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爱上人夫 (爱上已婚者)


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6 hours ago, friendchat said:


friendchat 实际情况与我的心情不是与歌曲一样。



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On 8/14/2006 at 9:21 AM, GachiMuchi said:

GKS, 你这么说就不对了。你之前的留言没交待清楚你的处境。只是说你爱上已婚的男人。当下回复你当然是劝你不要跟有妇之夫纠缠下去,以便倒至他们家离破碎, 难道这样的说法不对吗?






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On 12/9/2007 at 1:57 AM, look said:


My heart goes out to you. It is hard to see such devotedness these days. I hope one day you find real happiness. I am not here to pass any judgement as everyone has their own unique circumstances.

My story:

I am married with two children and also have a lover of 8 years. Before the marriage, i made it clear to my wife that there is another part to me ie i am attracted to men and will not suppress these feelings.

Although she is not happy with the situation, she understands my need for time/space away. I am forever indebted to her for this.

With my lover, we have an understanding of my obligations to the family especially to the children. Each week, we spend a few nights together (overnights). Sometimes, there will be difficulties (eg work, kids schooling demands), so adjustments are made. His parents know about our situation and are quite ok with it. My mum and sister also know about us.

It is not a perfect situation (and probably never will) but i think we am managing quite alright.

What i really want to say:

1. One cannot stop people from falling in love and wanting to be together. This is what defines us as humans.

2. It is a predicament for many married men with b/fs. I have seen big men break down and cry over this predicament (me included). The feeling of being trapped and unable to break free.

3. It takes a lot of effort and understanding to make this work. And the important aspects:

-Be totally upfront (it is hard but it can be done)

-Acknowledge the existence of your b/f (to your family and others)

-Have a balanced schedule and stick to it

-Manage the expectations

-Children (if any) come first

That said, "Treasure every moment as Tomorrow may never come".

Dear Look


Hope you have returned back to Singapore. 



Edited by GKS
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On 12/10/2007 at 4:16 PM, Buaya said:

Hi GKS, I hope you are feeling better already. All I can say is, don't dwell on the bad stuff. If it is really bad, it is time to look for the better stuff that can sometimes be surprisingly nearer to you then you initially thought. Take care...

Mr Buaya


Your positive life outlook will drive you soar high in the blue sky. 



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On 3/21/2009 at 11:12 PM, latterlim said:

I have come across this posting some time ago... I read it with utmost interest. But I find that it has been a long time since anyone had responded... a cold thread. Thus, I did not think of writing. But today, I see GKS updated it yesterday. I think I will write something today...

This is one of the few threads I read which makes my heart cry. This is because I, too, am married, and with kids. I too have a G-lover. I too am torn. GKS, I do not assume I know how you feel, but somehow I think I do. You see, I am married, but my lover, too, is attached. Ever so often, I feel like I want to tear away from my current life and commitments and be with my lover. But even if I could, can my lover do too? I have no answer. I do not know when I will have the answer. I do not know what our future beholds, even though he keeps promising me that we will be together someday.

爱上已婚者? It's like a knife: It cuts both ways. Doesn't the pain apply both ways ?!

Mr latter Lim 

I sincerely hope that you have get rid of the dilemmas.

Be happy. 



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On 12/21/2008 at 10:48 AM, oralb said:

GKS requested me to delete his posting as he wanted to find some time for himself.

I choose to move to here instead.

Oral B


I am glad that you are still in the list of the moderator.


Thank you for encourage me at my most difficult time. 



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On 4/24/2009 at 1:40 AM, stockyman said:

思念 是胸口的痛

分手 是心裡的淚

回首 是如何不堪

原來 是愛這麼難










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On 6/3/2009 at 12:27 PM, Life Searcher said:

其实您有佷多的写作,感想已经感动了我,激发了我对 "他 - Mr. W" 的一份爱.

路虽难走, 但我愿意去走. 我深信只要坚信下去, 会有柳暗花明的一天!!






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On 6/12/2009 at 12:00 PM, Flexagon said:



















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On 9/30/2009 at 12:01 AM, snowball said:

i am a person who don't really into words but more in real action, thought i ever mention that afew times?

cock brand, though i not really keen in words, however once in a while, a gentle sincere sweet talk will let the relationship more firm & strong, make your partner more secure, i have to admit all that, sweet talk at the right time can be magic spell to most people, even my dear love to hear & will be touch deeply when out from my mouth. :lol:

i not that stubborn in thinking, just not really encourage too depends in words :P

Mr Snowball


How are you? 

You are one of the seniors in the BW.



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我之所以回顾一系列对话并发简讯, 除了感激这些吹风好友的回应与互动,当时我答应A君,绝不回应,以保护其身份。 A君让我写在这里,主因是大部分时间他无法陪我,知道我很难受。 许多时候,抒发个人感想后, 心情也比较平静了。 

近日回复简讯,也是想知道这些互动者的近况,也许这也是我的临别秋波。能得到你们的回应固然是一件美事,但等不到你们的回复,我也不耿耿于怀。正如我在“接龙游戏”(2020年 5月16日)曾发了一则颇有意义的成语: 




这个是冷僻成语。久久看一次。 也许这一辈就见这一回了!就像这里的同志。有缘一见就见吧!再回头,可能已经没有可能。 




蹇滞jiǎn zhìㄐㄧㄢˇ ㄓˋ
  • 艰难受挫,做事不顺利。

  • 宋.王禹偁《还扬州许书记家集》诗:“君不见近代诗家流,胡为蹇滞多穷愁。”

  • 困阻

  • 亨通





 杜荀鹤 《将入关安陆遇兵寇》诗:家贫无计早离家,离得家来蹇滞多。

水浒传110回: 宋江 嘆口气道:我想八字浅薄命运蹇滞。’”

王以仁 《流浪》再想不到我的命运竟会蹇滞到这步田地。



 李时珍 《本草纲目·草七·威灵仙》发明﹞引 苏颂 曰:此药治丈夫妇人中风不语,手足不遂,口眼喎斜,言语蹇滞。










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