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Autocum Experience Discussion : Autocum while being fxxked + How To Autocum / Cum Handsfree? (Compiled)

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Sharing what I got from internet. Not by me. My Mandarin not that powderful


教你如何把0操射 (How to Make Bottom Autocum)

2013-09-23 网络转摘 基情故事精选 网友分享网络转摘








        4、①1的JJ尺寸必须超出0的忍受范围0才能感受到欲死欲仙的快感。当然并不是1的JJ越大越好而是指在0能够接纳的基础上再大一点。我的JJ很 平常但是对于我第一个操射的0就显得比较恐怖因为他是还没被开苞的处男如果让我老公现在去插那个时候的他估计会直接肛裂


              ③不管任何性爱持久是必须的。一般情况下0第一次被操射喷出的是精液1不要拔出JJ一直插让0稍微忍耐大约5分钟后0挺过难受期又会找回快 感比操射前会更奇妙0第二次被操射很有可能喷出尿液虽然没有第一次射出精液爽但是双方那种视觉和心理冲击力非常强烈所以1持不持久至关重要










        作为一名合格的1熟练的前戏是必不可少的。最好的方法是全身心投入舔遍0全身注意是舔蜻蜓点水相当于无用功重点部位是嘴唇、耳朵、脖子、腋窝 前提是对方没狐臭、乳头、肚脐眼、大腿最上方和腹部的斜线连接处、JJ、阴囊、阴囊和肛门中间、肛门、脚等等先玩正面后玩反面。强烈推荐这个姿势 ——让0狗爬式张开双腿翘起屁股1在后面用舌头不断玩弄0的肛门手从0的胯下伸过去向后方拉住0的JJ不断套弄。一般情况下别说是0了连不愿意做 0的1都招架不住。只要清过肠肛门是非常干净的放心舔舔吸的声音越大越好

        等0的肛门外部变得比较松弛了可以尝试用一只手指往里插注意不要插得太深指头的一个关节就可以试着抽插一下让他渐渐适应。适应的差不多了可以 涂上润滑剂把整个食指插进去然后是两支指头对于以前没有被操射过的0不要玩得太松要不然和操一个有过性生活的0没有区别至于被操过的随便 玩越松越好1的任务就是试着找到0的前列腺。前列腺类似于一颗肉球一般在肛门内5到6厘米处找到后记住位置。

        一名优秀的1还要有比较好的心理素质。做0其实是很痛苦的不管哪一次刚刚被插进去的时候肯定会难受第一次被开苞那更不用说所以1一定要慢慢来。 1可以试着进去一点然后再完全抽出来等半分钟再插进去反复这样每一次都多进去一点最后一次性完全插入。做过的人都知道肛门里面大概2~3厘米 的地方最难突破但是一旦突破就可以直捣黄龙。当然不是第一次开苞就不用那么复杂。

        第一次肛交不管1的技术再怎么好0在一开始被操的时候肯定会觉得不舒服。1把0屁眼操开后1可以躺着让0自己坐下去。一般来说这个姿势刚好可以让 肠道形成一条垂直线JJ进去非常方便会让0的不适感降到最低同时也是一种心理暗示让他克服心理障碍一辈子记得是什么感受。同一件事主动和被动 是完全不同的。

        等0自玩到屁眼被操开得差不多的时候就是1主动的时候了。有的0无论第几次无论多痛只要一被操就勃起有的0要长时间屁眼被操开操顺畅以后才可能勃 起所以刚开始甚至是前几次性交没勃起都是正常现象。1要记得尝试各个体位前几次进去要坚定而温柔同时往前列腺的地方顶。


有一点非常重要1的JJ和 0的前列腺要形成45~60°角不断摩擦0的前列腺才会有快感90°是痛千万不要。还有刚开始的时候并非插入越深越爽所以不要一上去就狂操0 会反感。每尝试一个姿势1都要问问0的感受直到找到他爽的不能自拔的那个姿势然后就不用换了一直操当0非常爽的时候要鼓励他喊出来让0尝试 控制自己阴囊和肛门中间的肌肉不断往内吸紧然后放松。最后1要做的就是持久一直操吧0从体验欲死欲仙开始到被操射一般10~30分钟不等。

        0第一次被操射的时候全身自然抽搐类似女人被插到高潮后那种全身一下一下的抽搐0的肛门会剧烈吸紧1的JJ射完后肌肉会条件反射地把1的JJ往 外排斥1不要急着拔出来适当安抚0继续操被操射完后的几分钟0的肛门好像第一次被开苞好好享受吧。0反抗5分钟左右后会再次感觉到快感肛门比 之前变得更加松弛会进入麻木享受状态那个时候的0已经无法拒绝被操的生理和心理快感1完全可以放心大胆操不需要再去管其他的事情大概也是 10~15分钟后0第二次被操射很有可能尿出来尿出来也会有两种可能第一种是和精液一样喷射出来只不过是尿液肛门仍然会收紧第二种是像小便一 样尿出来这一种情况0的肛门不会收紧相反还会完全松弛。




        用热水器灌肠事前调到冷水或者温水注意一定要用手试试水温然后扭开热水器的喷头不是最上面的莲蓬头而是把整个喷头拆下来只剩下细水管拿 下防漏水的黑色橡圈并收好接着把热水器的水管用点劲抵住肛门不需要插进去让水喷进肠道等肚子比较涨的时候拿开水管用劲喷出水反复这样几次 直到喷出的水非常干净最后按原样装好喷头。



        开始做的时候1会给你服务你也要反过来服务他。一般0需要做的不多舔1的乳头、JJ等舔他的腋窝、大腿最上方和腹部的斜线连接处、脚都会让他感 到非常惊喜前提是无异味如果可以的话可以用舌头玩弄他的肛门不要以为1不喜欢1不喜欢的是被操不是被玩何况大多数1都是从做0开始。

        可以让1试着进去一点然后再完全抽出来等半分钟再插进去反复这样每一次都多进去一点最后一次性完全插入。肛门里面大概2~3厘米的地方最难突 破但是一旦突破就可以直捣黄龙。当你屁眼被突破后放心给1操吧顺利突破了这一道屏障基本上不会受伤了。


        每一个姿势都要尝试直接告诉1自己喜欢哪个姿势哪个最爽。找到被操的快感是一种很微妙的感觉你不会再觉得有任何不适屁眼畅通无阻全身体温上升 毛孔张开大脑一片空白有一种生理上不自主地迎合1的冲动屁眼的撞击和前列腺的摩擦都会让你勃起的JJ前列腺液直流有一种想要射精的感觉一旦开始 用动作迎合1快感加倍机械式的无法停下注意力全都集中在被操的感受上肛门最深处先是用力收紧抗拒快要被插射的快感然后又渐渐放弃抵抗慢慢放 松忍不住不断呻吟只希望粗大的J8不断在自己屁眼里面横冲直撞最后失去意识沉沦在里面无法自拔于是屁眼最深处不断收紧放松收紧放松缓解快要被插 射的快感终于到了无法把持的顶点整个肛门不自主用力狂收紧精液喷出每喷出一次精液身体都会不自主抽搐一次屁眼都会用力收紧一次整个尿道会 有一种普通射精和尿失禁那种轻微刺痛的双重混合快感。被操射以后体温上升的更加明显肛门里的肌肉紧裹着1的J8开始向外排斥难受的感觉开始出现。大 部分0在被操射后JJ仍然会勃起但是自己打射却不会至今不解。被操射和打射是完全不同的两种感觉。




        如果你认为仅仅这样就结束了那你会失去更加欲死欲仙的机会。0必须要忍住难受让1继续不断抽插大概5分钟后快感又会袭来虽然没有前一次强烈但 是非常舒服有一种奇妙的无法形容的快感。后面的时候0的肛门基本已经麻木了0需要做的就是努力迎合大声叫放开屁眼给1操。

        如果第二次被操射之前和上面描述的一样感觉0就会喷射出尿液或精液。如果第二次是尿出来的那么就是另外一种不同的感觉屁眼完全麻木但又快感不断肛 门口的肉完全外翻身体火热紧绷JJ变成半勃尿道尤其是尿道口其痒无比还带着微微刺痛在被操的时候仿佛小便失禁前的感觉JJ一旦忍不住尿液就 流出来整个尿道非常强烈的刺痛的快感尿完后会觉得自己的JJ隐隐作痛真个过程就好像打飞机还没射之前就去小便了一样。





        0前几次做爱会出血不要怕只要不像流水一样买点消炎药吃就行了适应被操后想流血都没有机会了。还要注意的是如果你被插的时候JJ全程自然勃 起涨红饱满前列腺液直流那么证明你绝对可以被操射只是没有找到合适的人合适的J8合适的姿势所以不要急功近利被操的时候忍不住自己打飞机那 样你永远没有被直接操射的机会不要管自己的JJ。





Nice article , make me feel wan to experience also..

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I would like to experience autocum...but yet to met a top that able help.


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meet me..my btm got autocum without touching himself in fact he was riding me n came...

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  • 1 month later...

If the top is good, then I can autocum while doggystyle or missionary. If the top is not too good, but has a decent hard cock, then I'll usually switch to cowgirl which does the trick =)


Love autocumming, it feels like a full body orgasm that lasts for a full minute, and can cum again very soon after.

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  • 1 month later...

i can auto-cum just by scuking dick... But my worst problem is that when i top someone, lesser then 3mins i'll ejected :( :( :(

this happened to me again.... 2 days back...


i unloaded my cum in the afternoon....found a guy at nite....sucked his dick and without touching mine i auto cummed, said in less then 10mins


Have had experienced this kinda auto cumming 7 out of 10 times..


As a flexi-top, it really bother me a lot...as i couldnt enjoy longer session and worry worry i would turn 2 a pure btm...

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this happened to me again.... 2 days back...

i unloaded my cum in the afternoon....found a guy at nite....sucked his dick and without touching mine i auto cummed, said in less then 10mins

Have had experienced this kinda auto cumming 7 out of 10 times..

As a flexi-top, it really bother me a lot...as i couldnt enjoy longer session and worry worry i would turn 2 a pure btm...

早泄 Early Discharge
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Got ppl can autocum while sucking? Wow...



I'm not sure if this counts as autocum while sucking, but a few years back when i was at Shogun i stayed in the gloryhole room. Had so much cum in my mouth from sucking multiple cocks. 


I remember my cock was exceptionally hard, like it was going to burst. I fondled my balls, not the cock, and cum just dribbled out non stop for a full minute. slow oozing out, not squirting. 

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Like i said, the person cld gets overly excited hearing the moaning sound of the other guy while he sucks him off, and end up trigger the autocum button.




Spend time counting your blessings,

not airing your complaints.

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Really amaze by ppl who autocum from doing something to ppl. Nipples play and ass play as least the touch is on the person's body, but doing something to other ppl and cum..hmm.. the brain and mouth must be super stimulated?

I think that could be possible.

Never experienced autocumming in any form myself.

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Like i said, the person cld gets overly excited hearing the moaning sound of the other guy while he sucks him off, and end up trigger the autocum button.



I think that could be possible.

Never experienced autocumming in any form myself.


I dont deny that i dont have much sex exp...my fingers are more then the number of sexual exp i had.


Just to share my weakness, i could......

  • Cums in less then 3-8 mins when DIY....
  • Cums in less then 5 mins just by scukin' other..... ( auto cum = no need to touch any part of me)
  • Cums in less then 10 mins when playing with Dildlo.... ( no need to touch any part of me )
  • Cums in less then 3-5 mins when topping...
  • Cums never come using brain power....

I am practicing kegel / pelvic exercises these 2 days and hope i could have a better 'control' in the near future...

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I have never had an autocum experience.  I hope I would be able to achieve autocum from being entered; I sort of imagine myself being slowly penetrated, gently fucked and then more vigorously - until he cums while still inside me and I autocum from that experience.


My ass may ache for a couple of days after that, but I feel I should experience that at least once in my life.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Autocum

Okay I know there's a whole thread about autocum but I want to start a fresh new one where we can easily search up autocum videos instead of wading through countless posts.

Here's me starting the ball rolling. This guy came while doing chin ups, hands free. ;)



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Guest patrick

This afternoon a young energetic top screwed  me hard continuously for half an hour.  Suddenly, there was an intense sensation at my dick and balls.  So i thought i was about to autocum.  I shouted "I'm cumming".  Astonishingly, instead of cum, a stream of urine sprayed out from my dick.  I was quite embarassed but the top appeared to be very happy even though it wet his bed sheet.  He said "This shows that I'm in control and you are totally vulnerable".  Roll eyes.  He carried on screwing me withou stopping while the urine flowed on to his bed.  Luckily, I have the habit of drinking a lot of water everyday so my urine was not yellowish and had no particular smell.  Eventually, I did cum with the help of my hand while he was banging me hard.


Has any bottom experienced auto urinating while being penetrated?  Is it normal?  This was the first time for me.  Apart from the embarassment, I quite enjoyed it.  Why?  Because I felt vulnerable.  Haha.

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  • 5 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Anybody know the secret to autocum? When I slept with my ex I was able to experience it occasionally. The feeling was very good. Does it have to do with size? (he's huge) nowadays after breakup I'm trying to experience it again with a dildo but unable to. Chose a huge one like 9" also can't . Any advice thanks!

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Guest SOS helpline

Anybody know the secret to autocum? When I slept with my ex I was able to experience it occasionally. The feeling was very good. Does it have to do with size? (he's huge) nowadays after breakup I'm trying to experience it again with a dildo but unable to. Chose a huge one like 9" also can't . Any advice thanks!

You got to further upsize your dildo, say go for a 12" or 15", as your apetite has already been stretched. Happy playing.
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  • 2 weeks later...

if i havent cum for a long time, its very easy for me to get autocum when bf fuck me


there's once when he carry and fuck me against the wall, i was so full down there, and instantly autcum on his second stroke. Maybe because of the position also, he immediately hit my spot hard


try to keep your load for like a week or more, it's very easy to reach autocum

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1 - Yes, provided he did not use his hands or his shorts to stroke himself before the start of the clip


2 - No, cos he used his undies to stroke himself to climax, though I must say that his dick must have been very sensitive to achieve this.  I think this person indeed has some auto cum videos on his xtube channel


3 - Not quite, cos there is a lot of fingering before evey time he cums



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