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Edging and cum control


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On 21 June 2016 at 0:09 PM, tapspring said:

Looking to edge someone, have done it a few times and need more practice buddy. Love controlling a big cock and sending someone to the edge and back, can do for long time until you explode... have place this weekend, PM me. Only seek non-chinese, cheers!

Hey, interested to be edged here hehe

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  • 2 weeks later...
5 hours ago, justanotherguysg said:

am curious... free maybe in day time..can't host... anyway how does the "Edger" knows when the person gonna shoot??? and then just stop there?? unless the "Edgee" says he gonna shoot??


Trial and error but usually there's a few signs like the "edgee" tensing up or making audible clues. Think about when your own JO experiences and how you yourself contract and fidget when you're about to cum.

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