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Is He A Con Man? Need Advise.

Guest Victim

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I mentioned 8pm dateline few hours ago, shortly before 8pm, ive already decided not to see him face to face and hear his explanation, so i decided not to go. I confront him over the phone. Please be sensible....

And I read in the other thread u were cheated few thousands last time, no? So as a victim yourself, please dont be so cocky.


My advice came in at 8.34pm whereas lifesearcher came in at 9.01pm

Lots of similarities there in our posting, but you prefer to ignore my this posting and instead replied to my 8.53pm posting and lifesearcher's.

Maybe you were very busy in the chatroom soliciting.


Believing you and giving you advice are 2 different issues dear.

That advice was meant for you and also anyone else reading.

You are absolutely contradicting throughout from your first post.

Hence from my first posting, I had never really believe your story is real.

Thanks for the fun.

Being cheated is not a crime.

But not learning from it is.

I got cheated but never felt sorry for myself.

I just blamed myself for not careful enough and trust others too easily.

Its a lesson learned

I don't, like some forumers, went on to swear and curse that person, wishing him dead or something nasty.

Its already over, I have to move on.


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I mentioned 8pm dateline few hours ago, shortly before 8pm, ive already decided not to see him face to face and hear his explanation, so i decided not to go. I confront him over the phone. Please be sensible....

And I read in the other thread u were cheated few thousands last time, no? So as a victim yourself, please dont be so cocky.

By any chance,,,I can meet yr 'frend'?


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I strongly agree with cock brand... reason, if we were cheated and still ignorant of the fact that we were cheated or for that matter, try to plot a revenge etc.... then I think we are missing the point and the lesson. We should learn our lesson well and move on....

My personal opinion... don't come and slime me for that.

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Hey Victim, i feel really sorry for your encounters and understand wat you have gone through. As what others have mentioned, take it as a lesson and hopefully, you have learned it well. Never trust stranger easily especially money is concerned. I know how wonderful it could be spending time with him along with his sweet words and actions. Love can be so blind.

Now you have realised his intentions and a con man, cut off all ties and move on. Unless you have intend to play along with him and teach him a lesson but remember you have to be hard hearted and more tricky than him inorder to do that. You might see him at that hospital and request to talk to his doctor. If he is giving all sorts of excuses, you can play along and see the wonder of his cheating skills but never never give him your particulars and of course money. Interesting to play along but must get yourself prepared to play this game. :twisted:

Edited by thaiboyz
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Well Victim... depending whether you want to spend your precious time to plot for revenge or not... is it worth to do so? You have already wasted your time, energy, brain cells, and $$ on this man.... so don't waste further.. it will only hurt you more...

But if it happen to me... I will still go to hospital and ask him to talk together with his doctor... to find out the truth and you can them live with no regrets and no more guessing...

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Guest Victim
Believing you and giving you advice are 2 different issues dear.

You are absolutely contradicting throughout from your first post.

Hence from my first posting, I had never really believe your story is real.

Being cheated is not a crime. But not learning from it is.

I got cheated but never felt sorry for myself.

I just blamed myself for not careful enough and trust others too easily.

Its a lesson learned

Its already over, I have to move on.


CB, i dont need u to believe my story. At your OLD age, i thought u should be more sensible and understanding on your reply and not being such a jerk when a young person experienced this kind of dilemma. Look at your first post yourself and see how jerky a person u are.

Please think outside your tiny box. Because u think after kena cheated, the most correct way is to move on. Plotting a revenge or try to get the money back or teaching him a lesson is wrong and not learning from it? How passive is this kind of thinking? rubbish. Its because of u those con man still exist. At least i tried to plot revenge or do some damages.

By any chance,,,I can meet yr 'frend'?


Hary Lok, why u wanna meet him?

Victim, so sorry that you feel that we 'fail' you.... let go of this guy as he is a liability...

U guys didnt failed me. some of u guys r trying to help, but some jerks here just like to add salts to the injury and be funny.

Hey Victim, i feel really sorry for your encounters and understand wat you have gone through. As what others have mentioned, take it as a lesson and hopefully, you have learned it well. Never trust stranger easily especially money is concerned. I know how wonderful it could be spending time with him along with his sweet words and actions. Love can be so blind.

Now you have realised his intentions and a con man, cut off all ties and move on. Unless you have intend to play along with him and teach him a lesson but remember you have to be hard hearted and more tricky than him inorder to do that. You might see him at that hospital and request to talk to his doctor. If he is giving all sorts of excuses, you can play along and see the wonder of his cheating skills but never never give him your particulars and of course money. Interesting to play along but must get yourself prepared to play this game. :twisted:

Thaiboyz, i officially vote this as the best advise in this thread! U understand my dilemma and my situation perfectly. Unlike most of the advise here: move on, move on, move on, move on.

But if it happen to me... I will still go to hospital and ask him to talk together with his doctor... to find out the truth and you can them live with no regrets and no more guessing...

It doesnt matter already if his operation is real or fake. If its real so what? If no money for the operation, i think he should sort out for help before checkin in.

Since this happens, ive ask advise from few friends. And of cos all of u here in the forum. Heres the conclusion of their advise.

All gays ask me to move on.

The straights ask me to take back the money by force.

A female offer to follow him around secretly bcos she is free and she thought its fun and exciting. haha.

I wonder, if all of u thought moving on is the best solution, then no wonder those con man still exist. No offense, because at the end i choose to move on myself.

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CB, i dont need u to believe my story. At your OLD age, i thought u should be more sensible and understanding on your reply and not being such a jerk when a young person experienced this kind of dilemma. Look at your first post yourself and see how jerky a person u are.


You are not only phoney, but extremely arrogant too.

Dilemma? There wasn't any.

You know me as much as I know you.

Are you really a pathetic 20something chap, who knows, you are not even a registered member.

How old I am do you know?

Maybe, just maybe, you are an old man who got swindled by a 20something chap instead.


I wonder, if all of u thought moving on is the best solution, then no wonder those con man still exist. No offense, because at the end i choose to move on myself.

You should.

Along the way, hope you grow up and improve your English too.

Over a grand $250 and comtemplating taking revenge, getting even, seeking redress etc will become a national joke.

Lucky thing you didn't consider suicide.

You watched too much TCS drama serials, babe.

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Guest Victim

Just some fun facts for u guys, I happen to ask a taxi driver when chit chatting.

According to him, very slim chance anyone will accidentally left their wallet inside a taxi.

Usually are phones, keys, etc, but NOT WALLET.

U know why? because at their destination, the passenger pay money from their wallet, get change, put money in their wallet, open the door and leave. Wallet is the last thing they hold few seconds before they got out.

Just fun facts, thats all.

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Just some fun facts for u guys, I happen to ask a taxi driver when chit chatting.

According to him, very slim chance anyone will accidentally left their wallet inside a taxi.

Usually are phones, keys, etc, but NOT WALLET.

U know why? because at their destination, the passenger pay money from their wallet, get change, put money in their wallet, open the door and leave. Wallet is the last thing they hold few seconds before they got out.

Just fun facts, thats all.

Hi Victim,

I did left my wallet once in a cab... as you pay the taxi driver and was too rush for your next appointment..you grab the things put the change in your pocket and not knowing you left your wallet behind. But now... i will have the habit to check the seat before leaving the cab... just another fact...

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now i get it, you didnt want advices on how to handle situation after kena cheated, you wanted advices on how to extract vengence!

The reason why most here advised you to move on as it would be hard to get the money back (either through their experiences or common senses) and the time/ effort would be wasted. Nevertheless all of them have failed in vain to reach you.

Now that we have get this part cleared, we should now JUST concentrate on giving you ideas on how to revenge against him.

:thumb: When I Think It, I Do It, I Win It! :thumb:

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Victim, you are a stubborn and confused young man - pretty belligerent too. You obviously know what you want to hear and what you do not want to hear. I wish all the best in your encounter with your con-man.

Enough advices had been given. Enough had been said. I am starting to sense flames being started.

I am therefore locking this thread.

Thanks to everyone for their contributions.

Please play safely! Use a condom if you are having anal sex.

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