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1 hour ago, egal said:

are you doing anything actively to prevent it etc?


if yes, what?



can't prevent it but can slow its 'arrival' or our descent into no man's land

eat more fish! be happy! spend more time with ppl or folks who truly mattered

then when the lights dimmed well no regrets


and oh yeah ... now this is of course scientifically unproven but sex! more and more of it helps

because when one climaxes; millions of endorphins are released and this does in some way helps haha

Edited by naked_boi
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There’s no one way to prevent it. You can be the healthiest person on planet earth but if your genes indicates that you’re likely to have dementia, you may still get it.


What I am doing is just trying to be healthy, spend more time with people that I love and care. I do have to highlight is spending quality time. 

Being present is not enough but you have to me mentally and physically present. 

Doing your best and giving your best is enough. 

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10 hours ago, egal said:

are you doing anything actively to prevent it etc?


if yes, what?

You are quite safe if dementia is not a family history (genes related).   Nevertheless, if you have a crazy lifestyle (external influence), you might still have dementia.  Above all, stay away from dangerous activities even if you believe you haven't fully experienced life yet.



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On 2/4/2025 at 2:50 AM, Why? said:

You are quite safe if dementia is not a family history (genes related).   Nevertheless, if you have a crazy lifestyle (external influence), you might still have dementia.  Above all, stay away from dangerous activities even if you believe you haven't fully experienced life yet.




Your suspicion is being increasingly confirmed by independent researchers who aim to prove as wrong what the financially interested conventional medicine is pushing on us:  the "genetic causation of Alzheimer's and dementia in general".  There is an excellent book "The End of Alzheimer's Program" by Dr. dale Bredsen who goes into great lengths to explain the new findings.  You can read posts about this researcher written on July 17 2024 and August 12 2024 in the thread "for gays who will be seniors one day".



On 2/4/2025 at 12:23 AM, strangeName said:


There’s no one way to prevent it. You can be the healthiest person on planet earth but if your genes indicates that you’re likely to have dementia, you may still get it.



We are living in an era where increased research and work is given to Preventive Medicine as opposed to the "curative (if lucky) medicine" practiced by the medical profession today.  Read what I wrote earlier in this post. 


Edited by Steve5380
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On 2/3/2025 at 3:57 PM, egal said:

are you doing anything actively to prevent it etc?


if yes, what?


OH YES!  Prevention of dementia should be given high priority when approaching seniority.  What I do is a diet that leads to healthy metabolism. Whatever is good to avoid diabetes, heart failure, helps also the brain.  One additional precaution is to stay away from the ( borderline criminal ) surrender of medical protocol to the pharmaceutical industry's priority of profit, by prescribing nearly indiscriminately STATIN DRUGS to treat even mind atherosclerosis.  These drugs hinder the brain's production of cholesterol, a very important substance for all the membranes in the brain, important for its correct functioning.  I have strongly rejected a prescription of statins I got because I have a very small amount of plaque in my carotid arteries.   I also supplement with B vitamins, like B1, B3, B6, B12, omega-3 fatty acids and a couple of other stuff.  And not to forget EXERCISE for brain protection! 

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