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Autocum Experience Discussion : Autocum while being fxxked + How To Autocum / Cum Handsfree? (Compiled)

Guest want_to_know

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  klc said:
seriously have no idea how this guy is doing it

or wat exactly was he doing

but damn..

3 times in a row without even touching it.

effing awesome

dl it here

anyone seen/experienced it?

Looks to be like he is bouncing off a huge vibrator :lol: in his ass.

Wow that must be damned shiok.

I've done that but it took 2 tops and more than an hour of vigorous manhandling and fxxking before the third load just dribbled out. The next day, my hole was sore but the ache in my balls was like someone kicked my balls in.

It was more than worth it though. Had to call for another 2 hours of massage with hole and balls tender care before he flipped me over and drilled me again. What can I say, 2 willing adults mating like rabbits when freed from shyness and inhibitions.

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  • 1 month later...

How many of you guys have experienced this?

I believe auto-cum is defined as being able to orgasm and ejaculate semen without touching your own genitals or have the other person touch it either (mutual masturbation is not counted as auto-cuming).

"Life it too short to be small"

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Guest Shiok......
  Freedom711 said:
I saw a vid on it b4....but nvr experience tat...i think the mind power mux be good in order to achieve it....

Yes, I do experience this auto-cum before....when this Malaysian Ah Beng force bare raped me when I first meet up at his place...although his tool is not big, but stiff like a rod....and he know his skill very well....until I submitted and enjoy till I auto cum....SHIOK!!!!! This is the first time I had such orgasm and yet he still didn't cum...and from there I become flexi..... :(

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Guest yum yum auto cum
  Shiok...... said:
Yes, I do experience this auto-cum before....

I had 2 of my btm fxxk buddies autocum before and honestly, my fxxking skill is average...

its just that sometimes my cock hits them at the right place and sometime very very unexpectedly!!

Once my btm had just sat on me and i didnt even have time to take off my Tee shirt when he spurted all over my Tee...hitting the internal G stop is not tat easy and differs from person to person

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  yum yum auto cum said:
I had 2 of my btm fxxk buddies autocum before and honestly, my fxxking skill is average...

its just that sometimes my cock hits them at the right place and sometime very very unexpectedly!!

Once my btm had just sat on me and i didnt even have time to take off my Tee shirt when he spurted all over my Tee...hitting the internal G stop is not tat easy and differs from person to person

I wonder if anyone (tops) can feel the g-spot with their dick..... that would be great to learn :)

"Life it too short to be small"

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I am fortunate to have a married man as my bf. His superb sexual skill made me auto cum so many times. Perhaps the angle, the position and the venue played a part.

Indeed, the mutual understanding and the basis of love further intensify the pleasure of auto cum.

Both of us are amazed with the intense and intimacy contact of his cock and my virgin butt followed by an auto cum. We never experience that with others before. I think we loved each other deeply is the key factor.

Edited by GKS
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  GKS said:
I think we loved each other deeply is the key factor.

I think you hit the (G? :)) spot when you say that you love each other deeply. It is said that mans largest sex organ is ... his brain. So yes, when you are into it mentally I am sure it helps achieving orgasm, with the minimum physical stimulation.

But hmm.. not too sure about your statement about him being married - are you saying that married men make better lovers? Cant comment on that as I have not been with married men - lets see what others have to say about it.

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One of my bottom described that hitting his G-spot for him is like having the urge to pee, but instead of pee, it is cum. I remembered that he had a look of shocked and disbelieved with his mouth and eyes opened wide as he cummed. He says he was trying to control himself, thinking he was going to "peeing", but instead he cummed and cummed.

After recovering his composure, the first question he asked was; what just happened? The 2nd question he asked was; when can he have it again?

Somehow, a few bottoms enjoys it when I pumped them really deep. I can even feel that I am hitting them right inside till I can feel there is another 'tight ring' for me to push 'through'. Whenever I hit that 'ring', I can see their eyes open wide or their moan gets louder. They usually tells me it is 'very shiok' feeling.

Anyway, not all bottom will auto cum. I guess for seasoned bottoms, auto cum could be harder to cum by. So far, those who auto cum are either those who had not had anal for some time or they are very new bottoms.

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  gachi_muchi said:
Anyway, not all bottom will auto cum. I guess for seasoned bottoms, auto cum could be harder to cum by. So far, those who auto cum are either those who had not had anal for some time or they are very new bottoms.

I have not tried any anal sex before. Why is it that auto cum are either for those who seldom do anal or new btms? :unsure:

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  koolkai said:
I have not tried any anal sex before. Why is it that auto cum are either for those who seldom do anal or new btms? :unsure:

The G spot is actually your postate which is in the rectum area, approx. 2 to 3 inches from your anus. Its located just behind your penis. Insert in your finger, you can feel it.

Your statement is only half true.

It depends on individual, some just have more sensitive postate. Just like your other erotic zones, everyone has it in different area; some the inner thighs, some their nape, some the nipples, some the perineum area.....the list just goes on and for some, its their postate.

So when the postate is stimulated with the right pressure and intensity, it will trigger orgasm resulting in autocum.

Got it?

Or if you need demo, let me know, its my pleasure :P

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Guest yum yum autocum
Anyway, not all bottom will auto cum. I guess for seasoned bottoms, auto cum could be harder to cum by. So far, those who auto cum are either those who had not had anal for some time or they are very new bottoms.

U are rite... whn my btm autocame the last time,he admitted his hole had not been serviced for long while....

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Guest p76-cumulus

i was fxxked by a guy and the fxxking was so good[ think it was close to my prostate area] that i just cummed like that

and the feeling was fabulous......!

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  gachi_muchi said:
Anyway, not all bottom will auto cum. I guess for seasoned bottoms, auto cum could be harder to cum by. So far, those who auto cum are either those who had not had anal for some time or they are very new bottoms.

I think this is untrue.

I think it has nothing to do with seasoned or virgin or not. But i think it helps if u dont cum everyday, maybe once every few days.

Edited by imchaser

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  gachi_muchi said:
One of my bottom .....had a look of shocked and disbelieved with his mouth and eyes opened wide as he cummed. He says he was trying to control himself, thinking he was going to "peeing", but instead he cummed and cummed.

I do not have the urge to "pee " prior to auto cum. My whole body was so hot, my top just felt something strange going to happen as the contact point was so tide. From the full length mirror next to the bed, I noticed the position is sexy. The muscle, the love and the desire have integrated. He gazed at me while I am speechless with heart beat accelerating. Throat was dry just felt that it helps if i open my mouth to breath. moaning from heart. just felt the fluids rushing through my whole pinky body from the vibrating point. Want to shout " Buay tar han" , but speechless. It's too high till I am strengthless to shout. Intense. Both of us are enjoying the sustain of the high state. I grip his strong arms while he pulls my hairy legs towards his contact point. Sweating. "A....r..g..hh.hhh.!" he screamed so loud. while he cumed, my cum fly out simultaneously.

.......The 2nd question he asked was; when can he have it again?

Both of us are amazed of what we have experience as we do not have experienced that before. Subsequently, we have sex almost everyday. The timing of reaching the climax always so precise and intense. I can't really explain what contribute our pleasure of sex but purely enjoyment and understanding. It's the feeling but not merely attributed by the huge organ both of us have.

Our quality of love further enhance through the sexual communication in the physical form. Harmonized an bring about positivity and strength towards our daily life. Indeed, better work performance too.

Both of us have excelled in our work. From sex to love. He felt encouraged and his human relationship improved. More cheerful than before.

Many couples, both hetero or homo, hardly experienced the climax together as one union even after marriage for years. We have a full version of understanding the significance of sex, love and life.

Somehow, a few bottoms enjoys it when I pumped them really deep. I can even feel that I am hitting them right inside till I can feel there is another 'tight ring' for me to push 'through'. .....

As my top are less expressive in words, I hardly aware of his feeling with the auto cum until you have described your feeling here. It's very interesting sharing from the top perspective. Now, I have fully reciprocated his feeling of a top when the tool in my body. Lately our sex sessions, he keeps on telling he could feel every strokes hit my g spots. What does that means?

Gachi , you are truly a 1st class top based on the experience you have told. :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: Appreciate your sharing. :thumb:

Anyway, not all bottom will auto cum. I guess for seasoned bottoms, auto cum could be harder to cum by. So far, those who auto cum are either those who had not had anal for some time or they are very new bottoms.

Guru by no means "Guru". May be Mr Gachi could be appointed as Dr Love ( gay version ) here to offer his service towards the top related sexual topics. :) Frankly, though our current Dr love provides guidance and advices to many hetero people in the mian stream society, I don't think he fully understanding the feeling of PLU in our cultural context.. :D

Gachi san, You are right! 本当によ くできした!My first auto cum is my first time to convert from top to bottom when I willing to try with this married bf out of love. Till today, we still recalled this incident and i always told him that I am scare that time. Can't image how to accommodate the huge tool through the tinny entrance.


I edit the fonts so that is easier to read.


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Thank you for the kind words, but please don't give me such a big hat. I am not a Guru, Dr Love for gays or 1st class top, etc. I am just an normal guy who happens to be able to relate an experience and put it in words. There are lots of really good tops out there, e.g. your bf. I merely share my 2 cents in the discussion. A mountain is always higher than the next. 一山还比一山高,长江后浪推前浪.

I think you happen to find your jig-saw that matches you, that's all. That's why both of you are in sexual heaven whenever you guys have sex.

What works for you may not work for others, so don't think too much about it and just enjoy the process. Whether you auto cum or not, does not matter, what matters is both party enjoys the sex.

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  gachi_muchi said:
Thank you for the kind words, but please don't give me such a big hat. I am not a Guru, Dr Love for gays or 1st class top, etc. I am just an normal guy who happens to be able to relate an experience and put it in words.

To remain in a normal life is so difficult in this changing world. But glad to hear that.

There are lots of really good tops out there, e.g. your bf.

I agreed.

I merely share my 2 cents in the discussion. A mountain is always higher than the next. 一山还比一山高,长江后浪推前浪.

I do not wish to see the waves vanish on the beach.我不忍见前浪瘫在沙滩上。 :rolleyes:

I think you happen to find your jig-saw that matches you, that's all. That's why both of you are in sexual heaven whenever you guys have sex.

I have this feeling. I always asked my bf that why we meet only he has married and I just waited there patiently for 38 years till we met.

What works for you may not work for others, so don't think too much about it and just enjoy the process. Whether you auto cum or not, does not matter, what matters is both party enjoys the sex.

That's life. It's that simple. :)

Edited by GKS
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  GKS said:
This is a great top but the bottom is submissive for too long along the physical interacting which make him an average bottom. Otherwise the auto cum could be possible.

Gosh GKS, sorry but i could not understand what you just said. could you rephrase it? thanks.

Edited by beef4beef

"Life it too short to be small"

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Sorry for the confusion caused. Hope the following statement help you to understand better.

This bottom acts extremely passively in the whole process. If this bottom responds more actively, the mutual sexual pleasure is possible.

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  GKS said:
Sorry for the confusion caused. Hope the following statement help you to understand better.

This bottom acts extremely passively in the whole process. If this bottom responds more actively, the mutual sexual pleasure is possible.

Wakarimasu! :) Arigato!

"Life it too short to be small"

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  recklessbootlegger said:
Thanks for the insight... I am now keen to explore the prostate and see if it works. I have seen in Jap films when they are about to come, they stop jerking and just allow the sperm to shoot and flow out... anyone here masturbates this way? I feel that somehow, the "pleasure" is lost when the pumping ceases.

Hi just wanna say there was twice and twice only that I somehow stopped the jerking motion when cumming and in fact the cumming sensation instead of just stopping, it became more explosive......more powerful. But I can't remember if I was lying down or kneeling when that happened.....

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  GKS said:
I am fortunate to have a married man as my bf. His superb sexual skill made me auto cum so many times. Perhaps the angle, the position and the venue played a part.

Indeed, the mutual understanding and the basis of love further intensify the pleasure of auto cum.

Both of us are amazed with the intense and intimacy contact of his cock and my virgin butt folloed by an auto cum. We never experience that with others before. I think we loved each other deeply is the key factor.

I envy you that he loves you.

I was a flexi top before when I too met a married man. He was not good looking, he was not big. But out of respect for him being married, I didn't fxxk him back. The sex was only so so.

Unfortunately he thought it was great sex and kept calling me for more. Anyway, he being married, we both agree it was to be just sex. After much sweet talking and persuasions, I thought okay, nothing to lose since I was drunk and horny too. Met up again and this type I relaxed and bend over the front of his van, let him press me down and take me from behind. Surprising something felt good after the penetration pain that make me hate anal sex before. It's like something spread all over my body and I started to cum just like that and moaning like a bitch.

My goodness, my sperm was all over his front bonnet and that drove him crazy when he cummed. He said something is massaging his cock when I cummed.

I heard of autocum but thought only the more girly men would moan and "ee aaa ha ah" and only they like anal so much that their hole really behave like cb and sensitive. The few times I tried before is only pain and sore and not fun. This time I was like wow, it felt 10 times better than direct stimulation of my cock.

Unfortunately it was with somebody I don't really like. Well the rest is a long story I wrote before.

But really I wished it was somebody I could love and I could really enjoy it more with him. But since with him it was not worth it, I started seeking other men to give me that autocum again. It really is difficult to tell if it will happen. But I realised it is most likely to happen when doing kinky sex like

in secluded carparks,

at a room facing the HDB common corridor where with the dark window closed, we can still see and hear people passing by while we were having sex beside the windows,

at Diamonds on a quiet afternoon with 2 men watching me get screwed,

at the massage room being screwed while even though the small window at the door is partly covered, can still see me being screwed and the loud banging noise everybody can hear and comment on like "aiyoh, want to demolish the building ah"

Nothing good came out of autocum except turn me into a excitement seeking slut. Sometimes I wished I never tried it with him.

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  Curious Boy said:
Auto cum means that the top has hit the bottom's g-spot?

Is it true that there is bottom's G-spot lar ? Where is mine ? :B) ... never experience it, only in my ... dream :oops:

I thought it is only inside girl's thing :lol: ... any doctor here to confirm, plsssss

Sometimes, the greatest journey is the distance between two people

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  castaway said:
Is it true that there is bottom's G-spot lar ? Where is mine ? :B) ... never experience it, only in my ... dream :oops:

I thought it is only inside girl's thing :lol: ... any doctor here to confirm, plsssss

let me help...

Where is the Male G Spot?

The Male G Spot is easy to find, it’s right where you expect it to be, it’s Up Yer Bum! About 2 inches or so up your bum, actually, at the front. This spot here is the nearest point to the Prostate Gland, so find this and you’ve found your G spot.

Let’s look at it from the Dr’s point of view. During a rectal exam they usually get you to drop your trousers and your boxers, and to hop up onto the couch.They suggest you lay on your side, with your knees pulled up.

From there the Doctor inserts a gloved and lubricated finger, with the curve of the finger towards the front of you, so he can hook it round a little, and feel the prostate gland. More about what the examination is for can be found in our Health section.

Contrary to the popular ‘comedy’ situation, they don’t make you bend over to take it from behind. But if they were they would be inserting their finger into you with they’re palm pointed toward the ground, so their finder bends downwards a little.

That’s all well and good if you have a handy Doctor to find your G Spot for you.Of course, a sexual partner may play Dr if you ask nicely.

If you want to try and find it yourself you’re best to lie on your back, with your knees pulled towards yours chest.Reach between your legs and insert a well lubricated finger into your anus, and hook upwards slightly, you’ll need to have your finger inserted up to about the 2nd knuckle. Not the most comfortable of positions, it’s a bit of a stretch.


taken from: http://www.malegspot.co.uk/

this is also a good read. ^^ http://www.askmen.com/dating/vanessa/23_love_secrets.html

check me out and my interest... =)

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i am not very experienced btm, but i know i am total bottom. still not learn to enjoy it it.

usually it is painful, uncomfortable like need to pee, or like need to shit even after i wash myself or worst is feeling the cock hit against some organ ... not in the good way but like pushing against an organ and going to injure me like that.

so auto cum is like fantasy, cause usually when fxxked i am soft.

wonder is it because i have not found the right top. should i look around until i find one that "suits" me or skillful enough?


my geek gay blog at www.formanz.com

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  subbtmchn73 said:
i am not very experienced btm, but i know i am total bottom. still not learn to enjoy it it.

usually it is painful, uncomfortable like need to pee, or like need to shit even after i wash myself or worst is feeling the cock hit against some organ ... not in the good way but like pushing against an organ and going to injure me like that.

so auto cum is like fantasy, cause usually when fxxked i am soft.

wonder is it because i have not found the right top. should i look around until i find one that "suits" me or skillful enough?

Confirmed your tops anyhow poke one. They must poke at your prostate if they know where is it, not attack other organs. Most straight tops don't know this. U must tell them where to aim. Don't shy shy keep quiet, point the G-spot to them even if it is like telling him it is like your cb.

Experienced top know where your g-spot and your sensitive body parts. They take time to play u to what u like. I like rough sex so my top know where to pinch and slap my body. Then he poke straight at my g-spot. He fxxk me until the whole bed can shake one. KNN song until I cry father cry mother. Then when I autocum for him to pay him back he happy like fxxk.

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Can i borrow your top?

  A35 said:
Confirmed your tops anyhow poke one. They must poke at your prostate if they know where is it, not attack other organs. Most straight tops don't know this. U must tell them where to aim. Don't shy shy keep quiet, point the G-spot to them even if it is like telling him it is like your cb.

Experienced top know where your g-spot and your sensitive body parts. They take time to play u to what u like. I like rough sex so my top know where to pinch and slap my body. Then he poke straight at my g-spot. He fxxk me until the whole bed can shake one. KNN song until I cry father cry mother. Then when I autocum for him to pay him back he happy like fxxk.


my geek gay blog at www.formanz.com

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  subbtmchn73 said:
Can i borrow your top?

Waaa cannot share. I kana fxxked by so many men then find this one. Must be very thick skin to offer free backside. Most men play play only. Lucky this one very horny need me to satisfy him he very hiong one. Can fxxk until I upside down song song.

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  whitedick said:
Lovely,most of my btms auto cum when they were being fxxked by me.Yup,one gonna need to know how to fxxk and pleasure his btm.

Good TOP is who talks and advertises himself less :whistle:

Sometimes, the greatest journey is the distance between two people

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  castaway said:
Good TOP is who talks and advertises himself less :whistle:

u NOT SEEN Gachi post on marketing huh?

It is not easy to make a woman cum and a str8 will boast about it. It is more difficult to make a man autocum. If the top makes u autocum, he will proudly tell all his friends. Then his friends will try to do same to u. If u not autocum, they will still lie that u autocum. As the bottom too shy to argue.

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