha


then publisher must market the book cleverly ... not as 'gay literature' which itself is limiting haha


challenging ain't it?


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59 minutes ago, egal said:

thr r some people who self publish, lol

 and that will beget the million-dollar question ....

who will buy? or rather who will stock it? 

left only popular and kino 


popular - no way for gay literature

kino - iffy 


only way is ownself sell ownself online

though honestly that's always in my thoughts haha

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